HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/02/1997 Kent, Washington
September 21 1997
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett,
Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations
Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Fire
Chief Angelo, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Parks Director
Hodgson, and Finance Director Miller. Approximately 50 people
were at the meeting.
PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced
COMMUNICATIONS that Kari Endicott of the Employee Services
Department is the Employee of the Month for
September. He noted that Ms. Endicott helps
employees with benefit issues, and was instru-
mental in the automation of employee benefit
packages. Her supervisor stated that
Ms. Endicott is an inspiration, and is very
deserving of this award.
America Goes Back To School/Get Involved Week.
The Mayor read a proclamation encouraging
families and the community to get involved in
learning and to make a commitment to support
education improvement, and declared the first
week of September 1997 as "America Goes Back To
School/Get Involved Week" in the City of Kent.
The proclamation was accepted by Dr. Jim Hager,
Kent Superintendent of Schools, who thanked the
City for its cooperation with the school district
on various projects.
CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through J be approved. Bennett seconded and the
motion carried.
A_nuroval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of August 19, 1997.
SANITATION City Movina. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale
submitted by City Moving for continuous operation
and maintenance of 426 feet of watermain improve-
ments, 515 feet of street improvements associated
with the development, and release of bonds after
the expiration period, as recommended by the
Public Works Director. The project is located in
the vicinity of 80th Avenue South and South 206th
Kent City Council Minutes September 21 1997
108th Avenue SE Sanitary Sewer Extension The
bid opening for this project was held on
August 27th with three bids received. The low
bid was submitted by VLS Construction, Inc. in
the amount of $85, 120. 68 . The Engineer's
estimate was $87, 256.30.
This project consists of constructing a sanitary
sewer extension along 108th Avenue SE for City
The Public Works Director recommends that the
contract be awarded to VLS Construction, Inc.
CLARK MOVED that the 108th Avenue SE Sanitary
Sewer Extension contract be awarded to VLS
Construction for the bid amount of $85, 120. 68.
Woods seconded and the motion carried.
Puget sound Energy Underground Conversion
Agreement - Authorisation South 228th Street
is being improved as a requirement of the Lakes
Development. This improvement includes convert-
ing Puget Sound Energy's overhead distribution
power system to an underground system. To do so
requires execution of an agreement with Puget
Sound Energy. The developer (Polygon) , there-
fore, is paying all costs and has given the City
the money.
The Public Works Director recommends that the
Mayor be authorized to sign the Conversion
Agreement with Puget Sound Energy and establish a
budget for same. Wickstrom explained that the
project cannot begin until the contract is
CLARK MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign
the Puget Sound Energy Conversion Agreement and
establish a budget for the same. Woods seconded
and the motion carried.
ZONING Meridian Valley AnnexatiO Zoning AZ-97-i. SET
September 16, 1997, and October 21, 1997, as
public hearing dates to consider the initial
zoning for the Meridian Valley annexation area.
Kent City Council Minutes September 2, 1997
ANNEXATION Frank Wiemes, 13426 SE 240th, said he is in favor
ZONING of Plan No. 1 regarding zoning. Orr reiterated
that public hearings will be held on this issue
on September 16 and October 21, 1997, at
7: 00 p.m. , in the Council Chambers, and invited
him to attend one or both of those meetings.
Granville-Southern Rezone RZ-97-1. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 3359 related to the Granville-
Southern Rezone. The City Council approved the
rezone on August 19, 1997. This property is
approximately 18. 93 acres in size, and the
ordinance rezones the property from SR-1,
Single-Family Residential, maximum allowable
density of i unit per acre, to SR-3, Single-
Family Residential, maximum allowable density
3 . 63 units per acre. The property is located at
20450 92nd Avenue S.
Lana Preliminary Plat SU-96-25. This date has
been set to consider the Hearing Examiners
recommendation for approval of an application by
Lang Construction & Associates for a 37-lot
single-family residential preliminary subdivision
No. SU-96-25. The plat is 8. 2 acres in size and
is located at 10104 and 10116 SE 248th.
ORR MOVED to accept the Findings of the Hearing
Examiner, and to adopt the Hearing Examiner's
recommendation of approval of Lang Preliminary
Plat. Houser seconded and the motion carried.
