HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/06/1997 Kent, Washington May 6, 1997 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Police Chief Crawford, Parks Director Hodgson, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 100 people were at the meeting. The flag salute was led by Campfire Boys and Girls Troop 6210. PUBLIC Drinking Driver Task Force Design Contest. Nancy COMMUNICATIONS Mathews, Drinking Driver Task Force Coordinator, noted that there were over 500 entries in this year's design contest. She explained that there were five different categories judged, with three winners in each category. She thanked the various sponsors who provided prizes. Mayor White, Council President Houser, Chief Crawford, and Ms. Mathews congratulated each of the winners and presented them with a certificate. Introduction of Mayor's Appointees. Mayor White introduced Linda Johnson and Jay Bakst, his reappointments to the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that John Bond, Traffic Safety Specialist, has been named Employee of the Month for May. He noted that Mr. Bond has worked for the City of Kent for 29 years in the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department, and that he has performed a variety of duties which have included traffic safety, design and construction of public improvements, and neighborhood control issues. Mayor White also noted that Mr. Bond has volun- teered to perform traffic counts, and travel studies, and has been referred to as a walking encyclopedia. The Mayor noted that Mr. Bond provides valuable assistance as a volunteer firefighter, donates personal time on major traffic accidents, and updated traffic accident statistics. He also noted that Mr. Bond truly puts his heart into his work for the City and the community. Ed White, Transportation Engineer Supervisor, noted that Bond is one of the cornerstones, and that his hard work, diligence, knowledge, sense of humor, and valued opinions have strengthened those within the Transportation Section. 1 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 PUBLIC Public Works Director Wickstrom noted that Bond COMMUNICATIONS is very enthusiastic and tries to get the job done in the very best way possible. He also noted that he is happy to have John Bond on their team. Mayor White then presented Mr. Bond with the Employee of the Month plaque. Legislative Update. Dena Laurent, Government Affairs Manager, updated the Council on the last of the current legislative sessions and noted that this is the first time in 40 years that the Legislature has closed the biennial budget session on time. She noted that among the issues addressed of key importance were welfare reform, juvenile justice reform, and the biennial operating budget. Laurent noted that some of the issues not addressed which are of concern to cities, and things that might be included in next year' s legislative agenda, are replacements for the street utility, freight mobility project funding, and additional transportation dollars for local government projects. She noted that Council has been provided with an update for tonight' s meeting. Laurent explained that a Senate resolution has been passed regarding the motor vehicle excise tax funding for criminal justice purposes that will require an interim study to examine the feasibility of moving some of the funds to the transportation budget. She also explained that these funds are currently used for criminal justice purposes in cities, the State General Fund, counties, and transit agencies. She noted that the final result of discussions on a watershed planning bill leaves the largest utility in each watershed planning area as the lead agency for that effort. She explained that some good things have happened in amending this bill which include bringing cities and counties to the table to help them make appointments to those planning boards and that the group can be expanded if the watershed planning board chooses to do so. Upon Clark' s question, Laurent explained that currently when property is valued for business some believe that it includes a value or that intangible value of the business on that property and that is what would be removed from the 2 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 PUBLIC assessment. She noted that since that amount of COMMUNICATIONS money would still have to be raised, the balance of the assessment would be shifted to residential properties. She noted that some additional research would need to be done and that she will provide Council with follow-up information on this issue. Correctional Officer Week. Mayor White read a proclamation declaring May 4-10, 1997, as Correctional Officer Week. He noted that the first week in May has been designated by the American Corrections Association as Correctional Officer Week and that it is designed to focus on the varied services offered by the Corrections Officers of the United States who are technically trained and highly skilled professional public servants. He noted that the City of Kent wishes to honor the valor, service and dedication of its Corrections Officers, and encouraged citizens to acknowledge the professional