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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/04/1995 Kent, Washington April 4 , 1995 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Clark, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr and Woods, Operations Director/ Chief of Staff McFall, Assistant City Attorney Brubaker, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Parks Director Hodgson. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting PUBLIC Introduction of Mayor's Auoointees. Mayor White COMMUNICATIONS introduced Carlita Dreblow and Ellen Gimenez, his reappointments to the Library Board. Kentridge Boys Swimming and Diving Team 1995 AAA State Champions Day. Mayor White read a proclamation declaring April 7, 1995, as Kentridge Boys Swimming and Diving Team AAA State Champions Day in the City of Kent, and encouraging all citizens to join him in recognizing Coach Dave Wright and the Kentridge Boys Swimming and Diving Team for their out- standing accomplishments. He noted that the Kentridge boys won the sixth annual Kent All- City Championships for the sixth year in succession and this year won every event. Coach Wright thanked the Mayor for this recognition and introduced the team members, who each received a proclamation. Kentview Christian Senior High Girls Varsity Basketball Team Day. The Mayor noted that the Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association recently named Kentview Christian Senior High School Girls Varsity Basketball Team as the 1994-95 Academic State Champions in Girls Varsity Basketball, and read a proclamation declaring April 5, 1995 as Kentview Christian Senior High Girls Varsity Basketball Team Day in the City of Kent. He encouraged all citizens to join him in recognizing Coach Jolee Fairfield and the team for their outstanding academic achievement. Coach Fairfield introduced the team members and the Mayor presented each with a proclamation. We Value Youth Month. Mayor White noted that youth make a positive contribution to this community when given constructive opportunities to excel and learn, and that funds raised from the recent increase in Kent's utility tax will be used to promote new and proactive activities for youth and their families throughout the area. 1 April 4, 1995 PUBLIC He proclaimed April 1995 as We Value Youth Month COMMUNICATIONS in the City of Kent and encouraged all citizens to support our youth and youth programs. The proclamation was presented to Parks Director Hodgson. Earthquake Preparedness Month. April 1995 was declared Earthquake Preparedness Month in the City of Kent by Mayor White. He noted that the State of Washington experiences significant seismic activity, and that the loss of life and property can be greatly reduced if appropriate earthquake preparedness measures are taken before, during and after a damaging earthquake. He encouraged all citizens to enhance their knowledge of proper safety measures to follow in the event of an earthquake. Fire Chief Angelo noted that a video prepared by the Fire Prevention Bureau will be shown on cable tv in April. Employee of the Month. The Mayor announced that an entire committee has been selected as the April 1995 "Committee of the Month". He noted that the City-Wide Youth Committee consists of representatives from various departments in the City who worked together to develop a coopera- tive City youth program. The committee members were introduced, congratulated and presented with certificates of appreciation. Parks Director Hodgson was given a plaque. He said he is proud of the direction youth is going, that some need the support of the entire community, and that this committee is here to help. Regional Justice Center Update. Wendy Keller noted that the third phase of preload is complete, and is six weeks ahead of schedule. She said that bids have been opened and that they came in over the construction estimate. She distributed a list showing who the bidders were and the base bids, and explained the difference in the bids from the estimate. Upon Woods' question, Keller explained that a great deal of attention was paid to earthquake pre- paration and outlined what steps were taken. She also clarified that there will be an office right off the rotunda where marriage licenses, animal licenses and so forth can be obtained. 2 April 4, 1995 CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through Q be approved, with the exception of Item 3C, which was removed by Councilmember Bennett. Mann seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) A_RRroval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 21, 1995, and correction of Item 3B in the March 7, 1995, minutes as follows: ". . . after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 22 , 1995, and March 8 , 1995." March 7, 1995, was incorrectly submitted as the date. PUBLIC WORKS (BIDS - ITEM 5B) Third Avenue Bridge Water Main Replacement. Bid opening for this project was held on March 30th with six bids received. The low bid was sub- mitted by Gary Harper Construction in the amount of $18 , 174 . 35 including tax. The engineer's estimate was $24,886. 00 including tax. The project consists of installing an 8" water main along the south approach ramp of the Third Avenue Bridge. MANN MOVED that a contract be awarded to Gary Harper Construction, in the amount of $18, 174 . 