HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/04/1997 Kent, Washington February 4, 1997 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/ Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, and Finance Director Miller. Council- member Bennett was excused from the meeting. Approximately 85 people were at the meeting. The flag salute was led by Boy Scouts Den 8 of Pack 403 . PUBLIC Boy Scout Week. Mayor White read a proclamation COMMUNICATIONS noting that the Boy Scouts of America provide community organizations with a comprehensive youth educational program that emphasizes personal growth and service to others, and that they are celebrating their 87th anniversary. He declared February 2-8, 1997 as Boy Scout Week in the City of Kent, and encouraged all citizens to acknowledge the young men who participate in the scouting program. The proclamation was presented to Den 8 of Pack 403 . Daughters of the American Revolution/American History Month. The Mayor noted that the Lakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has long recognized the need for all of us to reflect and learn from our past exper- iences in order for our nation to continue to thrive. He declared the month of February 1997 as Daughters of the American Revolution/American History Month in the City of Kent and pre- sented the proclamation to Marcella Burkett. Ms. Burkett thanked the Mayor and Council for their support. Introduction of Mayor's Appointee. Mayor White introduced Perry Woodford, his appointee to the Transit Advisory Board. Employees of the Month. The Mayor announced that the Kent City Attorney's Prosecutorial Staff has been selected as Employees of the Month for February. He noted that through their tenacious efforts, domestic violence crimes are prosecuted and even the smallest voice is heard. City Attorney Lubovich introduced the staff members, commended them on their work and offered thanks and congratulations. 1 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 PUBLIC Kent Arts Commission 1997 Community Arts Grant COMMUNICATIONS Awards. Mayor White and Carol McPherson, Chair of the Arts Commission, presented awards to Deanna Reitan of The Jazz Cafe, Linda Johnson of the Kent Downtown Partnership, Doreen Higgins of the Kent Parks Special Populations Resource Center, Julie Stangle and Tamara Sevigny of the Kent Parks Youth Teen Program, the N.W. Renaissance Poets, Performers & Publishers, and Amy Sie from the Rainier Chorale, and thanked them for their contribution to the community. Lighthouse Steering Committee Report and Presentation. Margaret Harto, Steering Committee Chair, noted that Lighthouse opened at Sequoia Junior High in August 1993, and that the purpose is to provide adolescents with opportunities for growth, attainment of self-sufficiency and a sense of belonging to the community. She then introduced the members of the steering committee. Melvin Tate noted that there were 1, 400 partici- pants at Kent Junior High and Sequoia Junior High in 1996, and 2, 500 participants at all sites in October 1996. He noted that there are Lighthouse sites in Junior High schools in Kent, Renton and Covington. Tony Silvestrin outlined activities held at the Lighthouse locations which include athletic endeavors, counseling opportunities, homework help, educational games, support groups, leadership opportunities, field trips, and special events. Funding sources were outlined as follows: King County Children & Family Commission, United Way, City of Kent, South King County Community Health & Safety Network, and County Councilmember Chris Vance. It was noted that over $200, 000 a year in goods and services is donated each year by organizations which Lighthouse serves. Sheree Sechrist, Director of Lighthouse, noted that much work is done by volunteers and in-kind staff members. She noted that each site has up to ten teen volunteer leaders who work in a job capacity. She noted that they will have a monthly program called Ask-A-Nurse and a law- related education program which helps teens learn about how the law protects and affects them. She then distributed sweatshirts and water bottles to 2 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 PUBLIC the Mayor and Councilmembers. Ms. Harto thanked COMMUNICATIONS the Mayor, Council and staff for their support and said that it has made an impact on the lives of youth. CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through J be approved. Orr seconded and the motion carried unanimously. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) ARRroval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the workshop and the regular Council meeting of January 21, 1997. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) SANITATION Boxmaker. ACCEPT the bill of sale for Boxmaker, Inc. , submitted by TBI Building, L.L.C. for continuous operation and maintenance of 1, 375 feet of watermain, 60 feet of sanitary sewers, 790 feet of storm sewers and 485 feet of street improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at S. 190th St. and 62nd Ave. South. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Fos Ridge (Aka Lukas Run) . ACCEPT the bill of sale for Fox Ridge (aka) Lukes Run submitted by Lakeridge Development, Inc. for continuous opera- tion and maintenance of 788 feet of watermain, 1, 326 feet of sanitary sewers, 1,454 feet of storm sewers, and 1, 132 feet of street improve- ments and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 118th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 268th St. WATER (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Guiberson Reservoir Joint sealing. Bid opening for this project was held on January 29th with seven bids received. The low bid was submitted by Diamaco, Inc. , in the amount of $31, 648.50. The Engineer's estimate was $63,297. The project consists of sealing joints and cracks and in- stalling crack monitoring gauges in the Guiberson Water Reservoir. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Guiberson Reservoir Joint Sealing contract be awarded to Diamaco, Inc. for the bid amount of $31, 648.50. CLARK SO MOVED. Orr seconded and the motion carried. 3 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) S. 196th Street Corridor (West Leg) . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3336 authorizing the condemnation of a portion of certain properties adjacent to S. 200th St. as part of the City's proposed S. 196th Street Corridor (West Leg) . The City has been unsuccessful thus far in negotiations with three of the property owners adjacent to the S. 196th Corridor (West Leg) to obtain the right-of-way easements along this Corridor project. The Public Works Committee has recommended condemna- tion on these three properties, should staff fail to reach a settlement with these owners. PUBLIC SAFETY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Disabled Parking. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3335, which increases the penalty amount for unauthorized parking in a disabled parking zone from fifty dollars ($50) to one hundred seventy- five dollars ($175) . This increase is consistent with state law, which was recently amended to provide the same increased penalty. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) LEEP Grant. ACCEPT additional funding allocated from the State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (LEEP Grant) , as requested by the Police Department. An additional $8, 038 has been allocated from the State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (LEEP Grant) for Youth Conference follow-up staffing and/or goods and services. This is in addition to the original amount of $21, 317 for fiscal year 96/97 (July-June) granted and approved by Council last fall. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Medical Physicals Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Medical Examinations Services Contract with Occupational Health Services Valley Medical Center. The Fire Department solicits RFP's for medical physicals every three (3) years, which enables costs to be kept at a minimum. RFP' s were received from Occupational Health Services Valley Medical Center and Multicare Healthworks for the years 1997 through 1999 . 4 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 FIRE After reviewing the RFP's for services, respon- siveness, flexibility, scheduling, cost and program management, it is recommended that the RFP be awarded to Occupational Health Services Valley Medical Center. The contract has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney's office as to form. ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Del Mar Annexation AN-97-1. This date has been set to meet with the initiators of the Del Mar Annexation, an area of approximately 578 acres which lies generally between South 252nd Street and South 272nd Street and between Military Road and Pacific Highway South. Staff recommends that the Council accept the 10% notice to annex and authorize circulation of the 60% petition subject to the City' s existing indebtedness and subject to the zoning requirements for newly annexed areas established in the City Code. Planning Director Harris distributed a revenue sheet and pointed out the annexation area on a map. He noted that it is in the southwestern section of Kent and is a little less than one square mile in size. Harris noted that Kent has an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Federal Way stating that they will not enter the area north of 272nd, and a verbal commitment from the City of Des Moines that they are not interested in the area. He said the area is in the Potential Annexation Area included in the Comprehensive Plan. Harris noted that approximately 95 people attended a meeting held at the West Hill Fire Station recently. He stated that the City would try to do a Comprehensive Plan and zoning before the area is officially annexed, noting that a 20, 000 sq. ft. zoning designation could be put on. He noted that the assessed valuation is $114, 000, 000, total estimated revenue is $1, 241, 000 and expenditures are currently being reviewed with the expectation that they can be met. He stated that current annexation policies are essentially met by this annexation. WOODS MOVED to make the revenue report a part of the record. Houser seconded and the motion carried. 5 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 ANNEXATION Kevin Ruoff, Regional Loss Prevention Supervisor for Fred Meyer, 25440 Pacific Highway South, urged the Council to accept the petition and allow circulation of the 60% petition. He opined that their tax base will support entering the city without putting a drain on funds. Mel Kleweno spoke on behalf of a group of investors who own approximately 36 acres between Military Road and I-5, west of I-5 and north of 272nd. He said that apartments have been built all around their property, and it has become wetlands because of the development. He urged that the portion west of I-5 be deleted from the annexa- tion, if it is Kent's policy to have zero apartment zoning in the area. He stated that the property would become valueless if restricted to single-family residences, and that it is best for apartment zoning since utilities are there. Norris Johnson, a resident of the area, explained that the people who asked for the annexation have commercial interests along Highway 99. He said they have security problems and suggested that the County Police cover the area. He noted that there are approximately 4, 000 people in the