Bayberry Crest Subdivision SU-96-3. This date
has been set to consider the Hearing Examiner's
recommendation for approval of an application by
Projects Northwest for a 46-lot single-family
residential preliminary subdivision. The plat is
9. 56 acres in size and is located at 13003 and
12923 S. E. 256th.
Planning Manager Satterstrom pointed out the area
on a map and said there is a proposed road into
the plat giving access to the 46 lots, which
connects with 129th in an existing plat called
Rainier View Estates. He noted that the matter
went before the Hearing Examiner in May, and that
there was testimony by the public on a number of
Kent City Council Minutes September 2, 1997
PLATS issues, primarily drainage and traffic. He noted
that a Request for Reconsideration was filed on
the grounds of drainage and the Hearing Examiner
ultimately rejected the reconsideration. He
reiterated that the Hearing Examiner' s recom-
mendation is to approve the plat subject to the
conditions shown in the Hearing Examiner's
Findings and Conclusions.
ORR MOVED to accept the Findings and Recommenda-
tions of the Hearing Examiner for approval of the
Bayberry Crest Preliminary Plat except as
1) A review of the record indicates that
concerns were raised over the extension of
129th Avenue SE into Rainier View Estates;
2) The record, including the conditions set
forth in the Mitigated Determination of Non
Significance, do not substantiate a need for
the extension of 129th Avenue SE as a through
street and therefore the Hearing Examiner' s
recommendation on this issue is not supported
by the findings;
3) As indicated in the record, safety concerns
have been raised by the adjoining property
owners regarding increased traffic with
respect to extension of 129th Avenue SE;
4) That the recommendations of the Hearing
Examiner for approval of the Bayberry Crest
Preliminary Plat be accepted and approved
except for the requirement of the extension
of 129th Avenue SE as a through street into
Rainier View Estates and the plat be modified
Woods seconded.
The City Attorney clarified that the hearing on
this issue was held before the Hearing Examiner
and closed, and that under State law there cannot
be more than one hearing. He said that any
additional testimony taken today would not be
part of the official record, and that any modifi-
cation to the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation
would have to be based solely on the record
before the Hearing Examiner. Upon Houser's
Kent City Council Minutes September 2, 1997
PLATS question, Lubovich noted that the motion as
presented is to approve the Hearing Examiner's
recommendation except for that portion of the
plat which has a road extension of 129th Avenue
SE into Rainier View Estates, so that extension
would not be included.
Satterstrom showed that area on a map and noted
that the road that gives access to the plat would
connect in with 129th to the south, which already
serves the Rainier View Estates plat, and would
create a cul de sac and not allow through traffic
into Rainier View Estates. He added that the
Council would then adopt the final plat later.
Orr stated that she was contacted some time ago
by Mr. and Mrs. Hren who asked about the process
and what the Council's role would be. She said
she had suggested to them that they follow the
process through the Hearing Examiner process and
that it would eventually come to Council. She
said that she was unaware at the time that that
may not be the best way to provide additional
testimony, but said she had suggested that they
provide information to the Hearing Examiner,
which they did. Orr said she has also had con-
tact with one of the representatives of the
property owner who was curious as to the process
and timing. She said upon review of the record,
she had concerns about the drainage and the
opening of the street. She said she feels the
drainage has been adequately addressed, but that
she did not find anything in the record to
support the opening of the street. She noted
that there was considerable testimony from the
neighborhood regarding the intrusion of addi-
tional traffic and the safety issues involved
with opening the street. She noted that
additional information has been received since
that time, but that it does not change anything
in the original record, and that her motion is
based on the original record. Upon a question
from Sue Addison, 25842 129th Place SE, as to
whether they are referring to 129th Place or
129th Avenue, Wickstrom stated that the intent is
clear. Orr added that the location has been
pointed out on the map. Orr's motion then
Kent City Council Minutes September 2, 1997
PLATS ORR THEN MOVED to make all of the letters
received on this issue a part of the City Council
public record. Houser seconded and the motion
Beverly Riedler, 13110 258th Street, displayed a
map and voiced concern about the water flow from
the east side of the proposed development. She
said the run off water will contain pesticides
and herbicides, and showed photos of the area.
She said that the Hearing Examiner did not take
the studies from Exhibit 18 into adequate con-
sideration and asked that the Council modify it.
She said she feels that all the ways that water
can be drained have not been addressed. She
added that her neighbor Pat Barquist is concerned
about drainage during construction.
