HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/20/1998 Kent, Washington January 20, 1998 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, and Orr, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Fire Chief Angelo, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Director Harris, Parks Director Hodgson, Finance Director Miller, Employee Services Director Viseth, and Acting Information Services Director Mulholland. Approximately 55 people were in attendance. Councilmembers Bennett and Woods were excused from the meeting. PUBLIC EMS Presentation Chief Angelo noted that the COMMUNICATIONS Emergency Medical System (EMS) , commonly known as Medic One, is a combination of several pieces consisting of public involvement, Basic Life Support delivered by Fire Services, Advanced Life Support Services delivered by paramedics, and Regional Services. He explained that the actions between Fire Departments and Advanced Life Support providers is coordinated for quality control, certification, testing, and run review which all operate under the license of Dr. Murray. Angelo noted that the King County Emergency Medical Services Division of the King County Health Department assists in coordinating the full function of the EMS. Tom Hearne, Director of the King County Emergency Medical Services Division, gave the Council an overview of the Medic One System. He acknowledged the close relationship that the EMS Division has with the Medic One Program in south King County and noted that there are currently two paramedic units stationed at two Kent Fire Stations. Hearne explained that the November EMS Levy received 57% of the votes but that 60% passage was needed to validate it. He noted that the failure of the levy caused a huge fiscal crisis throughout King County, in Seattle, and the cities that receive services. He explained that the levy was first put on the ballot approxi- mately 20 years ago to provide a stable funding base for Medic One. He noted that in 1979 fire and paramedic services were provided based on the ability of local jurisdictions to give the service and not on a solid regional foundation. He noted that the EMS Levy has provided a reasonably uniform and solid service County-wide with all service personnel trained the same way, under the same doctor, and follow the same protocols. 1 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 PUBLIC Hearne noted that when the Levy failed in COMMUNICATIONS November, the system was obviously threatened and jurisdictions needed to decide how they were going to handle the crisis. He noted that the City of Seattle came up with enough funding reserves to carry their system forward for one year, and that the City of Kent also found reserves to defer costs so that they could offset the funding for the first six months of 1998 . He explained that the EMS Division and the Regional Support Services have tried to balance the training and strategic initiatives with reducing costs to accomplish the same thing that everybody else is doing. Hearne noted that reducing costs will suffice for the first six months of 1998 but that Executive Ron Sims' plan is to put the levy back on the ballot in February. He explained that if the levy passes then funding will be supplied to the paramedics and Basic Life Support Services for the remainder of 1998 and to the Regional Services support for training, and medical program directors. He also noted that there will be some debt repayment over the next three years in an amount that will be approximately $4 , 000, 000. 00 a year. He noted that the level of support service will take a little cut and will have some impact on the service as the next three years roll forward. He explained that there are no plans to add any new paramedic units in the next three years, but that they are looking forward to keeping the strategic initiatives go- ing in the 18-month strategic plan that preceded the proposal that was defeated in November. He further explained that the plan would try to decrease the rate of growth in paramedic calls through public education and by tweaking out dispatch protocols. Hearne noted that an EMS Advisory Committee has been formed to help look at efficiencies in EMS services and see how they fit in with the health plans. He noted that the calls from the fire departments and the paramedic providers has been unanimous to push forward with the strategic initiatives. He noted that King County has passed an ordinance which identifies a task force that will look at other possible ways of funding EMS, and that they will furnish a report in December, 1998. 2 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 PUBLIC Jaycee Week. Mayor White read a proclamation COMMUNICATIONS declaring January 18-24 , 1998, as Jaycee Week in the City of Kent. He noted that the Kent Jaycees have been a vital part in the development of young leaders in the community for the past 52 years and have contributed to the betterment of the community through their involvement in various City programs. He encouraged all citi- zens to join in acknowledging the past and continuing service of the Jaycees. The Mayor then presented the proclamation to Gerry Lamar of the Kent Jaycees. Legislative Update. Dena Laurent, Government Affairs Manager, provided each Councilmember with a summary of the legislative activity planned for the first two weeks of the 1998 Legislative Session. She pointed out that Water Rights, Watershed Planning and Protecting Fish has become a main concern and discussion at the State level because fish compete with cities for water supply. She noted that there is a great deal of interest in Counties taking the lead role with Watershed