HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/05/1996 Kent, Washington
November 5, 1996
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett,
Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, and Orr, Operations Director/
Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief
Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Planning Director Harris, Public
Works Director Wickstrom, and Finance Director Miller. Approxi-
mately 40 people were at the meeting. Councilmember Woods was
PUBLIC gapjoyee of the Month. Mayor White announced
COMMUNICATIONS that Neldon Hewitt, Public Works Operations
Utilities Superintendent, has been selected as
Employee of the Month for November. He noted
that Hewitt is responsible for managing and
maintaining the sewer and storm system, and that
he deserves to be recognized for long standing
contributions to the Public Works Department and
his many years of service to the City.
Introduction of Mayor's Apoointse. Mayor White
introduced Linda Denny, his appointee to the Kent
Arts Commission.
Human services Month. Mayor White read a pro-
clamation declaring November 1996 as Human
Services Month in the City of Kent. He noted
that the City Council has established that 1% of
the General Revenue budget from the previous year
will be the level of funding for human services,
and encouraged all citizens to recognize and
support Human Services Month. He invited
citizens to visit the Human Services displays in
the lobby of City Hall and at the Kent Library.
The proclamation was presented to Brad Bell, who
noted that in 1995 28, 000 Kent residents were
served. He added that the funding will service
16 separate agencies and 24 different programs.
Bell expressed appreciation for the support and
for the proclamation.
CONSENT HOUSER MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through K with the exception of Item G which was
removed. Orr seconded and the motion carried.
Anoroval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting and the Council
workshop of October 15, 1996.
November 5, 1996
SANITATION Newman Short Plat. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of
sale for the Newman Short Plat submitted by
Newman Construction for continuous operation and
maintenance of 28 feet of storm sewer and 71 feet
of sanitary sewer improvements, and release of
bonds after the expiration period, as recommended
by the Public Works Director. This project is
located at S. 224th and 94th Avenue South.
VACATION Saar Street/Railroad Avenue Street Vacation
STV-96-6. This public hearing has been set to
consider an application to vacate a portion of
Saar Street lying east of S. Railroad Avenue, as
referenced in Resolution No. 1483 .
Planning Director Harris pointed out the location
on the map. He noted that staff recommends
vacating ten feet rather than twelve feet as
requested by the applicant, and that a 25-foot
radius be provided at each end of the vacation.
He pointed out that the staff report also out-
lines conditions regarding retaining utility
easements and being compensated as per City
Mayor White opened the public hearing. There
were no comments from the audience and HOUSER
MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded
and the motion carried.
ORR MOVED to approve the Planning Director's
recommendation of approval of an application to
vacate a portion of Saar Street lying east of S.
Railroad Avenue, as referenced in Resolution
No. 1483 , and to direct the City Attorney to
prepare the necessary ordinance upon receipt of
compensation and retainment of the utility
easement. Bennett seconded and the motion
ISTEA Funding. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to
sign the ISTEA Grant Fund Agreement for Citywide
Pedestrian & Bicycle Facility Improvements, and
Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes and direct staff
to accept the grant and establish a budget in the
amount of $1, 336, 000, as recommended by the
Public Works Committee.
November 5, 1996
South 277th street Corridor Pedestrian Bridge
over Green River. Bid opening for this project
was held on October 31st with nine bids received.
The low bid was received by Donald Murphy
Contractors, Federal Way, in the amount of
$495,843 .72 . The Engineer's estimate was
$510, 070. 00. The construction of this bridge
will facilitate transport of fill material to the
west side of the Green river where it is needed.
When the South 277th Street Corridor project is
opened as scheduled in 1999, this bridge will
become the bicycle/pedestrian bridge along that
It is the recommendation of the Public Works
Director that the South 277th Street Corridor
Pedestrian Bridge contract be awarded to
Donald Murphy Contractors for the bid amount
of $495,843 .72 .
CLARK MOVED that the South 277th Street Corridor
Pedestrian Bridge contract be awarded to Donald
Murphy Contractors for the bid amount of
$495,843 .72 . Bennett seconded and the motion
Canterbury Greens Preliminary Plat (sU-96-4) .
This date has been set to consider the Hearing
Examiner's recommendation for conditional
approval of an application by Canterbury Greens
Associates for a 19-lot single family residential
preliminary subdivision. The property is located
south of SE 264th Street at 126th Avenue SE (if
extended) .
ORR MOVED to accept the Findings of the Hearing
Examiner and to adopt the Hearing Examiner's
recommendation of approval with twenty-eight (28)
conditions of the Canterbury Greens 19-lot single
family residential preliminary subdivision.
Houser seconded and the motion carried.
EXAMINER Hearing Examiner Decision Appeal Process.
ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3320 relating to the
judicial appeal process of the Hearing Examiner's
November 5, 1996
HEARING decisions, as recommended by the Planning
EXAMINER Committee. This ordinance will bring the appeal
procedures for the Kent Hearing Examiner into
compliance with the new State requirements under
the Land Use Petition Act (LUPA) .
Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence
from tonight's meeting for Councilmember Woods.