35 including tax for the Third Avenue Bridge Water Main Replacement project. Houser seconded and the motion carried. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) LID 346 - Final Assessment Roll - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3217 confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID #346, S. 212th Street Improvements. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Lid 346 - S. 212th Street Charge in Lieu of Assessment. AUTHORIZATION for staff to establish a Charge in Lieu of Assessment fee for Parcels 34 , 35 and 36 in LID 346 S. 212th Street Improvements for a total amount of $50, 000. A sanitary sewer extension was included to two parcels west of 76th Ave. South. To complete the installation of this sewer system prior to the S. 212th St. H.O.V. lane widening, it was necessary to extend the sewer to three parcels east of 76th Ave. South. These parcels are not part of LID 346 and therefore a connection charge in lieu of assessment needs to be allocated. 3 April 4, 1995 STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) VACATIONS 26th Place South Street Vacation (STV-95-3) . ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1425 setting May 2nd as the public hearing date for the 26th Place South Street Vacation, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) West Titus Street Vacation (STV-95-2) . AUTHORIZATION for staff to receipt funds from the West Titus Street Vacation into the Sidewalk Construction Fund and establish an additional budget for same, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3Q) West Titus Street Vacation (STV-95-2) . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3219 vacating a portion of West Titus Street. Council recently approved this street vacation subject to certain conditions, which the applicant has now fulfilled. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Russell Road Street Vacation STV-95-1. The conditions associated with finalizing the Russell Road Street Vacation have been met subject to the amended compensation received. Public Works Director Wickstrom explained that normally compensation in the amount of approxi- mately $9 , 000 would be received, but that Polygon Northwest has offered to deed a tract of land which is equal in size to the one vacated and which runs along the Green River Trail near the Neely homesite, to construct a seven stall parking lot, and to install a decorative fence and landscape buffer. Wickstrom recommended acceptance of Polygon's offer. Upon Orr's question, Wickstrom said the City can provide signage to the Neely site. Eric Wells of Polygon displayed a color drawing of how the site will look after the improvements have been made. MANN MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3220 finalizing the Russell Road Street Vacation and amending the compensation received therefor. Bennett seconded and the motion carried. 4 April 4, 1995 RECYCLING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Interlocal Agreement for Recycling Program. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement and to direct staff to establish the budget for acceptance of grant funds in the amount of $116, 207 for the Waste Reduction/Recycling Grant Program, as recom- mended by the Public Works Committee. In order to help meet King County's goal of 65% percent waste stream reduction, the County's solid Waste Division has established the Waste Reduction/Recycling Grant Program which funds projects to reduce and recycle the waste generated by commercial properties and multi- family residential units in King County's suburban cities. HOUSING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Regional Mechanism for Addressing South Ring County Housing Issues. AUTHORIZATION for the City of Kent to participate with other South King County cities in exploring a regional mechanism to address South County Housing needs and issues, as recommended by the Planning Committee. ADULT (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) ENTERTAINMENT Adult Entertainment Land Use Moratorium Extension. During 1994 , the City of Kent was involved in litigation regarding adult use entertainment. As a result of the order of the U. S. District Court, the City is required to amend its Zoning Code to provide reasonable alternative sites for adult entertainment businesses. Pending a review of the necessary zoning change, the City adopted Ordinance No. 3185 which instituted a six-month moratorium on the acceptance of permit applications and the issuance of permits for adult use businesses. The City is currently in the public hearing process on the matter, however the six-month moratorium expired by its own limitation before the Zoning Code amendment process could be completed. Therefore, staff recommends that the moratorium set forth in Ordinance No. 3185 be extended for one additional six-month term or until the effective date of any ordinance 5 April 4, 1995 ADULT establishing new land use regulations governing ENTERTAINMENT the location of adult entertainment businesses, whichever is sooner. Mayor White opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and WOODS MOVED that the hearing be closed. Orr seconded and the motion carried. ORR MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3216 