HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/17/1997 Kent, Washington June 17, 1997 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Director Harris, Parks Director Hodgson, and Finance Director Miller. Approximately 10 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Introduction of Mayor's Appointee. Mayor White COMMUNICATIONS announced receipt of a letter from Representative Eric Robertson, his appointee to the Drinking Driver Task Force, stating that he is honored to serve but cannot be in attendance at tonight' s meeting. Asia Pacific Trade Development Trip. Barbara Ivanov of the Kent Chamber of Commerce dis- tributed a report on the 1997 Asia Pacific Trade Exchange and showed photos of the recent trip. She explained that the goal is to expand markets for small and medium sized companies in the Kent area. She stated that the trip was very suc- cessful, and noted that they had visited Korea for the first time on this trip. Ivanov noted that up to 30 companies from Kaohsiung, Taiwan will attend Food World 197 in the fall. She thanked Council President Houser, Mayor White and Councilmembers for their leader- ship, noting that Kent is one of the few cities which has a business/education program. CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through U be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 3 , 1997 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) SANITATION Toysmith. ACCEPT the bill of sale for Toysmith submitted by East Valley 34 L.L.C. for continuous operation and maintenance of 258 feet of water- mains, 793 feet of street improvements, 515 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 18915 East Valley Highway. 1 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) SANITATION Byrne North Short Plat. ACCEPT the bill of sale for Byrne North Short Plat submitted by Thomas J. & Mary P. Byrne for continuous operation and maintenance of 238 feet of street improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 94th Avenue South & South 241st Street. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Cedar Greens Short Plat. ACCEPT the bill of sale for Cedar Greens Short Plat submitted by Mark Thompson and Margaret Thompson for continuous operation and maintenance of 233 feet of sanitary sewer improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at SE 244th Street & lllth Ave. S.E. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) S.E. 256th Street ImRrovement Project. AUTHORIZATION for the Public Works Department to receipt all related funds as lead agency into the S.E. 256th Street Project Fund (R77) along with authorization to spend same, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. With the completion of the Meridian Annexation, the City has inherited the County's SE 256th Street Improvement Project from 116th Avenue S.E. to 135th Avenue S.E. This project has an out- standing TIB Grant in the amount of $2 , 400, 000. As lead agency for this project, the City will receive these grant funds. (BIDS - ITEM 5C) LID 348• 64th Avenue South Street Improvements S. 226 - S. 216. The bid opening for this project was held on June llth with six bids received. The low bid was submitted by Gary Merlino Construction in the amount of $1,249,224 .44 . The Engineer's estimate was $1, 423,942 .47. The project consists of the construction of approximately 2 ,850 feet of new roadway between S. 226th & S. 216th Streets. The Public Works Director recommends award of the contract to Gary Merlino Construction. 2 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 STREETS CLARK MOVED that the LID 348 - 64th Avenue S. Street Improvements contract be awarded to Gary Merlino Construction for the bid amount of $1, 249,224.44. Woods seconded and the motion carried. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) CONTROL LID 347 Meeker/Russell Traffic Signal Final Assessment Roll. SET July 15th as the Public Hearing date to adopt the ordinance establishing the Final Assessment Roll for LID 347, as recom- mended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3P) springwood Park Parking Restrictions. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3352 amending Section 9 . 38. 045 of the Kent City Code to establish a no parking zone between 10: 00 p.m. and 6: 00 a.m. on the north and south sides of 274th Street, between 128th Place SE and the Springwood Park entrance, as recommended by the Parks Committee on June 3 , 1997. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Kent Springs Transmission Main customer Removal Water Mains. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Water District 111 Reimbursement Agreement to reimburse the City approximately $56, 847. 13 for their share of the cost to construct a replace- ment watermain for the terminated customers for the Kent Springs Transmission Main, as recom- mended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Guiberson Reservoir Sealing Project. ACCEPT the Guiberson Reservoir Joint Sealing project as complete and release retainage to Diamaco, Inc. upon standard releases from the state, and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $31, 648. 50. The final construction cost was $35, 267. 85. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Wetlands/Landscaping Project. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $394, 594 from the Unencumbered Sewerage Fund to the Valley Detention Project Fund (D36) and to transfer $609, 292 from the Garrison Creek 3 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 PUBLIC WORKS Flood & Erosion Control Project Fund (D37) the Valley Detention Project Fund (D36) along with establishing the budget for same and including the authorization to spend said funds, as recom- mended by the Public Works Committee. Upon review of the project budget after bids were recently opened, it was found that these financial issues needed to be addressed. