HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/06/1998 Kent, Washington
January 6, 1998
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Woods. Present: Councilmembers
Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr and Woods, Operations
Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Fire
Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Public Works Director
Wickstrom, Planning Director Harris, Parks Director Hodgson, and
Finance Director Miller. Councilmember Bennett was excused from
the meeting. Approximately 70 people were in attendance.
PUBLIC Oath of Office. The Acting City Clerk adminis-
COMMUNICATIONS tered the Oath of Office to Councilmembers Amodt,
Brotherton and Clark. (Councilmembers
Brotherton and Clark were officially sworn in
on December 29, 1997, and Councilmember Amodt
was officially sworn in on December 30, 1997)
Mayor Pro Tem Woods commended the new Council-
members for all their hard work and commitment to
serve on the City Council.
Employee of the Month. Mayor Pro Tem Woods
announced that Wayne Yotsuuye, a fire mechanic
with the Kent Fire Department, has been selected
as January Employee of the Month. She noted that
Wayne demonstrates a positive team spirit, a Can-
do approach, and that he produces timely and
quality results. She pointed out that Wayne was
instrumental in enabling the Fire Department to
perform acceptance tests on newly delivered fire
apparatus while keeping the existing apparatus
response ready. She also noted that during the
absence of his supervisor, Wayne stepped up to
the challenge to meet the unusual operational
needs of the department. Woods noted that pro-
fessional standards met and exceeded, pride in
workmanship, and personal acceptance of responsi-
bility are three reasons why Wayne Yotsuuye
shines as an exemplary City employee and valuable
team player in the Fire Department. She then
presented him with a plaque.
Chief Angelo noted that it is not uncommon for
Wayne and his supervisor to climb under an
apparatus while it is pumping at a fire to
correct something that was going wrong. He noted
that Wayne takes pride in the public' s investment
and makes it possible for firefighters to know
with confidence that those machines will perform
extraordinarily simply because of the dependa-
bility. He noted that both Wayne and his
supervisor, Tom Arnson, do this with a great
deal of pride and without much recognition.
Kent City Council Minutes
January 6, 1998
PUBLIC Tntroduct;on of Ka 8 Amoointaes. Mayor Pro
COMMUNICATIONS Tem Woods introduced Terry Zimmerman who is the
Mayor' s appointee to the Land Use and Planning
Board. Orr also introduced Dr. Woods who has
been appointed to the Drinking Driver Task Force.
CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through
CALENDAR L be approved. Clark seconded and the motion
AyRroval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of December 9,
1997 and of the Special Meeting minutes of
December 23 , 1997 .
SANITATION count Estates Condominiums Phase II. AUTHORI-
ZATION to accept the bill of sale for Country
Estates Condominiums, Phase II submitted by
Island Construction Company for continuous
operation and maintenance of 395 feet of water-
main and 372 feet of sanitary sewer and release
of bonds after the expiration period, as
recommended by the Public Works Director. The
project is located at 124th Avenue S.E. and S.E.
272nd Street.
Country View Estates II. AUTHORIZATION to accept
the bill of sale for Country View Estates II
submitted by Shamrock Development for continuous
operation and maintenance of 520 feet of water-
main, 480 feet of sanitary sewer and 1, 074 feet
of storm sewer improvements, and release of bonds
after the expiration period, as recommended by
the Public Works Director. The project is
located at S.E. 226th Street & 100th Avenue S.E.
1997 Sidewalk Rehab (Hest Gowe and North State
Avenue) . ACCEPT as complete the 1997 Sidewalk
Rehab (West Gowe and North State Avenue) project
and release of retainage to Gary Merlino
Construction upon standard releases from the
State, and release of any liens, as recommended
by the Public Works Director. The original
contract amount was $376, 571. 25. The final
project cost was $365,493 .47 .
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
LID 349 S E 223rd Street Sanitary Sewers.
This date has been set for the public hearing to
establish the formation of LID 349, S.E. 223rd
Street Sanitary Sewers.
Public Works Director Wickstrom noted that this
project is located near the northeasterly
boundary lines of the City, outside of Kent, but
within Kent's franchise sewer service area. He
explained that the LID was petitioned by the
property owners because of the problems asso-
ciated with their septic system. He noted that
the area is in an existing residential develop-
ment primarily with small lots on the north side
of 223rd and some larger lots which were not
involved in the original plat. He noted that,
because of the health issues associated with
failed septic systems, the City is involved in
providing some capital up front to pay for the
properties that could subdivide. He explained
that the City will assess those properties as
single-family residences for now and charge in-
lieu-of assessment, with an added fee for the
additional lot, later.