service the Corrections staff provides to the Community. Lt. Lutz and Corrections Officer Ballinger were present to accept the proclamation. Natural Medicine Clinic Update. Merrily Manthey gave a brief update on the Natural Medicine Clinic and noted that this clinic is bringing wide-spread, national attention to the City of Kent. A video clip filmed by ABC News and reported by Peter Jennings was shown demon- strating the tremendous amount of interest the Council's leadership is bringing to this community. A video of ABC' s Town Hall Meeting was shown to demonstrate how Dr. Jonathan Wright of the Tahoma Clinic is bringing international attention to this area also. Dr. Wright noted that Merrily Manthey has been very instrumental in bringing the Natural Medicine Clinic to Kent, in obtaining funds, and being behind the scenes for the City. He thanked the Council for passing Resolution No. 1449 a year ago establishing Kent as a wellness center for the entire country. He noted that the demand for natural medicine is quite high and that people are currently coming from all over the country to the Tahoma Clinic, which has a natural medicine office in its facility. He invited Council to tour the Tahoma Clinic and the labora- tory whenever possible. 3 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through V be approved, with the exception of Item 3G which was removed. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 15, 1997 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3S) SANITATION Seven Oaks West. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale for Seven Oaks West submitted by Seven Oaks West Associates for continuous operation and main- tenance of 244 feet of water mains, 245 feet of sanitary sewers, 336 feet of street improvements, 250 feet of storm sewers, and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at S.E. 256th St. , west of 118th Place S. E. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3T) Lake Villa Townhomes Phase III. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale for Lake Villa Townhomes Phase III submitted by Benjamin Homes, Inc. for continuous operation and maintenance of 703 feet of water main improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 104th Ave. S . E. & S. E. 250th Place. STREETS (BIDS - ITEM 5A) 1997 Asphalt Overlays. The bid opening for this project was held on April 9th with three bids received. The low bid was submitted by M.A. Segale, Inc. in the amount of $348, 039 . 10. The Engineer' s estimate was $432 , 389. The project consists of asphalt overlaying a number of streets in the Valley and East Hill areas. The Public Works Director recommends award of the contract to M.A. Segale, Inc. CLARK MOVED that the 1997 Asphalt Overlays contract be awarded to M.A. Segale, Inc. for the bid amount of $348, 039 . 10 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) IMPROVEMENTS LID 348 - 64th Avenue South Street Improvements. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3347 establishing LID 348 for the improvement of 64th Avenue South 4 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 STREET from S. 226th St. to S. 216th Street, as recom- IMPROVEMENTS mended by the City Council. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) South Ring County Regional water Association Joint operating Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the South King County Regional Water Association Joint Operating Agreement, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This agreement lays the framework for all the Regional Water Association members to use when developing water supply agreements between members. The City Attorney' s office has reviewed this agree- ment and has no significant changes. CDBG (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) 1998 CDBG Funding Levels. APPROVAL of the following items for the 1998 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding Levels: (1) Accept the 1998 pass-through funds; (2) Allocate the City' s maximum available of 1998 CDBG funds for Public (Human) Services ($71, 342) ; (3) Allocate the City's maximum available of 1998 CDBG funds for Planning and Administration ($67 , 170) ; and (4) Authorize the Mayor to sign the County form indicating the City' s desire for acceptance and distribution of 1998 funds. The Planning Committee recommended approval of these action items on April 15, 1997. ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) AMENDMENTS Mixed Use Zoning Code Amendment ZCA-96-5 and Map Change. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3345 related to mixed use development. The City Council approved the mixed use zoning amendment on April 1, 1997 . This amendment will permit mixed use development, under certain circum- stances, in portions of the General Commercial (GC) , Community Commercial (CC) , and Professional and Office (0) zoning districts. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3346 amending the zoning map to establish new mixed use zoning designations in portions of the General Commercial (GC-MU) , Community Commercial (CC-MU) , and office (O-MU) zoning districts. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) CM-1 Zoning District Regulations - Zoning Code Amendment. Councilmember Orr explained that new information has been received regarding this item, and recommended that it be removed from 5 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 ZONING CODE tonight's agenda and be sent back to the Land Use AMENDMENTS and Planning Board for review. There were no objections and it was so ordered. PLATS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Hillside Manor Preliminary Plat SU-96-26. SET May 20, 1997 , as the date for a public meeting to consider a final plat application by Leonard Stanley and Robert Bennett for the Hillside Manor Preliminary Plat. This plat is 4 . 3 acres in size, consists of 23 lots, and is located at 24411 98th Avenue S. in Kent. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Singh Preliminary Plat SU-96-28. SET May 20, 1997 , as the date for a public meeting to con- sider a final plat application by Shupe Holmberg for the Singh Preliminary Plat. This plat is . 96 acres in size, consists of two lots, and is located on the south side of SE 244th Street, approximately 600 feet east of 104th Avenue SE in Kent. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Nancy's Grove Division II Final Plat FSU-96-10. This date has been set to consider the Nancy's Grove Division II Final Plat. The plat is located east of 144th Avenue SE and south of SE 278th Street. The preliminary plat was approved by King County and upon annexation to the City, the final plat came under Kent's jurisdiction. ORR MOVED to approve the staff's recommendation of approval for the Nancy' s Grove Division II Final Plat according to King County Ordinance No. 11462 and File No. L93P0004 and to authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. Woods seconded and the motion carried. REZONE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Van Doren's Landing Building J Rezone RZ-96-5. The Hearing Examiner has recommended approval of an application to rezone approximately 0. 4 acres of property from M1 , Industrial Park, to M1-C, Industrial Park - C Suffix. The property is located at 22815 West Valley Highway in Kent. Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that additional commercial uses can be placed on this site which are not ordinarily permitted in the industrial zones. He added that this is con- sistent with the Comprehensive Plan and with a recent rezone west of this site. He noted that 6 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 REZONE one of the curb cuts puts access onto West Valley Highway. Upon Clark' s question, he pointed out that 228th will be extended and will see a significant increase in traffic in the future. Wickstrom noted for Clark that 228th will have five lanes up to Military Road, where it will tie into SR516. He explained for Orr that there will be a right turn lane, but no left turn lanes. ORR MOVED to accept the Findings of the Hearing Examiner, to adopt the Hearing Examiner' s recom- mendation of approval of the Van Doren' s Landing Bldg. J Rezone and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) Meridian Valley Annexation Census Contract. On April 15, 1997 , the City Council passed the ordi- nance for the Meridian Valley annexation that is to be effective July 1, 1997 . The State Office of Financial Management requires that a census be conducted. Staff requests authoriza- tion for the Mayor to sign the contract with consultant Robert Scribner of Cutting Edge Enterprises, whose company will be conducting the Meridian Valley Census. ORR MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Cutting Edge Enterprises in a form substantially similar to the proposed agreement for census services. Houser seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Tar Distributor Purchase. AUTHORIZATION to purchase a Tar Distributor and establish a budget in the amount of $30, 000 from the unrestricted street fund, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The purchase of the Tar Distributor is more cost effective than renting and there is a cost savings associated with prolonging the pavement life of City streets. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Lift Truck Purchase (35' Aerial Bucket Truck) . AUTHORIZATION to transfer $34 , 000 from the Equipment Rental Reserve fund to the Lift Truck Purchase fund, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This lift truck is shared by Engineering for signal maintenance, Parks Maintenance and the Street Department. 7 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) ADA Modifications Funding. AUTHORIZATION to allocate $10, 000 of the Workers Compensation Trust Fund to ADA Modification Project Fund M-261 to continue dealing with ADA Modification issues as they arise as a claim prevention action. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3Q) East Valley Highway Restoration. ACCEPT the East Valley Highway Pavement Restoration project as complete and release retainage to Lakeside Industries upon standard releases from the state, and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $769, 897 . 50 . The final construction cost was $800, 963 . 51. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3R) S. 212th Street HOV Lanes. ACCEPT the S. 212th Street HOV Lanes (WVH - SR167) project as com- plete and release retainage to Gary Merlino Construction upon standard releases from the state, and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original contract amount was $3 , 011,766. 32 . The final construction cost was $2 , 981, 544 .70. (BIDS - ITEM 5B) 35' Aerial Bucket Truck (Lift Truck) . The bid opening for this equipment contract was held on March 18th with one bid submitted by Altec Industries, Inc. from Dixon, California. The bidding requirements stated that the City would consider a demo unit under 5, 000 miles and less than one year old. The demo unit bid submitted was $63 , 405 . 20, however, this unit did not meet the required specifications. The Public Works Director therefore recommends that the new 1997 unit be awarded to Altec Industries, Inc. for the bid amount of $63 , 986. 24 . CLARK MOVED that the 35 , Aerial Bucket Truck contract be awarded to Altec Industries, Inc. for the bid amount of $63 , 986 . 24 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. RECYCLING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant (King County) . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the King County Waste Reduction & Recycling Grant Agreement and to direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for $33, 187 , as recom- mended by the Public Works Committee. The City's 8 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 RECYCLING match for this program is the Conservation Specialist's time in implementing the program. CIP (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) CIP Budget Change. APPROVAL of a budget change reallocating $536, 400 from Capital Reserve Fund balance and $100, 000 from grant matching funds to CIP accounts as outlined in Parks and Recreation Department Director Hodgson' s memorandum of April 9, 1997, for Park projects. WIRELESS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3P) TELECOMMUNI- Wireless Telecommunications Facilities - Regional CATIONS Land Use Approach. Adoption of Resolution FACILITIES No. 1490 regarding wireless telecommunications facilities. This resolution encourages continued efforts under way among various South County cities to coordinate land use and planning efforts pertaining to the location and siting of wireless telecommunication facilities in order to improve interjurisdictional communication on these issues and to further the goal of achieving a consistent, area-wide land use and planning approach. PERSONAL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4E) WATERCRAFT Personal Watercraft (Jet Ski) Ordinance. During discussions of amendments to the City's boating regulations at the March 18 , 1997 Public Safety Committee meeting, the issue of personal water- craft (jet ski) regulations was presented to the committee. The committee scheduled the issue of personal watercraft regulations for a hearing before the City Council which was held on April 1, 1997 . During its April 15, 1997, Public Safety Committee meeting, the committee recom- mended that the full Council consider two proposals regarding personal watercraft. The first proposal prohibits all personal watercraft operation on Lake Meridian. The second proposal restricts personal watercraft operating on the lake at speeds in excess of eight (8) miles per hour: (1) to the hours of noon to 6 : 00 p.m. ; (2) on even numbered days of the calendar; (3) from May 16 to September 15 of any year. Both proposals are set forth in the ordinances. BENNETT MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3348 amending Chapter 4 . 06 of the Kent City Code regulating the operation of personal watercraft on Lake Meridian, that it sunset on September 26 9 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 PERSONAL and that the Council review the season' s WATERCRAFT activities. Orr seconded. Johnson voiced concern about the sunset clause and suggested reviewing the ordinance after September 15 for possible amendments or repeal. Clark opined that a total ban should be con- sidered before considering regulation. Orr spoke in support of Bennett' s motion, noting that she would like to give jet ski operators an oppor- tunity to prove they can be law abiding operators. She said Bob Crawford had provided her with a video tape showing the dangerous things that are happening on the lake. She offered a friendly amendment to Bennett' s motion that a review be done at the end of the season, and a decision be made based on the review as to whether to continue the ordinance or repeal it. Bennett accepted the friendly amendment. Woods agreed with Clark that Bennett' s motion is more of a fall-back position for some. She said she feels the lake is too small for jet skis, but is not convinced that they could be banned legally. She said that people living in a dense urban area must be considerate of each other when using equipment that produces a great deal of noise. She said she would prefer to prohibit the operation of personal watercraft. Bennett explained that when this issue first came up, it was said there were a few jet ski violators, which was not enough evidence to ban