Planning which creates a concern for cities. She explained that Kent has been working closely with Tacoma on their Second Supply Project and on the City' s impoundment project to ensure Kent's water supply in the near future so these concerns will be communicated to the legislators. Laurent also noted that Transportation Funding is the second concern. She noted that the House Majority Leadership and the Governor's proposal have similarities with the key difference being how it is funded. She noted that the Governor is proposing a gas tax increase while the Majority Leadership proposes a shift of motor vehicle excise tax funding from the General Fund to the Transportation Fund. She noted that Kent' s key issues are to gain support for local trans- portation funding and to ensure that there is continued support for criminal justice funding which the City has derived from the motor vehicle excise tax funds in the past. She noted that Kent gains over $100, 000 a year from that program which provides significant support to Project Lighthouse. 3 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 PUBLIC Laurent noted that the third issue concerns COMMUNICATIONS Driving Under the Influence (DUI) , and that there are a number of bills moving very quickly through the Senate Law and Justice Committee which pro- vide stricter standards, increased penalties and give new tools to local government to enforce those who would drive under the influence. She noted that all of these majors have been reviewed carefully by the Drinking Driver Task Force and that their recommendations have been included in the Legislative Agenda adopted by the City Council last December. She noted that the Council will be informed of these issues. Report on 1997 Asia Pacific Trade Exchange, Barbara Ivanov, Executive Director of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, reminded the Council that International Trade is big business in Kent and that Kent' s economy overall is about $7 .86 billion a year. She noted that about 10% of the economy is from direct export sales and she thanked the Mayor and Councilmembers for being so supportive and strong leaders. She noted that there is not another community in the State who has the support from the business community, the elected officials, the local school district, and community colleges which are aligned to promote international business for the community and citizens. Ivanov distributed two reports to the Council and explained that the large detailed one gives all of the deliverables accomplished in 1997 which are organized under three major categories. 1) To promote the Kent area and King County as a regional destination for two-way trade in import/ export, tourism, business, and to familiarize local companies through direct contact with international business. 2) To get trade smart. She noted that all of the efforts are directed toward helping small and medium sized companies in the Valley be successful, and to help them with the tools and knowledge needed to do well. She noted that the Chamber of Commerce executed and provided a series of seminars in 1997 using some local people who have already been there, walked the path and know what they're doing. 3) The Chamber of Commerce hosts the largest international business exchange in the State of Washington each Fall. She noted that the focus has been on processed food and that Food World 1997 was in every case a success. 4 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 PUBLIC John Ryan, President-Elect of the Kent Chamber of COMMUNICATIONS Commerce, noted that international business is a public/private partnership that is working. He noted that the Asia Pacific Trade Exchange has become a model which the King County Trade Board is looking at and trying to duplicate. He ex- pressed appreciation and thanks for all of the efforts. Ivanov noted that the three cornerstones of the program are in place in 1998 with learning more from the customer base. She noted that there will be a trade mission aligned with the City Of Kent Sister City Relationship in Yangzhou and that business people will be brought there for some new business relationships while the new park is dedicated. She noted that the Chamber of Commerce trip is scheduled for early May (May 2-16) , if approved by May Miller, and that they will be in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan where the sister Chambers are located. Ivanov explained that the short report indicates what actually happened at Food World 197 and noted that those promises made were indeed ful- filled. She noted that the Chamber guarantees a U. S. or Kent Valley company will meet some quality, qualified buyers, traders while at the Food World exhibition. She noted that on an average, while at the Food World exhibition, traders have met between eight and ten new qualified international buyers. She noted that over 77% of the U.S. Exhibitors felt that their expectations were met and/or exceeded and that they were very satisfied with the results. She noted that Food World '98 will be held November 8-10 at Emerald Downs and that it should be even bigger and better. February Lew. (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BROTHERTON) Brotherton noted that the upcoming election is important to the citizens of Kent for both the Kent and Federal School District Levies and the EMS Levy. HE MOVED that the City urge each and every Kent resident to carefully study the issues and go to the polls on February 3rd. Clark seconded and the motion carried. Mayor White noted that citizens certainly have an obligation to study the issues and go to the polls. 