HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/18/2000 Kent, Washington January 18 , 2000 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Present : Councilmembers Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling, Operations Director/Chief of Staff McFall , City Attorney Lubovich, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Parks Director Hodgson, Finance Director Miller, Public Works Director Wickstrom, and Planning Director Harris . Councilmember Amodt was excused from the meeting. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO Item 6P was added by Council President Orr, THE AGENDA Item 6I was corrected by McFall , Item 7C was continued at the request of Mr. Nelson. PUBLIC Introduction of Appointees. Mayor White intro- COMMUNICATIONS duced Kathy Madison, Alicia Bennett, Peter Wynia, and Andy Wangstad, his appointees to the Lodging Tax Committee . Proclamation - Toastmasters Week. The Mayor read a proclamation noting that the ability to speak in a clear and effective manner is a powerful and important skill and that Toastmasters International performs a valuable service for their members and those who hear their message of opportunity, initiative, and good fellowship. He proclaimed the week of January 31-February 6, 2000 as Toastmasters Week in the City of Kent . The proclamation was presented to Steve Kennedy, who thanked the Mayor for this honor. Proclamation - Jaycee Week. Mayor White noted that the Kent Jaycees have been a vital part of the development of young leaders for this com- munity for the past 54 years and proclaimed the week of January 17-23 , 2000 as Jaycee Week in the City of Kent . He presented that proclamation to a member of the Kent Jaycees, who expressed his appreciation. CONSENT ORR MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through P CALENDAR be approved, with the exception of Item E, which was removed by Councilmember Yingling. Woods seconded and the motion carried. 1 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 4 , 2000 . SEWER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) 277th Sewer Interceptor Phase II. ACCEPT the 277th Sewer Interceptor Phase II contract as complete and release of retainage to Robison Construction, Inc . upon standard releases from the State and release of any liens, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee . The original contract amount was $1, 713 , 109 . 72 . The final construction cost was $1, 997, 096 . 54 . The addi- tional funds required are paid 100% by Metro . TRANSPORTATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Transportation Mitigation Task Force Recommenda- tion. ADOPT and implement recommendations of the Transportation Mitigation Task Force as denoted and clarified in the Public Works Directors January 3rd memorandum to the Committee, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Transportation Mitigation Fees - 277th Corridor. CONCUR with the continuing corridor participation option as described in the Public Works Director ' s January 3rd memorandum to the Committee, as recom- mended by the Public Works/Planning Committee . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) LID 351, S. 277th Street Corridor, Final Assessment Roll Hearing. APPROVE the members of the Public Works Committee to sit as the Board of Equalization on this LID and to hold the hearing on the 277th Corridor LID 351 Final Assessment Roll . The Board will issue findings and con- clusions on the matter and forward the assessment roll to Council for final action and approval . 2 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) CONTROL (REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER YINGLING AT THE REQUEST OF A CITIZEN) S . 256th at 29th Neighborhood Traffic Control . The Public Works and Planning Committee has recom- mended installation of an electronically powered sliding gate with the automation cost to be paid our of the Neighborhood Traffic Control Program budget and defer decision on the formal closure of S . 256th to end after a six-month trial and study period. The following people spoke in opposition to the gate : Bruce Charlay, 25611 27th Place S . , Apt 305 Martin Plys, 3004 S . 256 Heather McQuarter, 25615 27th Place South Lynn Nelson, 2630 S . 256, Apt L302 Eve Isley, 2632 S . 256, Apt M204 Justin Lester, 2710 S . 256th Place Richard Roshky, 25621 27th Place South Delilah LaGrown, 2700 S . 256 James Haskins, Pacific Pointe Apartments Keona Dempsey, 258 26th Place S . , Apt D202 Brandon Wiegert, 2710 S . 256th Place Belinda Lyons, 25834 26th Place, Apt G-105 Taneesha Haythorn Davis, 25829 26th Place South Kathleen Roberts, 25830 26th Place South, Apt H205 Reasons given for opposing the gate were that it does not solve the problem, that the money should be spent on crime prevention and code enforcement regarding negligent landlords, that Americans cannot be suppressed, that it cuts off community and causes segregation, it causes a reduction in emergency response time, it obstructs a publicly- financed road, it diminishes community good will , it conveys the wrong message to children, it takes a long time to walk around the gate, it is unfair, and that this is an economical issue . Three comments were made regarding being told that they were not allowed on the east side of the gate and being taunted at the gate . One speaker demanded a town hall meeting regarding the issue . 3 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 TRAFFIC Val Jones spoke in favor of the gate, noting that CONROL drug dealing and burglaries have taken place. He added that apartments do not provide a place for children to play. ORR MOVED to make a letter from Justin Lester a part of the record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. - After all who wished to had spoken, Mayor White thanked the citizens for participating in the process . CLARK MOVED for authorization to install an electronically powered sliding gate with the automation cost to be paid out of the Neighborhood Traffic Control Program budget and defer a deci- sion on the formal closure of S . 