area, and only 95 attended the recent meeting. He suggested delaying a decision for 30-60 days and having at least two more meetings during the day. Tony Cebe, a resident of the area for 40 years, said he feels they are being pushed into this too rapidly and that the reason for the slow response from County Police is because of the confusion on the boundaries. Bob Brown said people in the area have been trying to be annexed for years, and that the City helped tremendously in getting the landfills closed. He said his neighbors near S. 252nd want to be in Kent, as do the people near Fred Meyer. Rick Gildart said he lives in the Del Mar area and would like to be part of the City of Kent. There were no further comments from the audience. ORR MOVED to accept the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex the Del Mar area; to establish the bound- aries for the proposed Del Mar Annexation as presented by staff; to authorize the circulation of the 60% petition for annexation pursuant to RCW 35A. 14 . 120; to require that the area, upon annexation, be subject to its proportionate share of the existing indebtedness of the City of Kent; 6 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 ANNEXATION to require that the annexation area be subject to the zoning requirements for newly annexed areas established in the Kent City Code; and to make part of the record a letter received today from Chuck Hamilton of St. Columba's Episcopal Church. Woods seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR) Excused Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence for Councilmember Bennett who is out of town due to a family illness. APPOINTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Transit Advisory Board. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's appointment of Perry Woodford to serve as a member of the Kent City Transit Advisory Board. Mr. Woodford is a Kent resident and has lived on Kent's West Hill since 1990. He was employed at the Boeing Company Development Center before transferring to the Kent Space Center. Mr. Woodford has had a long interest in mass transit and will be valuable to the Transit board. Mr. Woodford will fill the position formerly held by Claudia Otey and his appointment will continue to 4/30/98. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through January 15 and paid on January 14 and 15, 1997, after auditing by the Council at the January 21 Council meeting. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/14/97 178675-179043 $1, 677, 319. 63 1/15/97 179044-179129 665,012 .20 $2, 342, 331.83 Approval of checks issued for payroll for January 1 through January 15, 1997 and paid on January 17, 1997: Date Check Numbers Amount 1/17/97 Checks 216915-217251 $ 273, 316. 04 1/17/97 Advices 42011-42525 679, 625.80 $ 952,941.84 7 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 REPORTS Council President. Houser noted that the Suburban Cities dinner will be held in Kent on February 12th and asked interested Councilmembers to contact Ms. Banister. Operations Committee. Johnson noted that the Committee will meet at 4: 30 p.m. on February 5. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the Committee will meet at 3 : 30 p.m. on February 5. Planning Committee. Orr noted that the Committee will meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on February 18. Parks Committee. Woods noted that there will be a special Parks Committee meeting on February 18 at 5: 00 p.m. to discuss a Kent Downtown Partnership issue and a Golf Course issue. Administrative Reports. McFall pointed out the Regional Governance & Finance Proposal in the agenda packet and encouraged Councilmembers to review it. He explained the report and noted that there will be a special membership meeting of Suburban Cities on February 26 at Bellevue City Hall where it is anticipated that a vote will be taken. He noted that the recommendation made in the report is a fairly aggressive one, and that the group who worked on the report feels it may be time to address this issue. He offered to answer questions for Councilmembers and encouraged them to attend the meeting in Bellevue. Mayor White noted that this has been studied at Suburban Cities Directors meetings and said it should be looked at as to how it affects governance overall. Upon comments from Clark and Woods, McFall said there is time before the next Council meeting to discuss this at an Operations Committee meeting or at a workshop, and Mayor White said he will work with the Council President and the Operations Committee Chair to set something up. EXECUTIVE At 8: 00 p.m. , the meeting was recessed to an SESSION executive session of approximately twenty minutes to discuss two matters of litigation and a real property transaction. The meeting reconvened at 8: 20 p.m. 8 Kent City Council Minutes February 4, 1997 EXECUTIVE CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to execute a SESSION Quit Claim Deed, Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit and related documents in forms substantially similar to those presented by the City Attorney for the purpose of clearing title to an easement along the east property line of Golf Park, and that these proposed documents be made part of the record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ORR MOVED to authorize the Mayor and the City Attorney to execute the proposed Settlement Agreement and Stipulation and Agreed Order of Dismissal in the matter of Melby vs. City of Kent in a form substantially similar to that pre- sented, subject to final approval by the Planning Director and City Attorney, and that the proposed documents be made a part of the record. Houser seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 20 p.m. Brenda Ja e , CMC City Cier 9