HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/07/1997 Kent, Washington
October 7, 1997
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett,
Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations
Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police
Chief Crawford, Assistant Fire Chief Aldridge, Public Works
Director Wickstrom, Planning Director Harris, Parks Director
Hodgson, Finance Director Miller, and Acting Information Services
Director Mulholland. Approximately 85 people were at the
meeting. The flag salute was led by Boy Scout Troop 237 from
Totem Junior High.
PUBLIC Employee of the Month Mayor White announced
COMMUNICATIONS that Jan Banister, his Executive Assistant, has
been selected as Employee of the Month for
October. He noted that Ms. Banister performs
complex department-wide administrative support
and makes time to serve on various City programs.
He added that her ability to remain calm under
stressful conditions is a true example of her
character. Council President Houser thanked
Ms. Banister for her help in keeping the Council
on track. The Mayor then presented her with the
Employee of the Month plaque.
Fire Prevention Week. Mayor White read a pro-
clamation declaring the week of October 5-11,
1997 as Fire Prevention Week in the City of Kent.
He noted that this year's theme, "Know When To
Go: React Fast To Fire! " emphasizes the impor-
tance of escape planning at home and in public
settings, and urged all citizens to participate
in fire prevention activities at home, work, and
school. The proclamation was presented to
Assistant Fire Chief Aldridge.
CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through O be approved. Orr seconded and the
motion carried.
AARproval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the workshop of August 19, 1997, and the regular
Council meeting of September 16, 1997 .
SANITATION Benson Short Plat Sanitary Sewers. ACCEPT the
bill of sale submitted by Hardeep Singh for con-
tinuous operation and maintenance of 1, 033 feet
of sanitary sewer line, and release of bonds
after the expiration period, as recommended by
the Public Works Director. The project is
located at S.E. 244th Street, east of Benson Highway.
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
SANITATION Plat of South Bend. ACCEPT the bill of sale
submitted by Pacific Industries, Inc. for con-
tinuous operation and maintenance of 532 feet of
watermain improvements, 695 feet of sanitary
sewers, 1, 320 feet of street improvements and
1, 021 feet of storm sewers, and release of bonds
after the expiration period, as recommended by
the Public Works Director. The project is
located at SE 270th Street & 116th Avenue SE.
Rent Assisted Living. ACCEPT the bill of sale
submitted by Westmont, Inc. for continuous
operation and maintenance of 336 feet of water-
main and 171 feet of storm sewers, and release of
bonds after the expiration period, as recommended
by the Public Works Director. The project is
located at 112 Kennebeck Avenue North.
S. 262nd Street Water Main Improvements. The bid
opening for this project was held on October 2nd
with seven bids received. The low bid was sub-
mitted by James Guess Construction in the amount
of $92 , 179. 68. The Engineer's estimate was
$115, 227 . 01.
This project consists of replacing an existing
smaller watermain which has been leaking and has
been a long maintenance problem.
The Public Works Director recommends that the
contract be awarded to James Guess Construction.
CLARK MOVED that the South 262nd Street Watermain
Improvements contract be awarded to James Guess
Construction for the bid amount of $92, 179. 68.
Woods seconded and the motion carried.
Sewer Reimbursement from Latecomers.
AUTHORIZATION of a budget change of funds
from the sewer connection charges receipted
October 24 , 1996, in the amount of $2 ,492 . 14 to
be equally split and transferred to the Public
Safety Bond expenditure accounts for both Fire
and Police.
During the construction of the East Hill Fire
Station/Headquarters/Training Center facility, a
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
SEWER sewer project was funded in this immediate area.
The understanding was that monies would be coming
in for "latecomers" onto the sewer system and
these funds were to be split equally between
Police and Fire. These funds are being receipted
in as revenue when property owners develop their
land, which happens very sporadically. Once the
fees are collected as revenue, a "budget change"
is required to transfer to expenditure accounts.
Speed Limit Revisions on Designated Streets.
ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1497 repealing
Resolution No. 1406, and establishing speed
limits revisions on certain designated streets,
as recommended by the Public Works Committee.
VACATION S. 238th St. Street Vacation STV-97-1. This date
has been set to consider an application to vacate
a portion of South 238th Street, as referenced in
Resolution No. 1496, and as shown on the accom-
panying map and discussed in the staff report.
Planning Director Harris pointed the area out on
a map and noted that the applicants have re-
quested this street vacation in order to expand
their building.