Wickstrom informed Council that the sewer line
will service 22 lots with one connection per lot,
and that the total cost for each lot would be
$8,498.70 per connection. He noted that a public
meeting was held with the property owners inform-
ing them of the assessment costs, and that 54% of
them still expressed support of it so the Public
Works Committee proceeded with the formation of
the LID. He noted that the total project cost is
$246,463 .46 with $186, 972 . 28 from LID funds and
$59,491. 18 from City funds. He explained that
the City' s portion would be taken from the
miscellaneous sewer funds.
Wickstrom noted that a 60% protest would be
needed to kill an LID once the process has been
started, but that Council has the right to deter-
mine if a situation is a real health issue and
then proceed with the formation of an LID against
all protests, if necessary. He noted that this
project is in the City's future annexation area,
not in the City limits, and that the property
owners, upon connection, would be required to
sign no-protest annexation covenants when obtain-
ing a sewer permit. He explained that when one
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
LID 349 sewer is available official notification is sent
to the other property owners stating that sewer
connections are available and that they are
obligated to connect. He noted that if property
owners choose not to connect they still pay a
penalty charge which is essentially the monthly
sewer bill. Wickstrom explained that the Health
Department has a right to order the connection if
a problem exists with a current system. He noted
that an LID establishes a payment mechanism for
the property owners to pay off their assessments
over a period of ten years, which is 1/10 of the
principal amount over that ten year period plus
interest on the unpaid balance.
Upon Clark's question, Wickstrom explained that
every LID has someone who doesn't respond but
that the City essentially has to go with the
information they have and proceed. Mayor Pro Tem
Woods then declared the public hearing open.
Beth Johnson, 22320 113th Place SE, Kent, noted
that she is the one who petitioned the City, and
that the original petition was for 113th Avenue
SE and 113th Place SE which encompasses 223rd
also. She explained that signatures were ob-
tained from all but two properties on her street
because both occupants of one home were in the
hospital while the other property owner was out-
of-town. She explained that they purchased their
property a year ago from a Real Estate agent who
had done extensive work on the septic system
repairing three different lines in their field
and also using a new technique which incurs a
machine blowing air into the ground and then
styrene balls to keep the ground separated for a
better drainage system. She noted that during
heavy rains their house still fills with septic
fumes that produce the odor of an open drain and
that a terrible drainage problem exists in their
area. She noted that her house is located on the
top of the hill and has a water level of 3 feet
below surface but the homes on 113th Avenue SE
which are hers have even worse problems. She
noted that most of the people have been extremely
supportive of the LID especially those on 113th
There were no other comments. ORR MOVED to close
the public hearing. Clark seconded and the
motion carried.
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
LID 349 CLARK MOVED to direct the City Attorney to
prepare the necessary ordinance creating the
formation of LID 349, S.E. 223rd Street Sanitary
Sewers. Orr seconded and the motion carried.
Upon Woods question, Wickstrom explained that
once the ordinance is passed and the LID becomes
official, it's up to the City to get the sewers
constructed. He noted that top priority will be
given to this project because of the health issue
and because it' s a small enough project it could
be done relatively early. He noted for the
Council that the earliest time would be when the
groundwater is low so the City can get the best
contractor price for the project which would be
sometime this summer.
Country Club North Division 2 FSU-97-6. SET
January 20, 1998, as the date for a public
meeting to consider a final plat application by
Baima & Holmberg, Inc. The preliminary sub-
division was approved by King County but with the
Meridian Valley annexation the final plat came
under Kent's jurisdiction. This plat is 2 . 92
acres in size, consists of it lots, and is
located east of 140th Avenue S.E. at S.E. 263th
Cherrywood Lan• Final Plat FSU-95-9. This is an
application for the Cherrywood Lane Final Plat.
The subject project is 4 .73 acres in size and is
located at 26235 114th Avenue S.E. The City
Council approved the Cherrywood Lane preliminary
plat on June 18, 1996.
Satterstrom explained that the plat name had to
be changed slightly because another development
had been given the name of Cherrywood Plat; and
that King County will not record it with the same
name. Upon Orr' s question, Satterstrom clarified
that the number of conditions should be the same
as that listed in the Hearing Examiner's report.
Orr noted that according to the Council minutes
of 6/18/96, it says that there were 25 condi-
tions. He stated that it would be the number
that is in the decision of the Hearing Examiner.
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
PLATS ORR MOVED to approve the staff's recommendation
for the Cherrywood Lane Final Plat FSU-95-9 as
conditioned by the Hearing Examiner. Epperly
seconded and the motion carried.