them. He said that his motion would provide an opportunity to monitor them for the summer. He said it is important to be fair, and that people who have purchased jet skis should be afforded the oppor- tunity to use them. Johnson said a ban would probably be subject to a legal challenge, but if the ordinance regulating operation does not work, he will revisit the issue and vote to ban jet skis on that lake. Clark pointed out that other jurisdictions have banned jet skis on inland waterways, and that scientific evidence talks about the intrusiveness of the noise level. He said many issues are involved including the jet skiers loss of their right to use their watercraft, but that larger lakes are available in the area. He noted that there is a public park on one end of the lake, and that when children are swimming, there is the potential that cries for help may be drowned out 10 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 PERSONAL by the noise. He said that law enforcement is WATERCRAFT not the problem, and noted that water skiing has been allowed which has been moderated in terms of directional traffic, but that personal watercraft operators do not follow those rules. He said this is a safety issue, a public health issue, and a civility issue. Orr said that if information as to the noise levels could be obtained, jet skis may be banned from the lake by the noise ordinance. She said she has asked for such information, and that this issue should be looked at. Mayor White said the information should be available shortly. Michael Urquhart, 26913 138th Avenue SE, said there is a limited group of people who live on the lake who support the ban of jet skis, but that a ban would penalize many people. He said if operated properly, personal watercraft are safer than boats and don't displace as much water as a boat would to cause shore erosion. He felt using a decibel meter is a good way to monitor noise, and that laws should be based on illegal behavior. Casey Gibbs, 14661 SE 267 Street, said he is opposed to the total ban and to regulation, because the issues are noise and overcrowding. He said the type of watercraft is relevant, as some make more noise than others. He said overcrowding causes collision danger and that some personal watercraft operators behave erratically, which also contributes to the danger. He recommended that noise be restricted, that behavior be restricted, that the number of launches be limited, and that there be vigorous enforcement. He reiterated that he is not in favor of either proposal . Tom Brotherton noted that the City Attorney has explored the issue of legality. He said the noise issue is very important, and that it is difficult to measure noise and enforce the noise ordinance. Susan Bielinski, 13835 SE 260th, said population density and the size of lakes should be taken into account when using other states as com- parison. She said her family uses their personal watercraft frequently and does not favor restric- tions. Her son Tony Bielinski and daughter Kendall Bielinski both said jet skis are safe. Pat Healy, 32115 105th Place SE, Auburn, com- mended Councilmember Bennett for his work on this matter. He referred to an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in which the State Parks and 11 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 PERSONAL Recreation Department said that although personal WATERCRAFT watercraft may be bothersome, they meet noise levels. He said he does not feel jet skis should be banned and questioned who came up with the two proposals. Mark Anderson, 14418 SE 270th, said he has never been notified that he may be banned from using his jet ski. He said people who live and pay taxes in the community should be able to vote on this. He pointed out that the City has just acquired the lake and is now making decisions affecting people who have paid taxes for many years. Jim Gonnason, owner of Gonnason's Marina, stated that in the past boating was limited and that it worked very well . He suggested providing education and limiting the park entrance to con- trol the number of personal watercraft on the lake. He said that the decibel readings are available from all manufacturers, and that machines with no mufflers should be taken off the lake or fined heavily. He felt safe operators of jet skis should be able to use them. Ginger Drotning, 26930 140th Avenue SE, said she and her husband served on the King County Volunteer Marine Patrol and that they stopped obvious law breakers and explained the rules, and the lake was under control. She said she does not feel safe now without a constant force to police the activities on the lake. She said limitations are necessary, and that jet skis must be used sensi- bly and safely. She said personal watercraft operators do not obey the rules, that they wear wetsuits in order to use the lake on cold days, and that the lake is too small. She also pointed out that notification is made in the local paper. At this point, the video tape showing the actions of jet skis on the lake was shown. It was noted that the tape was made on April 26 , 1997 . Jack Bielinski, 13835 SE 260th, distributed copies of a fax from his attorney