HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/16/1996 Kent, Washington
April 16, 1996
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Clark,
Epperly, Houser, Johnson, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/Chief
of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris,
Public Works Director Wickstrom, Police Chief Crawford, and
Finance Director Miller. Councilmember Bennett was excused from
the meeting. Approximately 85 people were at the meeting.
PUBLIC Comprehensive Plan. Orr noted that the Planning
COMMUNICATIONS Committee has recommended that a resolution be
presented at the May 7th meeting declaring an
emergency to make an amendment to the compre-
hensive plan. She added that the amendment will
come to Council after the Land Use and Planning
Board's hearing on May 20th.
"Keep A Friend Alive" Poster Design Contest Award
Ceremony. Nancy Mathews, Drinking Driver Task
Force Coordinator, explained that there were 750
entries in the Poster Design Contest, and 15
winners ranging from preschool to senior high.
She then introduced the winners, who were pre-
sented awards by Mayor White, Council President
Houser and Police Chief Crawford.
Regional Justice Center Update. Tom Brown
distributed copies of the Executive Summary for
March, and noted that the roofing issues have
been resolved. He noted that eight non-
compensatory weather days have been negotiated,
but that the goal for completion is still
February 28th. He said that the brickwork is now
going up, and that the project is on schedule and
within budget.
CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through O be approved. Woods seconded and the
motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of April 2, 1996.
East Valley Highway Pavement Reconstruction/
Rehabilitation Grant. AUTHORIZATION for the
Mayor to sign the grant agreement and direction
to staff to accept the grant and establish a
budget for same, as recommended by the Public
April 16, 1996
STREETS Works Committee. The Public Works Department
has received two ISTEA grants in the amount of
$664, 320 for the reconstruction and rehabilita-
tion of East Valley Highway (S. 192nd Street to
S. 212th Street) .
VACATION S. 224th Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Resolution
No. 1469 setting May 21st as the hearing date for
the South 224th Street Vacation, as recommended
by the Public Works Committee. The Public Works
Department has received a request for vacation of
a portion of South 224th Street from Harold and
Karen Bishop.
IMPROVEMENTS LID 345 - S. 218th Street Improvements (East
Valley Highway to SR 167) - Final Assessment
Roll. As authorized by Council, this date has
been set for the public hearing to adopt an
ordinance establishing the Final Assessment Roll
for LID 345. Public Works Director Wickstrom
noted that an error which was not in the property
owner's favor was found in one of the assess-
ments, which results in a change in all the
assessments. He explained that sixteen property
owners would have lower assessments by approxi-
mately 2%, and one property owner would have a
significantly higher assessment. He recommended
opening the hearing tonight, allowing comments,
and closing the hearing, and then holding a
public hearing at the next Council meeting on the
amended assessments. The City Attorney agreed.
Mayor White opened the public hearing. There
were no comments from the audience and WOODS
MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded
and the motion carried.
CLARK MOVED that staff revise the assessment roll
as presented, that a hearing on the revised
assessment roll be set for 7: 00 p.m. Tuesday,
May 7, 1996, at the next regular Council meeting,
and that new notice of the revised roll and of
the time and place for the new hearing on the
roll be given under the procedures established
for the original hearing. Orr seconded and the
motion carried.
April 16, 1996
LID 345 - S. 218th Street Improvements (East
Valley Highway to SR 167) . This item was removed
from the agenda by the Public Works Director and
will be brought back to Council on May 7, 1996.
CONTROL Lid 347 - Russell Road & Meeker Traffic Signal.
ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1467 setting May 7 as
the public hearing date on the formation of
LID 347 - Meeker Street/Russell Road Traffic
Signal, as recommended by the Public Works
Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory
Committee (MWPAAC) Delegates. AUTHORIZATION to
reaffirm Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director, as
a delegate to MWPAAC and Eddy Chu, Operations
Manager, as an alternate delegate, as recommended
by the Public Works Committee.
Earthworks Park Emergency Clean-Up. ACCEPT as
complete the contract with Archer Construction
for the Earthworks Park Emergency Cleanup project
and release of retainage after State releases, as
recommended by the Public Works Director. The
original contract amount and the final con-
struction cost was $36, 922 . 17 .
Sodium Fluoride Supply. Bids were solicited for
the purchase of 66, 000 pounds of Sodium Fluoride
for Kent' s water supply with five bids received.
The low bid was submitted by Great Western
Chemical Co. in the amount of $37 , 455. 00 .
It is the recommendation of the Public Works
Director that this contract be awarded to Great
Western Chemical Co. for the bid amount of
$37,455. 00.