256th Street to end after a six-month trial and study period. He clarified that the intent of the motion is to defer a decision on the formal closure of 256th to after the six-month trial and study period, and to pay for the electronically guided gate . Brotherton seconded. Clark went on to explain that the safety of school children has always been the highest priority, and that, sadly, a neighbor has misinterpreted the meaning of the gate. He emphasized that the gate is to slow traffic, not to prevent people from walking on the street . YINGLING MOVED to end the study now and remove the gate . He said he cannot tolerate the inadver- tently created symbol of discrimination. His motion died for lack of a second. Orr expressed thanks to those who attended this meeting and those who spoke on the issue . She said it is reprehensible that someone in the neighborhood would tell anyone they can' t walk on the other side of the gate . She reiterated that the gate is simply a traffic calming device, and spoke in favor of completing the six-month study. Clark' s motion then carried, with Yingling opposed. 4 Kent City Council Minutes January 18, 2000 STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) VACATION Street Vacation, S . 196th At 58th Place S. PASSAGE of Resolution No. 1561 setting February 15, 2000 , as the date for a public hear- ing on the S . 196th at 58th Place South Street Vacation. A petition for a street vacation has been filed by at least two-thirds of the property owners with property abutting .that portion of South 196th Street and 58th Place South. RECYCLING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) City Optional Recycling Program Grant. AUTHORIZA- TION for the Mayor to sign the City Optional Recycling Program Grant agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget for same, as recommended by the Public Works/Planning Committee. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) Pacific Gateway Business Park Land Dedication Agreement. AUTHORIZATION to execute the proposed Dedication Agreement relating to the Pacific Gateway Business Park and approval of the dedication of Tract C to the City in a form substantially similar to the proposed agreement, as recommended by staff . The Boeing Company is developing certain real property in the City of Kent known as Pacific Gateway Business Park. The western boundary of the property abuts the public right-of-way of Russell Road South, parallel to the Green River. A portion of the property known as Tract C lies mostly within 200 feet of the river. As part of this development, Boeing desires to quit claim its title to Tract C and provide certain improvements to the same as mitigation for adverse impacts relating to the Shoreline Management Act and other development regulations . A Dedication Agreement has been negotiated between Boeing and the City for the dedication of Tract C. 5 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 ANNEXATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7C) Nelson Annexation 10% Petition. Orr announced that the Nelsons have requested that this item be postponed. It was noted that it will appear on the agenda of April 4th. ZONING CODE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) AMENDMENT Off-Premises Sians Zonina Code Amendment ZCA-99-2 . This item was postponed at the November 16, 1999 Council meeting. On April 12 , 1999, the Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing and made a recommendation to the Council regarding the regulation of billboards . The Board' s recommen- dation is for a "no net gain" policy on billboards that allows the existing signs to continue but disallows new billboards . This recommendation was forwarded to the City Council Public Works and Planning Committee in May 1999 . Following the Committee ' s review, the matter was referred back to the Board which confirmed their original recommendation. Diana Nelson of the Planning Department explained that the off-site sign code has not changed for over 26 years . She noted that there are currently 44 billboard structures in the City, and 70 sign faces . She added that 58% of the structures conform to the zoning, 36% conform to design standards, 51% have permits and 25% are now tri- vision. She pointed out that the current code would allow 134 billboards on the 192/196 corri- dor, East Valley Highway, the 212/216 corridor and the 272/277 corridor. She then explained Alternative 1, which was chosen by the Planning Board, and noted that the Board added the provision that the Council examine issues of derelict or abandoned signs and existing tri- vision billboards . City Attorney Lubovich noted that there are three alternatives, and explained the differences . CLARK MOVED the Planning Board' s proposal with Alternative 2 . Woods seconded. 6 Kent City Council Minutes January 18, 2000 ZONING CODE Jo Ladd Clark, 26121 Woodland Way South, presented AMENDMENT a petition signed by citizens who would like to see the removal of all billboards in Kent, along with the reasons for that request . She noted that other cities have taken steps to remove bill- boards, and said that this type of advertising cannot be avoided. WOODS MOVED to make the petition a part of the record. Orr seconded and the motion carried. Nicole Rolfness, Director of Community Relations for AK Media NW presented copies of drawings submitted for their Larger than Life contest . She outlined other programs they are involved with to make Kent a better place in which to live and work. She spoke in favor of Councilmember Yingling ' s proposal as a way to work with the City to advertise in the community. She read a letter from the President of Aqua-Quip, 405 Washington Avenue North, Kent, reiterating the importance advertising plays in the continued growth and success of their business . Pat Seltzer, 16915 88th Avenue East, said Lamar Advertising has been in business for nearly one hundred years and that they work with the community leaders and advertisers . He added that they donate approximately 20% of their business to the community, and said they support Alternative 3 . Frank Podanv. President of AK Media NW, said that Alternative Nos . 