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Mill Creek Erosion Control Project Fund. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $1, 500, 000 from the Unencumbered Sewerage Fund to the Mill Creek Project Fund (D18) and to spend same as originally intended, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The Mill Creek Project Fund was established to reconstruct various constricting culverts along Mill "Creek to relieve extensive flooding. Upon reviewing the budget therefore, a discrepancy was discovered which needs to be corrected. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) One Cube Van with Mounted Pipeline Video Inspection System. The bid opening for this equipment was held on May 27th with three bids received. The lowest bid received from Ben-K-Matic for $104, 157. 65 did not include the 586 Computer Accessories listed in the bid package. It was listed as an option for $4, 900, making this the second low bid at $109, 057 . The lowest bid that met all specifications was North American Crane at $107 , 562 . 07. The Public Works Director recommends award of the contract to North American Crane. CLARK MOVED that the One Cube Van with Mounted Pipeline Video Inspection System Equipment con- tract be awarded to North American Crane for the bid amount of $107, 562 . 07 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 5B) Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Wetlands/Upland Planting. The bid opening for this project was held on May 28th with three bids received. The low bid was submitted by Paul Brothers, Inc. of Boring, Oregon in the amount of 4 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 PUBLIC WORKS $663, 312 . 51. The Engineer's estimate was $581, 010. The project consists of establishing 45 acres of wetlands, grassland, shrublands and forest within the project area. The Public Works Director recommends award of the contract to Paul Brothers, Inc. CLARK MOVED that the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Wetland Landscaping contract be awarded to Paul Brothers, Inc. for the bid amount of $663, 312 .51. Houser seconded and the motion carried. TELECOMMUNI- (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3Q) CATION Wireless Telecommunications Facilities ordinance. FACILITIES SET July 1, 1997, as the date for a public hear- ing on a Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3R) Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Moratorium Extension. SET July 1, 1997, as the date for a public hearing on extension of the moratorium on wireless telecommunications facilities. CURFEW (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) (ADDED BY MAYOR WHITE) Curfew Update. City Attorney Lubovich noted that on June 2, 1997, the Washington Court of Appeals invalidated Bellingham's curfew ordinance, and that after a review of Kent's curfew ordinance he recommended to the Police Department that the ordinance not be enforced. He explained that early in 1994 a citizens group asked the city to consider adopting a curfew ordinance, that an ordinance was prepared, and that Council chose not to adopt the ordinance due to enforceability issues. He noted that an initiative petition was then circulated by a citizens group and that in April 1995 the voters approved and adopted the initiative petition curfew ordinance by a 70% margin. He stated that Kent's is the only curfew ordinance in the state which was adopted by initiative petition, and noted that it may only be amended or repealed by the voters. He explained that the curfew ordinance was not drafted by city staff, and it did not go through a significant hearing process with the Council. 5 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 CURFEW He said he had concerns when the ordinance was adopted and advised the Police Department on enforcement, and that they have been enforcing it cautiously. He stated that he was more concerned about enforceability after the Bellingham case. Lubovich noted that there is very little case law in the state on curfews, and that the last case before Bellingham's was in 1973 in Seattle. He said the State Supreme Court invalidated Seattle's ordinance, and that case said that curfews must be specific in curing a demonstrated social evil, that they must be narrowly tailored to the activity being regulated. He said the Bellingham case held that juveniles have the same fundamental right to be outside at night as adults, although there can be some minor restric- tions on those rights. He pointed out that Bellingham attempted to deal with the narrowly tailoring issue by narrowing their area of curfew to their central business district, as that was the problem area. The Court said there is evidence that there is a juvenile criminal pro- blem in the central business district, but that there are more juveniles conducting innocent activities than juveniles conducting criminal activity and therefore it was not tailored enough to the activity they are regulating. He said that the Court also held that there was no exemption for First Amendment freedom of expression activities, and that Kent's current ordinance does not have an exemption. Lubovich stated that the court felt the Bellingham ordinance did not make clear what exempt activities were authorized. He said Kent's ordinance