HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/17/1998 Kent, Washington
February 17 , 1998
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Orr. Present: Councilmembers Amodt,
Bennett, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, and Woods, Operations
Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Fire
Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Planning Director Harris,
Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director Miller, and
Parks Director Hodgson. Approximately 50 people were in
attendance. Mayor White was not present.
PUBLIC Councilmember Jim Bennett. Mayor Pro Tem Orr
COMMUNICATIONS read a proclamation noting that Jim Bennett has
been a tenacious member of the City Council for
the past six years, and that he has been a
powerful force behind many projects and issues
which have benefitted the City. She declared
February 17 , 1998, as Jim Bennett Day in the City
of Kent and invited all Kent citizens to thank
Mr. Bennett for his many contributions. She then
presented him with the proclamation and an
engraved plaque.
Bennett said he has enjoyed his time on the
Council and thanked Councilmembers and staff.
He also thanked citizens, Mayor White,
Councilmembers, and employees for their concern
during his recent illness. Bennett then left
the meeting.
Dorothy Mullens Arts and Humanity Award. Mayor
Pro Tem Orr noted that this item has been removed
from tonight' s agenda due to illness.
King County Update. King County Councilmember
Chris Vance presented an update on extension of
the left turn lane on S. 212th and bus routes
through Scenic Hill, and on regional issues
including transportation, salmon, Medic One, and
governance. Upon questions from Clark and
Epperly, Vance agreed to look into the need for
better communication from the County in regard to
building roads in Kent's potential annexation
area, and to research Tract X. Orr expressed
appreciation to Mr. Vance for his visit.
Legislative Update. Dena Laurent distributed
copies of a Legislative Update and noted that
transportation funding legislation is on hold
pending the State Revenue Forecast due later this
week. She said that the right-of-way bill which
gives telecommunications companies authority in
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
PUBLIC cities has moved out of the Senate and into the
COMMUNICATIONS House, and that the City will continue to express
it's concerns. Clark pointed out that under
SSB6515, public funding would be used to build
the franchise and infrastructure for one of the
largest industries in the state.
Laurent noted that two bills are being considered
regarding the enforcement of disabled parking
permits, one which would allow volunteers to
issue infraction notices and one which would
increase some restrictions on the use of the
permits. She offered to research any questions
the Council may have.
CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through
CALENDAR S be approved. Clark seconded and the motion
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of February 3 , 1998,
with the following correction to Item 3B:
The amount shown for "Approval of checks issued
for vouchers - prepaids" should be $1, 083 , 491. 52 ,
rather than $505, 757 . 56; and the total should be
$2 , 165, 186.51, rather than $1, 587 ,442 .55.
Boos Creek Well Transmission Main. ACCEPT the
Soos Creek Well Transmission Main project as
complete and release retainage to Kar-Vel
Construction upon standard releases from the
State, and release of any liens, as recommended
by the Public Works Director. The original
contract amount was $373 , 941. 29 . The final
construction cost was $334 , 764 . 47 .
Kent Springs Transmission Main Rebuild -
SE 288th St. The bid opening for this project
was held February filth with eight bids received.
The low bid was submitted by Mosbrucker
Excavating in the amount of $501,492 . 05. The
Engineer' s estimate was $478, 608 . 35. The Public
Works Director recommends that the Kent Springs
Transmission Main Rebuild - SE 288th Street
contract be awarded to Mosbrucker Excavating.
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
WATER CLARK MOVED that the Kent Springs Transmission
Main Rebuild - SE 288th Street contract be
awarded to Mosbrucker Excavating for the bid
amount of $501,492 . 05. Woods seconded and the
motion carried.
Central Avenue & Pioneer Traffic Signal. ACCEPT
the Central Avenue & Pioneer Traffic Signal
project as complete and release retainage to
Signal Electric, Inc. upon standard releases
from the State, and release of any liens, as
recommended by the Public Works Director. The
original contract amount was $27 , 500. 00. The
final construction cost was $28, 700. 00.
Transportation Service Provider Agreement.
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the
Transportation Service Provider Agreement,
subject to final review and approval by the City
Attorney, as recommended by the Public Works/
Planning Committee.
The Public Works Dept has received funding from
the Washington oil Rebate Competitive Grant
Program to conduct a demonstration project to
expand the Shopper Shuttle into the commute
hours. This demonstration project is expected to
last 14 weeks after which time the City will
evaluate the feasibility of continuing with the
service. The Grant provides funding in the
amount of $49, 860 and requires City matching
funds of $8 , 800 which will be taken from pre-
viously appropriated funds for shuttle operations
within the City.