1 and 2 do not motivate the industry to react to the needs of concerned citizens . He said his company has offered to do something about the issues, and said capping the number of billboards is a reasonable solution. He was opposed to an outright ban, and read a letter from the Kent Parks Department thanking them for promoting their activities . Yingling opined that Alternatives 1 and 2 are so restrictive that it is not profitable, and urged the Council to consider Alternative 3 as a friendly amendment . Clark did not accept the friendly amendment . 7 Kent City Council Minutes January 18, 2000 ZONING CODE Clark spoke in opposition to billboards and AMENDMENT said that most of the billboards in Kent are from national corporations rather than local businesses . He said he is willing to compromise by leaving it as status quo. Woods spoke in favor of Clark' s motion and thanked the Land Use and Planning Board for their hard work and for their fair and balanced proposal . YINGLING MADE A SUBSTITUTE MOTION to accept Alternative 3 as the billboard ordinance proposal . Brotherton seconded. Diana Nelson noted that the public has not seen that alternative and recom- mended that a public hearing be held in order to make their opinions known. She expressed concern about some of things in Alternative 3 . Yingling withdrew his substitute motion for the purpose of voting on the first motion. WOODS MOVED to make visuals showing a billboard in a park and another showing the lack of maintenance of billboards a part of the public record. Orr seconded and the motion carried. Clark' s motion then failed with Clark and Woods in favor, and Brotherton, Epperly, Orr and Yingling opposed. YINGLING MOVED to accept Alternative 3 as the billboard sign ordinance . Brotherton seconded. After a brief discussion regarding public input, WOODS MOVED to table the issue to the next Council meeting. Brotherton seconded. It was clarified that it will be a public hearing and Alternative 3 will be submitted. The motion to table carried. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) SEATABO Rezone RZ-99-1. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3500 rezoning a 4 . 5 acre portion of two pro- perties located on the east of the intersection of 71st Place South and South 234th Street from Industrial Park District (M-1) to Limited Industrial District (M-2) zone . 8 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) RECREATION IAC Land Acquisition Grant For East Hill Youth Sports Complex. ACCEPT a $152 , 000 IAC Grant for the East Hill Youth Sports Complex, and amend the Land Acquisition budget for $52 , 000, and the East Hill Youth Sports Complex budget for $100 , 000 . The Parks Planning and Development Department applied for and received approval for a $152 , 000 grant from the Interagency for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for acquisition of land for the East Hill Youth Sports Complex. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) Downtown Gateways Design Project. The Downtown Design Committee reviewed 15 proposals and selected Atelier PS, a landscape architecture firm, to design and engineer the Downtown Gateways project . This project will be coordinated with the sidewalk replacement project . The Parks Director recommends entering into an agreement with Atelier PS and Associates in the amount of $74 , 963 to design and engineer the project . Lori Flemm of the Parks Department explained the background of the project, outlined what is included in the project, and said they expect construction to take place in August or September. WOODS MOVED to enter an agreement with Atelier PS and Associates in the amount of $74 , 963 to design and engineer the Downtown Gateways project . Epperly seconded and the motion carried. MAINTENANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Replacement Copier Rental. AUTHORIZE the two-year rental of the Xerox DC265 Copier from Xerox under the State of Washington Office of Procurement Contract #05899 . The print shop currently has two production copiers, which were leased three years ago as part of the City' s fleet of copiers . The contract for these two copiers expires at the end of 1999 . The 9 Kent City Council Minutes January 18, 2000 MAINTENANCE fleet contract allows for up to two additional extensions of the contract, into years four and five respectively. Staff would like to extend the contract on one of the copiers, the Xerox 5100 for another year. This machine will become the secondary copier, as it is nearing the end of its life cycle . The second copier, (a Royal 6090) has not per- formed well , nor has the vendor been successful or responsive in providing support on the machine. This copier has been the secondary machine . Staff would like to replace the Royal 6090 with a digitally connect Xerox DC 265 copier/printer, which would take over the role of primary copier, running the majority of the print shop copies . This would afford the City an opportunity to look at and test out networked digital technology (fairly new in the market) in a controlled environment prior to considering it for future use throughout the City' s copier fleet . The amount of this copier technology has been budgeted for year 2000 . PUBLIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) INFORMATION 2000 Kent Reporter Contract. APPROVAL of the 2000 Kent Reporter contract for production and distribution of the City' s Community newsletter, Kent Connections, in an amount not to exceed $54 , 720, as recommended by the Operations Committee. The City has been publishing its monthly City newsletter, Kent Connections, in the Kent Reporter since the summer of 1997 . The Reporter is dis- tributed to all Kent homes and businesses . In the Fall 1999 Citizen Survey, more than 70% of respondents reported reading the City newsletter in the Kent Reporter, a very positive affirmation of publishing our newsletter in this publication. The contract cost of $54 , 720 covers one page of space each month, along with distribution and represents no increase over 1999 rates . Content and layout are prepared by City staff . 