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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/12/2000 Kent, Washington
December 12, 2000
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Councilmembers present : Amodt,
Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling. Others
present : Chief Administrative Officer McFall, City Attorney
Lubovich, Fire Chief Angelo, Deputy Police Chief Miller, Public
Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Finance
Director Miller, and Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Director Hodgson. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting.
The City Attorney requested that pending and potential
litigation be added to the executive session. There was
no objection.
Continued Communications Item 11A was added at the
request of Martin Plys .
Charlie Kiefer noted that his family has lived on East
Hill for fifteen years and that they will soon be moving
out of the area. He presented the mayor with a humorous
sign in commemoration of the 277th corridor.
Joe Rubio mentioned that he would like to speak on
Consent Calendar Item 6H.
Emvlovee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Lynne
Jacobs, Lead Court Clerk at the Kent Municipal Court and
Acting Court Administrator, has been chosen as Employee
of the Month for December. He noted that Ms . Jacobs has
played the role of administrator and lead clerk for the
last several months, and has done an exemplary job. He
added that her staff says "Lynne rocks ! " .
National Night Out Award. Judy Mauhl, Community
Services Specialist in the Police Department, explained
the Block Watch Program and the National Night Out
Program. She showed a four-minute video of National
Night Out activities which took place in various areas
of Kent, and announced that the City of Kent has
received a national award for its program. She invited
anyone who is interested in being in a block watch
program to contact her at the Kent Police Department .
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
Introduction of Appointees. Mayor White announced his
and Council President Orr' s appointments to various
Boards and Commissions and introduced those in
ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through AA be
approved, with the exception of Item H which was removed
by Councilmember Amodt . Woods seconded and the motion
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the
regular council meeting of November 21, 2000 .
Metro Sewer Rate Increase. King County (Metro) has
increased its rate for sewage treatment from $19 . 50 to
$19 . 75 per month per residential equivalent (750 cubic
feet of sewage) . As in the past, staff recommends pass-
ing the increase along to the customers, including the
associated utility tax, to be effective January 1, 2001 .
The Public Works Committee recommended adoption of an
ordinance establishing the sewer service rate increase .
Public Works Director Wickstrom noted that the total
financial impact on the sewer utility' s operating costs
is about $120, 000 a year. He said absorbing the
increase would eat into the emergency backup fund for
sewer emergency operations. He noted for Clark that
the City has a 30-year contract for Metro to provide
sewerage treatment and that the City provides collection
services . CLARK MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3538
establishing the sewer rate increase to he effective
January 1, 2001 . Woods seconded and the motion carried
with Amodt opposed.
LID 354 Washington Avenue HOV Lanes And Meeker Street
Widening Improvement. PASSAGE of Resolution No. 1579
for the creation of LID 354 (Washington Avenue HOV Lanes
Kent City Council Minutes December 12, 2000
and Meeker Street Widening Improvement) and setting
January 2 , 2001 as the public hearing date on LID
formation, as recommended by the Public Works Committee.
71st Avenue South Street Vacation STV-2000-1.
Resolution No. 1578 established this date for the public
hearing to vacate portions of S . 181st Street and 71st
Avenue South, lying generally southeast of the inter-
section of West Valley Highway and S . 180th Street .
Planning Manager Satterstrom pointed out the location
and explained conditions relating to compensation for
the value of right-of-way, retaining and granting
utility easements, and the use of monies received for
compensation. He recommended approval of the applica-
Mayor White opened the public hearing. Greg Amann,
representing Stonebrook, agreed with the conditions and
recommendation of staff . There were no further comments
and ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
BROTHERTON MOVED to approve the Planning Manager' s
recommendation of approval with conditions of the
application to vacate portions of S . 181st and 71st
Avenue South, as referenced in Resolution No. 1578, and
to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary
ordinance upon compliance with the conditions of
approval . Woods seconded and the motion carried.
