HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/03/2000 Kent, Washington October 3 , 2000 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Chief Administrative Officer McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson, and Planning Manager Satterstrom. Approximately 30 people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Mayor White added a proclamation regarding Fire Prevention Week as Public Communications Item 4C. Martin Plys requested the addition of the 256th Street corridor and the Market . They were added as Continued Communications Item 11A. Bill Young requested the addition of the Performing Arts Center and the Borden property. It was added as Continued Communications Item 11B. Ted Kogita requested the addition of the Market, and it was added as Continued Communications Item 11C. Civic and Performing Arts Center. Council President Orr read a letter from Don Campbell, President of the Kent Civic and Performing Arts Center Board of Trustees, announcing the Board' s decision to terminate its Professional Services Agreement with the City of Kent . McFall recommended that the City develop a systematic plan for disposal of the property which was acquired for the Center and noted that recommendations will be made to the Council within sixty days . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Dimitrios "D" Carter, Recreation Specialist at the Resource Center, has been selected as Employee of the Month for October. He noted that D has been working in the Youth/Teen Department for the past five years and has helped many teens choose a college to attend and to receive community college basketball scholarships . He added that D is a role model to young people and has not 1 Kent City Council Minutes October 3 , 2000 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS only great perspective and insight, but a kind heart . Resource Center Manager Cheryl Fraser highly commended Mr. Carter, noting that he is a mentor and provides healthy adult guidance to at least a thousand teenage boys and girls . She said he is very respected, trusted and loved by many young people in this community. She thanked him for his commitment to young people. Mayor White said the City is honored to have D Carter as an employee . Introduction of Appointees. Mayor White introduced Roberto Gonzales, his appointee to the Diversity Board, and noted that Steven Kato and Lawrence Lombard, who are not in attendance, are his reappointments to the Board. Fire Prevention Week, Mayor White read a proclamation noting that developing and practicing a home fire escape plan is critical to escaping a real fire safely and urged residents to participate in fire prevention activities . He presented the proclamation to Public Information Officer Pawlak. Pawlak thanked the Mayor for the proclamation and encouraged everyone to practice their escape plan at least once a month. CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through G be approved. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 19, 2000 . TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) 208th Street Interlocal Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute the 208th Street Interlocal Agreement with King County for the 208th Street Left Turn Lane project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee, and upon the Public Works Director and City Attorney concurring with the language therein. 2 Kent City Council Minutes October 3 , 2000 TRANSPORTATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) WSDOT Grant Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Department of Transportation grant agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget in the amount of $42, 299 . 61, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . This grant provides funds to the City' s Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Program for technical assistance to worksites and CTR program enhancements. SEWER (BIDS - ITEM 8A) 118th Avenue SE Sewer Extension. The bid opening for this project was held on September 12th with seven bids received. The low bid was submitted by Michael D. McPhee Co. in the amount of $58, 813 . 42 . The Engineer' s estimate was $64 , 038 . 71 . The Public Works Director recommends award of this project to Michael D. McPhee Co. CLARK MOVED that the 118th Avenue S .E. Sewer Extension contract be awarded to Michael D. McPhee Co. in the amount of $58, 813 .42 plus applicable Washington State Sales Tax. Orr seconded and the motion carried. URBAN SEPARATORS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) Urban Separators Subdivision Moratorium Resolution. The proposed resolution would establish a moratorium on the applications for subdivisions or short plats in areas located within or proposed for inclusion as urban separators in the City of Kent . The Land Use and Planning Board is currently conducting hearings on he matter of urban separators . The moratorium, if adopted, would prohibit the application for the subdivision of land increasing the number of lots and/or density in the areas located within or proposed for inclusion as an urban separator in order to allow the Land Use and Planning Board and the City council to fully consider the matter of urban separators . The moratorium would not prohibit other land use and building applications in these areas for currently existing lots . Pursuant to 3 Kent City Council Minutes October 3 , 2000 URBAN SEPARATORS state law, a hearing on the moratorium must be held within sixty (60) days after its adoption. It is recom- mended that a hearing be scheduled for the October 17, 2000 , Council meeting. The City Attorney explained that this item deals only with the moratorium and outlined what the resolution would do. He distributed copies of a substitute resolution which clarifies that vested applications would not be affected by the moratorium. Charlene Anderson of Planning displayed maps and explained each area. She added that the Board' s continued hearing is scheduled for October 16, the day before the hearing on the moratorium if it ' s held on October 17 as recommended. Upon the Mayor ' s question regarding notification and after a brief discussion, it was decided that the affected property owners should be notified of the hearing at least two weeks in advance, and because of the number of property owners and length of time involved, the date of the public hearing should be changed to November 7, 2000 . BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1576 establish- ing a moratorium on the application of any subdivision, short plat, or similar application in areas located within or proposed for inclusion as an urban separator, and further scheduling this matter for a hearing before the full Council at its November 7, 2000, meeting. Woods seconded and the motion carried. CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS (ADDED ITEM - 11A) S. 256th Street. Martin Plvs, 3004 S . 