Glenn Kara Final Plat/Re-Plat FSU-96-13. This is
an application for the Glenn Kara Final Plat/Re-
plat. The subject subdivision is nine (9) acres
in size and is located at 9840 S. 222nd Street.
The City Council approved the Glenn Kara re-plat
preliminary plat on July 2 , 1996.
ORR MOVED to approve the staff' s recommendation
for the Glenn Kara Final Plat/Re-plat as con-
ditioned by the Hearing Examiner. Epperly
seconded and the motion carried.
MASTER D.O.Z. Grant for Kent Shoreline Master Program.
PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the
Department of Ecology (DOE) grant agreement,
as recommended by the Planning Committee.
Sound Transit (RTA) site Location. Gary Stewart,
404 North Railroad, noted that he is a business
owner and a resident of Kent. He expressed his
concern for the location of the proposed rail
station, and stated that the Council has the
authority to inform the Regional Transit
Authority (RTA) of where the citizens of Kent
would like it placed. He explained that the RTA
will make the final decision but that they prefer
it be decided at the local level. Stewart urged
the City Council to listen to the people and
notify the RTA of their preferred site location.
Stewart noted that the Council received a
shortened version of the RTA' s reports but, after
reviewing the full report, he found holes in it.
He pointed out that the report shows only three
businesses need to be relocated in the north site
when there are really nine that he is aware of.
He explained that the engineering group who did
the count in the south site also counted the area
on the west side of the Burlington track, which
is a proposed future parking lot. He stated that
the report numbers seem to be skewed, and he
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
TRANSPORTATION again urged the Council to notify the RTA about
the south site preferred location. Woods noted
that for the last year or two the Council has
been told that they could put forth recommenda-
tion(s) but, in the final analysis, the RTA would
make the decision. She explained that she is in
favor of putting forward the Council's very best
recommendation if necessary but, if the Council
is permitted to put forward the site most
preferred and the RTA will buy into that site,
then she wants to do it.
Val Batey, Project Development Manager for the
Community Rail Project, clarified for Woods that
the RTA will make the final decision. She noted
that the RTA is in the process of finishing the
environmental review of the entire Seattle to
Tacoma line for commuter rail which includes a
station in downtown Kent. She explained that the
RTA is looking at two alternative sites in Kent
which are commonly known as the north and south
sites. She noted that public and agency comments
are being sought on a draft environmental assess-
ment that has been circulated, and that there are
volumes of technical reports which backup the
environmental assessment. She explained that the
comment period has been extended to January 30th
because of printing problems. Batey explained
that three informal public meetings have been
scheduled and that public comment as well as
written comments are welcome. She noted that one
is scheduled in Kent on Tuesday, January 13th, in
the Council Chambers from 4: 30 p.m. to 7: 00 p.m.
Ms. Batey noted that Sound Transit is responsible
for spending public money in an efficient, and
effective manner, with the ability to determine
where to purchase land and build facilities that
best suit the operations of their system. She
explained that Sound Transit, however, doesn't
want to just plop down without consulting the
community and the people who represent it so they
have attempted to work through the community' s
framework to find the site that is best for all
of the parties involved. She noted that certain
requirements have to be met which are absolute on
how a commuter rail system is operated, and that
each city has been slightly different. She noted
that the final document will have a preferred
station site indicated for both Kent and Tukwila,
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
TRANSPORTATION who still have alternate site locations avail-
able. She explained that the document will be
approved by the RTA Board prior to being sent to
the Federal government with a request for funds
which will start the design and build process.
She noted that a letter was received by the Kent
City Council requesting the RTA to consider the
south site in addition to the north site which
was then added to the scope of the work. Upon
Woods question, Ms. Batey explained that the
Sound Transit pursued the north site because of
budget and time limitations until it became
apparent that considerable interest was being
shown for the south site. She noted that the
scope of work was redone to give the south site
the same consideration. Batey clarified for
Woods that the date for final comment from the
City of Kent would be January 30th, in order to
present a document to the RTA Board at their
February 19th meeting indicating the preferred
site. Woods stressed that the meeting scheduled
for January 13th remains very important, and she
suggested that the next Council meeting could be
an important avenue for the Council to make one
final statement as to its feelings on this issue.
Orr noted that some traffic studies have been
done within the City which show traffic numbers
and what the impacts might be. She noted that
the Council needs more information of the costs
to relocate businesses or buildings, and that the
south site is the one most supported. Orr
explained that when the Council found out the
only site being considered was the north site,
they decided to send the RTA a letter because
there was considerable concern from the Planning
Committee. She concurred with Woods that the
Council needs to know if action would make an
important difference in the decision. Ms. Batey
noted that Council's preferred site location is
an important consideration in the RTA's decision,
even though the RTA will make its decision
independently. She noted that communication to
the RTA is very important especially in the time
frame between now and January 30th. She noted
that the RTA had originally been tracking the
downtown planning process and had a sense that a
preferred site would come out of that process.