10 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) (ADDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT ORR) Excused Absence. APPROVAL of an excused absence for Councilmember Amodt from tonight ' s meeting, as she is unable to attend. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7D) City Council Rules and Regulations Amendment. The City Council, at its meeting of January 4, 2000 , agreed to the establishment of five Council committees . The proposed resolution, which repeals Resolution No. 1516, separates the Public Works and Planning Committees into two separate committees . ORR MOVED to pass Resolution No. 1562 amending the City Council rules and regulations asset forth in Resolution No. 1516 by establishing five (5) City Council committees . Woods seconded and the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) Lodging Tax Committee Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Ms . Kathy Madison to serve as member of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Ms . Madison is Director of Corporate Improvement and her office is located at Best Western Plaza By the Green. She has several years ' experience with the hospitality industry and recently was employed as Manager of Hawthorne Suites in Kent . She will replace Tom Inman, who resigned, and her new term will continue until 1/1/2003 . Ms . Alicia Bennett, who manages the Holiday Inn in Kent has also been appointed to the Committee . She is a member of Renton Rotary and has been employed in the hospitality business for nine years, the last seven years with Sunstone Hotels who own and operate the Kent Holiday Inn. Ms . Bennett will replace Scott Brown, and her term will continue until 1/1/2002 . 11 Kent City Council Minutes January 18, 2000 APPOINTMENTS Peter Wynia, General Manager of Best Inn and Suites on 74th Avenue South, has also been appointed to the Committee . He is a member of the Kent Rotary Club and has been in the hospitality business professionally for three years . However, he has been active in the industry for 21 years through family business . Mr. Wynia will replace James T. Begin, who resigned, and his term will continue until 1/1/2001 . Andy Wangstad has also been appointed as a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee member. Mr. Wangstad owns and operates Sir Speedy Printing and also owns the building. He has been a Kent resident for 16 years and has been active in community affairs . He will replace Linda Johnson, who term expired. His new term will continue until 1/1/2003 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through December 15 and paid on December 15, 1999, after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 4 , 2000 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 12/15/99 227478-227732 $1, 898, 077 . 42 12/15/99 227733-228188 1 , 794 , 577 . 79 $3 , 692, 655 . 21 APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through December 31 and paid on December 31, 1999, after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 4, 2000 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 12/31/99 228189-228578 $ 765 , 188 . 89 12/31/99 228579-229027 3 , 355 , 737 . 47 $4 , 120 , 926 . 36 12 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll for December 31 and paid on January 5, 2000 : Date Check Numbers Amount 1/5/00 Checks 240890-241166 $ 248 , 850 . 50 1/5/00 Advices 89199-89845 838 , 883 . 15 $1, 087, 733 . 65 REPORTS Council President. Orr announced the following Council Committee assignments : Planning Committee Tom Brotherton, Chair Tim Clark Judy Woods Public Works Committee Tim Clark, Chair Connie Epperly Rico Yingling Parks Committee Judy Woods, Chair Tom Brotherton Connie Epperly Operations Committee Rico Yingling, Chair Tim Clark Judy Woods Public Safety Committee Connie Epperly, Chair Sandy Amodt Tom Brotherton She encouraged the Chairs of the committees to establish meeting times as soon as possible. Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the next meeting will be January 25 at 5 : 00 p.m. She added that the meeting time will remain the same . 13 Kent City Council Minutes January 18 , 2000 REPORTS Public Works and Planning Committee. Clark noted that the committee will meet at 4 : 00 p .m. on January 24 . Parks Committee. Woods noted that the Parks Committee will meet next on February 15th at 4 : 30 p.m. Administrative Reports . McFall announced that the Council retreat will be held on April 7 and 8 . Mayor White noted that the City has been suc- cessful in cleaning up unsightly situations, but that there are still more . He added that these locations must be cleaned up. Orr concurred. EXECUTIVE McFall reminded Councilmembers of a brief execu- SESSION tive session on a matter of potential litigation. The meeting recessed to executive session at 8 : 37 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8 : 55 p.m. Local WOODS MOVED to authorize litigation to validate Improvement local improvement district financing, and to District participate with other municipalities in such litigation as supervised by the City Attorney. Orr seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 56 p .m. Brenda Jacobe CMC City Clerk 14