is more specific but it is questionable as to whether or not it is clear enough in that area. Lubovich then explained a case on the Federal level, in which in 1993 the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Dallas, Texas, curfew ordinance, and the United States Supreme Court denied review of that case on appeal. He said that last week San Diego's ordinance was invali- dated by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and noted that although that ordinance was adopted in 1947 , the City Council reaffirmed the curfew and 6 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 CURFEW started enforcing it. He pointed out that the two different Circuit Courts in two different districts in the Federal system had two different opinions. Lubovich said that most recent curfews enacted in the state have been based on the Dallas ordinance, since it was upheld. Lubovich outlined four alternatives for the current ordinance, as follows: 1) enforce it as is, 2) leave it on the books and not enforce it, 3) ask voters to repeal it, or 4) submit a new ordinance to voters to repeal the current ordi- nance and adopt a new ordinance. Upon Epperly's question, Lubovich explained that it would be difficult to write a referendum to make changes in the current ordinance which would hold up, and that he is drafting another ordi- nance. He said it is a big challenge and many issues are involved. He said one of the biggest hurdles is developing a record of what the history is for the ordinance, and explained that the court looked at Bellingham' s ordinance and said that there is enough evidence of crime in the central business district. He said a record of need would have to established for the purpose of the ordinance, and noted that the initiative petition does not have that. He reiterated that it would be difficult but not impossible to draft something, and that success on appeal could not be guaranteed. Mayor White said that the issue could be addressed again if overturned. Epperly stated that State law is clear that Kent's curfew cannot be changed or repealed without a vote, and voiced concern about not enforcing it. Lubovich said non-enforcement is not repealing the ordinance and that the city has discretion as to enforcement. He said enforcing it is a greater problem than not enforcing it. Orr clarified that it was not the City Council who decided not to enforce the ordinance, and asked if the curfew ordinances in other cities are different from Kent's. Lubovich reiterated that most of those ordinances are based on the Dallas ordinance, which was upheld. He said he could draft an ordinance to send back to the voters within a month, and recommended conducting 7 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 CURFEW hearings on an ordinance and submitting to the voters an ordinance which would be effective upon voter passage which would repeal the current code and enact the new code. He said it could be tailored based on testimony, and that there are things missing from the current ordinance which could be added. McFall said that this could be done at the September primary if Council acts before August 1st. Orr asked about the lack of a record and Lubovich pointed out that in the San Diego case it was noted that the case was lacking somewhat on juvenile statistics but that there was enough other evidence of crime problems at night that it would be a protection issue for the juveniles. He said if there is no record showing a basis for having a curfew ordinance, it could be an issue on a challenge. Orr said that something needs to be done about getting statistics or a record, and noted that having a curfew can keep kids safe by keeping them off the streets and away from people who may harm them. She added that this could be a liability concern, and said that statistics regarding criminal activity at night are important. Houser agreed that she would like to see crime statistics, and noted that this is for pro- tection, not punishment. She felt the Legal staff could draft something which would be acceptable to the courts and citizens. She noted that the time line may be short for the September primary, but liked the idea of public hearings. Lubovich reiterated that it was his internal recommendation not to enforce the ordinance, not a mandate by the Council or Mayor' s Office. Bennett noted that two Federal courts had taken two different actions, and suggested finding out why the 1947 San Diego ordinance was invalidated and patterning an ordinance after the Dallas ordinance. Lubovich opined that the Dallas ordinance was better and said his concern is between the Dallas and the Bellingham cases. He pointed out that the Washington Court of Appeals was interpreting Federal law, that they referred to the Dallas ordinance and still invalidated the Bellingham ordinance. 