HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/18/2001 Kent, Washington September 18, 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Councilmembers present : Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods, and Yingling. Others present : Interim Chief Administrative Officer Martin, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Interim Fire Chief Hamilton, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller, and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson. Councilmember Worthing was excused from the meeting. Approximately 25 people were at the meeting. Flag Salute. Mayor White commended the rescue workers killed while doing their jobs in New York City on September 11th. He encouraged citizens to remember that our nation is built on diversity and that diversity makes our country and our community strong. After a moment of silence, the Mayor lead the Pledge of Allegiance . CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Council President Orr changed Consent Calendar Item S, Excused Council Absence, from Councilmember Woods to Councilmember Worthing, who is unable to attend tonight ' s meeting. Martin requested that Public Communications Item A be removed from the agenda, as the Norwegian Sister City delegation is experiencing travel difficulties . Peter Modde, 15150 65th Avenue So. , Tukwila, said he has data on the DeMarco Annexation Zoning which is not in the record, and requested a month to meet with opponents . None of the Councilmembers removed the DeMarco Annexation Zoning ordinance from the Consent Calendar. Continued Communications Item A regarding the Kent Station Request for Qualifications was added at the request of Bob O ' Brien, 1131 Seattle Street . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Day of Concern for the Hungry. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that food banks, emergency and hot meal programs working with the City of Kent, local 1 Kent City Council Minutes September 18, 2001 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS churches, social service agencies, and hundreds of volunteers are striving day in and day out to stem the rising tide of hunger, but still need more help; and the Emergency Feeding Program coordinates an annual food drive to help support the efforts of their program and the area ' s food banks in fighting hunger which will be held at grocery stores throughout King County on Saturday, September 29, 2001 . He proclaimed September 29, 2001 as Day of Concern for the Hungry in the City of Kent, Washington, and encouraged all citizens to join with Seattle Emergency Feeding Program to help feed those who are hungry. He presented the proclamation to Arthur Lee, Executive Director of the Emergency Feeding Program, who expressed appreciation for the City' s continued participation in this project . Constitution Week. Mayor White read a proclamation noting that September 17, 2001 marks the two hundred fourteenth anniversary of the drafting of the constitu- tion of the United States; and said especially at this time following the recent events in New York City and Washington, D. C. , it seems particularly appropriate to recognize how fortunate we are to have the Constitution, crafted so many years ago, to guarantee the freedoms that we enjoy every day. He proclaimed September 17-23 , 2001 as Constitution Week in the City of Kent, Washington, and encouraged all citizens to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties, remembering that lost rights may never be regained. Elizabeth Walker of the Lakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution accepted the proclamation and challenged citizens to read, study and share the Constitution of the USA. Introduction of Appointee. Mayor White introduced his appointee to the Diversity Advisory Board, Mariya Goy. CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through T, including the change to Item S . Woods seconded and the motion carried. 2 Kent City Council Minutes September 18, 2001 MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 4, 2001 . PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Lease Agreement, Parking and Storage. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Lease Agreement between the City and SPP Real Estate for the purpose of SPP leasing a portion of the South 222nd Block at 68th Avenue So. for parking and storage, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) Watershed Basins within Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) No. 9 Amendment. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for the Watershed Basins within Water Resource Inventory Area 9, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Sale of Surplus Vehicles. AUTHORIZATION to declare certain vehicles no longer needed by the City as surplus and authorize the sale thereof at the next public auction, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . (BIDS - ITEM 8A) 2001 Traffic Striping. The bid opening for this project was held on September loth with two bids received. The low bid was submitted by Stripe Rite, Inc . in the amount of $45, 498 . 20 . The Engineer' s estimate is $32 , 290 . 90 . The Public Works Director recommends awarding this project to Stripe Rite, Inc. CLARK MOVED that the 2001 Traffic Striping project be awarded to Stripe Rite, Inc . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. TRANSPORTATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Washington Avenue HOV Lanes, WSDOT Grant AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Agreement, to accept the funds 3 Kent City Council Minutes September 18 , 2001 TRANSPORTATION and adjust the project budget (#R90069 . 6- . 