155th Avenue S.E. Street Vacation S7V-2000-2 . PASSAGE
of Resolution No. 1580 setting January 16, 2000 , as the
date for a public hearing on the 155th Avenue Street
Vacation. A petition for this street vacation was filed
on October 31, 2000 .
South 180th Street Underpass Interlocal Aareement.
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Kent/Tukwila
Interlocal Agreement for the improvements to South 180th
Kent City Council Minutes December 12, 2000
Street, as recommended by the Public Works Committee and
upon concurrence of the language therein by the City
Attorney and the Public Works Director.
Green/Duwamish And Lake Washington/Cedar River
Interlocal Agreements. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to
sign the Green/Duwamish and Lake Washington/Cedar River
Interlocal Agreements upon concurrence with the language
therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works
Director. These agreements will provide the management
structure and funding mechanism to successfully complete
the development of the Salmon Conservation Plans, as
recommended by the Public Works Committee.
Pacific Gateway BSI Park Final Plat FSU-99-1. APPROVAL
of the staff ' s recommendation of approval with condi-
tions of the Pacific Gateway GSI Park Final Subdivision
and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat
mylar. This final plat application was submitted by
Boeing Realty Corporation for the Pacific Gateway GSI
Park Final Subdivision. The Hearing Examiner issued the
Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on
December 30 , 1999 .
Urban Separator Framework Policy Amendment CPA-2000-1.
The Land Use and Planning Board recommended approval of
text and map amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and
text amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision Codes to
recognize Urban Separators . King County' s Countywide
Planning Policy No. LU-27 defines urban separators as
low-density areas or areas of little development within
the Urban Growth Area.
Charlene Anderson, Senior Planner, explained the
history of the project and recommended, because of the
complexity of the issue, that it be sent to the Planning
Committee for further discussion.
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
BROTHERTON MOVED to forward the Land Use and Planning
Board' s recommendation to the City Council Planning
Committee for review and recommendation to the full City
Council . Yingling seconded.
Joe Miles, Friends of Soos Creek Park, spoke in support
of the recommendation and noted that the lack of a
consistent zoning of one home per acre in the urban
separator still needs work.
Brotherton noted that this issue will be discussed at
the next committee meeting, which will be held at
4 : 00 p.m. on January 8th. His motion then carried.
Telecommunications Services Agreement. AUTHORIZATION
for the Mayor to finalize and sign a multi-year
agreement for communications services with Focal
Communications Corporation, subject to the approval of
the Director of Information Technology and the City
Attorney or their designee, as recommended by the
Operations Committee on November 21, 2000 .
Public Access Studio. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to
finalize and execute an agreement with AT&T to complete
the portion of our Cable Franchise requiring AT&T to
"provide, maintain and operate a public access studio"
and to authorize a reasonable extension of that
franchise obligation in order to complete all the
steps required by the agreement .
Public Defense Services Agreement. AUTHORIZATION to
finalize and enter into an agreement with Stewart Beall
& MacNichols for Public Defense Services . The law firm
currently contracts with the City to provide legal
services to indigent defendants in the City of Kent and
the Agreement expires on December 31, 2000 .
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
Stewart Beall & MacNichols has provided services to the
City for 6 years and during the last 4 years has been
paid $198 , 000 . 00 per year for its services . The pro-
posed contract, for a two-year term commencing on
January 1, 2001 and expiring on December 31, 2002 , would
increase the annual fee to $264, 000 . 00 per year, which
amounts to approximately $100 per case for public
defense services .
Drinking Driver Task Force Reapyointments. CONFIRMATION
of the Mayor' s reappointment of Mr. Mike Buckingham to
continue serving as a member of the Drinking Driver Task
Force. Mr. Buckingham' s new appointment will continue
until 1/1/2004 .
Rotary Club Basketball Court Proiect. ACCEPT the
Rotary Club Basketball Court Project as complete and
release retainage to Mer-Con Inc . upon receipt of state
compliance affidavits, as recommended by the Parks,
Recreation and Community Services Director. On
August 22 , 2000 , staff inspected and accepted the Rotary
Club Basketball Court Project from Mer-Con Inc.