AMENDMENTS General Conditional Uses. ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 3360 relating to Zoning Code Amendment
ZCA-97-5 to amend Section 15. 08 . 030, General
Conditional Uses, authorizing private schools to
locate in all zoning districts by general con-
ditional use permits.
CM-1 District Regulations ZCA-97-2. This pro-
posed Zoning Code Amendment was originally
presented to the City Council on May 6, 1997 .
However, by request of the proponent to expand
the scope of the amendment, it was remanded back
to the Land Use and Planning Board. The Board
reconsidered the revised request at its meeting
of July 28, 1997, and voted to recommend that
trucking terminals be permitted in the CM-1
zoning district by conditional use permit.
ORR MOVED to approve the Kent Zoning Code
Amendment ZCA-97-21 as recommended by the Land
Use and Planning Board, and to direct the City
Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance.
Johnson seconded and the motion carried.
DEVELOPMENT 1998 CDBG Program. SET September 16, 1997, as
BLOCK GRANT the date for the public hearing to consider the
PROGRAM 1998 Community Development Block Grant Program
(CDBG) .
Kent City Council Minutes September 2, 1997
Diversity. Arthur Harvey, 16619 SE 251st
Street, President of the Kent Citizens
Association, noted that a representative had
been selected for the Diversity Task Force. He
asked the status of the process and whether there
will be progress reports. He said he hopes the
issue of diversity does not become campaign
rhetoric, but rather becomes reality. He
requested that diversity become a part of the
regular agenda, and that it be outlined so that
the public knows what the expectations are.
Steve Mansanarez, 10804 SE 241st Place, said that
he is concerned that there are no black police
officers or firefighters. Mayor White explained
that the task force will take up this type of
issue. Mansanarez said it is necessary to have
an inclusive population in the community, and
that something should be done to help the
community grow stronger.
Jason Hong, 6704 S. 239th Place, said he is a
member of the Kent Citizens Association and is
active in the Korean community in Kent. He said
that leaders have been insensitive to the needs
and desires of the city, and complimented the
Mayor on the formation of the diversity task
force. He said the goal of the task force is to
advise the City on how to correct problems of
employment practice, contract awarding and
affirmative action policies. He voiced concern
about the growing amount of crime, and said he
fears that local government has been focusing on
annexing surrounding communities and has over-
looked the issue of safety. He said attention
should be focused on economic development and the
needs of citizens.
Rev. Donovan Rivers asked that the issue of
diversity be considered as a life saving issue.
He said people need to work together toward
Law Enforcement Education Partnership Program
Grant. ACCEPTANCE of the Law Enforcement
Education Partnership Program (LEEP) grant in the
amount of $29, 355. This is Year Two funding and
Kent City Council Minutes September 2, 1997
POLICE will be used primarily for 10 hours of staff time
as well as to provide materials, professional
services and teacher stipends for youth con-
ference participants.
Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant.
ACCEPTANCE of the Washington Safety Commission
Grant in the amount of $28, 012 for the City of
Kent Drinking Driver Task Force to use during the
7/1/97 through 6/30/98 funding period. This
represents a 15-year highway safety partnership
between Kent and the State of Washington.
Program areas will include: Occupant Protec-
tion (safety belts) , Impaired Driving, Community
Traffic Safety (youth and adult) , and Bike/
Pedestrian/Motorcycle Safety.
Police Department Transfer of Fundse APPROVAL to
transfer $7,000 from the Criminal Justice Fund
project for range repair and maintenance (N25) to
the Miscellaneous Capital Project for range
bullet trap installation (M85) .
The range repair and maintenance project cur-
rently has a balance of $8, 119 under project
N25-211-2210. Use of some of these funds to help
cover the total costs for the bullet trap funded
in M85-211-2210 is anticipated.
AAproval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through August 15 and paid on
August 15 after auditing by the Operations
Committee on August 19, 1997 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/15/97 188034-188338 $ 760,815.26
8/15/97 188339-188702 1, 935,479.85
$2 , 696,295. 11
Approval of checks issued for payroll for
August 1 through August 15 and paid on August 20,
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/20/97 Checks 221861-222199 $ 266, 342 . 35
8/20/97 Advices 48847-49340 677 ,506.49
$ 943,848 .84
Kent City Council Minutes September 2, 1997
REPORTS Council President. Houser reminded Council-
members of the Suburban Cities meeting to be held
on September 17, and asked them to contact
Ms. Banister.