110) accord- ingly and to authorize that said monies be spent on this project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . Washington Avenue is a state route for which the state is responsible for the pavement structure . In conjunc- tion with our Washington Avenue HOV project, the state has agreed to pay for the asphalt overlay work. The cost is estimated at $528, 000 . STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Street Vacation, 206th at East Valley Highway. PASSAGE of Resolution No. 1604 setting a Public Hearing date of November 20, 2001 for the South 206th St . at East Valley Highway street vacation, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . SEPA (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Interim Response to Endangered Species Act (ESA) . ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1605 and Ordinance No. 3573 for State Environmental Policy Act Interim Response to Endangered Species Act . The resolution sets forth guidelines and review proce- dures to evaluate impacts to salmonids from proposed development and redevelopment projects within the City of Kent in order to provide interim protection to listed and candidate species and their habitat . It is antici- pated that these interim measures will be superceded by more formal changes to the City' s codes in one to two years . Because of the application of the ESA in our region, the City has a compelling interest to provide interim protection to listed and candidate species and their habitat . The proposed ordinance adopts the resolution and its guidelines into the City' s substantive SEPA authority, established in Section 11 . 03 . 510 (D) (3) of the Kent City Code. 4 Kent City Council Minutes September 18, 2001 PLATS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Strawberry Place Phase I And II Final Plat (FSU-96- 29/KIVA #2010552/#2010556) . APPROVAL of staff ' s recom- mendation of approval with conditions of the Strawberry Place Phase I and Phase II Final Subdivisions and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. The final plat application was submitted by Jerry Prouty for the Strawberry Place Phase I and Phase II Final Subdivisions . The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on June 30, 1999 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Morford Glen Final Plat (FSU-94-1/KIVA #9901670) . APPROVAL of staff ' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the Morford Glen Final Subdivision and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. The final plat application was submitted by Paul Morford for the Morford Glen Final Subdivision. The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on July 27, 1994 . The City Council approved the preliminary plat on September 6, 1994 . ANNEXATION ZONING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) DeMarco Annexation Zoning. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3572 establishing a comprehensive plan designation of Single Family Residential (SF-6) , and a zoning designation of Single Family Residential, (SR-6) and Single Family Residential (SR-4) for the DeMarco Annexation area, as directed and approved by Council on September 4th. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Zoning Code Amendment, Proposed Revisions to Permit Process. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3574 which amends Chapter 12 . 01 of the Kent City Code and related portions of Chapters 2 . 32 , 11 . 03 , 14 . 01, and 14 . 11, which 5 Kent City Council Minutes September 18 , 2001 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT amendments update code provisions relating to the administration of development regulations . (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) Zoning Code Amendment, Auto Repair and Manufacturing Uses as Home Occupations. The proposed ordinance amends Section 15 . 08 . 040 of the Kent City Code prohibiting automotive repair as a home occupation and requiring auto detailers to obtain a special home occupation permit . Kim Marousek of Planning Services explained that staff has researched this issue based on former complaints, and that the Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on it . The City Attorney distributed a cor- rected copy of the ordinance, which adds a definition of auto detailing and corrects the format . Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, suggested re-defining manufacturing. Woods explained that this is limited to auto repair and auto detailing. BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3575 which amends Section 15 . 08 . 040 of the Kent City Code, prohi- biting automobile repair as a home occupation, and requiring auto detailers to obtain a special home occupation permit . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6T) Kent Diversity Advisory Board Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Ms . Mariya Goy to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Ms . Goy moved here from Ukraine three years ago. She and her husband and three children are Kent residents . She is employed by Fred Meyer, Inc . , attends Green River Community College, and is active in her church. She will replace Karen Minehan and her term will continue until 9/30/04 . 6 Kent City Council Minutes September 18 , 2001 COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6S) Excused Absence for Councilmember. APPROVAL of an excused absence for Councilmember Worthing, as he is unable to attend. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) Symtron System Lease Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the lease agreement with Symtron Systems . Symtron Systems will be leasing office space from Kent Fire & Life Safety to improve response times for repairs and maintenance to our training tower burn simulators . Currently their office is in New Jersey and their response times are slow and costly. This will enable Kent Fire & Life Safety to save money and improve services . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) Protective Clothing Replacement. AUTHORIZATION for Kent Fire & Life Safety to purchase Securitex protective clothing from Santiam Emergency Equipment Company (the northwest vendor for Securitex) for the next four (4) years . The Fire Department has found that the Securitex brand has met all of these objectives for the last several years . After analyzing current available equipment, it has been concluded that Securitex is the only product on the market that meets performance requirements and safety standards . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) King County Basic Life Support Services Contract Amendment. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the contract amendment with King County EMS for Basic Life Support Services . In 1998 an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy was passed for a three-year period, beginning in 1999 . The City has signed a contract with King County EMS since 1981 to receive EMS Funding. 7 Kent City Council Minutes September 18, 2001 FIRE This amendment to the contract is for grant money of $6, 846 for the Heart Attack Survival Kit (HASK) program. These grant funds are for partial reimbursement for expenses incurred in distributing the Heart Attack Survival Kits . The HASK program has been used to educate seniors, 65 or older, in a face to face inter- vention designed to break down common barriers to calling 911 when experiencing the symptoms of a heart attack. PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) Donations to Naden Park and Skate Board Park. ACCEPT $100 from Derby Cycle and amend the Skate Board park (Extreme Park) budget, and accept $100 from Good Sam RV Club and amend the Naden Park budget . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) Fee in Lieu Funds for Clark Lake Park Acquisition. ACCEPT $7, 125 for fee-in-lieu funds from the Kingsley Pond Development subdivision and amend the Clark Lake Park Acquisition budget . From May through June 2001, Kent received a total of $7, 125 from a subdivision near Clark Lake Park, paying fee-in-lieu of funds, dedicating park land to mitigate the development of single family homes . The City has five years from the date of deposit to spend these funds for park acquisition, development, or open space . Funds are dedicated to the park closest to the subdivision. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) Canterbury Neighborhood Park Master Plan. APPROVAL of the Canterbury Neighborhood Park Master Plan. In 1998, the City bought the 2 . 08 acre Rinatala property to construct a neighborhood park to serve the area. After the purchase and sale agreement was executed, public meetings were held to develop a preliminary master plan and funding strategy, get citizen input on the recreation elements, issues, and concerns and to get citizen comments on the proposed master plan and determine priorities . 8 Kent City Council Minutes September 18 , 2001 FINANCE (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5A) 2002 Budget. Mayor White noted that this is the first public hearing on the 2002 budget . The second hearing is scheduled for November 20, 2001 at the regular Council meeting. Public input is desired and welcome as the city begins to prepare for the 2002 budget . Finance Director Miller noted that the budget is expected to be approximately $123 , 000, 000, which is the same as last years . She said 86% of the budget is operating expenditures . Mayor White opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 5B) 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Plan. Mayor White noted that this is the second and final public hearing to receive input on the 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Plan. The Capital Improvement Plan includes all capital expenditures for the next six years as described in the Comprehensive Plan. This plan is updated annually. Public input is encouraged as the city plans for future capital facilities and infrastructure improvements . Finance Director Miller noted that this plan is for necessary facilities such as water and roads . The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience . ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through August 31 and paid on August 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 4 , 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 8/31/01 Wire Transfers 1027-1035 $1, 680, 656 . 14 8/31/01 Prepays 521594-521937 $3 , 808, 686 . 92 9 Kent City Council Minutes September 18 , 2001 FINANCE 8/31/01 Regular 521938-522454 $3 , 196, 280 . 30 O 8/31/01 Void 521934 & 522260 ($99, 901 . 24) F— $8, 585, 722 . 12 W W Approval of checks issued for payroll of August 16 �LLJ through August 31 and paid on September 5 , 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount LJJ O 9/5/01 Checks 254576-254580 $ 350 , 288 . 81 V W 9/5/01 Advices 116360-117207 1 , 177 , 886 . 57 LL1 _ $1 , 528 , 175 . 38 �O CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS z U Kent Station. Bob O ' Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, Kent, noted that he has requested information on the Kent Station Request for qualifications because of the City' s interest in creating a public-private partnership to develop a conference center and hotel complex. He added that the citizens he has spoken to do not wish to be in the hotel business . Mr. Martin offered to make the information available to Mr. O 'Brien as soon as possible . REPORTS Council President. Orr asked that Kent emergency personnel and rescue workers communicate the City' s thanks to their counterparts in New York City if possible . Public Works . Clark noted that a special meeting will be held at 5 : 00 p.m. on September 24 , 2001 in the Council Chambers . Administrative Reports. Mayor White read communications which have come in from around the world in regard to the recent terrorist attack. ADJOURNMENT ORR MOVED to adjourn at 7 : 35 p.m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 10