Mayor White opened the public hearing. There
were no comments from the audience, and WOODS
MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded
and the motion carried.
ORR MOVED to approve the Planning Department' s
recommendation of approval with conditions on an
application to vacate a portion of South 238th
Street, as referenced in Resolution No. 1496, and
to direct the City Attorney to prepare the
necessary ordinance upon compliance with the
conditions of approval. Woods seconded and the
motion carried.
S. 238th St. Street Vacation Funds.
AUTHORIZATION to deposit any monies received as
compensation for S. 238th St. street vacation
into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) , as
recommended by the Public Works Committee. This
street vacation was approved by the Council after
a public hearing this date.
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
ZONING Del Mar Annexation Area Initial Zoning and
Comprehensive Plan Amendments AZ-97-2 and
CPA-97-2. On September 22, 1997, the Land Use
and Planning Board held a public hearing on both
the annexation zoning map amendments and the
Comprehensive Plan amendments for the Del Mar
Annexation area. This is the first of two public
hearings to be held by the City Council pursuant
to State law; the second hearing is scheduled for
November 18, 1997 .
Planner Matt Jackson explained that staff brought
two alternatives to the Board, that there was
considerable public testimony at their hearing,
and that at the conclusion of the hearing the
Board made its recommendation with one more
revision as outlined in the memo dated October 7,
1997 . He showed the location on a map and
pointed out the areas recommended for SR6, SR4. 5,
GC, and MRM zoning. He noted that there are
several existing multi-family developments in the
area and explained that they tried to zone the
property to what is built in order to be consis-
tent. He added that there is also a mobile
home park which is recommended for MHP zoning.
Jackson noted that there is an area set aside
for open space which is recommended for the
lowest density of SR1. He said there is an
existing Circle K store which is recommended for
Neighborhood Convenience Commercial and an exist-
ing office complex and a lot north of it which is
recommended for Professional and Office zoning.
He explained that the reason for adding the
additional lot into the office zoning is that the
owner of the existing office project requested in
writing that it be expanded to the northern lot
for additional parking.
Jackson displayed the Land Use Plan map and noted
that a large percentage of the area is recom-
mended for SF6. He noted that the commercial
area, the lot recommended for Neighborhood
Convenience Commercial and the Office zoning is
recommended for Commercial land use designation.
He said the mobile home park has a separate
mobile home park designation and the existing
multi-family developments would be given a medium
density multi-family land use designation, and
the one lot restricted for new development is
shown for SF1 to reflect its encumbrances with
the permanent open space status.
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
ANNEXATION Upon Houser's question, Jackson noted that the
ZONING open space area is approximately 4. 5 acres and
that there are wetlands in the area. He clari-
fied for Clark that there is a gradual slope and
that there is no road leading into the area.
Mayor White opened the public hearing. Me
Kleweno, 601 S. 227th, #307 North, Des Moines,
said he represents and is a partial property
owner of approximately 36 acres within this area.
He pointed out the location, noting that there
are several apartments in the area, and said the
property should be zoned as potential apartment.
He said it meets all criteria for apartment
zoning and that it is at least half wetlands.
He said that in order to utilize the property for
residential, a road would be necessary, for which
there is adequate width and access. He added
that water and sewer is available. He urged the
Council to consider medium density potential for
the property, and if not, then the highest under
single family.
There were no further comments from the audience
and HOUSER MOVED to close the public hearing.
Woods seconded and the motion carried.
PLAN Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Declaration
of Emergency (Meridian Valley and Del Mar
Annexations) . ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1498
declaring an emergency in order to make amend-
ments to the Comprehensive Plan other than once a
year, due to the Meridian Valley and Del Mar
annexations, as recommended by the Planning
Greenfield Park Final Plat FSU-97-9. APPROVAL of
the Greenfield Park Final Plat and authorization
for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar.
The Greenfield Park preliminary subdivision was
approved by King County in September 1996. Upon
annexation of the Del Mar area, the final plat
came under Kent' s jurisdiction. This plat is
6. 65 acres, consists of 27 lots, and is located
west of 28th Avenue South and north of South
270th Street. According to the interlocal agree-
ment between the City of Kent and King County,
this plat has been forwarded to the City for its
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
SERVICES KIVA Land Use and Permit Information System
Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign
the KIVA Land Use and Permit System Contract.
