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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/21/2000 Kent, Washington
March 21, 2000
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present : Councilmembers Amodt,
Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Police Chief
Crawford, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director
Wickstrom, Parks Director Hodgson and Finance Director Miller.
Approximately 20 people were at the meeting.
CHANGES TO John Kastien, 20609 94th Avenue South, - spoke in
THE AGENDA favor of the Performing Arts Center, noting that
there are nay-sayers on every project and that the
(Performing obstructionists will be proven wrong. Martin Plvs
Arts Center) thanked the City Attorney for his help in esta-
(Initiative blishing Initiative 103 , expressed confusion about
103) the ownership of the Public Market, and asked that
(Lodging Tax) a report be published regarding the lodging tax.
Joe Rubio voiced concern about the financial
burden of the Performing Arts Center on taxpayers.
Ted Koaita, 25227 Reith Road, said he is not an
obstructionist and that he is simply doing his
(Public Market) McFall explained that the quit claim deed for the
Public Market property now owned by the Public
Development Authority was filed with the County on
May 27, 1999 . He also explained the appraisal and
purchase price.
McFall explained that the lodging tax became
(Lodging Tax) effective on February 1, 1999, that in that
eleven-month period over $143 , 000 was collected,
and that with additional occupancies, approxi-
mately $170, 000 will be collected in 2000 .
PUBLIC CASA Cares Month. ' Mayor White read a proclamation
COMMUNICATIONS noting that each year thousands of children are
abused, neglected and otherwise caught up in
family conflicts by those who are supposed to care
for them, and that Court Appointed Special
Advocates (CASA) help these children find a way
through the court system to get to a safe, loving,
permanent home . He proclaimed the month of April
2000 as CASA Cares Month in the City of Kent and
urged all citizens to increase their awareness,
and to support initiatives and efforts to prevent
child abuse and neglect . Edward Greenleaf, King
Kent City Council Minutes March 21, 2000
PUBLIC County Superior Court Program Manager for Family
COMMUNICATIONS Law CASA, accepted the proclamation and introduced
Kenneth Curry, CASA Volunteer with King County
Dependency and Joyce Davis, CASA Volunteer repre-
senting Family Law. He announced candlelight
vigils at noon on April 6 at the Regional Justice
Center and at noon on April 20 at the King County
Courthouse in Seattle, and invited the public to
CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through
CALENDAR G be approved. Woods seconded and the motion
Approval of Minutes. . APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of March 7, 2000 .
Dewaterina Pump. AUTHORIZATION to purchase the
Dewatering Pump from Kent Oxygen Co. , Inc . ,
including installation, for the Green River
Natural Resources Area (GRNRA) for the bid amount
of $30, 825 . 00, as recommended by the Public Works
MOBILITY Kent Chamber Freight Mobility Systems Improvement
SYSTEMS Proiect. AUTHORIZATION for the City to increase
its participation in the Freight Mobility Systems
Improvement Project to $30, 000 and authorize
increased funding to be transferred from the 2000
Street Fund budget, as recommended by the Public
Works Committee .
42nd Avenue S. Boundary Proiect. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 3506, authorizing the adjustment of
boundaries on 42nd Avenue South to remove a small
"island" of King County jurisdiction along a
short, half-street portion of that road. This
situation occurred because the former Kent McCann
Annexation boundary extended to the center of that
street, but the boundary of the Sea-Tac incorpora-
tion only extended to the edge of the street,
Kent City Council Minutes March 21, 2000
BOUNDARY leaving jurisdiction with King County on the
remaining half-street portion of the road.
AMENDMENTS Hazardous Substanges - Diesel Fuel Tanks Zoning
Code Amendment ZCA-2000-2 . Adoption of the pro-
posed ordinance would exempt diesel fuel tanks for
stationary, on-site, oil burning equipment in non-
residential zoning, districts and further exempt
these fuel tanks up to 6, 000 gallons in capacity
for essential governmental facilities in residen-
tial zones. The ordinance would establish a five-
foot landscape buffer around all above-ground
diesel fuel tanks over 500 gallons . Emergency
back-up generator systems, and sufficient amounts
of diesel fuel to fuel the generators that support
these back-up systems have become a necessary part
of many high technology businesses. A number of
these businesses have requested this amendment to
the Zoning Code to allow for larger diesel fuel
tanks for these industries and also for certain
governmental facilities. Although exempted from
certain zoning code regulations, these tanks will
still be subject to all requirements of the
Uniform Fire Code .
The City Attorney requested that the effective
date of the ordinance be five days rather than
thirty days as shown in the agenda packet . There
was no objection. BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt
Ordinance No. 3507 amending the hazardous sub-
stance regulations as outlined in the Zoning Code
Amendment, as recommended by the Land Use and
Planning Board and as amended at this meeting by
the City Attorney. Orr seconded and the motion
VallevCom Interlocal Agreement. AUTHORIZATION
for the Mayor to sign the ValleyCom Interlocal
Agreement . This Agreement includes the City of
Federal Way as a full participating member in
the maintenance and operation of the Valley
Communications Center, joining the cities of
Kent, Auburn, Renton and Tukwila. This is a
Kent City Council Minutes March 21, 2000
PUBLIC SAFETY new Interlocal Agreement among the five member
cities . It incorporates the relevant terms of
the original Interlocal Agreement, including all
amendments, and ratifies all acts consistent with
these Agreements .
Creation of Public Development Authority to
Finance New Vallev;Com Facility. PASSAGE of
Resolution No. 1504, which authorizes the City to
create a Public Development Authority, the sole
purpose of which is to provide financing for the
construction of the new Valley Communications
Center Facility in Kent . The Ordinance, Charter,
and Bylaws of the proposed PDA are not set for
passage at this time . Once all ValleyCom member
cities have passed an ordinance substantially
similar to this resolution, staff will offer the
PDA enactment documents for council passage .
Staff intends to present those documents for
passage at the next regular Council meeting.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through February 28 and paid on
February 28 after auditing by the Operations
Committee on March 7, 2000 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers :
Date Check Numbers Amount
2/28/00 230948-231206 $ 624 , 994 . 61
2/28/00 231207-231594 1, 671 , 923 .21
$2 , 296, 917 . 82
Approval of checks issued for pavroll of
February 29 and paid on March 3 , 2000 :
Date Check Numbers Amount
3/3/00 Checks 242205-242512 $ 245, 247 . 74
3/3/00 Advices 91994-92699 891 , 113 . 19
$1, 136, 360 . 93
Kent City Council Minutes March 21, 2000
REPORTS Council President. Orr reminded Councilmembers to
make reservations to the Suburban Cities dinner,
and reminded citizens of the importance of
completing and returning the census forms.
Planning Committee. Brotherton noted that the
next meeting will be on April 3rd at 5 : 00 p.m. and
that urban separators will be discussed.
(Performing Brotherton explained the background of the
Arts Center) Performing Arts Center, noting that both a
committee of citizens and a consultant feel it is
feasible . He explained that the hotel-motel tax
is paid by visitors, not by residents, and can
only be used for tourism issues and that the
performing arts center is the only tourism issue
in the city. He added that the land is already
available, that private dollars are being
collected to pay for half of the building, and
that the issue will go before the voters . He
encouraged citizens to study the issues and the
real figures .
Administrative Reoprts. McFall explained that the
property acquisition item shown on the agenda is
not ready for discussion, but that there is a need
to discuss potential litigation for 10-15 minutes .
EXECUTIVE The meeting recessed to executive session at
SESSION 7 :27 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened at 7 :38 and adjourned.
Brenda Jacob r, CMC
City Clerk