Garrison Creek Park Court Re-Surfacing Proiect. ACCEPT
the Garrison Creek Park Court Re-surfacing Project as
complete, as recommended by the Parks, Recreation and
Community Services Director. On July 26, 2000, staff
inspected and accepted the Garrison Creek Court Re-
Surfacing project from Mid-Pac Construction.
Chestnut Ridge Demolition Of Structures. ACCEPT the
house demolition from J. Harper Construction, the barn
demolition from Virginia Ashmore and the cabin demoli-
tion from Duchess Construction as complete, as
recommended by the Parks, Recreation and Community
Services Director. The house, barn and cabin
demolitions at 20403 100th Avenue SE were inspected
and approved by staff in June 2000 .
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
Clark Lake Park House. AUTHORIZATION to surplus and
demolish the house located at 24420 SE 120th Street,
at Clark Lake Park, as recommended by the Parks,
Recreation, and Community Services Director.
The Kent City Council recently approved the acquisition
of 78 acres at Clark Lake on the East Hill of Kent for a
community park. The house located on the property was
inspected by staff and professionals . It was found to
be in very poor condition and uninhabitable . Staff
reviewed all options and decided it would be in the best
interest of the City to surplus and demolish the house.
City of Auburn Home Repair Services Interlocal
Agreement. AUTHORIZATION to execute the Interlocal
Agreement with the City of Auburn to maintain their Home
Repair program, as recommended by the Parks, Recreation
and Community Services Director. The City of Auburn
would reimburse Kent for all costs associated with the
program including an administrative fee
Finance Department Accounting Technician Status Change.
AUTHORIZATION to change the status of a part-time
position in the Finance Department from "Part-Time" to
"Regular Part-Time" (at 60% of AF25 salary scale) , as
recommended by the Operations Committee at their
December 5, 2000 meeting. This change is requested
in order to be in compliance with the AFSCME union
contract . There is no cost impact to the 2000 or 2001
budget .
Intergovernmental Affairs Consulting Contract. APPROVAL
of the Intergovernmental affairs consulting contract
with Doug Levy for the period of January 1, 2001 to
December 31, 2001 for an amount not to exceed $45, 000 .
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
Kent Human Services Commission Reappointments.
CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Brad Bell
and Perry Raak to continue serving as members of the
Kent Human Services Commission. Their new appointments
will continue until 1/1/2004 .
Land Use And Planning Board Reappointments.
CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Jon Johnson
and Terry Zimmerman to continue serving as members of
the Kent Land Use and Planning Board. Their new
appointments will continue until 12/31/2003 .
Human Services Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION
of the Council President ' s appointment of Kent City
Councilmember Tim Clark to serve as a member of the Kent
Human Services Commission. He will replace Council-
member Tom Brotherton whose term expired. Councilmember
Clark' s new appointment will continue until 1/1/2002 .
Drinking Driver Task Force Appointment. CONFIRMATION
of the Council President ' s appointment of Kent City
Councilmember Tom Brotherton to serve as a member of the
Kent Drinking Driver Task Force. He will replace
Councilmember Judy Woods, whose term expired.
Brotherton' s new appointment will continue until
1/1/2004 .
Regional Justice Center Citizens Advisory Committee.
CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Marvin
Eckfeldt to continue serving as a member of the
Regional Justice Citizens Advisory Committee. His new
appointment will continue until 12/31/2003 .
Permit Center and Planning Department Tenant
Improvements. The bid opening held on November 17,
2000, for the Permit Center and Planning Department
Renovations resulted in eight bids . Ferrell Penning was
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
the low bidder at $798, 500 . The Parks, Recreation and
Community Services Director recommends awarding the
contract to Ferrell Penning. WOODS MOVED to enter into
an agreement with Ferrell Penning for the Permit Center
and Planning Department Renovations project in the
amount of $798 , 500 plus Washington state sales tax.