On March 19, the Operations Committee approved
the purchase of a permitting and land use infor-
mation software system from KIVA Corporation,
subject to approval of the final contract
language by the City Attorney. After some time,
the software vendor and the City have finalized
all contract terms and the agreement is ready for
the Mayor's signature.
Golf Course Management Proposals. The City
conducted a Request for Proposal process to
determine the golf management for the Riverbend
Golf Course Complex beginning January 1, 1998.
Two companies have been selected as finalists:
SSMD Enterprises and Golf Resources Northwest
(GRI) . Staff has provided information from both
companies to Council, and both companies made
presentations at a recent Council workshop.
Upon a question from Clark, Mr. Hagen of GRI
stated that they currently maintain three golf
courses. He noted for Orr that they could offer
a discount to city residents, although that is
not projected in their proposal and is negotia-
ble. Johnson asked how GRI would propose to
increase food and beverage services by nearly
$100, 000 in one year, and Hagen responded that it
would come from rounds of golf, and added that
hours could be extended. He noted that they have
extended food and beverage service on the golf
course using two beverage carts during the peak
season, and said they plan to use the snack bar
that is on the golf course now for extended
tournament play. He noted for Johnson that
three of the teaching pros would be full-time
year-round and three would be part-time, and
noted that the staff on site would also be
available for lessons. He said that the City
would not be required to provide any money for
capital improvements.
Clark stated that the State Auditor's Report
referred to deposits that were not made in tact,
in sequential order and on a timely basis, and
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
GOLF COURSE that Mr. Stone had explained that this was a
temporary irregularity based on the fact that the
Office Manager had been ill. Finance Director
Miller said this is in regard to cash that goes
into the bank, and upon Clark' s question said
there have been instances when the deposits were
not in sequential order or timely in 1994, in
last year's audit and in this year's audit. She
noted for Orr that this occurred off and on over
time and that the City followed through with
memos. Orr said she does not recall being in-
formed that this had happened in previous years
and asked how it was addressed. Miller explained
that a meeting is held to determine how to
correct problems, and that the Auditor may or
may not audit the same issue the following year.
She noted that the most current audit was
received last week. Orr said she had seen a
newspaper article this year saying that there had
been an audit and that there did not appear to be
any major problems. Miller noted for Orr that
staff has been working with Mr. Stone to improve
this throughout the year, as they do with all
departments. She noted for the Mayor that the
golf course was cited in 1994 and that there was
a minor item in Public Works which was cleared up
to the Auditor' s satisfaction. Bennett asked
when staff began date stamping the deposits, and
Miller explained that golf course receipts were
not date stamped until recently.
Epperly said she had heard that errors had been
made by the City, such as shorting SSMD's pay by
$2500 and over-charging the phone bill by $8, 000
in the course of three years, which was re-
imbursed. Miller agreed that human errors occur
and that they are corrected as soon as possible.
Upon Orr's question, Miller said some of the
errors were found by the City and some by
Mr. Stone. She explained that the audit is
primarily for safeguarding of funds. McFall
added that the Auditor does selective review of
transactions in the City to ensure that pro-
cedures are sound. It was noted that the report
the Council received does not show a total dollar
amount. Orr asked if there is information that
would give a total dollar amount affected by the
issues discussed in the audit and Miller said she
can provide it later. She said there was one
case in which a dollar amount was mentioned, and
Kent City Council Minutes October 7 , 1997
GOLF COURSE Orr agreed there was one for the small amount of
$1300. Orr said with that type of operation,
that kind of mistake would not be a critical
mistake unless it happened on a daily basis and
thousands of dollars a day were lost due to
irregularities in reporting or depositing.
Miller noted for Clark that a new tournament
form will account for the number of players, and
will ensure that money is accounted for. She
noted that the auditor asked that the City audit
tournaments and that that audit has not been
completed. Miller noted for Clark that she
doesn't believe there is a significant amount of
money missing and said they are working with the
contractor to ensure that all money goes into the
Bennett said $8, 000 is not a big issue and that
the city auditor used to be the state auditor who
found the first irregularities at the golf
Upon Johnson's question, Mr. Stone of SSMD ex-
plained that all of the $550, 000 which could be
made from merchandising would go to Nevada Bob's
at this point, but noted that the subcontract has
not been concluded. Johnson said that if 100%
went to Nevada Bob' s, then under SSMD's proposal
that amount would have to be subtracted, which
would result in $1.2 million rather than $1.7
million, or less than is needed to operate the
golf course and pay off the bonds. He pointed
out that $1. 2 million is less than what GRI is
proposing. Stone responded that that is not the
case and that the city would make enough money to
take care of the maintenance costs, pay SSMD,
have enough to pay for debt service and have some
surplus money. He said the $550, 000 is a con-
servative projection and that Nevada Bob's
projected total for the first year is substan-
tially more than $550, 000. Johnson asked how the
money brought in by Nevada Bob's would figure
into SSMD' s proposal since it would be going to
Nevada Bob' s. Stone responded that the money
made must be used to take care of expenditures,
and that it would take more than $150, 000 to make
that much. Stone also noted for Johnson that he
had proposed a minimum of 4 teaching pros and
said they currently have six. He said one would
be full time and the others, because of their
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
GOLF COURSE commitment to the PGA program, would be trained
in golf instruction. He noted for Johnson that
there would be no city money involved in capital
improvement proposals, and that SSMD proposes
$350, 000-400, 000 for a multi service facility.
