HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/07/1995 Kent, Washington November 7, 1995 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 P.M. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/ Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, and Parks Director Hodgson. Approximately 45 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced COMMUNICATIONS that Sgt. Brian Jones of the Kent Police Department has been selected as Employee of the Month for November. The Mayor noted that Sgt. Jones is the Traffic Sergeant and Emergency Response Team leader and is an exceptional employee who gives 110$ to every task he under- takes. Police Chief Crawford explained that Jones has been in charge of the Traffic Enforcement Unit for eight years, and that the unit has written 80, 000 citations. The Chief noted that Sgt. Jones and his unit are very polite, kind and helpful and stated that Sgt. Jones is a respected employee. Human Services Month. Mayor White read a pro- clamation noting that the City has taken a leadership role in addressing human service needs, and that the City Council has established that 1% of the General Revenue budget from the previous year will be used for funding human service needs in the next year. He proclaimed the month of November 1995 as Human Services Month and urged all citizens to support its observance. The proclamation was presented to Mel Tate, who thanked the Mayor and Council for their support of human services. Tate then introduced representatives from fifteen human services providers. Peg Mazen, Children's Home Society, thanked the Mayor and Council for their support on behalf of all the agencies, and commended the Human Services Commission. National Bible Week. The Mayor read a proclama- tion noting that for fifty-five years women and men of all faiths have banded together in the Laymen' s National Bible Association to sponsor National Bible Week as a time to remind their fellow Americans of the Bible' s unique place in American life. He declared the week of November 19-26, 1995, as National Bible Week in the City of Kent and encouraged those who so choose to participate in its observance. 1 November 7, 1995 PUBLIC Introduction of Mayor's Appointees. Mayor White COMMUNICATIONS introduced Charlene Shaw and Leigha Connor, his appointees to the Kent Arts Commission. CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR M be approved. Item 3N regarding a council absence was removed from the agenda. Orr seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 17, 1995. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) VACATION 71st Avenue Street Vacation - Transfer of Funds and Ordinance. AUTHORIZATION to deposit approxi- mately $8,900 acquired from the 71st Avenue Street Vacation into School Sidewalks Project Funds rather than into the Street Operating Budget and approval of Ordinance No. 3246 imple- menting the street vacation, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. SOLID WASTE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) King County Solid Waste Management Agreement Addendum. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Addendum to the King County Interlocal Agreement for Solid Waste Management and adoption of Resolution No. 1447 concurring with this action, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This addendum formally recognizes the County Councils interjurisdictional Regional Policy Committee as the Solid Waste Interlocal Forum. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Downtown Street Trees - Transfer of Funds. APPROVAL to transfer approximately $57, 000 from funds within the East Valley Highway (192nd - 180th) project fund (R68) to the Sidewalk Fund (R33) to cover this expense, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. A significant additional expense has been incurred in the removal and replacement of approximately 34 street trees in the Downtown Sidewalk Replacement project. 2 November 7, 1995 PUBLIC WORKS (BIDS - ITEM 5A) 1996-1998 Street Sweeping service. The bid opening for this project was held on October 31 with only one responsive bid received. The lowest responsive bid was submitted by Action Services Corporation of Bremerton in the amount of $12, 495.47, or $149,945.64 per year. The project consists of street sweeping residential, industrial and downtown core areas within the City limits including the Meridian Annexation Area. MANN MOVED that the 1996-1998 Street Sweeping Contract be awarded to Action Services Corporation for the bid amount of $12 ,495.47 per month. Houser seconded and the motion carried. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) West Hill Plaza Rezone RZ-95-2. AUTHORIZATION to set November 21, 1995, as the date for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner's recom- mendation of approval for a rezone application (RZ-95-2) by Harmit S. Lamba. The property is located at 24606 - 24700 Military Road S. ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) AMENDMENTS Accessory Housing - Zoning Code Amendment ZCA-95-3. APPROVAL of the Zoning Code Amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission and Planning Committee relative to accessory housing, (ZCA-95-3) , and direction to the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. The Planning Commission sent their recommendation on Accessory Housing Regulations to the City Council on October 3, 1995. The Council had some concerns and sent this item to the Planning Committee on October 17 , 1995. The Committee addressed all of the concerns and is returning this to Council to consider a zoning code amendment allowing accessory housing in Kent as outlined in the draft Accessory Housing Regulations. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) Mi-C Zoning Code Amendment ZCA-95-10. The City has received an application by M. Durkan for a proposed amendment to the M1-C Zoning District in order to allow drive-through type eating esta- blishments, which are presently disallowed in 3 November 7, 1995 ZONING CODE this district. The application requested a AMENDMENTS reduction in the minimum lot size requirement. The Planning Commission recommends approval of this request. ORR MOVED to approve the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission of an amendment to the M1-C Zoning District, in order to allow drive-through type eating establishments as identified in the staff report, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Bennett seconded and the motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4E) PLAN Comprehensive Plan Implementation Zoning Map Amendment, Phase I - East Hill CPZ-95-1. The Planning Commission has recommended potential zoning map changes for nine areas on East Hill, as identified in the staff report. Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that the Growth Management Act requires that the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Map be consistent with one another. He noted that staff has determined where inconsistencies exist. He explained that, because there were several of them, they were divided into two phases, the first being on East Hill and the second on West Hill and the Valley Floor. He noted that the proposed changes on East Hill went to the Planning Commission in July, a public hearing was held and the recom- mendations are outlined in the staff report. He pointed out that Sites 4 and 5 are recommended for multiple family, and that those sites contain already built multiple family projects. He said the zoning in one case goes from duplex to a higher density, and the other goes from single family to multi-family, but that it simply recog- nizes existing projects. ORR MOVED to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Zoning Map Amendment CPA-95-1 (Phase I - East Hill) regard- ing zoning map changes for nine areas on East Hill, as identified in the staff report, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ORR MOVED that a letter received to- night from Sally Nelson be made a part of the record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. 4 November 7, 1995 PLATS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR) Too of the Sill Final Plat FSU-94-2. Councilmember Orr requested that this item be removed from the agenda, since there is still controversy regarding the street. She requested that the item go back to the Public Works Committee. There was no objection and it was so ordered. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) Kingstone Final Plat FSU-94-11. This date has been set to consider the Kingstone Final Plat. The plat is located between SE 271st and SE 268th, and between 114th Avenue SE and 117th Avenue SE, in the recently annexed East Hill/ Ramstead Annexation area. The plat is 21. 34 acres in size. The Preliminary Plat was approved by King County (S90P0045) and upon annexation to the City, the final plat fell under Kent's jurisdiction. ORR MOVED to approve staff's recommendation of approval for the Kingstone Final Plat with conditions according to King County Ordinance No. 10341 and File No. S90P0045, and to authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. Houser seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 16 and paid on October 16, 1995, after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 25, 1995. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/16/95 160657-161205 $3, 544, 378. 99 Approval of checks issued for payroll for October 1 through October 15, 1995, and paid on October 20, 1995: CORRECTED • REFER TO Date Check Numbers Amount MINUTES OF 10/20/95 Checks 206785-207018 $ 261,830.23 Advices 28312-28714 523 ,743 . 37 $ 785,573 . 60 5 November 7, 1995 FINANCE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) LID 346 Bond Sale. At their October 25, 1995 meeting, the Operations Committee recommended adoption of a Bond Ordinance and authorization for the Mayor to sign a purchase contract in the amount of $518, 162 for LID 346 bonds. The bond proceeds will be used to provide long-term financing for still to be completed capital improvements, which consists of constructing sidewalks, street lighting and minor sewer improvements on South 212th Street between SR 167 and the Green River. The final assessment roll for the LID has been adopted and the 30-day prepayment period has elapsed. Lehman Brothers will purchase bonds at a 2 percent discount from the City resulting in a gross underwriting spread of $20 per thousand dollar bond. This results in an average coupon of 5. 00 percent and an assess- ment to property owners of 5.50 percent. Finance Division Director Miller introduced Dick King of Lehman Brothers. King stated that they were able to achieve the lowest rate for assess- ments in the last twenty years. He noted for the Mayor that the City's bond rating is Al from Moody' s and A+ from Standard & Poor's, and explained that LID bonds are sold without the benefit of a rating. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Bond Ordinance No. 3249 authorizing the Mayor to sign a purchase contract with Lehman Brothers for LID 346 bonds. Houser seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) 1996 Comprehensive Budget. The August 1st public hearing on the 1996 Budget was continued to this date. The Budget was discussed at the October 25th Operations Committee meeting, where the Committee recommended 3-0 to adopt the pro- posed Mayor's balanced budget. The 1996 Compre- hensive Budget totals $88, 447, 576, of which $41,598,451 comprises the General Fund. The first full year of the Meridian Annexation budget is included where revenues and expenditures are listed separately. This conservative hold-the- line budget is balanced without relying on new taxes or fees except the planned drainage utility increase and the annual pass-through of the Metro 6 November 7, 1995 BUDGET sewer rate increase. Financial stability is improved by providing an increase of $672, 642 to Fund Balance Reserve, for an all time high of $2,447, 259 . Finance Division Director Miller reviewed revenue sources, noting that there is approximately $38, 000,000 in the General Fund, 75% of which is from taxes. She noted that the other 25% goes into the capital budget. Miller noted that $84 , 000, 000 in new construction was added