Epperly seconded and the motion carried.
2001 Kent Reporter Contract. The Operations Committee
has recommended approval of the 2001 Kent Reporter
contract for publication and distribution of the City' s
community newsletter, Kent Connections .
Amodt said the news in the Kent Reporter is a repeat of
what is seen in the South County Journal and expressed
concern about duplicate funding. She said she would
prefer that the City' s newsletter go into the South
County Journal . Orr responded that the Council has
supported using the Kent Reporter because it goes to
every household in the City, unlike the South County
Journal .
YINGLING MOVED to approve the 2001 Kent Reporter con-
tract for publication and distribution of the City' s
community newsletter, Kent Connections . Woods seconded.
McFall emphasized that this agreement deals with the
printing and distribution of the City' s newsletter only.
Joe Rubio said one page is not worth $58, 000 per year
and suggested putting the newsletter in with utility
bills, in other publications, or on the television
channel . He said this is a tax drain and urged the
Council to consider canceling the contract . McFall
clarified that the cost is $16, 320 annually. Amodt
stated that she has been told by citizens that few
people read the Kent Reporter. Brotherton said using
the Kent Reporter is one of the best ways to get
information out to the public . Yingling agreed and said
the cost is reasonable . The motion then carried with
Amodt opposed.
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
2000 Budget Adjustment Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 3536 for adjustments made between July 31, 2000 and
December 31, 2000 totaling $67, 284, 844 and authorizing a
line of credit in an amount not to exceed $200, 000 to
cover housing and community development costs at year-
end until they are reimbursed by King County and further
authorizing the second year of a three-year short-term
loan not to exceed $460, 000 from the Equipment Rental
Fund to the Riverbend Golf Complex to cover winter and
spring expenditures, with interest to be paid at the
state pool rate, as recommended by the Operations
Committee at their December 5, 2000 meeting.
2001 Budget Ordinance. The Operations Committee has
recommended adoption of an ordinance adopting the final
year 2001 Operating and Capital Budget, which is the
preliminary budget document plus summary (Exhibit A) and
technical changes (Exhibit B) . McFall noted that two
changes were made at the Operations Committee meeting,
which have been reflected in the budget before the
Council tonight . He explained the two changes, which
are the reduction in property tax collections to 2% and
appropriating fund balances in the street fund by
$150, 000 with those funds earmarked for a study of ways
to attack traffic congestion in the city with respect to
the existing system. The Mayor noted that these changes
are consistent with his budget message.
YINGLING MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3537 adopting
the final year 2001 Operating and Capital Budget .
Brotherton seconded. Amodt said the City should have a
rate of $3 per $1000 assessed value so that property
owners can have a break on tax increases. Brotherton
pointed out that the rate is $3 . 016, which is very close
to Amodt ' s suggestion. Yingling clarified that the
property tax paid by property owners goes to various
jurisdictions, not just to the city. He agreed that the
city is very close to what Amodt has asked for and that
some property owners may see a savings . He also noted
that this includes revenue from new construction; Mayor
White agreed. The motion to approve the 2001 Operating
and Capital Budget then carried with Amodt opposed.
Kent City Council Minutes December 12, 2000
Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through November 15 and paid on November 15,
after auditing by the Operations Committee on
November 21, 2000 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers :
Date Check Numbers Amount
11/15/00 504349-504604 $1, 623, 411 . 80
11/15/00 504605-505011 1 , 850 , 464 . 04
$3 , 473 , 875 . 84
Approval of payment of the bills received through
November 31 and paid on November 31, after auditing by
the Operations Committee on December 5, 2000 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers :
Date Check Numbers Amount
11/31/00 505012-505288 $1, 166, 296 . 18
11/31/00 505289-505697 3 ,421 , 326 . 93
$4, 587, 623 . 11
Approval of checks issued for payroll for November 1
through November 15 and paid on November 20, 2000 :
Date Check Numbers Amount
11/20/00 Checks 247967-248282 $ 262, 782 . 33
11/20/00 Advices 103009-103639 980 , 243 .48
$1, 243 , 025 . 81
Approval of checks issued for payroll for November 16
through November 30 and paid on December 5, 2000 :
Date Check Numbers Amount
12/5/00 Checks 248283-248644 $ 319, 472 . 11
12/5/00 Advices 103640-104523 1 , 141 , 181 . 69
$1, 460, 653 . 80
Accounts Receivable Write Off. APPROVAL of the write-
off for 1999/2000 past due accounts receivables of
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
$52 , 902 . 97, as recommended by the Operations Committee
at their November 21, 2000 meeting. The State Auditor
recommends that uncollectable accounts over one year old
be written off .
