HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/05/1997 Kent, Washington August 5, 1997 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/ Chief of Staff McFall, Assistant City Attorney Brubaker, Police Chief Crawford, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Parks Director Hodgson, and Finance Director Miller. Approximately 30 people were in attendance. Councilmember Bennett was excused from the meeting. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced COMMUNICATIONS that Susan Whitehouse, Accounting Technician in the Finance Department, has been selected as the August Employee of the Month. The Mayor noted that Ms. Whitehouse has a high work ethic and strong professional integrity. He said she is personable, friendly, cooperative, reliable and adaptable, and does whatever it takes to solve a problem for a fellow employee or citizen of Kent. UR With People Week. The Mayor read a proclama- tion declaring the week of August 4-10, 1997 as Up With People Week in the City of Kent. He explained that Up With People is an organization which features intercultural education, perform- ing arts, community service and career skills development. The proclamation was accepted by a representative of the District 13 Masons, who issued an invitation to attend a performance at the Puyallup Fair Grounds on August 8th. CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through P be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 15, 1997; and CORRECTION of the minutes of July 1, 1997, to add Item 5A which was inadvertently omitted and reads as follows: Kent and Clark Springs Emergency Power Addition. The bid opening for this project was held on June lath with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by CTS Northwest, Inc. in the amount of $103 , 816. 17 . The project consists of installing propane generated emergency power at Kent & Clark Springs to alleviate existing power outage problems at these locations during winter storm events & etc. 1 Kent City Council Minutes August 5, 1997 MINUTES The Public Works Committee recommends awarding the contract to CTS Northwest Inc. EPPERLY MOVED that the Kent & Clark Springs Emergency Power Addition contract be awarded to CTS Northwest, Inc. for the bid amount of $103 , 816. 17 . Orr seconded and the motion carried. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) SANITATION Gowe Street Apartments. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale for the Gowe Street Apartments submitted by Gowe Court Apartments Limited Partnership for continuous operation and maintenance of 40 feet of watermain improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 627 W. Titus Street. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Water District #111 Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Water District #111 Agreement which transfers the remaining 30 customers from the Kent Springs Transmission Main to Water District #111, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Urban Resources Partnership Grant. AUTHORIZA- TION for the Public Works Director to sign the Urban Resources Partnership Grant, direct staff to accept the grant for $3 , 540, and establish a budget, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The City match of $5, 600 is included in the existing project budget. This Grant is designated for youth participation at the native plant nursery in the Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Lake Washington/Cedar River Watershed Fisheries Study. AUTHORIZATION to participate in funding and management of the Lake Washington studies of fish habitat in the Lake Washington and Sammamish watersheds, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. Kent's participation results from the Clark Springs Watershed property lying within the Lake Washington/Cedar River Watershed. Payment in the amount of $1, 000 would come out of the Water Operating budget. This is a three-year program and will be reviewed annually. 2 Kent City Council Minutes August 5, 1997 PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) S. 200th St./Green River Bridge Preload. ACCEPTANCE of the S. 200th Street/Green River Bridge Preload project as complete and release of retainage to M.A. Segale, Inc. , upon standard releases from the State, and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The original contract amount was $453 , 550. 00. The final construction cost was $522, 195.43 . The overage was due to a higher profile road design negotiated with Segale which resulted in the need for additional material. Adequate funds exist within the project budget to cover this overage. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Department of Ecology Grant. ACCEPTANCE of a grant from the Department of Ecology for the purchase of recycling containers for businesses, to enhance the City's in-house recycling program, and to purchase solid waste/recycling containers in the downtown area; and to direct staff to establish a budget for the same, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The Public Works Department has received the grant in the amount of $38 , 433 . The City' s match of $25, 622 will be taken out of the King County Waste Reduction/ Recycling grant money. TRAFFIC (BIDS - ITEM 5A) CONTROL 42nd Avenue S. & Reith Road Traffic Signal Remodel. The bid opening for this project was held on July 30th with three bids received. The low bid was submitted by The 'V' Company in the amount of $20, 610. 00. The Engineer's estimate was $42 , 662 . 00. The project consists of the remodel of the existing traffic signal at 42nd Avenue South & Reith Road. The Engineer' s estimate includes the cost of new controller cabinets and other necessary appurtenances for which there is adequate funding within the project budget. The Public Works Director recommends that the contract be awarded to The 'V' Company. CLARK MOVED that the 42nd Avenue South & Reith Road Traffic Signal Remodel contract be awarded to The 'V, Company for the bid amount of $20, 610.00. Houser seconded and the motion carried. 3 Kent City Council Minutes August 5, 1997 TRAFFIC (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) CONTROL (ADDED BY TOM WACKER) Traffic Revision on 3rd Avenue. Tom Wacker voiced concern about the risk of death and serious injury to nearly 280 elementary school children in the city. He noted that Kent View Elementary School recently signed a lease with the Holy Spirit Parish as their new location. He said that they have petitioned the City for reasonable precautions for the children, and that the matter was forwarded to the Operations Department who refused to institute any protec- tive measures. He outlined their requests and said that parking and a crosswalk are the main concerns. He urged the Council to review his proposal and refer it to a committee. Public Works Committee Chair Clark agreed to look at this at the next Committee meeting which will be held at 3 : 30 p.m. on August 20, 1997 , in Council Chambers East. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. SET August 19th as the public hearing date for the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Singh Final Plat #FSU-96-28. SET August 19, 1997 , as the date for a public meeting to consider a final plat application by Hardeep Singh for the Singh Final Plat. The subject subdivision is . 96 acres in size and is located on the south side of SE 244th Street. The City Council approved the Singh preliminary plat on May 20, 1997 . ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) (ADDED BY OPERATIONS DIRECTOR MCFALL) Green River Annexation. McFall explained that Council previously adopted a resolution calling for the Green River Annexation to be placed on the ballot for the election method of annexation. He noted that the area is south of the city and that a portion of this area is the subject of a lawsuit regarding zoning between a property owner and King County, who currently has jurisdiction over the area. He recommended that the city not proceed with this annexation election until that issue is resolved. He noted that the City has 4 Kent City Council Minutes August 5, 1997 ANNEXATION already submitted a Notice of Intent to the Boundary Review Board and that it would be timely to withdraw at this point. He noted that this issue was discussed by the Operations Committee today, and that the Committee has recommended adoption of a resolution which would repeal the previous resolution calling for the annexation election. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1494 repealing Resolution No. 1493 , terminating the "Notice of Intention" process with the Boundary Review Board, and reaffirming the termination of the property owner petition method annexation of the Green River Annexation area. Woods seconded and the motion carried. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 30) Granville - Southern Rezone #RZ-97-1. SET August 19, 1997, as the date for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of approval for a rezone application (RZ-97-1) made by Granville-Southern Corporation. The pro- perty is approximately 18.93 acres in size and is located at 20129 and 20227 92nd Avenue South. DIVERSITY (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) (ADDED BY ARTHUR HARVEY) Diversity. Arthur Harvey, 16619 SE 251st Street, commended both the Mayor for his insight in forming a Diversity Committee, and Council President Houser for her comments that everyone of different cultures should be involved in the city. He said the Kent Citizens Association is strongly committed to the involvement of all people in the areas of employment and contracts. He voiced concern about the process and asked that some members of his organization participate on the Diversity Task Force. Upon Clark' s question, Harvey agreed to submit a list of the members of the Kent Citizens Association, and noted that a letter was written to the Council containing the names of volunteers. Gloria Reece, 6106 S. 251st Place, Kent, read the letter regarding the Kent Citizens Association' s interest in serving on the Diversity Committee. WOODS MOVED to make the letter a part of the record. Orr seconded and the motion carried. 5 Kent City Council Minutes August 5, 1997 COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3P) (ADDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT HOUSER) Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence for Councilmember Bennett who is not in atten- dance at tonight' s meeting. PARKS & (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) RECREATION (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON) Golf Course. Johnson noted that at their meeting today, the Parks Committee recommended negotiat- ing with both SSMD and Golf Resources NW, as recommended by the Golf Evaluation Committee, and SO MOVED. Woods seconded and offered a friendly amendment that this not go back to the Parks Committee but rather come to full Council with the presentation of the materials, and that it come back no later than the second meeting in September for a decision. Johnson agreed and the motion carried. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) "Stay out of Areas of Prostitution" (SOAP) Amendment. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3357 amending Section 9 . 02 . 312 of the Kent City Code relating to prostitution loitering to add additional territory to be covered by the "Stay Out of Areas of Prostitution" orders. This amendment has been requested to accommodate the Del Mar Annexation, which encompasses a pro- blem area with prostitution-related activities and crime. Additionally, due to numerous letters of concern submitted by citizens living in areas adjacent to the current SOAP ordinance area, the amendment also expands existing SOAP areas to include their addresses/residences. The SOAP ordinance has been a very effective deterrent in keeping prostitution-related crime down in these areas and these amendments will assist with continued enforcement on this matter. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) DARE Program Donation. ACCEPTANCE of a $5, 000 donation from Kmart Corporation, a new D.A.R.E. America sponsor. The monies were donated to the Kent Police Department D.A.R. E. Program in con- junction with a recent Kmart Family Foundation event held at the Kmart store in Kent. The monies can be used to secure D.A.R.E. educa- tional materials or D.A.R.E. catalog merchandise. 6 Kent City Council Minutes August 5, 1997 BUDGET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) 1998 Budget Workshov. SET August 19, 1997, at 5: 30 p.m. , as the date for a Council Workshop on the 1998 Budget. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) 1998 Budget & Capital Improvement Program. SET August 19, 1997, as the public hearing date for the 1998 Budget and Capital Improvement Program. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through June 30 and paid on June 30, 1997 , after auditing by the Operations Committee on July 15, 1997 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/30/97 185925-186271 $ 427, 918 .97 6/30/97 186272-186647 2 , 002 , 595. 01 $2, 430, 513 .98 No payroll checks were approved for this time period. REPORTS Operations Committee. Johnson reported that the Committee will meet at 3 : 00 p.m. on August 19. Planning Committee. Orr announced that the Committee will meet at 4: 00 p.m. on August 19, and that a special meeting on the Downtown Plan will be held on August 6 at 7 : 00 p.m. EXECUTIVE At 7 : 30 p.m. , the Council recessed to Executive SESSION Session for approximately ten minutes to discuss labor negotiations. The meeting reconvened at 7 : 38 p.m. JOHNSON MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a three-year labor agreement with Teamsters Local 117 effective January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999. Houser seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 40 p.m. Brenda Ja ber, CMC City Cler 7