8 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 CURFEW Woods noted that when this issue came to the Council she did not support the ordinance, but that when something comes back from the Attorney's Office, she will support putting it on the ballot in September. She noted that this dilemma may not be solved this time, that it may be revisited several times until a concise deci- sion is reached through courts throughout the United States. She said this is an issue of rights. She encouraged the Legal staff to proceed rapidly to bring this back as soon as possible. Epperly stated that she was part of the citizens group which brought the initiative before the people, and that she feels strongly that it is the people' s law. She said she would like a referendum written and changes made, and felt the current ordinance should be enforced. WOODS MOVED that the City Attorney proceed with all due dispatch and come back to Council as soon as possible with a recommendation which can be discussed and which hearings can be held on, and to make the deadline to bring it to the voters on the September primary date. Houser seconded. Bennett said that, as Chair of the Public Safety Committee, he would allow this issue to come back to Council rather than go to the Committee. Orr agreed. Epperly clarified that Council is asking the Attorney to make changes in the current ordi- nance, and to bring that before the people at which time it would repeal the past ordinance and put the new one in place. She added that if the people vote no, the original ordinance would stand and the curfew would not be taken away. Lubovich suggested drafting an ordinance repealing the current law and adopting a new chapter effective only upon approval by the voters. Orr said one reason she originally supported this going to the voters was that there were concerns about enforcement and the courts, but that since she had lobbied the Council to get the initiative and referendum process for citizens years ago, she feels it is important in this instance for the voters to have their say. She asked whether the fact that the citizens asked for this carries any weight with the court. Lubovich opined that the court would look at it based on the text and not on how it was adopted. 9 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 CURFEW Mayor White asked whether the Council wished to set the first public hearing for July 1st. Lubovich said a draft ordinance could be ready for review at that time and that changes could be made if the hearing indicates such a need. Council agreed and Woods, motion carried. Mayor White thanked the Council for their support on this issue. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3S) Council Absence. APPROVAL of Councilmember Tim Clark's request for an excused absence from the July 1, 1997 Council meeting. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3T) Council Absence. APPROVAL of Councilmember Judy Woods' request for an excused absence from the July 1, 1997 Council meeting. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3U) Drinking Driver Task Force CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Representative Eric Robertson to serve as a member of the Kent Drinking Driver Task Force. As a member of the State House of Representatives, Rep. Robertson serves on the House Transportation Committee and also the Law and Justice Committee. He is currently finishing up his third year as a representative. Additionally, he continues to work for the Washington State Patrol. He has been with that organization for more than 12 years and worked as a highway patrolman for much of the time. He is currently working as a detec- tive in Internal Affairs. Rep. Robertson will replace Senator Adam Smith, whose term expired. Rep. Robertson's term will continue until 1/1/2000. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) RECREATION Kent Rotary Foundation Donation. ACCEPT the Rotary Club Foundation donation from the Escapades Auction and amend the Adopt-A-Park budget in the amount of $1,255.50, as approved by the Parks Committee on June 3 , 1997 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) March for Parks Donation. ACCEPT and amend the Adopt-A-Park budget for the $1,818 collected at 10 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 PARKS & the March-for-Parks event, as approved by the RECREATION Parks Committee on June 3, 1997 . Funds will be dedicated to purchase play equipment for Meridian Glen Park. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) Urban Forestry Grant. ACCEPT the Urban Forestry Grant by forwarding the grant agreements to Mayor White for signature, and establish a budget in the amount of $3, 000 for the City of Kent park and street tree inventory, as approved by the Parks Committee on June 3, 1997 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 30) Washington State Historical Society Grant. ACCEPT the Washington State Historical Society Capital Projects Grant and amend the Neely Soames Home Restoration budget in the amount of $75, 602 . 34, as approved by the Parks Committee on June 3 , 1997 . (BIDS - ITEM 5D) Kiwanis Tot Lot #4. The bid opening was held on June 10, 1997, with three bids received. Two bids were non-responsive. Parkwood Services was declared the low, responsive bidder, with a base bid of $99, 288. Staff recommends adding Alternates 2, 3, and 6, for a total project cost of $106, 911. 07 . The Engineer' s estimate including Alternates 2, 3 , and 6, totals $110, 211. 64 . EPPERLY MOVED to enter into an agreement with Parkwood Services in the amount of $106,911. 07, which includes Alternates 2 , 3 , and 6, for the renovation of Kiwanis Tot Lot #4 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. No checks were approved because of committee schedule changes. Approval of checks issued for payroll for May 16 through May 31, 1997 and paid on June 5, 1997 : Date Check Numbers Amount 6/5/97 Checks 220071-220413 $ 246,864. 36 6/5/97 Advices 46443-46920 639 ,215.74 $ 886, 080. 10 11 Kent City Council Minutes June 17, 1997 REPORTS Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the Committee will meet on June 18, 1997 . Planning Committee. Orr noted that the Committee will meet at 4: 00 p.m. on July 15, 1997 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 45 p.m. tti; Ci Brenda Jacpb r, CMC City Clerk 12