5 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR N be approved. Clark seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 61 1998. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) SANITATION Glen Kara. AUTHORIZATION to accept the bill of sale for Glen Kara submitted by Lakeridge Development, Inc. for continuous operation and maintenance of 1,861 feet of sanitary sewers, 1, 380 feet of street improvements and 2 ,727 feet of storm sewer improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located west of 100th Avenue S.E. & S.E. 222nd Street. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Country View Estates Division II. AUTHORIZATION to accept the corrected bill of sale, submitted by Shamrock Development Corporation for Country View Estates Division II for continuous operation and maintenance of 1600 feet of street improve- ments, and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at S.E. 226th Street & 100th Avenue S.E. The bill of sale for Country View Estates II was accepted at the January 6th Council meeting. It has been determined since that time that street improvements were omitted from the bill of sale. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Hunters Grove Sanitary Sewer. AUTHORIZATION to accept the bill of sale for Hunters Grove Sanitary Sewer submitted by New Concept Homes for continuous operation and maintenance of 693 feet of sanitary sewer improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 116th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 230th Place. SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) LID 349 S.E. 223rd St Sanitary Sewers. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3388 establishing the 6 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 SEWERS formation of LID 349 - S.E. 223rd St. Sanitary Sewers, as recommended by Council on January 6, 1998. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Mill Creek Relief Sewer Alternate Release system Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Mill Creek Relief Sewer Alternate Release System Agreement subject to any changes that may be incorporated in the finalized agreement upon concurrence therewith by the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The City of Kent and Soos Creek Water & Sewer District are jointly obligated to Metro (King County) to solve a capacity problem in the Mill Creek Interceptor. This Agreement provides that Kent will do this work on behalf of Metro. Kent's obligation will only be to the extent of its original obligation on the Mill Creek Interceptor which will also be shared with Soos Creek Water & Sewer District through a separate agreement. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Tacoma Intertie water SURRIV Project Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Second Supply Pipeline and Associated Components including the Howard Hanson Storage Conceptual Agreement, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This conceptual agreement lays the basis for the detailed project agreement for the Tacoma Intertie Water Supply Project. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) 262nd Street water Main Improvements. ACCEPT as complete the 262nd Street Water Main Improvements project and release of retainage to James Guess Construction upon standard releases from the State, and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $92 , 179. 68. The final construction cost was $81, 141.96. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) 1997 Asphalt Overlays. ACCEPT as complete the 1997 Asphalt Overlays project and release of retainage to M.A. Segale, Inc. upon standard releases from the State, and release of any 7 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 STREETS liens, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The original contract amount was $348, 039. 10. The final construction cost was $426, 003 . 19, the overage being due to excessive shoulder work added to the project along 94th Avenue to provide a pedestrian walkway. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4E) LID 348 - Interim Financing. Interim financing for LID 348 in the amount of $1,967,375 is needed to construct 64th Avenue South. This amount will be financed internally until LID bonds are sold by mid-1998 with interest to be charged at the State Pool rate. CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to approve interim financing for LID 348 in the amount of $1, 967, 375 from the Street, Water, and Sewerage Funds until bonds are sold in mid-1998 with interest to be charged at the State Pool rate. STREET (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) VACATION S. 188th St. Street Vacation STV-97-3. This public hearing has been set to consider an application to vacate a portion of the South 188th Street right-of-way located between 80th Place South and 80th Avenue South which lies adjacent to the subject property, as referenced in Resolution No. 1502 . Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the street vacation and noted, for the record, that the Fire Department did respond to the re- quest for information since they are one of the prime departments that has input into a street vacation. Harris then read the following into the record: The applicant states, "A portion of the south 188th Street right-of-way located between 80th Place South and 80th Avenue South lies adjacent to their property. The existing right-of-way width is 301-condition #13 of the MDNS (Mitigated Declaration of Nonsignificance) issued on December 10, 1992 , for the proposed development states that in lieu of providing a right-of-way dedication, that portion of South 188th Street may be vacated subject to approval by the City. Since access to the site is available from both 80th Place South and 8 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 STREET 80th Avenue South, the developer is request- VACATION ing to vacate this portion of South 188th Street to obtain the additional property. " Harris explained that the applicants were led to believe a street vacation would be necessary if they wanted to proceed with their project. He noted that staff is recommending approval of this street vacation with five (5) conditions which were read into the record as follows: (1) The City shall be compensated for the value of the right-of-way in accordance with State law and that monies received therefore shall be deposited in the City's School Pedestrian Walkways Fund (R36) ; (2) Either the City shall retain easements for utility purposes over, upon and under said vacated right-of-way, or the abutting property owners grant to the City easements for utility purposes over, upon and under said vacated right- of-way; (3) The abutting property owners shall grant an easement or authorize the City to grant an easement to any private utility company, such as Puget Sound Energy, U. S. West, Cable TV, etc. , that has existing facility within the right-of- way being vacated; (4) The applicant shall recon- struct the intersections of 80th Avenue South/ South 188th Street and 80th Place South/South 188th Street to eliminate access onto and off of 80th Avenue South and 80th Place South. Said reconstruction shall be in accordance with City Standards or as approved by the Public Works Director. Said reconstruction shall occur prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of any development permit on any abutting property of this vacated right-of-way; (5) The applicant shall either remove the existing Springbrook Creek culvert crossing of South 188th Street and re-slope the stream banks as approved by the Public Works Director, or reconstruct said culvert crossing to the size necessary to pass the 100-year - 24-hour storm event. Said removal or reconstruction shall occur to or in conjunc- tion with the issuance of any development permit on any abutting property of said vacated right- of-way. The Mayor opened the public hearing. John Ryan, Corporate Counsel for Toy Investments, Inc. d/b/a Toysmith, noted that his clients are in opposition to the street vacation. He noted that 9 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 STREET Toysmith's property is located due east of the VACATION subject property and their business fronts on 84th Avenue South with the rear entry on 80th Place. He noted that written comments have been submitted to Mr. Harris in the Planning Department and to the City Council regarding their opposition to this street vacation which were submitted today. He explained that their opposition is primarily based on traffic conges- tion and traffic flow. He noted that many of the employees and freight companies access 180th using the 188th cut through which is largely because of the traffic congestion at the north end of 80th Place South when it intersects with 80th Avenue South. Ryan noted that this street vacation will only aggravate the situation in the area, make freight movement inconvenient, and inconvenience the employees. He noted that the employees do not like to enter onto 84th Avenue South because the speeds are high and dangerous. Todd Timberlake, representative for Trammell Crow Company-Pacific Northwest Group A, noted that the property was purchased 5 or 6 years ago. He noted that there were two Determinations of Nonsignificance (DNS) issued in which one was for the bulk of the property to the north and one specifically for this ten acre parcel. He noted that there is an item in the DNS which states that subject to this process, the owner has the right to vacate that street. He noted that it was the applicant's understanding from the begin- ning that this street could be vacated and that it would not be an issue. He noted that the applicant has agreed to the five (5) conditions listed but that the bridge/culvert is substandard and if it had increased truck traffic, over time it might be an issue. He explained that Trammel Crow's intent is to remove the culvert and open up Springbrook as requested in one of the condi- tions. He requested that they be given some time to respond to the opposition received since they received short notice on this item. ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Clark seconded and the motion carried. City Attorney Lubovich pointed out that three documents have been submitted to the Council from Jack Nelson, Montoure Real Estate and John Ryan of Toysmith. ORR MOVED to make these three 10 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 STREET letters a part of the record. Epperly seconded VACATION and the motion carried. Upon Orr's question, Harris noted that this is a time-sensitive item from staff's viewpoint but that he wasn't sure about the applicant. Harris clarified for Orr that the Fire Department did not have a problem with this proposed street vacation. Upon the applicant's concurrence, ORR MOVED to table this item for two weeks. Clark seconded and the motion carried. Orr requested that this item come back on February 3rd under Other Business on the Agenda. Upon Clark's request, Mayor White asked staff to keep the Council apprised of the progress on this issue. PLATS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Benson Highlands Final Plat FSU-95-10. SET February 31 1998, as the date for a public meeting to consider a final plat application by R.K.L. Construction for the Benson Highlands Final Plat No. FSU-95-10. The subdivision is 5. 