She noted that when it didn't happen, they
continued on at a staff level reviewing the
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
TRANSPORTATION merits of the two sites and moving toward the
north site until they were made aware of the
concern through the Council' s letter.
Orr expressed that it was important for the
members of the public to understand that from the
Land Use and Planning Board a recommendation came
that both sites be looked at and that a preferred
site recommendation was not given even though the
vast majority of the testimony they received
supported the south site. She explained that the
Land Use and Planning Board chose not to make a
recommendation and sent it to the Council to
review both sites. She noted that the City has
been working on the downtown plan for a con-
siderable time but, the reason why it hasn't
moved forward is because if the station is placed
somewhere else, the City would have to go back
and revise the downtown plan. Orr noted that
they have been working with the idea that when
the decision is made then the downtown plan could
be finalized. She noted that it never occurred
to the Council that if they went ahead and made
some of those decisions perhaps it would have an
impact on the RTA Board's decision.
Batey noted for Clark that the RTA is working
with King County Metro to relocate all of the bus
routes from the existing park-n-ride lot to the
commuter rail station so that there is a compre-
hensive transit center for all of the transit
services to meet in one place. She explained
that Metro cannot do the final route planning
until a rail site is chosen. She noted that a
Regional Express Route will be provided by the
RTA to serve the station site. She noted that it
is not possible to pin down the Metro routes
right now. Clark noted that the heavy impact of
bus traffic on Central Avenue is one of his
primary concerns. Batey noted that there are
service planners with Metro who are responsible
for Kent and should be able to give the Council a
sense of what it would be. She noted that Metro
will be working this Spring on the schedule.
Upon Clark's question, Batey noted that Metro's
projection would probably be ten years out but
that, they have a plan that allows them to adjust
it every six years to look at the next ten years.
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
TRANSPORTATION Epperly noted that this issue has been a long
process and that Council has been involved in it
since the beginning. she noted that citizen
input is lost when the process is long, and that
Council needs to speak for the citizens that have
been involved, past and present, who have put so
much into this effort. Brotherton noted that the
majority of Council strongly support the south
site and that those wishes should be sent to the
RTA Council as soon as possible.
Woods thanked Ms. Batey for dealing with the
Council's frustrations this evening. She ex-
plained that the Council is very process oriented
and not adverse to making decisions when they
know that it is the council's position to do
that. She explained that the City Council would
have proceeded sooner and indicated their strong
preference if the process indicated that it was
appropriate. She suggested that the Council
consider this issue in the Planning Committee,
schedule a meeting, bring it back to the next
Council meeting, and be on the public record as
strongly opposing one site or the other. Woods
asked Council if the Planning Committee Meeting
process is acceptable to them for this issue and
there were no objections. Ms. Batey asked
Council to contact her if there is other informa-
tion she could provide. Ms. Batey noted that if
each member of Council would like a copy of the
full technical report she would provide it to
Woods noted that the Council is going to esta-
blish a process for the Planning Committee and
for Council at the next meeting, but Council is
not taking any action this evening.
Don Shafer noted that he became involved in the
Downtown Core Plan in February, 1997 and has
attempted to attend all of the public meetings on
the subject since then. He noted that the file
is voluminous and that the information includes
correspondence, regulations, comp plans, informa-
tion from the State and information from the RTA
including both the environmental assessment and
the SEPA Checklist combination document together
with the technical appendix. He noted that he
has been through meetings, conversation and
correspondence with staff at the RTA to learn
Kent City Council Minutes January 61 1998
TRANSPORTATION about their process for the south corridor
portion of the commuter rail. He noted that the
north portion from Seattle to Everett is also in
the environmental process but that a full EIS
will be done on that. Shafer noted that the City
currently is talking about some grade separations
for railroad crossings in their 6-year improve-
ment plan and that the recent conclusion was that
James Street would be the most logical spot. He
noted that problems will develop from grade
separations if the north site is chosen, and he
pointed out that these separations are not
discussed in the current environmental review.
He stated that he supports the south site
Jim Bitando, 106 E. Titus, noted that he recently
obtained and reviewed a copy of the RTA report,
and that the report doesn't indicate any out-
standing flaws in either the north or south site.