CLARK MOVED that the Sodium Fluoride Supply
contract be awarded to Great Western Chemical Co.
in the amount of $37, 455. 00. Woods seconded and
the motion carried.
April 16, 1996
Licensed Highway Mower. Bid opening for this
equipment was held on April 2, 1996, with two
bids received. The low bid was submitted by
Superior Turf Equipment of Auburn in the amount
of $45, 175. 00.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works
Director that this equipment contract be awarded
to Superior Turf Equipment for the bid amount of
$45, 175.00.
CLARK MOVED that the Licensed Highway Mower
contract be awarded to Superior Turf Equipment
for the bid amount of $45, 175. 00. Woods seconded
and the motion carried.
AMENDMENT Amendments to Single Family Development Standards
Ordinance ZCA-95-8. Development standards for
single family residential districts were changed
in December 1995 by Ordinance No. 3268. The
proposed ordinance clarifies Ordinance No. 3268
by including a maximum permitted density for each
zone, while also renaming the zoning districts.
No changes to development standards are proposed
by this ordinance, nor is any land proposed for
Linda Phillips of the Planning Department
explained that there is a new definition of
density, that the new names of the districts are
based on density rather than lot size, and that a
statement has been added to each chapter pro-
viding that accessory units are not counted in
calculating the maximum density. She noted that
the zoning districts would be redesignated as
Former Zone Current Zone
R1-5. 0 SR-8
R1-7. 2 SR-6
R1-9. 6 SR-4. 5
R1-12 . 0 SR-3
R1-20. 0 SR-2
April 16, 1996
ZONING CODE The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were
AMENDMENT no comments from the audience and HOUSER MOVED to
close the public hearing. Orr seconded and the
motion carried. ORR MOVED to approve Ordinance
No. 3290 which clarifies and amends Ordinance
No. 3268 to include a maximum permitted density
for each zone, while also renaming the zoning
districts. Houser seconded and the motion
PLANNING BOARD Land Use & Planning Board Nominees. Mayor White
submitted for Council confirmation within thirty
days, the names of seven (7) Kent citizens who
have indicated their interest in serving as
members of the new Land Use and Planning Board:
Ms. Gloria LaBore and Mr. Devendra (David) Malik
to serve one year terms. Ms. LaBore is a West
Hill resident and is employed in the insurance
business. She participated in the Visioning
process and is interested in her community.
Mr. Malik is an East Hill resident and is a small
business owner. Ms. LaBore' s and Mr. Malik' s
terms would be effective until 12-31-96.
Mr. Jerry Daman and Mr. Thomas Brotherton to
serve two year terms. Mr. Daman is a West Hill
resident, owns Exhibition Automotive in downtown
Kent and would like to serve on the Board.
Mr. Brotherton, a resident in the Lake Meridian
area, has been very active in community affairs.
Their terms would be in effect until 12-31-97 .
Mr. Brad Bell, Mr. Ron Harmon, and Mr. Steve
Dowell to serve three year terms. Mr. Bell, also
of the Lake Meridian area, has long been active
in community affairs and currently serves as
President of the Kent Community Foundation.
Mr. Harmon resides in the Chestnut Ridge area, is
interested in planning issues and is anxious to
serve on the Board. Mr. Dowell, a Scenic Hill
resident, is a former Kent City Councilman and is
very familiar with land use and zoning issues.
Their terms would be effective until 12-31-98 .
The Mayor expressed confidence that these
nominees would bring interest, experience, and
enthusiasm to the new Land Use and Planning Board
April 16, 1996
LAND USE & and urged the Council to consider them for
PLANNING BOARD confirmation within the next 30 days. He then
introduced Gloria LaBore, David Malik, Jerry
Daman, Ron Harmon and Steve Dowell, and said he
will formally submit the names of the nominees to
the Council President on Monday.
Orr noted that the Planning Committee feels the
following are important criteria and asked the
Council to concur: 1) a two-year residency
within the City of Kent or potential annexation
area, 2) a geographical balance with a member
from West Hill, Valley Floor (which includes
Scenic Hill and Lower East Hill) , East Hill (from
Benson to 116th) and the Meridian Annexation
area, and 3) one member who has demonstrated
active participation in environmental issues.
She asked that each member who has been nominated
by the Mayor submit a brief letter of interest
(no more than two typed pages) no later than
5: 00 p.m. on May 2nd. She said the Planning
Committee will review the letters on May 7th and
make a recommendation to Council on May 21st.