67 acres in size and is located at 11208 S.E. 244th Street. The City Council approved the Benson Highlands preliminary plat on April 2 , 1996. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Country Club North Division 2 Final Plat FSU-97-6. This application for the Country Club North Division 2 Final Plat is an it-lot single family residential final plat located east of 140th Avenue S.E. at S.E. 236th Street. The preliminary plat was approved with conditions by the King County Hearing Examiner, and upon annexation to the City, the preliminary plat came under Kent' s jurisdiction. ORR MOVED to approve staff's recommendation for the Country Club North Division 2 Final Plat according to King County Ordinance No. 12527 and File No. L96P0004, and authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4G) (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR) Meridian West Preliminary Plat SU-96-2. This date has been set to consider the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of approval of a modification to a condition for the Meridian West Subdivision. This plat is 4.86 acres in 11 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 PLATS size and is located on the west side of 132nd Avenue SE, north of S.E. 266th Street (26405 132nd Avenue SE) . Councilmember Orr explained that part of the reports did not make it into the packet, and that the Planning Department is requesting this item be brought back in two weeks with the full information included. There were no objections from the Council. COMPREHENSIVE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4F) PLAN 1997 Comprehensive Plan Amendments & Zoning May Changes. On November 24, 1997, the Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing to consider the proposed 1997 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and zoning map changes. Eight applications were received by the Planning Department prior to the September 11 1997, deadline. Seven of these applications involve changes to the Land Use Plan Map of the Land Use Element, while one involves a text amendment to the Capital Facilities Element. The Land Use and Planning Board is recommending approval of five of the proposed amendments. One application is recommended for denial, and another is forwarded with staff's original recommendation because the Planning Board was unable to pass a motion. The proposed Polygon Northwest amendment was withdrawn by the applicant. Matt Jackson, a Kent City Planner, noted that the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation for 1997 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. He explained that he will go through each of the applications, note for the Council what each original request was for, show a map of each location, and state the Planning Board' s recommendation. He noted that two pieces of information were left out of the Council's original packet. He then distri- buted to Council an attachment relating to CPA 97-3 (E) which is a copy of the resolution that Council passed regarding the commercial uses along the 277th Corridor, and a copy of the pro- posed changes to the Capital Facilities element for CPA-97-3 (H) . He explained that these revi- sions are from the Del Mar & Meridian Valley areas that were annexed into the City adding new facilities into the City's inventory. ORR MOVED 12 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 COMPREHENSIVE to make the two documents a part of the public PLAN record. Clark seconded and the motion carried. Jackson explained that eight requests were received for Comprehensive Plan Amendments this year. He noted that Proposal A - is the Anderson Amendment located at 828 West Valley Highway and that the site is approximately 4 . 65 acres. He explained that the applicants are asking for a change in the Land Use Plan Map designation from mixed use to commercial; and a change in the zoning from gateway commercial to M-1 Industrial Park. Jackson noted that the Planning Board recommends approval of the applicant's request to extend the industrial to the south and rezone the shaded area on the map into the M-1 zone area so the neighboring zoning to the north is M-1. Proposal B - is the Sanders amendment located on the northwest corner of 104th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 262nd Street on East Hill. Jackson ex- plained that the shaded area on the map is one lot with a split zoning and split land use situation on it. He noted that the applicants are requesting to redesignate the area from low-density, multi-family, to mixed use with restricted multi-family, and to change the zoning on the entire parcel from Office in the front and Garden-Density, Multi-family on the back to Community Commercial. He noted that the Planning Board is recommending approval of this request. Proposal C - Jackson noted that this proposal was withdrawn by the applicants, Polygon Northwest. Proposal D - is the Shulman amendment with approximately 7.5 acres and is located on the west of Pacific Highway South on the south side of the Kent-Des Moines Road. Jackson noted that even though the land is entirely surrounded by the City of Des Moines and the existing Compre- hensive Plan designation is commercial, the applicants are requesting medium-density, multi- family in order to do an apartment complex. He noted that the zoning will go from General Commercial to MRM-Medium-Density, Multi-Family. He explained that this item is coming before the Council without a Planning Board recommendation because it received a 3-3 vote at the Committee. He noted that staff's original recommendation was 13 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 COMPREHENSIVE to modify