which specifically makes certain findings regarding adult entertainment in the City of Kent and establishes an extension of a land use moratorium on the issuance of permits and the acceptance of applications for permits for adult use facilities. Woods seconded and the motion carried. COMMUNITY (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2B) DEVELOPMENT 1996 Housing and Local Community Development BLOCK GRANT Block Grant (CDBG) Strategies and Funding Levels. This date has been set to consider the adoption of four action items for the 1996 Local CDBG Strategies and Funding Levels, as recommended by the Planning Committee on March 21, 1995. The four items are: (1) approval to accept 1996 Pass-Through funds; (2) approval to allocate the maximum available to the City of Kent for Public (Human) Services ($56, 884) ; (3) approval to allocate the City's fair share maximum of 1996 Pass-Through funds to Planning and Administration ($52, 313) ; and (4) approval of the proposed 1996-1999 Local CDBG Strategies. Mayor White opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience. WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. ORR MOVED for approval of the four action items for the 1996 Local CDBG Strategies and funding levels, as recommended by the Planning Committee, as follows: (1) accept 1996 Pass- Through funds; (2) allocate the maximum available to the City of Kent for Public (Human) Services ($56, 884) ; (3) allocate the City's fair share maximum of 1996 Pass-Through funds to Planning and Administration ($52, 313) ; and (4) approve the proposed 1996-1999 Local CDBG Strategies. Houser seconded and the motion carried. 6 April 4, 1995 ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) BOUNDARIES Kent-Tukwila and Kent-Auburn Potential Annexation Boundaries. The Planning Committee has recommended moving Kent's potential annexa- tion boundaries in two areas of the City. Planning Director Harris pointed out the areas recommended for deletion. Harris noted that one recommendation is to move the boundary southerly to S. 204th in a line extending westerly from the Green River to Orillia Road. He noted that the Kent-Tukwila boundary is S. 190th extended westerly across the Green River. He explained that the City of Tukwila would more likely be involved in land use issues in this area. Harris noted that the other recommendation involves the Kent-Auburn boundary. Orr stated that the Planning Committee discussed the Kent- Auburn boundary at it's meeting today and unani- mously recommended adoption. Harris noted that the boundary for the Meridian Annexation extends easterly to 132th SE. He displayed a map showing that the area to be deleted from the potential annexation area is generally bordered by SE 282nd on the north, the Green River on the west, SE 286th on the south, and SE 132nd on the east. He explained that the Meridian Annexation boundary and the potential annexation area would then be co-terminus. He noted that the area is in Auburn's potential annexation area, and clari- fied that the Council has previously agreed to de-annex the area. Harris noted that King County has informed him that there is a small rural area southeast of Highway 18 which cannot be part of the Meridian Annexation or the potential annexation area, and that this area must therefore be deleted. The area is generally south of Highway 18 from 152nd SE on the east, southerly to SE 288th, westerly to 148th SE extended, and back to Highway 18 . ORR MOVED to adopt the City's potential annexa- tion area southerly to South 204th Street in a line extending westerly from the Green River to Orillia Road, to adopt a boundary between Kent 7 April 4, 1995 ANNEXATION and Auburn that matches the current annexation BOUNDARIES proposal as described and shown on the map by Planning Director Harris, and to delete the small rural area in King County. Houser seconded and the motion carried. Bill Arthur, representing Mario Segale who is the majority property owner in the area north of 204th, expressed appreciation for the actions of the Planning Committee and the City Council. IMPACT FEES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER BENNETT) School Impact Fees. The proposed resolution requests that Administration prepare and present to the Council a school impact fee ordinance proposal for consideration. Bennett voiced concern about affordable housing and pointed out that the City Attorney has said the process of preparing an ordinance would be complicated and would require a great deal of time. Clark noted that this issue has been discussed by the Planning Committee, and MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1424 . Orr seconded. She clarified that this resolution does not adopt impact fees, that it simply directs Administration to prepare and present an ordinance to the Council to consider. Bennett requested that a workshop be held when the ordinance has been prepared. Council agreed. The motion then carried, with Bennett opposed. ANIMAL CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Animal Control Code Amendment. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3218 prohibiting the private ownership of exotic animals after the effective date of this ordinance, providing a definition of exotic animals and amending the definition of the King County animal control authority, as recommended by the Operations Committee. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Change of Location for City Council Meeting. AUTHORIZATION to hold the Kent City Council meeting of April 18, 1995, at Totem Junior High School, 26630 40th Avenue South, Kent. 8 April 4, 1995 POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3P) Department of Justice CODA Fast Grant Application. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the application for a Federal grant, as recommended by the Operations Committee on March 22, 1995. Application would require a commitment on the part of the City to share costs. The total grant amount is $150, 000 with a $264, 820 City share to hire two bicycle patrol officers over a three-year period. The City share for the first year would be $18, 354, the second $100, 514 , and the third $145, 952 . PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 30) RECREATION Kent Memorial Park Relighting Project. ACCEPTANCE of the Relighting Project at Kent Memorial Park, Field #1 as complete and release of retainage to JD-21 Engineers, upon receipt of State releases. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Lake Fenwick Trail. Eight bids were received on March 28 , for the Lake Fenwick Trail Project. VTS Inc. from Tukwila was the low bidder at $156, 381, not including Washington State Sales Tax. The bid came in below the Architect's estimate for the project which was $160, 000 - $170, 000. HOUSER MOVED that a contract be Sales tax is not awarded to VTS Inc. , in the amount of $156, 381 applicable due —►plus State sales tax for the Lake Fenwick Trail to an exemption Project. Bennett seconded and the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) Library Board Reappointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's reappointments of Carlita Dreblow and Ellen Gimenez to continue serving as members of the Kent Library Board of Trustees. Their new appointments will continue to 1/1/2000. Discussions have been held with Library Board members and with the City Attorney's Office, who agreed to standardize the month and day of appointment expiration. Since appointments are for 5-year terms, the years will change but new appointments and reappointments will be adjusted so they are effective on January 1 of the term year. 9 April 4, 1995 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 15, 1995 and paid through March 15, 1995 after auditing by the Operations Committee on March 22 , 1995. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Amount 3/1/95-3/14/95 152853-152917 $ 650, 849. 18 3/15/95 152918-153374 726,821.96 $1, 377 , 671. 14 _Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 1 through March 15, 1995 and paid on March 20, 1995: Date Check Numbers Amount 3/20/95 Checks 201833-202172 $ 282 , 199. 32 Advices 22802-23183 484 ,996. 32 $ 767, 195. 64 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) International Park - Yangzhou Pavilion. AUTHORIZATION to establish a budget of $50, 000 to transport the Yangzhou Pavilion from the Port to Kent, to house the technicians while under construction, and for site preparation and con- struction, as recommended by the Operations Committee on March 22, 1995. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Rent Commons Water Heater Replacement. AUTHORIZATION to establish a budget of $25, 000 to remove the existing electric hot water tank at Kent Commons and install a 500 gallon storage tank with two leased gas fired boilers, as recommended by the Operations Committee on March 22 , 1995. The lease amounts to $41. 87 per boiler per month or approximately $1, 000 per year which includes maintenance. The cost of the boilers would be an additional $15, 000; thus, it is more cost effective to lease. This will save the City approximately $14,500 annually in operating costs. REPORTS Council President. Woods announced that Suburban Cities will meet at H. D. Hotspurs on April 12th, and will be hosted by the City of Algona. 10 April 4, 1995 REPORTS Operations Committee. Johnson noted that the Committee will meet at 9: 30 a.m. on April 12th. Planning Committee. Orr announced that the Planning Committee has developed their recom- mendations on the Comprehensive Plan with one minor exception which will come before the Committee on April 18th. She said they anti- cipate presenting their recommendations to the Council that evening, since they except to reach a decision on a non-motorized transportation issue at the committee meeting that day. Administrative Reports. McFall pointed out that, as part of it's outreach program, the Council has established that the meeting of April 18th will be held at Totem Junior High School at 7 : 00 p.m. Clark pointed out that this is We Value Youth Month and that two proclamations were read at tonight's meeting regarding youth, and reminded the audience that a teen curfew will be voted on this month. He stressed involving youth in positive activities rather than shooing them off the streets. EXECUTIVE At 8: 00 p.m. , the meeting recessed to an execu- SESSION tive session to discuss property acquisition and pending litigation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened and adjourned at 8: 35 p.m. �dGuJ QC.��iL/ Brenda Ja e , CMC City Cler 11