Regional Transit Authority. Epperly distri-
buted copies of a resolution relating to the RTA
Station site for downtown Kent and the Kent
Downtown Strategic Action Plan. SHE MOVED to
adopt Resolution No. 1507 reaffirming the City
Council' s preference for the currently designated
South Station site for the RTA station in Kent,
and declaring Council' s intention to include the
South Station site in its Kent Downtown Strategic
Action Plan during its deliberations and final
adoption. Woods seconded.
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
TRANSPORTATION Clark noted that although he favors the North
site, he agrees with council's attempt to
reiterate that they have reached a decision.
Orr noted that one of the reasons the Downtown
Plan was not finalized was to wait for the RTA
decision. The motion to adopt Resolution 1507
then carried.
Woods spoke in opposition to extensive surface
parking in the event that the North site is
selected, and said structured parking should be
considered whatever the site might be. Orr
agreed that structured parking is critical at any
site. CLARK MOVED to state on behalf of the City
Council that they believe that the North Station
criteria should not have extensive surface
parking. Woods suggested amending the motion to
clarify that the Council is in favor of struc-
tured parking regardless of the site. Clark
agreed. Woods seconded the motion, and it then
Mill Creek special Area Management Plan (SAMP)
Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign
the Mill Creek Special Area Management Plan
Memorandum of Agreement, as recommended by the
Public Works/Planning Committee.
The goal of the Mill Creek Special Area
Management Plan is to protect and restore
aquatic resources in the Mill Creek basin to
ensure no net loss of aquatic resource functions
and values, while recognizing the need to
accommodate project growth in population and
employment in the region.
Ring County Grant Agreement Special Recycling
Events. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the
King County Grant Agreement for Special Recycling
Events, and direct staff to accept the grant and
establish a budget in the amount of $37, 553 ,
as recommended by the Public Works/Planning
277th/274th 1997 Grade & Fill. ACCEPT the
S. 277th St/SE 274th Way 197 Grade & Fill project
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
PUBLIC WORKS as complete and release retainage to Scarsella
Bros. Inc. upon standard releases from the State,
and release of any liens, as recommended by the
Public Works/Planning Committee. The original
contract amount was $2 , 120, 042 . 30. The final
construction cost was $2 , 357, 602 . 84 , the overage
being due to extensive work required to control
erosion on site as well as additional storm lines
being added along the access ramp to prevent
erosion. Adequate funds exist within the project
budget to cover this overage.
196th Street Corridor Condemnation. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 3392 authorizing condemnation by
eminent domain proceedings on certain property
for the acquisition of the wetland mitigation
site for the 196th Street Corridor project,
should negotiations fail, as recommended by the
Public Works/Planning Committee.
School Impact Fees. ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 3393 extending the school impact fee program
for (2) two additional years. The City's current
school impact fee ordinance will sunset on
March 31, 1998. By taking action to extend the
sunset provision, the authorization to collect
school impact fees will remain in effect while
the Land Use and Planning Board considers a com-
prehensive plan amendment to adopt the current
Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal
Way School Districts as an element of the City of
Kent' s Capital Facilities Plan.
Once the current Capital Facilities Plans of the
school districts have been adopted into the
City's Capital Facilities Plan element of its
Comprehensive Plan, the City Council will, by
separate ordinance, amend the current fee
schedule consistent with existing state and local
regulatory requirements.
Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area -
Towers/Bridges. ACCEPT the Green River Natural
Resource Enhancement Area Towers/Bridges project
as complete and release retainage to S. L. Larsen
Construction, Inc. upon standard releases from
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
PUBLIC WORKS the State, and release of any liens, as recom-
mended by the Public Works Director. The
original contract amount was $440, 587. 53 .
The final construction cost was $469, 487 . 10.
Green River Nursery Site Work. The bid opening
for this project was held February lath with
nine bids received. The original low bid of
$199, 976. 04 submitted by Michael McPhee Company
was rejected due to non-compliance of project
specifications. The second low bid was submitted
by R.W. Scott in the amount of $200, 491. 35. The
Engineer' s estimate was $235, 656. 57 . The Public
Works Director recommends that the Green River
Nursery Site Work contract be awarded to R. W.
Assistant City Attorney Brubaker explained that
this contract is being awarded to the second
lowest bidder because the low bidder did not
complete the bid items in full. He explained
that the City had clearly stated in the specs and
the bid proposal that a bid will be rejected if
each bid item is not filled out in both numbers
and letters. CLARK MOVED that the Green River
Nursery Site Work contract be awarded to R.W.
