HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/20/1996 Kent, Washington August 20, 1996 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Police Chief Crawford, Finance Director Miller, and Parks Director Hodgson. Approximately 20 people were in attendance. PUBLIC Regional Justice center URdate. Tom Brown, COMMUNICATIONS Project Administrator, displayed a photo of the site and distributed the July Executive Summary. He noted that the mound of earth has been moved towards James Street, the brickwork is completed on the Courts building, exterior work on the parking structure has begun, and the copper roof is near completion. He added that interior painting has begun in the housing units, and that the suspended ceiling and light fixtures have been installed. Regional Transit Authority Briefing. Paul Matsuoaka, Deputy Executive Director, noted that the ten-year Regional Transit System Plan which was adopted in May, 1996, and which will be on the ballot in November, is called Sound Move. He explained the plan, noting that it would increase the people-moving capacity of the region as much as another freeway, but with broader benefits, less cost and less environmental impact. He estimated that transit ridership will increase by nearly 50%. He noted that there are several components including electric light rail, com- muter rail and express buses operating on HOV expressways. Matsuoaka explained that three counties are involved and that the region's employment centers would be connected. He noted that service would be frequent and that a single ticket could be used for any transit system. He also pointed out that this would free up 400,000 hours of local bus service. Matsuoaka explained that the HOV expressways will have special direct access ramps so that buses and carpoolers can get directly into those lanes, eliminating weaving across lanes to enter and exit. He then explained that there will be com- munity gateways, which are places where regional services will meet with local services so that passengers can make connections easily. He noted that they have been careful not to require one subarea to pay for the services that benefit another subarea. 1 August 20, 1996 PUBLIC Val Beatty then pointed out that part of the RTA COMMUNICATIONS proposal is Regional Express Bus Service with service every thirty minutes on each route. She said the service connects with electric light rail at the King Street Station and at the Tacoma Dome Station. She noted that three new routes are being proposed and that they are between Puyallup and Bellevue, between Federal Way and Bellevue, and between Tacoma and Seattle on I-5. She said that the Regional Express Bus Service will free the local transit agencies' time, so that they can provide more community-based service. She noted that the commuter rail service would operate between Everett and Lakewood on existing tracks, with some improve- ments. She said there would be 3-5 trains per direction during peak hours, that there would be 20-30 minutes between trains, that there would be five cars on each train, and that they would be in the stations no more than two minutes. Beatty concluded that Sound Move would provide Kent with many benefits including connections to the Regional Express Bus Service, improved local bus service, and enhanced pedestrian and bicycle access to stations, resulting in better connec- tions to other communities, jobs and other major destinations such as hospitals, colleges and recreational facilities. Houser stated that she is pleased with the plan, and Mayor White noted that he will soon do a Mayor's Forum with the Regional Transit Authority staff in an effort to help the public understand the plan. CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through O be approved. Orr seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) _ARRroval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 6, 1996. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) N. 4th Avenue Water Main Extension. AUTHORIZATION to accept the Bill of Sale for 4th Avenue North Watermain Extension submitted by Paul Morford for continuous operation and main- tenance of 140 feet of watermain extension and release of bonds after expiration period, as 2 August 20, 1996 WATER recommended by the Public Works Director. This project is located in the 900 block of 4th Avenue North. SEWER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) S.E. 274th Sever Extension - Charge in Lieu of Assessment. AUTHORIZATION for staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for a sewer extension in the vicinity of S. 274th St. , west of 124th Avenue, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. The City extended the sewer line as a result of failing septic systems in this area. The City will be reimbursed for the costs upon abutting properties connecting to said sewer. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) S.E. 248th Sever Extension - Charge in Lieu of Assessment. AUTHORIZATION for staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for a sewer extension at 10204 S.E. 248th Street, as a result of a failed septic system, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. Because of budget con- straints, however, the City will not extend the sewer until next year. In the interim, the resident will connect to the existing sewer westerly of his property line upon payment of the Charge in Lieu of Assessment. The City will be reimbursed the balance upon abutting properties connecting to same. TRANSPORTATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Transportation Improvement Board Project Audit. AUTHORIZATION to establish an Audit Reimbursement fund and to transfer $33, 091. 07 from the East Valley Highway (R68) fund into same, as recom- mended by the Public Works Committee. The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) has completed its audit of past TIB Grant Funded City projects with three projects noted as having audit exceptions. The City owes TIB a total of $33, 091. 07 of which $23, 058.22 pertains to the 240th Street Improvement project. TIB did not want reimbursement until their audit was complete. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. AUTHORIZATION to set September 3rd for the public hearing on the City's Six-Year Transportation 3 August 20, 1996 TRANSPORTATION Improvement Plan, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 30) Regional Transit Authority. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1479 endorsing the Regional Transit Authority proposal to be submitted to the voters, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Russell Road Street Vacation Funds. AUTHORIZATION for staff to receipt funds from the Russell Road Street Vacation into the School Pedestrian Walkway Fund (R36) to address school pedestrian facilities issues, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Mill Creek Box Culvert SUD91Y Contract. ACCEPT as complete the contract with PIPE, Inc. for the Mill Creek Box Culverts Supply Contract and release of retainage after State releases, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The original bid amount was $237, 100.00 and the final contract amount was $237 , 100. 00. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK) Public Works Emergency - S. 218th and SR167. Public Works Director Wickstrom pointed out the area where a slide took place on February 8th. He noted that the property was purchased by the city for a future detention pond, and that there is a house on a bluff above the wetlands area. He explained that the hillslide slid away, exposing the foundation of the house. Wickstrom noted that developing plans and specifications and going out for bids would take time and put them into the rainy season, and may expose the city to potential liability. He asked that this be declared an emergency so that the work can be done now. He added that the esti- mated $50, 000 cost could be paid from the Miscellaneous Drainage Improvement Fund and recommended proceeding. CLARK MOVED that the Council declare the slide area located on the City property in the vicinity of S. 218th and SR167 as an emergency and authorize the repair by the Public Works 4 August 20, 1996 PUBLIC WORKS Department to correct that situation, and furthermore to authorize funding of the same estimated at roughly $50, 000 from the Miscel- laneous Drainage Improvement Fund. Woods seconded. Motion carried. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) 100th Avenue S.E. overlay Between S.E. 240th and S.E. 229th. Bid opening was held on August 14, 1996, with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Lakeside Industries in the amount of $199, 305. 00. The Engineer' s estimate was $220, 060. 00. The Public Works Director recom- mends that the contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount. Upon the Mayor's question, Wickstrom explained that the road has deteriorated and that school children use it to get to East Hill Elementary. He added that it will be widened more than normal on the east side. He noted for Clark that the shoulder will be striped. Mayor White pointed out that this addresses concerns of the school principal as well as citizens. CLARK THEN MOVED that the 100th Avenue S.E. Overlay (S.E. 240th Street to S.E. 229th Street) contract be awarded to Lakeside Industries for the bid amount of $199, 305. 00. Woods seconded and the motion carried. LAND USE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) (ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR) King County Action - Land South of Kent. Orr noted that at their meeting today, the Planning Committee unanimously recommended bringing the following proposal to the Council at this time. SHE MOVED that the Mayor communicate the Council's and citizen's concerns over the County's proposed Comprehensive Plan change in land use in this area from agricultural use to industrial use south of Kent along S. Central Avenue south to the Green River, and further that the County coordinate such a proposed change with the City of Kent in the future. Woods seconded. Orr explained that one of the County Council committees has recommended a change which is in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and that the City has not been involved in the process. She said the Planning Committee wants to ensure that the City has an opportunity to 5 August 20, 1996 LAND USE provide input before the change is made. She noted that the area is currently in the potential annexation area. Clark expressed frustration that months were spent developing the Growth Management Plan which citizens provided input on and agreed with, only to have King County completely ignore those actions. Orr's motion then carried. POLICE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) (ADDED BY CITY ATTORNEY LUBOVICH) Public Safety Grant. Police Chief Crawford discussed a grant from the Department of Community Trade & Economic Development for Law Enforcement Agencies, noting that it has to do with the Youth Conference sponsored through the Drinking Driver Task Force. He explained that $14 , 500 of the grant will go towards that con- ference and that $6,500 will go towards overtime pay for extra DARE officers. BENNETT MOVED to approve the Law Enforcement Education Partnership Program Grant Agreement for the amount of $21, 317 . Woods seconded. Clark explained that this item was presented at the Public Safety Committee meeting today, and commended Chief Crawford for his efforts in finding sources to continue the education process. The motion then carried. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Boeing Recycling Donation. ACCEPTANCE of a donation to the Special Populations Program from Boeing Employees Recycling Program in the amount of $3 , 354 . 00 to be used for uniforms. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Regional Justice Center/Rent Municipal Parking Fee Remuneration. ACCEPTANCE of and authoriza- tion to appropriate $27, 650. 00 to the Skate Park budget. On March 4, 1996, Hensel Phelps Construction agreed by contract to pay the City of Kent for parking at the municipal parking lot at the RJC site during construction. 6 August 20, 1996 PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Garrison Creek and Chestnut Ridge Master Plans. AUTHORIZATION to accept the Garrison Creek and Chestnut Ridge Master Plans, as recommended by the Parks Committee. Bruce Dees of Bruce Dees & Associates, Landscape Architects was contracted to design Master Plans for Garrison Creek and Chestnut Ridge Parks. Bruce Dees and staff met on four occasions with an advisory committee comprised of interested local citizens and held two public meetings to create the program elements, design criteria and site plans. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) King County Open OR&ce Funds. ACCEPTANCE of and authorization to spend $443 ,500. 00 which is being transferred by King County from the Clark Lake 1989 Open Space Bond Project to the East Hill Park Expansion Project (Morrill Property) , as recommended by the Parks Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) King County Open Space Funds. AUTHORIZATION to request that King County transfer the balance of approximately $87 , 000. 00 from the completed Green River Trail 1989 Open Space Bond Project to the Lake Fenwick Trail 1989 Open Space Bond Project and upon their approval, to accept the transfer and authorize expenditure through the appropriate budget change. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) _Ayoroval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 31 and paid on July 31, 1996; signed and approved in the Finance Department on August 7, 1996, after the Operations Committee was cancelled. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/31/96 171666-172462 $5,447,790.73 Approval of checks issued for payroll for July 1 through July 15 and paid on July 19, 1996; checks 7 August 20, 1996 FINANCE issued for July 16 through July 31 and paid on August 5, 1996: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/19/96 Checks 213003-213407 $ 297,376.50 7/19/96 Advices 36280-36774 611,476.32 $ 908,852.82 8/5/96 Checks 213408-213768 $ 295,772 . 12 8/5/96 Advices 36775-37233 570,435.87 $ 866,207.99 REPORTS Operations Committee. Johnson noted that the Committee will meet at 4: 30 on August 21. Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the Committee will meet at 3 : 30 on August 21. Planning Committee. Orr announced a special meeting to be held at 4 : 00 on September 3rd. Public Safety Committee. Bennett noted that the Committee will meet on September 17th. Parks Committee. Woods reminded Councilmembers that a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held in the Earthworks Amphitheater at 2: 00 on August 21 for the City of Kent Youth Trails Park, and invited everyone to attend. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 : 40 p.m. i Brenda Jaeer, MC City Cler 8