He noted, however, that he supports the south
site even though his business will have to be
moved. He explained that the south site pre-
ference gives the City a chance to do some things
with the downtown area that the north site does
not allow. He indicated that all of the economic
impact information is missing from the report,
and that the City' s 1997 plan should have in-
cluded more investigation into which site would
be economically good for the City. He noted that
a consultant could make a thumbnail sketch of
what the cost would be to move the businesses and
project a cost basis. He noted that a design
criteria needs to be decided because without a
design, it's hard to get behind something and
make it work.
Mr. Thuringer, 858 1st Avenue North, noted that
he is thoroughly confused about this issue even
though he doesn't really have a preference for
the north or south site. He noted that the
involvement dwindled and that there are many
loose ends on this issue. He noted that a
picture or drawing of this project is worth
more than a stack of forms and reports.
Woods noted that this item will be considered
again on Tuesday, January 20th both in the
Planning Committee and the Council meeting.
Kent City Council Minutes January 6, 1998
TRANSPORTATION Orr noted that the information received from a
traffic count could be very important and helpful
if it' s reviewed by Council before January 13th.
Epperly noted that the rail station was one of
the Council's 1997 Target Issues but that over
the course of a year Council lost sight of what
it had originally planned to do.
Orr assured Mr. Stewart that this item will get
to the Council on January 20th.
AMENDMENTS Water Treatment Facility Zoning Code Amendment
ZCA-97-8. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3386
modifying the definition of "hazardous substance
land use facility" in Section 15. 02. 178 of the
Kent City Code and modifying the types of uses
identified as general conditional uses in Section
15. 08. 030 (B) (1) . The City Council approved this
Zoning Code Amendment on December 9, 1997.
Churches in M-2 Zoning District Zoning Code
Amendment ZCA-97-9. ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 3387 to allow churches in the M-2 zoning
district, under Section 15. 04 . 180 (B) of the Kent
City Code. The City Council approved this Zoning
Code Amendment on December 9, 1997.
Excused Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence
from tonight's meeting for Councilmember Bennett.
Land Use and Planning Board. CONFIRMATION of the
Mayor's appointment of Ms. Terry Zimmerman, a
West Hill resident, to serve as a member of the
Land Use and Planning Board. Ms. Zimmerman is
employed as Children's Program Coordinator at
Valley Medical Center and her background is in
human services. However, she is interested in
becoming more active and involved in the com-
munity. She has served on the Board of
Children's Home Society, Co-chaired the South
King County Family Support Consortium, is
currently President of the South King Council of
Human Services as well as many others. She was
also the recipient of the annual award for
Outstanding Leadership from the South King
Council of Human Services in June of this year.
Kent City Council Minutes
January 6, 1998
Drinking Driver Task Form. CONFIRMATION of the
Mayor's appointment of Councilmember Judy Woods
to serve as a member of the Kent Drinking Driver
Task Force. Dr. Woods has also been designated
to serve as Chair of the Task Force.
Approval of Bills. Approval of
bills received through November 26 and paid
on November 26, 1997, after auditing by the
Operations Committee on December 21 1997.
ARproval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
11/16/97 192627-192818 $ 317,590.66
11/26/97 192819-193178 1,730, 047 .95
$2 , 047, 638. 61
Approval of checks issued for payroll for
November 16 through November 30 and paid on
December 51 1997 , with additional checks issued
for December 1 through December 15 and paid on
December 19, 1997 :
Date Check Numbers Amount
12/5/97 Checks 224135-224464 $ 289, 035.43
12/5/97 Advices 52436-53046 $1, 109,719.58
12/19/97 Checks 224465-224732 $ 237, 168.35
12/19/97 Advices 53047-53560 $ 716,617 .52
REPORTS Council President. Woods announced that the
Suburban Cities Association general membership
meeting is January 14, 1998, at Mercer Island.
She asked the Council to notify Ms. Banister
immediately if they were interested in attending
the meeting.
Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the
Public Works committee will hold a meeting in the
Council Chambers on Wednesday, January 7th.
Planning committee. Orr noted that there will be
a meeting on Tuesday, January 20, at 4 : 00 p.m.
Kent City Council Minutes
January 6, 1998
REPORTS Administrative Reports. Operations Director
McFall noted that there will be an executive
session of approximately 10 minutes to discuss
two items of property acquisition. He also noted
that action is anticipated on one of the items.
EXECUTIVE The meeting recessed into Executive Session at
SESSION 8: 20 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 8:36 p.m.
(Property CLARK MOVED to authorize the purchase of
Acquisition) residential property on the northwest corner of
108th & 274th from the 277th Corridor Project
Funds pursuant to the terms of the agreement
between the City and the property owner, and
subject to the final approval of the terms by the
City Attorney. Epperly seconded and the motion
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 38 p.m.
Donna Swaw
Acting City Clerk