He said that would result in their recommended
option in $248, 000, which they would split with
the City 50/50, or $124, 000 each. He said money
would have to be put back for capital .-improve-
ments and suggested that the City and SSMD give
back 50% of that $124, 000 toward paying for
capital improvements. He said the City and SSMD
would each have $62, 000 left, and the City's
would go into some type of surplus fund to be
used at the golf course. Stone said that they
can make enough money to pay maintenance and debt
service in the amount of $1.74 million and also
make money for themselves, as shown in their
proposal. Johnson voiced concern that taxpayers
will have to spend money to improve the golf
course and SSMD will receive all the revenue. He
spoke about the $550, 000 in merchandising, and
the $1.7 million projection and said the numbers
are not adding up. Johnson noted that he has
been on the council for 20 years and that he has
been in charge of the Operations Committee for
the City. He reiterated that without the
$550, 000 in merchandising, SSMD's total is $1.2
million, not $1. 7 million. Stone said that staff
has concluded that SSMD is the only contractor
that demonstrated that they could take care of
all expenses to their satisfaction. Johnson
voiced concern that both contractors proposals
are below the amount required to pay off bonds.
Johnson asked about the stationary building which
SSMD proposes to have on the course, and about
concession carts. Stone explained that they
could serve golfers and joggers by providing a
snack bar and that it is located near the filth
hole. He said they have a motorized golf cart
which goes through the golf course and to the
Par 3 . He noted for Johnson that the building
was opened on one occasion this year for a
tournament, and explained that bad weather and
low revenues did not dictate opening it at other
times. Stone explained for Johnson that the
building was originally at the mini putt, and it
may or may not be open depending on weather
conditions. Johnson said golfers would like to
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
GOLF COURSE have the golf course open earlier and asked if
opening times are negotiable; Stone said they can
be flexible, based on weather conditions, guide-
lines, and what customers want. Stone noted for
Johnson that they have improved the food service
area and that they were recently able to put on a
buffet for 60 at the last moment. Mr. Stone
noted for Orr that the mini putt has a synthetic
surface and the City preferred not to have people
eating there, but that food can be taken on the
golf course. He said it was not effective to
leave the snack bar at the mini putt.
Johnson voiced concern about the condition of
balls and asked whether the City has purchased
any to replace those at the driving range. Parks
Director Hodgson responded that when the range
was built in 1994 the City purchased 15, 000 balls
and the contractor purchased 30, 000 balls, in
order to avoid wearing out the synthetic turf by
picking. He said balls were purchased on two
other occasions and that in August he realized
the problem was a combination of hot weather,
synthetic turf and the picker. He said new balls
have been purchased by both the City and the
contractor, the City installed new mats and that
there was vandalism outside the driving range
involving cutting the cyclone fence to steal
balls. He said both the City and the contractor
are working on resolving those problems. He
explained for Johnson and Orr whose responsi-
bility it is to take care of and replace mats,
balls and picker.
JOHNSON MOVED to authorize staff to negotiate
with GRI to develop a management agreement for
the Riverbend Golf Complex that will begin
January 1, 1998, and to submit the proposed
agreement to the Council for approval. Woods
Johnson noted that he had served on the selection
committee which was established to narrow the
contractors to finalists, and said there were
originally four. He recommended going with GRI,
based on their past history, their clean credit
report and the fact that there have been no
concerns or complaints about them. He said that
SSMD did not have a clean credit check, that many
accounts were more than 90 days old, and that the
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
GOLF COURSE City should be concerned with that. He spoke
about the Auditor's report which he said made it
clear that discrepancies were found. He voiced
concern that current problems will continue, and
noted that both the men's and women's clubs had
strong concerns about continuing with SSMD.