Scott for the bid amount of $200,491. 35. Epperly
seconded and the motion carried.
VACATION 42nd Avenue Street Vacation. ADOPTION of
Resolution No. 1505 setting the public hearing
date of March 17th for the 42nd Avenue South
Street Vacation, as recommended by the Public
Works/Planning Committee.
Nancy's Grove Final Plat FSU-96-10. SET March 3 ,
1998, as the date for a public meeting to con-
sider a final plat application by EMS, Inc. The
preliminary subdivision was approved by King
County and came under Kent' s jurisdiction with
the Meridian Annexation. This plat is 10. 83
acres in size, consists of 34 lots, and is
located south of SE 278th Street and east of
144th Avenue SE.
Kent City Council Minutes February 17 , 1998
Allenbach IV Preliminary Plat SU-96-31. This
date has been set to consider the Hearing
Examiner' s recommendation for conditional
approval of an application by Baseline
Engineering for a 19-lot single-family residen-
tial preliminary subdivision. The property is
located between SE 277th and SE 278th at 145th
Place SE.
Upon Clark's question regarding water run-off,
Wickstrom noted that a downstream analysis is
done and that if there are capacity problems, the
stream must be improved or water retained. He
added that a 15% grade is not considered a
severely hazardous slope area. It was determined
that there are no plans for developments in the
area at this time, and Clark asked to be informed
if any arise.
CLARK MOVED to accept the Findings of the Hearing
Examiner and to adopt the Hearing Examiner's
recommendation of approval with ten (10) condi-
tions of the 19-lot single-family residential
preliminary subdivision No. SU-96-31. Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
Pacific Heights Preliminary Plat SU-96-22 .
This date has been set to consider the Hearing
Examiner's recommendation for conditional
approval of an application by Joe Singh for a
13-lot single-family residential preliminary
subdivision. The property is located at the
southeast corner of SE 253rd Street and 121st
Place SE.
CLARK MOVED to accept the Findings of the Hearing
Examiner and to adopt the Hearing Examiner' s
recommendation of approval with fifteen (15) con-
ditions of the 13-lot single-family residential
preliminary subdivision No. SU-96-22 . Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
PLAN Emergency Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The Kent
City Code requires that Capital Facilities Plans
of school districts in the school impact fee
program be reviewed annually and included as part
of the Capital Facilities Plan element of the
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
COMPREHENSIVE City,s Comprehensive Plan. On February 6, 1998,
PLAN the City Council adopted its comprehensive
amendments for 1998 prior to review of school
district capital facilities plans. The Public
Works/Planning Committee has recommended that
this matter be submitted to the Land Use and
Planning Board for consideration of an emergency
Comprehensive Plan amendment for adoption of the
Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal
Way School Districts. Staff recommends passage
of a resolution declaring an emergency and
authorizing the consideration of a Comprehensive
Plan amendment.
The City Attorney noted that this item was not
passed out of the Public Works/Planning Committee
although submitting the item to the Land Use and
Planning Budget was acted on by the Committee.
He added that in the past a resolution declaring
the emergency was passed before submittal to the
Land Use and Planning Board. Clark said this was
discussed at the committee level and that this
simply adds documentation.
CLARK MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1506
declaring an emergency and authorizing the Land
Use and Planning Board to consider a comprehen-
sive plan amendment to adopt the Capital
Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way
School Districts. Woods seconded and the motion
RECREATION Lion's Club Donation. ACCEPT the Kent Lions Club
donation of $1, 102 to purchase and install play
equipment at Kent Memorial Park. This donation
is to fulfill their obligation of a grant award
by the King County Youth Sports Facility Grant
1998 Grant Applications. AUTHORIZATION to sub-
mit three grant applications to the Interagency
Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) .
Staff has reviewed the Comprehensive Park and
Recreation Plan, and the 1997-2002 Capital
Facilities Plan which has identified those
projects that are eligible for grant funding
from various programs.
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
to submit three grant applications to the
Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation
(IAC) . The Kent Parks and Recreation Department
has identified three priority projects eligible
for application for state-wide grant funds.
East Hill Park Expansion Development Budget
ACCEPT and appropriate $35, 940, as a Fee-in-Lieu
of Funds from Highland Crossing, located on the
north side of East Hill Park, for the East Hill
Park Expansion Development Budget.
Lake Fenwick Trail - Accept 1996 Interest from
1989 Open Space Bonds and Amend Budget ACCEPT
the $51, 851 in interest earned from the King
County 1989 Open Space Bonds and amend the Lake
Fenwick Trail budget.