Kent Arts Commission. CONFIRMATION of the
Mayor's appointment of Linda Denny to serve as a
member of the Kent Arts Commission. Ms. Denny
has been a resident of Kent for more than 23
years and is employed by the Kent School District
where she works at East Hill Elementary school.
She has a degree in Art Education from the
University of Washington. She has been active
as a volunteer with the City of Renton as well as
her work in Kent with Canterbury Faire and as
Chair of the Juried Art Show.
Ms. Denny will replace Frank Zaratkiewicz. Her
term will become effective immediately and will
continue to 10/31/97 .
Kent Commons Air Conditioning. ACCEPT as com-
plete the Kent Commons air conditioning project
and authorize release of retainage upon receipt
of the release of lien from the Department of
Copier Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to
sign three year contracts with Copiers Northwest
for 24 fleet copiers and with Xerox for one high
volume copier for the printshop.
Youth/Teen Utility Tag Ordinance. The Parks
Department and the Parks Committee recommended
adoption of Ordinance No. 3321 amending Chapter
3 . 18 of the Kent City Code relating to utility
taxes by extending the sunset provision of the
interim tax assessed for youth/teen programs to
December 31, 2000. In 1994, the Kent City
November 5, 1996
PARKS & Council initiated a three-tenths (0. 3) percent
RECREATION utility tax benefiting youth teen programs that
sunsets December 31, 1996.
Orr stated that she removed this item from the
Consent Calendar because of her concern about
extending the tax for four years. She voiced
concern about the amount of money spent on staff,
and suggested reviewing this issue more often.
SHE MOVED to approve the extension but for one
year, through December 1997. Bennett seconded
and the motion carried. The ordinance was
adopted as amended.
Lake Fenwick Restoration. ACCEPT as complete
the Lake Fenwick Restoration contract with VLS
Construction and release of retainage after State
releases, as recommended by the Public Works
Director. The original contract amount was
$132 , 631. 56. The final construction cost was
$123 , 830. 04 .
1997 Budget. This is the second hearing on the
1997 Budget. Public input is desired and
welcomed. Adoption is scheduled for November 19,
1996. The 1997 Budget totals approximately
$90,801, 658 and the Preliminary Budget is in
balance with no rate increase. The Budget
Document is available in the City Clerk's Office.
Finance Director Miller stated that this is one
of the most conservative budgets in recent years.
She noted that due to the manufacturing tax
exemption, revenues decrease by approximately
$1, 100, 000 in the General Fund. She explained
that $1, 000, 000 has been set aside which could be
transferred to the General Fund. She noted that
the General Fund includes only one half-time
position, and that there are 5. 3 additional
positions in the total budget. She outlined some
additions such as bicycles for the Police Patrol
and Court security, and noted that continuation
of the Shuttle Bus program has been included, as
well as sidewalk repairs, and other capital
projects approved in the Capital Facilities Plan.
Miller explained that the balance in reserve has
been increased to approximately $600, 000, which
is the highest amount ever. She noted that the
November 5, 1996
BUDGET tax ordinance will go to the Operations
Committee, and proposed that a dollar amount be
adopted at the Council meeting of November 19
and be adjusted in December if necessary, since
figures are not yet available. She noted that
some technical changes will be discussed at the
Operations Committee meeting.
The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were
no comments from the audience and JOHNSON MOVED
to continue the public hearing on the 1997 Budget
to the November 19, 1996 Council meeting. Orr
seconded and the motion carried.
ARyroval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through October 15 and paid on
October 15, 1996, after auditing by the
Operations Committee on October 16, 1996.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
10/15/96 175000-175608 $4, 080, 136.92
Approval of checks issued for payroll for
October 1 through October 15, 1996 and paid on
October 18, 1996:
Date Check Numbers Amount
10/18/96 Checks 215076-215391 $ 551,585.55
10/18/96 Advices 39112-39564 302 ,761.38
$ 854, 356.93
SALARY Mayor's Salary. The Operations Committee has
recommended adjusting the salary of the Mayor to
$60, 000 per year effective January 1, 1997, and
to $75, 000 per year effective January 1, 1998 .
Mayor White said it is his hope that there be no
adjustment in the Mayor' s salary during the 1997
budget year.
Director of Operations McFall explained that
addressing the Mayor' s salary is a goal which was
identified by Council during the Target Issue
process. He added that a salary survey was done
and was presented to the Operations Committee.
JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor' s salary be adjusted
to $75, 000 effective January 1, 1998 . Clark
November 5, 1996
MAYOR's Paul Morford, P. O. Box 6345, Kent, said there
SALARY are two issues--budget and ethics. He noted that
ethics had been discussed in April 1994 and read
a portion of a letter drafted by White during his
campaign noting that he had led the fight to
defeat the move to increase the Mayor's salary.