Johnson said that GRI plans on paying for capital
improvements themselves, and that SSMD wants to
do a partnership which would require taxpayer
money. He said SSMD's figures don't add up and
that they will be well short of meeting the
city's financial needs, and urged the Council to
negotiate with GRI.
Upon Orr's question, Johnson explained that the
evaluation task force listened to all four pro-
posals and decided to vote for one through four.
He said this resulted in two clear finalists,
with SSMD having the most first place votes and
GRI having two or three first place votes and two
second place votes. He said they then voted on
the two finalists, which resulted in a tie. He
said that after discussion of the two proposals,
another vote was taken which also resulted in a
tie and for that reason they decided to take both
to Council. Houser pointed out that there were
nine members on the task force, but that one was
not in attendance, making it difficult for the
City and the contractors. Johnson explained for
Epperly that a second vote was taken because four
votes is not a majority, and that because GRI had
so many second place votes that their weighted
vote total would be higher than SSMD. He said
the group decided to vote between the two con-
tractors since it was clear that they were far
superior to the other two presenters. Orr said
she has seen much support for the current con-
tractor and that it makes sense to give them an
opportunity to negotiate a new contract before
terminating their contract and going on to
someone else. She said that Johnson had said
neither contractor meets the debt service, which
is a concern to her. She said she had heard that
GRI' s proposal did not meet the strict specifi-
cations of the RFP, and if that is the case, she
would be concerned about going with someone who
did not meet requirements in the beginning, but
may have come up with a proposal that does meet
the requirements. Johnson explained that when
the four initial presentations were made, SSMD
Kent City council Minutes October 7, 1997
GOLF COURSE did not meet the technical criteria because they
did not submit a proposal on merchandising and
should have been disqualified for that reason,
but that the task force decided that in order for
the Council to make a choice, that they be
allowed to make a proposal. He said as far as he
knows, GRI submitted all requirements. Johnson
said SSMD was his third choice because he did not
feel they could meet the bond indebtedness or the
merchandising revenues they projected. He voiced
concern that SSMD proposed a fixed management fee
which means the City would assume all the risk
and they would assume no risk. He said GRI pro-
posed a fixed fee plus a percentage, thereby
assuming a great deal of risk, and that they
propose that the more money they make, the more
money the City would get, which would provide an
incentive to bring golfers into the community.
Orr stated that the contractor with a higher
fixed fee would probably work harder to be sure
they get it. Johnson noted that the City is
obligated to pay no matter what, and that cur-
rently there is a small fixed fee and a large
portion is based on percentages.
Bennett said that no minutes were taken at the
task force meeting and that no written instruc-
tions were given regarding voting. Upon
Epperly' s question, McFall explained that the
proposals are the basis for negotiating a
contract and that both contractors have said they
are negotiable on a number of items. He noted
for Orr that if the City were unable to negotiate
a reasonable contract, they would report back to
Council for direction. Mayor White noted that
Administration will enforce Council' s direction.
Orr said she found GRI to be very open and
receptive, but that she is concerned that the
current contract was not a good contract for
either party and said she feels the City owes the
current contractor an opportunity to at least
negotiate a new contract based on things all have
learned. She said she received a phone call from
the Mayor two years ago in which he said he was
not inclined to renew the contract at the golf
course but that she has never been able to get
documentation that there were enough problems to
eliminate the person who had the contract until
the recent audit. She noted that when the City
ran the golf course there were many complaints,
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
GOLF COURSE but when SSMD took over she heard compliments.
She said there have been letters in opposition
and in support of renewing the contract, and
that based on the fact that this was the first
venture, the City owes SSMD a chance to negotiate
a reasonable contract before turning it over to
someone else. Woods called for the question.
Upon a roll call vote, Johnson's motion to
authorize staff to negotiate with GRI failed
with Bennett, Epperly, Houser and Orr opposed.
EPPERLY MOVED to authorize staff to negotiate
with SSMD to develop a management agreement for
the Riverbend Golf Complex that will begin
January 1, 1998, and to submit the proposed
agreement to Council for approval. Houser
seconded. Epperly clarified that her motion
includes Option Three. Upon a roll call vote,
Epperly's motion carried with Clark, Johnson and
Woods opposed.