the request and designate the property PLAN MRG which will allow 16 units per acre as opposed to the proposed 23 per acre based on the fact that the site is significantly constrained by steep slopes and that the proposed building area shown on their documentation would not allow the site to be built at what the applicants are requesting. He noted, however, that the MRG Density would be accepted. Proposal E - is from T.M. Investments and is located at 11605 Kent-Kangley Road at the south- east corner of Kent-Kangley and 116th. Jackson noted that this site is approximately 2.0 acres and the applicants are requesting a change in the Land Use Plan from SF-6 to Commercial, and a change in the zoning from SR-6 (6.05 units per acre) single-family to Neighborhood Commercial Convenience. He noted that the Planning Board did recommend approval of the owner' s request. Proposal F - is the Clasen/Dinsdale amendment which is 53 .5 acres and is located on the eastern edge of the City. Jackson noted that the request from the applicants is to change the land use designation from FS3-Single Family, 3 per acre, to FS-6 Single-Family, 6 per acre; and to change the zoning from SR-3 to SR-6. He noted that the Planning Board did recommend approval of this application. Jackson clarified for Clark that the subject property is located east of 132nd and the southern border is S.E. 282nd and approxi- mately S.E. 276th Street. He noted for Clark that the zoning to the north and east of this proposal is currently zoned SR-6; on the western side is currently zoned SR-3; and a small portion on the south side is zoned SR-1 so there is a mixture of single-family. He clarified for Clark that the zoning to the north is SR6, to the south is SR-3 and south of that is SR-1. Proposal G - is the Sinkula amendments located at the northwest corner of Kent-Kangley Road and 124th Avenue SE. Jackson noted that the applicant is requesting a change from SF-6 to Commercial, and a change in the zoning from SR-6 to NCC Neighborhood Convenience Commercial. He noted that all of the neighboring designations are single-family 6 per acre, and that the Planning Board is recommending denial of this application. 14 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 COMPREHENSIVE Proposal H - is from the City Of Kent Finance PLAN Department which is an update to the Capital Facilities Element due to the annexation of the Del Mar and Meridian Valley neighborhoods, and that it includes the updating of the facilities. Jackson clarified for Clark that staff and the Planning Board both recommend denial of the application for Proposal G. Upon Orr' s question, City Attorney Lubovich noted that she could make a separate motion for the one item that was not resolved by the Planning Board. ORR MOVED to adopt the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation on the 1997 Comprehensive Plan amendments, Items A B E F G & H and zoning map changes as approved by the City Council, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the neces- sary ordinance(s) . Epperly seconded. Orr clarified for Clark that both the staff and the Planning Board's recommendation for Proposal G is denial and that her motion is to accept their recommendation. She noted for Lubovich that Item D is not being included in her motion because it came without a recommendation from the Planning Board, and that Item C was not included because it was withdrawn. The motion then carried unanimously. ORR MOVED that Item D's request be denied until such time as the City is able to look at its own condominium ordinance. Clark seconded and the motion carried. Orr explained that the City of Des Moines is proposing a similar type zoning with townhouses, and she expressed that it is important to have some further safeguards in place before changing any sort of multi-family designation. RECYCLING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Department of Ecoloav Coordinated Prevention Grant. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Department of Ecology Grant Agreement and direct staff to accept the grant of $83 , 305 and esta- blish a budget for same, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The Coordination Prevention Agreement specifies the responsibility of the City in working towards the expansion of existing programs as well as the 15 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 RECYCLING implementation of new waste reduction and re- cycling programs and educations. These programs are administered by our Conservation Specialist. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) RECREATION Kiwanis Tot Lot #4. ACCEPTANCE of Kiwanis Tot Lot #4 Renovation Project as complete, and release retainage to Parkwood Services upon notification of state releases, as recommended by staff. TRANSPORTATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) Sound Transit Station Location. The Planning Committee met on January 20th, prior to the City Council meeting, to discuss the preferred site location for the commuter rail station. The Committee' s recommendation will be presented to the Council. Orr noted that information was presented to the Planning Committee regarding traffic issues. She explained that the vote was 2-1 to recommend the south site, and that she was one of those sup- porting it. She expressed that it is in the best interest for the City and the downtown area that this site be chosen. She emphasized that even with Council's recommendation, the Transit Authority still has the final decision. She noted that from all of the information presented both sites are very close in making the station work, but if for some reason during additional analysis the