HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/07/1997 Kent, Washington January 7, 1997 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Epperly (arrived at 7 : 05) , Houser (arrived at 7: 15) , Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Finance Director Miller, Information Services Director Spang, Parks Director Hodgson, and Employee Services Director Viseth. Approximately 20 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC State of the City Address. Mayor White presented COMMUNICATIONS his State of the City Address, noting that 1996 has been the most significant year of change in the city's history. He pointed out that the Meridian Annexation increased the size of the city by 5. 3 square miles and nearly 15, 000 resi- dents. He added that staff has been reduced from 12 . 7 to 10. 3 per 1, 000 population, and said that though he is committed to maintaining a small, productive work force, staffing levels must be balanced against delivery requirements. Mayor White highlighted the accomplishments of each department, including legislation regulating adult entertainers, purchase of the Centennial Center, National accreditation, the success of the teen programs and skate park, completion of Phase I of the Green River Natural Resource Enhancement project, and awards received. The Mayor noted that challenges to be faced in the coming year include the impact of sales tax exemptions to certain business groups, increased interest in annexation, increased pressures on emergency services, finalization of the Downtown Strategic Plan, the impact of changes in the telecommunications industry, and maintaining services and infrastructure. Employee of the Month. Mayor White introduced Dea Drake of the Information Services Graphics Department, and announced that she has been selected as Employee of the Month for January. The Mayor explained that Ms. Drake designed the City's cable television channel, which has set a standard for surrounding cities . He noted that she is also involved in designing, administering, printing and scheduling mailers, saving the City a great deal of postage dollars. Ms. Drake' s supervisor, Information Services Director Spang, stated that she is an outstanding employee, and 1 January 7 , 1997 her for her sense of responsibility and PUBLIC commended �. COMMUNICATIONS her caring attitude. The Mayor then presented her with the Employee of the Month plaque. Wav Back Inn. Michael Evans, President of the Way Back Inn, explained that they have remodeled and repaired a house donated by the City near French Field, and that approximately four homeless families with children live in it each year. Evans stated that they have had this house for five years, and presented the Mayor with a Certificate of Appreciation. Mayor White expressed gratitude for the Way Back Inn' s con- tribution to the community. CONSENT Steve O'Connor requested that Item C be removed CALENDAR from the Consent Calendar. There was no objec- tion from Council. HDUand EObeDapprovedthat nsOrr ent Calendar Items A, B, seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minute1996 . the regular Council meeting of December 10, HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) SANITATION Cannon Crest Estates. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale for Canyon Crest Estates submitted by Pan' s Development Corporation for continuous operation and maintenance of 446 feet of sanitary sewer line, 560 feet of street improvements, 1,727 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. This project is located at 100th Avenue South & S. 222nd Street. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) VACATION Saar Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3330 vacating a portion of Saar Street east of Railroad Avenue, and reserving a utility easement with related rights. TELECOMMUNI- (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) CATIONS Moratorium on Commercial Wireless Telecommuni- cations Facilities. This date has been set to consider a moratorium on the issuance of land use and development permits for commercial wireless telecommunications facilities. City staff has received an increasing number of permit appli- cations for these facilities. The purpose of the moratorium is to allow time for the City to 2 January 7, 1997 TELECOMMUNI- consider the impacts and different options CATIONS available before issuing permits for these telecommunications facilities. Assistant City Attorney Brubaker explained that the moratorium would be on the placement of antenna devices, which are usually attached to poles, buildings or other structures. He voiced concern about impacts on the city, including interference with the city's 800 MHz Life Safety 911 System, the siting and aesthetics of the devices, and the effect of electromagnetic radiation on individuals. He said staff and the Planning Committee recommend a six month moratorium on permits to study these impacts. Brubaker noted for Orr that if adopted now, the moratorium would take effect immediately. Mayor White opened the public hearing. Chris Fischer, Director of Valley Communications Center, spoke in support of the moratorium, and asked for an opportunity to participate in the study of impacts and to provide input as ordinances are drafted. There were no further comments and WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded and the motion carried. CLARK MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1487 imposing a moratorium on the issuance of land use and development permits for commercial wireless tele- communications facilities. Orr seconded. Clark emphasized that the city wants to encourage the development of further communications capabili- ties, but that if it is unplanned, significant problems can result. He said it is in the city's best interest to refine this issue, and that the moratorium is simply a study period which will result in the best service to citizens. His motion then carried. PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) (REMOVED BY COUNCIL AT THE REQUEST OF STEVE O'CONNOR) Agricultural Preservation Position Statement. The Planning Department has recommended approval of the Agricultural Preservation Position Statement. 