Cable TV. Bennett said he had been approached by
groups regarding candidate forums. He noted that
one has been done by the Chamber of Commerce, and
said in the interest of fairness to all groups
who wish to sponsor candidates forums, that all
should be taped. HE MOVED to direct that all
forums be taped for broadcast on the City's cable
channel if a request is made. Epperly seconded.
Bennett clarified that this includes recognized
groups such as the PTA and groups representing
areas of diversity. McFall pointed out that
there would also be school board and King County
Council elections, and Bennett clarified that his
intent is for those affecting the City of Kent,
City Council and Mayor.
Clark voiced concern that there are no restric-
tions on the requests, noting the time required
for taping and the potential financial obliga-
tions. Epperly said she has also received
inquiries and suggested giving candidates five
minutes for their proposals.
Orr noted that evening meetings and community
events are taped, and said that since the
Chamber's candidates forum was taped, it would
be unfair to other groups not to tape theirs.
Kent City Council Minutes October 7 , 1997
CABLE TV She said there would probably not be many
requests and that funds are available in the
budget. Houser said the number of forums could
be limited, and noted that the election is only
weeks away. She agreed that there should be more
forums and pointed out that the Chamber's forum
was geared to businesses. Woods said she is in
favor of the motion and called for the question.
Bennett' s motion then carried with Clark .opposed.
Jail Health Services Contract Extension.
APPROVAL of a three-year Jail Health Services
contract extension and of the four additional
hours of care per week.
Valley Medical Center Occupational Health
Services provides medical care for the inmates at
the corrections facility. As provided for in the
current contract, they have requested a three-
year extension. In addition, the contract
addendum provides for four additional hours of
care per week.
Jail Food Services Contract Extension. EXTEN-
SION of the Jail Food Service Contract through
December 31, 1998, due to the excellent service
The Kent Corrections Facility contracts with
Consolidated Food Management to prepare meals for
the inmates. As provided for in Section 11. 1 of
the contract, they have requested a one-year
Washington State Criminal Justice Training
Commission Contract for Services APPROVAL of
the contractual agreement with the Washington
State Criminal Justice Training Commission
regarding Sgt. Knapp.
The Training Commission has requested that
Corrections Sergeant Sheila Knapp be an instruc-
tor at the academy for two years. They will
reimburse the City for all wages and benefits
earned while she is at the academy. Sergeant
Knapp' s position will be back-filled during her
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
Council Workshop on 1998 Budget. SET October 21,
1997, at 5:30 p.m. as the date and time for a
Council Workshop on the 1998 Budget.
Avproval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through September 15 and paid
on September 15, 1997, after auditing by the
Operations Committee on September 22, 1997.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/29/97 189262-189529 $ 731,457 . 29
9/15/97 186530-189897 1, 617 , 718 .79
$2, 349, 176. 08
Approval of checks issued for payroll for
August 16 through August 31 and paid on
September 5, 1997 , with additional checks issued
for September 1 through September 15 and paid on
September 19, 1997 :
Date Check Numbers Amount
9/5/97 Checks 222200-222531 $ 250,943 . 07
9/5/97 Advices 49341-49842 655,938 .92
$ 906,881.99
9/19/97 Checks 222532-222846 $ 255, 716. 79
9/19/97 Advices 49843-50339 705, 776.75
$ 961,493 .54
REPORTS Council President. Houser noted that the King
Conservation District has inquired as to whether
any Councilmember would be willing to serve on a
Board, and asked anyone interested to contact her
or Ms. Banister.
Operations Committee. Johnson noted that the
date of the next meeting has not been determined.
Public Works Committee. Clark announced that
the next meeting will be held at 3 :30 p.m. on
October 15, 1997, in the Council Chambers.
Planning Committee. Orr noted that the next
meeting will be held on October 21, 1997, at
4 : 00 p.m.
Kent City Council Minutes October 7, 1997
REPORTS Public safety Committee. Bennett noted that
there was a sunset clause in the jet ski ordi-
nance, and said that people had called regarding
being warned that they were going faster than 8
miles per hour. He said he has seen a tape which
is not in concert with the ordinance. Jack
Bielinski, 13835 S.E. 260th, said there has been
a misunderstanding regarding restrictions as to
dates and times of usage. He suggested that the
issue be discussed and clarified by the commit-
tee. JOHNSON MOVED to send this issue to the
Public Safety Committee. Orr seconded and the
motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m.
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Brenda Jaco� r, CMC
City Clerk