Morford expressed appreciation for the Mayor's
comments about not increasing the salary at this
time. Morford stated that the previous Mayor had
recomended $75, 000, and that the Mayor was to be
the CEO and not have an Administrator. He said
an ordinance was written to eliminate the
Administrator's position and to create the
Operations Director position, which he feels is
really the City Administrator, and that Council
and staff know the city is being run by a City
Administrator and not by the Mayor. Morford said
that the salary should be set by the scope of
work, and said that the Mayor of Auburn does not
have an Administrative Assistant and his total
staff is less. He said the entire budget issue
should be looked at. He voiced concern about the
ethics issue and campaign promises, and recom-
mended that the salary set for the remainder of
the term be what the Mayor had initiated in
opposition to the committee meeting set by the
previous Mayor, and that a committee be set up to
look at the total staff requirements and scope of
work that the Mayor does. He added that next
term there may even be an issue as to the manager
form of government.
Orr spoke in opposition to Johnson's motion,
noting that she was opposed to the increase in
1997 at the Operations Committee meeting. She
said she was also opposed to raising the salary
to $75, 000 in 1998, and suggested looking at the
entire administration as to costs and duties
before setting the Mayor's salary. She said that
at the Operations Committee meeting she had
suggested that $60, 000 would be an appropriate
salary for the new term and that that salary be
adjusted based on the kind of administration at
the time. She said she would prefer that this
issue go back to committee for further review
before a decision is made as to the salary in
1998. Epperly agreed that this should be looked
at again.
Johnson reiterated that the Operations Committee
originally recommended that the salary be
adjusted to $60, 000 in 1997 and to $75, 000 in
November 5, 1996
MAYOR'S 1998. He said that the Operations Committee
SALARY looks at all departments including Administration
to determine whether there should be staff
reductions, continuation of programs, and so
forth. He felt that sending this issue back to
committee would delay it, and that staffing
levels and the Mayor' s salary are separate
issues. He pointed out that there will be two
budget reviews before 1998 and said staffing
could be changed then.
Houser noted that the City Administrator position
was eliminated when the Mayor's position became
full time. She felt that the salary issue and
staffing are tied together, and said she would be
more comfortable if an ordinance raising the
salary for the Mayor were brought back.
Clark pointed out that the city is not the same
as it was when the full time mayor position was
created, and that Kent is suddenly the loth
largest city in the state which was not antici-
pated at the time. He added that the city now
has responsibility for a larger area and a larger
population, and that more dramatic changes are
expected downtown with the opening of the
Regional Justice Center. He stated that if this
issue is drawn out, it will be under discussion
during a mayoral election year. He urged that
this issue be handled promptly.
Bennett said that he was not able to attend the
Operations Committee meeting due to an illness in
his family, and therefore did not have the
opportunity to discuss this issue. He said he is
not opposed to an increase in the Mayor's salary,
but that he is uncomfortable with not having been
at the meeting to discuss it and that the only
reason it moved forward was because he was not
Orr said that the city was aware of the annexa-
tions for a number of years beforehand, and
agreed that setting the salary for the mayor
during an election year can be difficult. She
explained that when running for Mayor, White
suggested a salary of $50, 000 and she agreed.
She said the Operations Committee meets at least
two more times before the end of the year and
that a recommendation can be made for an
appropriate salary. She said it may even be
possible to look at the administration as a whole
November 5, 1996
MAYOR'S by January of next year. She said the salary as
SALARY it has been is appropriate, but it should be
looked at before setting a figure for 1998.
The motion to adjust the Mayor's salary to
$75, 000 effective January 1, 1998 then failed,
with Clark and Johnson in favor and Bennett,
Epperly, Houser and Orr opposed.
Mayor White reminded Councilmembers that this
issue came to them because it was one of their
priority issues, and that if it is addressed
further, it will be at their prerogative. He
said that staffing issues are addressed in the
budget, that Council has approved the current
staffing levels, and that it is their prerogative
to adjust those staffing levels at any time.
REPORTS Council President. Houser reminded Council-
members that the Suburban Cities dinner will be
held on November 13 in Tukwila, and asked that
they contact Ms. Banister.
Operations. Johnson noted that the next meeting
will be held at 4 : 30 on November 6th.
Public Works. Clark noted that the next meeting
will be held at 3 : 30 on November 6th.
Planning. Orr noted that the next meeting will
be held at 4:00 on November 19th.
EXECUTIVE Administrative Reports. At 7 :40 p.m. , McFall
SESSION reminded Council of an executive session of
approximately twenty minutes to discuss
negotiations for property acquisition and
matters of litigation.
The meeting reconvened at 8:25 p.m.
PROPERTY HOUSER MOVED to authorize establishment of a
ACQUISITION budget of $200, 000 for the purchase and develop-
ment of the Cavender Property for museum parking,
contingent upon approval by the Hearing Examiner
(Parks of the conditional use application to utilize the
Department) Keck home as a museum and/or public meeting
facility, and subject to final approval of the
Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement by the
City Attorney. Epperly seconded and the motion
carried with Bennett opposed.
November 5, 1996
PROPERTY BENNETT MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to
ACQUISITION sign and enter into a Real Estate Purchase and
Sale Agreement with King County Fire Protection
District No. 37 for the purchase of Fire Station
(Fire No. 75 in the amount of $1,913,578. 96, and to
Department) adjust the Capital Improvement Budget to reflect
the $100, 000 down payment payable in 1996.
Johnson seconded and the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8: 30 p.m.
Brenda Jac er, CMC
City Cler