3 January 7, 1997 PLANNING Steve O'Connor, 702 5th Avenue South, Kent, noted that his family .owns the Torrance property which has been designated for annexation. He said that the City is building a 5-lane highway through an agricultural area and is condemning agricul- turally designated properties to do so. He said his family supports the 277th road project, and that their property is not suited for commercial agriculture. He asked the City to consider the potential of their property and to reconsider action on this issue when they can provide input. He noted that theirs is the only property in the proposed annexation area which will be affected, because the others have had their development rights purchased. He added that if this policy is adopted, they can no longer participate in the annexation process. Upon Houser's question, O'Connor said they believe the property would be properly designated as commercial or industrial, and that they are willing to work with the city on this issue. ORR MOVED to approve the Position Statement on Agricultural Preservation as recommended by the Planning Committee. Clark seconded. Orr noted that other alternatives are being considered, and that this Statement is a result of actions taken by King County with no regard to the City' s Comprehensive Plan. She said this Position Statement changes nothing and is a reiteration of the City' s position on agricultural lands. She added that the Planning Committee is researching transfer and purchase of development rights issues along with this. She reiterated that this is not aimed at any individual's piece of pro- perty, but is a statement for King County's benefit. Clark said that the intent is not for that area to become a major intersection. He said it is his opinion that the nature of the agricultural district will not be changed. Johnson noted that the Planning Committee discussed restating their position on the preservation of agricultural lands and giving direction to staff to develop another policy dealing with lands which are designated for agricultural use whose owners would like alternative uses. Orr' s motion to approve the Position Statement then carried. 4 January 7, 1997 " PLAT (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Stillwater Shadows Final Plat FSU-96-23. This date has been set to consider the Stillwater Shadows Final Plat. The plat is located at 132nd Avenue SE and SE 261st Street and is 4 . 89 acres in size. The preliminary plat was approved by King County and came under Kent's jurisdiction upon annexation. ORR MOVED to approve Stillwater Shadows Final Plat (King County Ordinance No. 12059 and File No. L94P0019) and to authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar, as recommended by staff. Bennett seconded and the motion carried. ZONING CODE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Mixed use Zoning - Zoning Code Amendment ZCA-96-5. The Land Use and Planning Board held public hearings on the Mixed Use Zoning Code Amendment on October 28 and November 25, 1996. Due to the complexity of this item, staff re- quests that it be sent to the Planning Committee for review prior to presentation to the full Council for adoption. Kevin O'Neill of the Planning Department noted that when the Comprehensive Plan was being put together, there was much discussion on mixed use development, and that this involves proposed zoning amendments to three zoning districts, as well as changes to permitted uses, development standards, densities and possible administrative design review. He said for those reasons staff feels it is important that this issue go to the Planning Committee to address any concerns before coming to the Council. ORR MOVED that this item be sent to the Planning Committee. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) Administrative Variance Procedures - zoning Code Amendment ZCA-96-7. The Land Use and Planning Board proposes an amendment to the Kent Zoning Code which would implement Administrative Variance procedures, expand the use of joint use of parking facilities and implement new transit and rideshare provisions, and increase the maximum allowable size of detached accessory 5 January 7, 1997 ZONING CODE dwelling units that can be converted from V existing accessory buildings. Matt Jackson of the Planning Department explained the changes as follows: 1. Expand the administrative authority of the Planning Director allowing him to grant variances for lot coverage, building setbacks and building height for minor requests which have been approved by the Hearing Examiner. 2 . Expand the current shared use of parking for businesses which would like to make joint use of a facility and establishment of reduc- tions for minimum parking standards for those businesses which have executed Commute Trip Reduction programs with the city, as well as provide relief for those businesses which have car pool and dedicated van pool parking available to employees. 