256, said he has contacted Julia Patterson and Jack Cairnes suggesting that they help get the $1, 000, 000 back and that the Christian Faith Center property could be purchased for a performing arts center. Freedom of Speech. Plys voiced concern that this body denied Kent citizens the right to freedom of speech. 4 Kent City Council Minutes October 3 , 2000 CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS Public Market. Plys said the Council erred in giving the Public Market an additional $4 , 000 per month, and suggested combining the public market with the swap meet . He opined that citizens don' t use the market because it is indoors and doesn' t have the quality and selection that was available outdoors . He said that although Councilmember Epperly abstained from voting, she has influence over other Councilmembers . Plys said Councilmembers Yingling and Woods and Mayor White have received campaign contributions from Tom Woods, who is the president of KDP. He said the market should replace the manager with someone who will make it a success and will operate within the original budget, or the market and KDP should be dissolved. Civic and Performing Arts Center. Plys thanked all citizens who voted against the Civic and Performing Arts Center. (ADDED ITEM - 11B) Civic and Performing Arts Center. Bill Young, 1005 E. Guiberson Street, asked whether there is still a director for the performing arts center and Mayor White noted that that contract was terminated. Borden Property. Upon questions from Bill Young, McFall explained that there has been no decision by the Council to purchase the Borden property, and that the loan puts the potential financing in place if they decide to purchase the property. He noted that there is a Letter of Intent from the current property owner, and that an environmental assessment is under way. He added that if the property is not sold within 30 months, longer term financing would have to be obtained at that time. He then explained that the developer would be responsible for architectural and engineering work on the project, and that "urban town center" is simply a name being used temporarily to identify the site . He concluded by saying that the development would be private. (ADDED ITEM - 11C) Diversity Board Appointment. Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, thanked the Mayor and Council for appointing Roberto Gonzales to the Diversity Board. 5 Kent City Council Minutes October 3 , 2000 CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS Public Market. Kogita questioned whether the Councilmember employed by the Public Market should volunteer her time rather than being paid until the Market gets on its feet . He also stated that prices at the Market are too high. TENANT IMPROVEMENTS (BIDS - ITEM 8B) Public Works Tenant Imnrovements. The Public Works Director recommends entering into an agreement with DP Inc . for $252, 699 . 00 plus Washington State Sales Tax for renovation and expansion of offices for the Public Works Department . CLARK MOVED to enter into an agreement with DP Inc . in the amount of $252 , 699 plus Washington State Sales Tax for the Public Works Tenant Improvement project . Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Diversity Board Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Roberto Gonzales to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Mr. Gonzales is a Kent resident and business owner. He has owned and operated the Mexico Lindo Restaurant for more than 25 years and is a long time member of the Kent Chamber of Commerce . He will replace Gerald Washington, who resigned, and his term will continue until 9/30/02 . Confirmation of the Mayor ' s reappointment of Steven Kato and Lawrence Lombard to continue serving as members of the Board. Their reappointments will continue until 9/30/2003 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 63) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 15 and paid on September 15, after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 19, 2000 . 6 Kent City Council Minutes October 3 , 2000 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 9/15/00 501596-501855 $1, 611, 890 . 97 9/15/00 501856-502222 1 , 951 , 640 . 17 $3 , 563 , 531 . 14 Approval of checks issued for pavroll for September 1 through September 15 and paid on September 20, 2000 : Date Check Numbers Amount 9/20/00 Checks 246687-246995 $ 270 , 795 . 23 9/20/00 Advices 100383-101038 960 , 410 . 63 $1, 231, 205 . 86 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Engineering Remodel Budget. AUTHORIZE staff to transfer $291, 000 of the $900, 000 budgeted for the Public Works Operation Facility to be used for the Engineering Offices Remodel project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) January-July 2000 Budget Adiustment Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3526 for budget adjustments made between January 31 and July 31, 2000, as recommended by the Operations Committee at their September 19, 2000 meeting. This technical housekeeping adjustment totals $16, 655, 480, primarily of previously approved projects, and also consolidates individual budget items into one adjusting ordinance to facilitate the state auditor' s requirements . REPORTS Council President. Orr thanked the Civic and Performing Arts Center Board for their letter and for their foresight in making the request they made tonight . REPORTS Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the next committee meeting will be on October loth at 5 : 00 p.m. 7 Kent City Council Minutes October 3 , 2000 REPORTS Planning Committee. Brotherton noted that the committee will meet on November 6 . Administrative Renorts. McFall noted that property acquisition does not need to be discussed in executive session this evening as noted on the agenda, but requested an executive session of approximately 15 minutes to discuss matters of pending and potential litigation. There was no objection. McFall reported that the City received approval from the King County Council for a short-term loan for an amount up to $10, 000, 000 for purposes of the acquisition of property for downtown redevelopment . He explained that the funding comes from the County' s Community Development Block Grant program, and that the interest rate is 4% . He then noted that the ultimate goal is to develop the local economy. EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 7 :45 p.m. and reconvened at 8 : 15 p.m. ADJOURNMENT EPPERLY MOVED to adjourn at 8 : 15 p.m. Clark seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jaco CMC City Clerk 8