to the rolls, and $110, 000 for annexations including the Ramstead, Jones/Hobbs, and Beck annexations. She added that $5,229, 000 is generated from utility tax, and that some gambling tax was received. She said that the remainder of the funding is from shared revenue from Fire District 37, parks and plan check fees, fines, and miscellaneous revenue primarily from interest. She noted that the budget has been balanced without increasing taxes. Miller noted that there is extra funding in the Capital Improvement Plan, for a total fund balance of $3, 000, 000 which could be used for government operations. She pointed out that there are uncertainties such as Referendum 48 and the residential street utility tax and urged the Council to adopt the budget tonight, knowing that corrections will have to be made early in 1996. She thanked the Mayor, Council and staff for their support and cooperation. Mayor White declared the public hearing open. There were no comments from the audience. WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded and the motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3244 approving the 1996 Comprehen- sive Budget. Orr seconded and the motion carried. TAX LEVY (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2B) 1996 Property Tax Lew. This date has been set for a public hearing on the 1996 Property Tax Levy. At their October 25th meeting, the Operations Committee recommended approval of the 1996 Tax Levy Ordinance for the General Fund and 7 November 7, 1995 TAX LEVY for the voted debt issues. Per RCW 84. 52. 010, tax shall be levied in specific dollar amounts. Official assessed valuation information is still pending from King County. Finance Division Director Miller noted that there is a 6% statutory lid, and because the City is part of the library district, the cap is 3 . 10 mills or $13, 000, 000. She noted that the amount in the proposed ordinance is $11,522 ,799. Miller said that the City is well within the levy and she is confident in recommending adoption of the tax levy ordinance at this time. She noted that changes can be made at a later date. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Orr seconded and the motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3245 fixing the property tax levy for 1996. Woods seconded and the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Arts commission Appointment and Reappointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Charlene Shaw to serve as a member of the Kent Arts Commission. Ms. Shaw is a long time Kent resident and has been employed by King County for 20 years, currently working for Jail Planning. She is a volunteer with Hospice in Seattle and was also involved as a volunteer with the Pediatric Interim Care Center. In her spare time she enjoys collecting doll house miniatures. Ms. Shaw will replace Bill Erb, whose term expired. Her new term will continue to 10/31/99. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's reappointment of Leigha Conner to continue serving as a member of the Arts Commission. Ms. Connor's new term will continue to 10/31/99. POLICE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4F-1) (ADDED ITEM) Police Presence - Cambridge Area. Bennett introduced Sue Pascowitz who has lived in the Cambridge East area for over twenty years. She stated that young people in the neighborhood have been causing trouble by speeding, using foul language and intimidating residents. She added 8 November 7, 1995 POLICE that cars have been vandalized and asked that the curfew be enforced. The Mayor asked Ms. Pascowitz to speak with Police Sgt. Sweeney, and noted that there will be two additional police officers for West Hill next year. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4F-3) (ADDED ITEM) Vandalism at Eastbrook Flower Garden. Bennett noted that the sign at the Eastbrook Flower Garden on 6th Avenue and Meeker has been van- dalized and asked that it be repaired. Mayor White stated that it will be taken care of. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) RECREATION Riverbend Golf Complex Field Improvements Project. ACCEPTANCE as complete of the Field Improvements Project at the Riverbend Golf Complex, and release retainage to Golf Landscaping upon receipt of state releases. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Riverbend Golf Complex Fees. ACCEPTANCE of new golf fees as proposed by the Golf Advisory Board for the Riverbend Golf Complex. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Asbestos Removal. ACCEPTANCE as complete of the asbestos removal from the Parks house located at 8121 South 259th Street, and release of retainage to F.S. & G.S. Services upon receipt of state releases. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Parks and Recreation Code Amendments. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3247 amending Chapter 4 . 01 of the Kent City Code relating to "Parks and Recreation" changing penalties for violations of certain provisions from misdemeanors to civil infractions and further repealing certain provisions relating to boating and watercraft, which provisions have been incorporated into a new boating regulation code adopted concurrently with this ordinance. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Boating Regulations Code. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3248 establishing a new chapter to the Kent City Code entitled "Boating Regulations" relating to boating on lakes within the City of Kent. 9 November 7, 1995 PARKS & (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4F-2) RECREATION (ADDED ITEM) Vandalism at Pagoda. Bennett noted that the pagoda on Railroad Avenue and Smith Street has been vandalized, and commended Jim Dorrough, Ken Denhert and Casey Cooper for their craftsmanship in repairing the damage. REPORTS Operations Committee. Johnson announced that the Operations Committee meeting scheduled for November 8th has been cancelled. Planning Committee. Orr noted that the next Committee meeting will be held at 4: 00 p.m. on November 21st. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Brenda Ja ober, CMC City Cle k 10