Transit Authority determines that the north site would be the better site, they have the right to make that decision. Clark noted that from the information provided the south site will be more expensive and create some problems that the City will have to cope with. He noted that the selection of either site will cause hardship for someone which makes it an even tougher decision. He noted that no one has successfully addressed his concern regarding the tremendous impact of traffic patterns parti- cularly at Smith and Central, and James and Central, if the southern site is selected. He noted that if the traffic flows begin to equate with what already exists plus additional buses, the peak hour traffic will be extremely difficult to maneuver. Clark further noted that the 16 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 TRANSPORTATION Economic Downtown Revitalization has always been one of the Council's modern objectives. He noted that the northern site would better serve the City for commuter traffic to give a greater flow in going to and from work and home. Epperly stated that she supports the southern site and that the majority of the Council would support parking structures in either site. She noted that if the transit station is located in the north perhaps the North park area and ball fields will disappear with development and redevelopment. She explained that the south end needs some redevelopment and that is why she is supporting the south site. Brotherton noted that the major source of con- gestion now on Smith and James is the cross traffic and that adding a station close to that area will simply add to the congestion but not relieve it. He expressed his support for the south site mainly because of the traffic congestion and that the 277th Corridor will move traffic off of Smith and James. ORR MOVED that the City Council designate the south site as the preferred alternative Sound Transit Station site, and direct the Mayor to notify the Regional Transit Authority of their preference. Epperly seconded and the motion carried with Clark opposed. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) Regional Transit Authority - Interlocal Agreement. At the request of the Regional Transit Authority, staff has negotiated an Interlocal Agreement between the RTA and the City which sets out the responsibilities of each party with respect to the commuter rail station development. The agreement further establishes a Technical Advisory Committee and staff contacts. CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the interlocal agreement with the Regional Transit Authority. Orr seconded and the motion carried. TRAFFIC (BIDS - ITEM 5A) CONTROL Interurban Trail Signals. The bid opening for this project was held on December 30, 1997 , with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by 17 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 TRAFFIC Signal Electric, Inc. in the amount of $93, 017 . CONTROL The Engineer's estimate was $110, 900. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Interurban Trail Signals contract be awarded to Signal Electric, Inc. for the bid amount of $93 , 017. CLARK MOVED that the Interurban Trail Signals contract be awarded to Signal Electric, Inc. for the bid amount of $93, 017 . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK) Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence from tonight's meeting for Councilmembers Bennett and Woods who are unable to attend. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Election of Council President. Pursuant to the City's Resolution No. 1094, the City Council must elect its president, who shall also serve as the City's Mayor Pro Tem. in January of this year for a two-year term. EPPERLY MOVED to nominate Leona Orr for the next Council President. Amodt seconded and the motion carried with Clark opposed. Mayor White congratulated Mrs. Orr on her appointment. Council President Orr thanked her colleagues for their support. She noted that since two Councilmembers are ill and she has not had an opportunity to discuss committee assign- ments with each member, the assignments will probably be ready by the end of this week. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through December 15 and paid on December 15, 1997, after auditing by the Operations Committee on December 16, 1997 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 12/15/97 193179-193420 $ 698, 295.72 12/15/97 193421-193995 1, 644 ,272. 31 $2 , 342, 568.03 18 Kent City Council Minutes January 20, 1998 FINANCE APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through December 31 and paid on December 31, 1997, after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 61 1998. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 12/31/97 193996-194249 $1,485,912.40 12/31/97 194250-194608 1,774 , 143 .09 $3 ,260, 055.49 $5,602 , 623 .52 Approval of checks issued for pavroll for December 15 through December 31, 1997 and paid on January 21 1998: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/2/98 Checks 224733-224998 $ 219, 607.41 1/2/98 Advices 53561-54061 659 ,340.21 $ 878,947 . 62 REPORTS Public Works Committee. Clark requested and received permission from newly elected Council President Orr to go ahead with their scheduled meeting for tomorrow. Administrative Reports. McFall noted that there is a brief executive session scheduled to discuss labor negotiations but that there is no action anticipated. EXECUTIVE The meeting recessed into Executive Session at SESSION 8 : 10 P.M. ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened and adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Donna Swaw Acting City Clerk 19