Houser reminded citizens of the Open House from
noon to 3 : 00 p.m. on Saturday, September 20th, at
City Hall.
Houser announced that a decision on the golf
course will be made at the October 7th meeting.
Operations Committee. Orr noted for Johnson
that the Operations Committee today approved an
ordinance amending the gambling tax collection
Public Works. Clark noted that the Committee
will meet at 3 : 30 p.m. on September 3rd.
Planning Committee. Orr noted that the Committee
will meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on September 16th.
Administrative Reports. McFall noted that there
have been very recent developments in the EMS
levy and asked Chief Angelo to explain.
(EMS Levy) Fire Chief Angelo explained that the King County
Council has until September 17 to put the EMS
levy issue on the ballot, and if it does not go
on the ballot, the advanced life support system
ceases to exist. He noted that in July the Kent
City Council approved a resolution authorizing
the County to put on the ballot a levy rate of
29 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valua-
tion for the voters to consider. He noted that
cooperation between the fire services and
emergency medical services is important. He
explained the studies which have been done and
the costs involved.
Angelo stated that today the County Council asked
whether five cities would go into emergency
session to reconsider their resolutions and put a
two-part piece of legislation on the ballot in
place of the original proposal. He noted that
the County had originally recommended 29 cents,
and that the first part of the new legislation
would be to approve 25 cents per thousand dollars
of assessed valuation, and then if so desired,
Kent City Council Minutes September 2 , 1997
(EMS Levy) the community would be asked to increase it by
4 cents. He said he would be hard pressed to
° recommend what they are suggesting. He pointed
out that the two-part approach could result in a
25 cent levy, a 29 cent levy, or neither. He
said that a 25 cent levy would result in cuts in
the level of service. He recommended trying to
continue the current level of service and
encouraged Council to consider the importance of
the 29 cent levy, noting it costs 27.3 cents at
this time to run the system. He suggested that
another alternative would be to pass an even
higher levy so that the City could go into the
ALS business.
Mayor White noted that the Council has gone on
record as supporting a 29 cent levy. McFall
clarified that the issue is whether King County
can put the issue on the ballot at a different
level. Angelo said that unless all five agencies
concur with the amount and concur with this
change, there will not be a levy on the ballot.
Mayor White voiced resentment that the King
County Council would play politics with emergency
medical services.
BENNETT MOVED to have the City Council place the
King County EMS Levy Renewal on the November 1997
ballot with the levy rate of 29 cents per
thousand dollars of assessed valuation. Johnson
Bennett said he fears the two-level approach
would result in confusion. Angelo stated if the
City did it's own levy, it would be much more
than 29 cents. He noted for Orr that it is
possible that this would not appear on the
ballot, in which case he would recommend an
emergency meeting to put a measure on the ballot
for this community. He said the best approach is
to make this levy stay together.
Woods said she is committed to the 29 cents levy,
and voiced concern about the time frame. She
suggested inserting "up to 29 cents" into the
motion. Angelo said that that may allow com-
promise. Upon the Mayor' s question, Angelo
Kent City Council Minutes September 21 1997
(EMS Levy) explained the delay and why this has come down to
the last moment, emphasizing that there has been
no delay on the city's part. It was noted that
September 17 is the deadline to place an issue on
the ballot. McFall clarified that while there is
time to place an issue on the ballot, it may be
difficult to do research and provide
documentation before then. He said the biggest
concern would be the lead time required to get
ready to provide advanced life support services
by January 1.
Epperly encouraged staying at 29 cents. Orr
agreed, but voiced concern that King County would
use that to eliminate something so important to
the community. Woods said all cities have had
problems working with the County. Bennett said
that in order for any of the communities to
survive, regionalization is necessary.
City Council approve King County placing the EMS
levy renewal on the 1997 ballot with a levy rate
of 29 cents per thousand dollars of assessed
valuation. Epperly seconded and the motion
Upon Orr's question, Chief Angelo agreed to pro-
vide the names of the Councilmembers who voted
for and against the split levy.
CLARK MOVED that Council direct Administration to
write the King County Council on behalf of all
elected officials of Kent, who are saddened and
upset that the EMS issue has been handled in this
described fashion and seek a more rational and
timely treatment of a matter of this type of
joint cooperation when citizens' safety is at
risk. Woods seconded and the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8: 20 p.m.
Brenda Jac e , CMC
City Cler