3 . Amend the accessory dwelling ordinance to allow a larger maximum size for legally established detached accessory buildings to be converted to ADUs. Jackson noted for Mayor White that this will speed up the process, and clarified for Orr that the public notice requirement is ten days and the Planning Director may reduce the minimum number of off-street parking stalls for businesses which have a Commute Trip Reduction program filed with the city by up to 25%. He also explained that if someone wanted to go into a joint use agreement, they would have to execute an agreement which would encumber those stalls to be used for those particular businesses, and if there was a change of use or redevelopment, there would be another review. ORR MOVED to approve the Administrative Variance Procedures Zoning Code Amendment ZCA-96-7 as recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Woods seconded and the motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) PLAN 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-96-3 (A-G) and Zoning may Changes CPZ-96-1-5. On November 25, 1996, the Land Use and Planning 6 January 7, 1997 COMPREHENSIVE Board held a public hearing to consider the pro- PLAN posed 1996 annual Comprehensive Plan and zoning map amendments. Five sites were recommended for approval by the Board (Coblentz CPA-96-3 (A) & CPZ-96-1; Prouty/Ruth CPA-96-3 (B) & CPZ-96-2; City of Kent Planning Department CPA-96-3 (E) & CPZ-96-5; City of Kent Finance Department CPA-96-3 (F) ; and City of Kent Public Works Department CPA-96-3 (G) ) . One site was recom- mended for denial (Lewis applications CPA-96-3 (C) and CPZ-96-3) , and one set of applications was withdrawn (Robbins CPA-96-3 (D) and CPZ-96-4) . Kevin O'Neill of the Planning Department pointed out the locations and explained the seven amendments as follows: Proposal A - A change to the Land Use Plan Map from Residential (SF-6) to Commercial for property located at 22320 88th Avenue South (Coblentz - CPA-93-3 (A) & CPZ-96-1) . The board is recommending that a portion of the applicants' property be redesigned as Industrial in the comprehensive plan and CM-1 on the zoning map. Proposal B - A change to the Land Use Plan Map from SF-1 to SF-6 for property located at the southwest corner of 104th Avenue SE and SE 272nd Street (Prouty CPA-96-3 (B) & CPZ-96-2) . The Board is recommending that the applicants' property be redesignated as SF-6 in the compre- hensive plan and SR-4 . 5 on the zoning map. Proposal C - A change to the Land Use Plan Map from SF-6 to Low Density Multi-Family Residential on property located at 25840 135th Lane SE (Lewis CPA-96-3 (C) & CPZ-96-3) . The Board is recom- mending that the proposed redesignation of the applicants' property to Low Density Multi-Family Residential on the comprehensive plan and MRG on the zoning map not be approved. Proposal D - A change to the Land Use Plan Map from SF-6 to Neighborhood Services for property located at the northeast corner of 116th Avenue SE and Kent Kangley (Robbins CPA-96-3 (D) & CPZ-96-4) . This application was withdrawn due to lack of proper public notice by the applicant. Hence, there was no action taken by the Board on this application. 7 January 7, 1997 COMPREHENSIVE Proposal E - A change to the Land Use Plan Map PLAN from Low Density Multi-Family Residential to Commercial for property located at the southeast corner of 132nd Avenue SE and SE 270th Street (Kent Planning Department CPA-96-3 (E) & CPZ-96-5. The Board is recommending that the applicant' s property be redesignated as Commercial in the comprehensive plan and CC, Community Commercial on the zoning map. Proposal F - Amendments to the Capital Facilities Element to update capital facilities inventories, financial information and project summaries (Kent Finance Department CPA-96-3 (F) . The Board is recommending that the Capital Facilities Element be amended as outlined by the Finance Department. Proposal G - Amendments to the Transportation Element to update financial information and project summaries (Kent Public Works Department CPA-96-3 (G) . The Board is recommending that the Transportation Element be amended as outlined by the Pubic Works Department. O'Neill noted receipt of a letter from Joel Haggard of the Haggard Law Office regarding Proposal C (George Lewis) . Upon Orr's question, McFall explained that the figure shown on page 8-8 of the Capital Facilities Element for the Centennial Center reflects the entire size of the building because the City owns the entire building. It was noted that the City currently occupies approximately one-third of the space. ORR MOVED to adopt the recommendations of the Land Use and Planning Board for the 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Zoning Map Changes, to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance(s) , and to make the letter from the Haggard Law Office a part of the record. Bennett seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through December 16 and paid on December 16, 1996, after auditing by the Operations Committee on December 18, 1996. 8 January 7, 1997 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 12/16/96 177275-177892 $1,868, 586. 20 Approval of checks issued for payroll for November 16 through November 30, 1996 and paid on December 5, 1996; also checks issued for payroll for December 1 through December 15, 1996 and paid on December 20, 1996 : Date Check Numbers Amount 12/5/96 Checks 216020-216366 $ 251, 062 .29 12/5/96 Advices 40485-41070 611, 653 .47 $ 862 , 715.76 12/20/96 Checks 216367-216637 $ 238, 296. 12 12/20/96 Advices 41071-41539 613 ,866. 67 $ 852, 162 .79 Amendment to advice numbers reported for November 20, 1996: 11/20/96 Advice # 40028-40484 REPORTS Operations Committee. Johnson noted that the - Committee will meet at 4 : 30 on Wednesday, January 15. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the Committee will meet at 3 : 30 on Wednesday, January 15. Planning Committee. Orr noted that the Committee will meet at 4: 00 on Tuesday, January 21. Administrative Reports. McFall announced that there will be a storm damage clean up program at Russell Road Park on the weekend of January 18th. McFall also noted that a workshop on the Downtown Strategic Plan is scheduled for 6: 00 p.m. on January 21 in the Council Chambers. EXECUTIVE At 8: 00 p.m. McFall announced an executive. SESSION session on labor negotiations, and noted that (Police) there will not be a matter of property acquisition to discuss. 9 January 7, 1997 EXECUTIVE The meeting reconvened at 8: 15 p.m. SESSION Labor Negotiations. BENNETT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the labor agreement with the International Association of Firefighters Local 1747 representing the Assistant Fire Chiefs for a contract period January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. Brenda Jacober, MC City Clerk i 10