Chance Account Increase Ordinance. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 3535 amending Section 3 .41 . 020 of the
Kent City Code to increase the Change Account from
$3, 500 to $6, 000, as recommended by the Operations
Committee at their November 21, 2000 meeting. This will
cover the increase provided the golf course when the
City assumed management of the 18-hole tournament and
cashier responsibility at the golf complex. This will
also allow room for future department needs .
(ITEM 11A)
Martin Plvs, 3004 S . 256th, asked questions relating to
the City Central employee newsletter, the golf course
debt, the budget, employees and their duties, Council
voting records and personnel issues . He said citizens
will continue to do initiatives so that taxes aren' t
Council President. Orr encouraged people to contri-
bute to the donation drives in the Police and Fire
Departments, and reminded Councilmembers that deliveries
will be made on December 22nd. She wished everyone
happy holidays .
Operations Committee. Yingling noted that the next
meeting will be on the third Tuesday in January, and
that the January 2nd meeting has been cancelled.
Public Safety Committee. Epperly announced that the
Riverbend Caddy Program has turned $450 in private
donations over to the Kent Police Department to adopt a
family for Christmas in honor of Carol Bennett .
Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the first
meeting of the month will be held on January 8th, and
the second will be on January 22nd.
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
Plannina Committee. Brotherton noted that the committee
met yesterday and discussed temporary access structures
and the agricultural lands policy which was sent back to
staff. He stated that the next meeting will be on
January 8th at which time urban separators will be
Administrative Reports. McFall reminded Councilmembers
of the executive session on property acquisition, pend-
ing litigation and potential litigation matters . He
estimated that it would last approximately 30 minutes .
The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 8 : 05 p.m.
and reconvened at 9 : 00 p.m.
Property Acquisition. YINGLING MOVED to adopt
Resolution No. 1581 authorizing the Mayor to (1) execute
a real property purchase and sale agreement with Borden
Chemical, Inc . , (2) execute a lease of a portion of the
property back to Borden Chemical, (3) execute loan
documents with King County for financing the acquisition
through an interim loan of Community Development Block
Grant funds, and further to establish the Urban Center
Project budget of $12 . 9 million funded from the King
County loan of $9 million and a water utility fund loan
of $3 . 9 million, and state the Council ' s intent to issue
Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in the future to
reimburse public portions of the project . Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
Emplovee Services. YINGLING MOVED to authorize the
Employee Services Director, with full and complete
discretion, to enter into a resignation agreement with
the Park Development Coordinator as she deems appro-
priate within the deductible limits of the City' s
insurance program. Woods seconded and the motion
EPPERLY MOVED to accept tender of defense and indemnifi-
cation by King County Fire District #37 of the matter of
Haydock vs . Kent, pursuant to paragraph 14 of the
Agreement for Fire and Life Safety Services and Joint
Operation of Facilities, but only to the extent
Kent City Council Minutes December 12 , 2000
liability arises out of the acts or omissions of city
personnel relating to the performance of said agreement .
Woods seconded and the motion carried.
WOODS MOVED to adjourn at 9 : 03 p.m. Orr seconded and
the motion carried.
� G�-�i tiles
Brenda Jacober, CMC
City Clerk -