She noted that not all nominees are present
tonight, and asked that a letter be sent to all
seven nominees informing them of the letter of
interest, where to submit it, and the deadline.
The Mayor and Orr agreed that this will be
coordinated through the Mayor' s Office.
RECREATION Rent Lions Club Donation. ACCEPTANCE of the Kent
Lions Club donation. Each year the Kent Lions
Club donates $5, 000 to the Senior Center to
assist low income seniors. The Parks Department
has recommended acceptance of this donation.
Teen Stage Theater Project Grant. ACCEPTANCE of
the Teen Stage Theater Project Grant. The City
of Kent Arts Commission and the King County
Cultural Resources Division mutually approved a
grant for a Teen Stage Theater Project in the
amount of $2, 929 . The funding will allow the
Kent Arts Commission to hire a professional
theatre artist to work with teens ages 12 -15
in a summer theatre workshop format.
April 16, 1996
RECREATION 1994195 Open Space Bond Interest and Paths &
Trails Account. ACCEPTANCE of the 1994/95 Open
Space Bond Interest and authorization to transfer
funds. King County Open Space Bond interest is
distributed each year to the local jurisdic-
tions who accept the allocation and designate
which project the interest is for. The Parks
Department is requesting that the $55, 577 from
1994 interest money and $30, 000 of the $77 , 009 in
interest money from 1995 be allocated to the
Interurban Trail project to cover the resurfacing
of the older section of the trail, and the
remaining $30, 000 of 1995 interest money go to
the Lake Fenwick Trail project, still under con-
struction; also, AUTHORIZATION to transfer and
expend the $1, 625 received from the sale of plans
and specifications from these projects, and
$31, 531 from the Paths and Trails revenue (from
state gasoline taxes) to the Interurban Trail and
Lake Fenwick Trail projects.
IAC Application Authorization and Site Plan
Acceptance. AUTHORIZATION for Parks Planning and
Development to apply to the Interagency for
Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for development of the
East Hill Park Expansion site (Morrill Property) ,
acceptance of the proposed site plan to be sub-
mitted with the application, and adoption
of Resolution No. 1468 authorizing application.
Boating Regulation Amendments. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 3291 amending sections of Chapter
4. 06 of the Kent City Code relating to boating
LDS Pea Patch Gardening License. AUTHORIZATION
of a license agreement with the Corporation
of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Parks Depart-
ment has reached an agreement to establish a "Pea
Patch" gardening site on property owned by the
Church. This license agreement allows the City
to use this site until September 30, 1996, at no
cost other than the actual expenses incurred by
the City to operate the pea patch garden.
April 16, 1996
Excused Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence
for Councilmember Bennett from tonight' s meeting.
Cellular Phone Equipment Proposal - Budget
Change. AUTHORIZATION to purchase cellular phone
equipment and change the City Council budget for
the purchase of minor tools and equipment for
approximately $1, 734 . 46 and associated telephone
expenses, not to exceed $4 , 200 annually, as
recommended by the Operations Committee. This
will improve communications between the Council
and City staff.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through March 29 and paid on
March 29, 1996, after auditing by the Operations
Committee on April 3 , 1996 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
3/29/96 166698-167364 $2 , 344, 648.52
Approval of checks issued for payroll for
March 16 through March 31, 1996 and paid on
April 5, 1996:
Date Check Numbers Amount
4/5/96 Checks 210437-210777 $ 261, 205.80
Advices 33163-33602 558 , 344 . 51
$ 819 , 550. 31
REPORTS Operations Committee. Johnson announced that the
Committee will meet on April 17 at 4: 30 p.m.
Public Works Committee. Clark announced that
their meeting time will be changed beginning in
June, and that it is tentatively set for the
first and third Wednesday of each month at 3 : 30
p.m. The Mayor asked that this be coordinated
with his office so that publications can be made.
Planning Committee. Orr said that the Committee
will meet on May 7th at 4 : 00 p.m.
April 16, 1996
EXECUTIVE At 7: 35 p.m. , McFall announced an executive
SESSION session regarding the sale of property.
(Sale of The meeting reconvened at 8: 05 p.m. CLARK MOVED
Property) to purchase from the Storm Water Utility that
property north of 228th, east of Russell Road,
and south of the power lines (approximately 65
acres) for $1.5 million, and authorize the Mayor
to sign a note bearing market rate interest to be
established by the Finance Director; such note
will pledge the full faith and credit of the city
toward payment for the property. Woods seconded
and the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 06 p.m.
Brenda Jager CMC
City Clerk(