The City was notified by King County of the
$51, 851 allocation of interest earned from the
1989 Open Space Bond. Staff requests that the
interest be accepted and the Lake Fenwick Trail
budget be amended for parking lot improvements at
the trailhead.
HVAC Contract Extension & Addition.
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a contract
addendum with Landis & Staefa extending the term
of the contract through December 31, 1998, at a
cost of $31, 193 , plus sales tax.
The HVAC (Heating Ventilation, and Air Condi-
tioning) maintenance contract expired at the end
of 1997 . A consultant will be hired to conduct a
physical assessment of all HVAC systems in City
buildings. An extension of this contract would
provide a better analysis to base the specifica-
tion on, and to proceed with updated contracts.
Senior Center Reroofing Work. The bid opening
for this project was held on February 6, 1998,
with three bids received. The low bid was sub-
mitted by Wayne's Roofing, Inc. in the amount of
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
PARKS & $220, 820. The Engineer's estimate was $237, 000.
RECREATION The Parks Director recommends the Senior Reroof
contract be awarded to Wayne's Roofing, Inc.
WOODS MOVED that the Senior Center Reroof
contract be awarded to Wayne' s Roofing, Inc. for
the bid amount of $220, 820. Epperly seconded and
the motion carried.
DEPARTMENT Surplus of a 1975 Ford LN Series Pierce Fire
Engine and a 1981 Van Pelt Ladder Truck. The
Fire Department received one sealed bid for the
1975 Ford Series Pierce fire engine in the amount
of $12, 000 from Rodney B. Sharrah, representa-
tive for Pedro Logan of the Cuerpo de Bomberos
Voluntarios Ce Asuncion. No bids were received
for the 1981 Van Pelt ladder truck.
Fire Chief Angelo noted that no bids were re-
ceived when this equipment was brought to Council
one and a half years ago. He said there has been
no response to attempts to surplus them on the
Internet and through a used fire apparatus
dealer. He recommended award of the bid for the
fire engine to Rodney B. Sharrah. He then asked
that the aerial ladder truck be surplused and
donated, or scrapped. EPPERLY MOVED to accept
the bid from Rodney B. Sharrah, representative
for Pedro Logan, in the amount of $12 , 000 for
surplus of a 1975 Ford LN Series Pierce Fire
Engine, and to authorize the Fire Department to
release this apparatus upon receipt of funds.
Woods seconded and the motion carried.
EPPERLY MOVED that the 1981 Van Pelt Aerial
Ladder be surplused and that the Fire Department
be authorized to donate it to another government
agency; further, if that is not practical, that
the Fire Department be authorized to scrap the
apparatus. Woods seconded.
Clark recommended notifying other Federal
agencies and Brotherton suggested contacting
local Indian tribes. Angelo said those options
will be explored.
The motion then carried.
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through January 30 and paid on
January 29 & 30, 1998 , after auditing by the
Operations Committee on February 3 , 1999.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
1/29/98 195168-195430 $2, 446, 192 . 17
1/29/98 195431-195699 1, 061, 064 .97
1/30/98 195700-195914 1, 205, 682 .45
$4 ,712 , 939. 59
Approval of checks issued for payroll for
January 16 through January 31, 1998, and paid on
February 5, 1998 :
Date Check Numbers Amount
2/5/98 Checks 225363-225702 $ 240, 628.92
2/5/98 Advices 54707-55240 697 ,525. 05
$ 938, 153 . 97
REPORTS Council President. Orr announced that because of
the Council vacancy, Councilmember Epperly will
chair the Operations Committee temporarily, and
asked that Public Safety Committee items go
through Operations.
Operations Committee. Epperly clarified that the
Operations and Public Safety Committees will meet
on Tuesday, February 24 , at 5: 00 p.m.
Public Works and Planning. Clark noted that the
Committee will meet the first and third Mondays
at 3 : 30 in March.
Parks Committee. Woods announced that the
Committee will meet on the first Tuesday of each
month at 4 : 00 p.m.
Administrative Reports. McFall reminded Council
of an executive session of approximately 20
EXECUTIVE The meeting recessed to Executive Session at
SESSION 8 : 00 p.m. and reconvened at 8:25 p.m.
Kent City Council Minutes February 17, 1998
PARKS & Property Acquisition. WOODS MOVED to adopt
RECREATION Ordinance No. 3394 providing for the acquisition
of certain property by condemnation, should
negotiations fail, for parks, recreation and
other public purpose. Clark seconded and the
motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 27 p.m.
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