regarding the Lake Meridian Homeowners Association and a two- page flyer regarding a Court ruling in San Juan County. He noted that his boat and his two personal watercrafts are all registered as vessels, and added that tabs must be renewed each year. He noted that Judge Stephen Mura ruled that by requiring registration the state is granting a license to use those (boats) on state waters, and that his opinion was based on the 12 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 PERSONAL long standing tradition of boater access to the WATERCRAFT water. He went on to say that jet skis have saved the boating industry, and that it was found that 30% of watercraft owners had completed a boating safety course. He added that people who take the course receive a reduction in their insurance, and that responsible people will do SO. He said banning personal watercraft is not the solution, and that overcrowding is the problem. City Attorney Lubovich explained that other vessels are currently allowed to go under 8 miles per hour any time after six p.m. and that per- sonal watercraft should be entitled to the same privilege, except that state law prohibits them from operating in hours of darkness. He recom- mended an amendment to Section C. 1. of the ordinance, changing the words "only between the hours of 9: 00 a.m. and 6: 00 p.m. " to "except during hours of darkness" . Bennett and Orr agreed to the recommended amendment. HOUSER MOVED to make all of the documents presented to the City Clerk and the City Council tonight a part of the record. Orr seconded and the motion carried. The motion to adopt Ordinance No. 3348 as amended then carried with Clark and Woods opposed. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 30) Police Shooting Range Upgrades. AUTHORIZATION to allocate $50, 000 of the Workers Compensation Trust Funds to the police shooting range upgrade project fund for noise reduction employer mandated claim prevention. Police Training requirements and choice of weapons have changed necessitating upgrades which include wall panels and additional noise absorption to handle use of rifle shots now required in training positions down the range. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3U) Restroom Partition Project. ACCEPT the Restroom Partition Project at Lake Meridian, Russell Road and Van Doren' s Landing Parks as complete, and release final retainage to the contractor, Foster Bray Company. Foster Bray was hired to supply and install restroom partitions. The projects have been completed and accepted by staff. All state releases have been received. 13 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3V) Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence from the May 20, 1997 Council meeting for Council President Houser, who will be unable to attend. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF ARTHUR HARVEY) City Transit Advisory Board Reappointments. Mayor White has reappointed Ms. Linda Johnson and Mr. Jay Bakst to continue serving as members of the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Their new appointments will continue until April 30, 1999. Arthur Harvey, President of Kent Citizens Association, voiced concern about the involvement of people of color on committees. Mayor White explained the process for appointment, and after a brief discussion, WOODS MOVED to confirm the recommended appointments to the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Houser seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through April 15 and paid on April 15, 1997, after auditing by the Operations Committee on April 29, 1997 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: CORREC�T+EDc• REFER TO Date Check Numbers Amount 18 MINUTES O �'�.�...��- 4/l/97 182898-183329 $ 327 , 727 . 84 4/1/97 182898-183329 1, 327 , 727 .84 $2 , 248, 717 . 02 Approval of checks issued for payroll for April 1 through April 15, 1997 and paid on April 18, 1997 : Date Check Numbers Amount 4/18/97 Checks 219025-219340 $ 256, 281. 25 4/18/9 Advices 44918-45387 661, 318. 02 $ 917 , 599 . 27 REPORTS Council President. Houser reminded Councilmembers of the Suburban Cities dinner on May 14 in Issaquah, and asked them to contact Ms. Banister. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the meeting scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled. 14 Kent City Council Minutes May 6, 1997 REPORTS Planning committee. Orr noted that the next meeting will be at 4 : 00 p.m. on May 20th. Administrative Reports. McFall reminded Council of an Executive Session of approximately 15 minutes regarding negotiations for property acquisition and also for labor negotiations. EXECUTIVE The meeting recessed into Executive Session at SESSION 8 : 30 p.m. and reconvened at 8:45 p.m. LABOR JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to NEGOTIATIONS sign a labor agreement with the Kent Police Officers Association representing the Police Captains and Lieutenants for the contract period January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998 . Houser seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting then adjourned. CC --e ; Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 15