HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/03/2001 (2) Kent, Washington April 3 , 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Councilmembers present : Amodt, Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, Woods and Yingling. Others present : Chief Administrative Officer McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Deputy Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Martin, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Finance Director Miller and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Hodgson, Approximately 70 people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA McFall requested that Kentview (Pod H) Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments be added to the agenda. There was no objection and it was added as Other Business Item 7B. Robert O 'Brien and Ted Kogita requested that items regarding the use of taxpayer money be added to the agenda. There were no objections and the items were added as Continued Communications Items 11A and 11B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS King County Councilmember Les Thomas. Mayor White announced that Mr. Thomas is unable to attend this meeting and will attend a future meeting. Kent Sister City Association Youth Art Awards. Joanne Schaut, International Program Coordinator, introduced the winners of the Kent Sister City Association Youth Art Awards, who displayed their artwork. She also introduced representatives from four of Kent ' s Sister Cities . Mayor White commended the students and the Sister Cities Association. Employee of the Month. Mayor White announced that Tammy Johnson of Public Works Operations has been chosen as April Employee of the Month. He noted that Ms . Johnson takes great pride in her work and is eager to help others . National Disaster Preparedness Month. The Mayor read a proclamation noting that citizens need to be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least three days after a 1 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS natural or man-made disaster and that City employees should be prepared so they can continue to provide vital services. He proclaimed the month of April 2001 as National Disaster Preparedness Month in the City and encouraged citizens to increase their awareness of safety measures . Fire Chief Angelo expressed thanks for Council ' s support of emergency management training. Equal Pay Day. Mayor White read a proclamation stating that women earned 72C for every dollar earned by men in 1999 and encouraged employers to review their pay practices related to pay equity. He declared April 3 , 2001 as Equal Pay Day and presented the proclamation to Judy Dries of Soroptimist, who encouraged citizens to contact their legislators . CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through T. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 20, 2001 . BILLS OF SALE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Kentview Pod A Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Kentview Pod A submitted by KV Homes A, LLC for continuous operation and maintenance of 2, 510 feet of sanitary sewers and release of bonds after the expira- tion period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located west of Frager Road and south of South 216th (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Kentview Pod B Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Kentview Pod B submitted by KV Townhomes B, LLC for continuous operation and maintenance of 1, 136 feet of sanitary sewers and release of bonds after the expira- tion period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located west of Frager Road and south of South 216th Street . 2 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 BILLS OF SALE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Safeguard Self Storage II Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Safeguard Self Storage II submitted by Plemmons Industries, Inc. for continuous operation and maintenance of 805 feet of watermain, 25 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 422 Washington Avenue North. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) Albrech Short Plat Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Albrech Short Plat submitted by Reichert Construction, Inc for continuous operation and maintenance of 350 feet for street improvements and 350 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 10446 SE 244th Street . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) Hunters Grove II Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Hunter' s Grove II submitted by Peter Milovsoroff for continuous operation and maintenance of 252 feet of sanitary sewer, and release of bonds after the expira- tion period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at SE 230th Place, east of 116th Avenue SE. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6S) Construction Machinery Inc. Bill of Sale. ACCEPT the Bill of Sale for Construction Machinery Inc . submitted by Cook Inlet Region Inc. for continuous operation and maintenance of 420 feet of street improvements, 11 feet of storm sewers and release of bonds after the expira- tion period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 22101 84th Avenue South. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) Tacoma 2nd Supply Project Pipe Purchase. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to advise the City of Tacoma to proceed with the purchase of a sufficient quantity of Second 3 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 WATER Supply project water pipe for the early phase portion of the Second Supply Project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) Tacoma 2nd Supply Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement for the Tacoma Second Supply Project, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This agreement will be executed if and when the Legislature passes and the Governor signs SHB 1001, which authorizes the loan. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) Tacoma 2nd Supply Proiect Memorandum of Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute the Memorandum of Agreement among the Second Supply Project Participants, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. TRANSPORTATION (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grant, 277th Corridor. The Public Works Department has received a TIB Grant Agreement for the construction phase of the South 277th Corridor, SR-167 to Auburn Way North. The Public Works Committee has recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the grant agreement, that staff be directed to accept the grant, and that a budget be established for the funds to be used on the South 277th Corridor, SR-167 to Auburn Way North project . Upon Clark' s question, Wickstrom explained that bids will be awarded on May 1st, that construction would start within a month or two, and that the road between Auburn Way North and the Valley Freeway will be closed for through traffic for approximately two years . McFall pointed out that the amount of the grant is $9, 082 , 000 4 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 TRANSPORTATION for assisting in the construction of this project . The Mayor commended Wickstrom and his staff for taking over the project from Auburn and for shortening the time line. CLARK MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the TIB Grant Agreement for the S. 277th Corridor, SR-167 to Auburn Way North, that staff be directed to accept the grant and that a budget be established for the funds to be used on the S. 277th Corridor project . Orr seconded and the motion carried. HAZARDOUS WASTE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) Seattle/King County Hazardous Waste Management Grant Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Seattle/King County Hazardous Waste Management Grant Agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and esta- blish a budget for $39, 421 . 00, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. This grant funds the two city- wide Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Recycling Events . RECYCLING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) King County Recycling Grant Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the King County Recycling Grant Agreement, direct staff to accept the grant and esta- blish a budget for $117,208 . 00, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . This grant funds the City' s Optional Recycling Events and Business Recycling Program. BOUNDARY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) 42nd Avenue South Boundary Lines. PASSAGE of Resolution No. 1585 providing for modification of the boundaries along 42nd Avenue South, and authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the City of SeaTac to adjust the common boundary lines along said right-of-way, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. 5 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) Pacific Parke Final Plat (FSU-98-13/KIVA #2003099) . APPROVAL of Staff ' s recommendation of approval with conditions of the Pacific Parke Final Subdivision and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. This application was submitted by Pacific Industries . The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on July 31, 1999 . ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6T) DeMarco Annexation (AN-2000-1) . ACCEPTANCE of the annexation petition for the proposed DeMarco Annexation, which has been signed by the owners of at least 60% of the assessed valuation of the proposed annexation area and direction to staff to prepare and file a "Notice of Intent" for the proposed DeMarco Annexation with the County Boundary Review Board. On November 21, 2000, the Council received a valid notice of intent to form the annexation area, which was signed by owners of not less than 10% of the assessed property valuation within the proposed DeMarco Annexation area. As with other City annexations, the proposed annexation area will be subject to assumption of its proportionate share of the City' s existing indebtedness. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) (ADDED ITEM) Kentview (Pod H) Comvrehensive Plan & Zoning Amendments CPA-2000-2 (A) /CPZ-2000-1. McFall explained that Pod H was tabled at a previous Council meeting pending review of the City' s agricultural land use plan and policy. He said the Land Use and Planning Board has requested more time to analyze the overall policy and staff recommends that the Kentview Pod H plan amendment application be removed from the table and referred to the Land Use and Planning Board for a recommendation. BROTHERTON MOVED to remove the matter of Pod H from the table and send it to the Land Use and Planning Board for further 6 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN consideration at its earliest possible time . Woods seconded. Brotherton said that the owners of the land have changed their proposal, and that the land is currently unusable for agriculture . His motion then carried. TECHNOLOGY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) Document Management System Storage Devices Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign agreements with FYI Image for the purchase of a High Performance Disk System and Magneto-Optical Jukebox, subject to City Attorney approval of the documents, as recommended by the Operations Committee . On February 21, 2001, the Information Technology Department released a Request for Quotes (RFQ) for a High Performance Disk System and Magneto-Optical Jukebox. The City received four responses to the RFQ. However, only one response included all of the specified components . After reviewing the quotes, the Information Technology Department recommends awarding the RFQ for a High Performance Disk System and Magneto-Optical Jukebox to F.Y. I . Image in the amount of $71, 154 .58 . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) Copier Upgrades in Print Shoo. AUTHORIZATION to execute lease/rental agreements for new and upgraded copiers in the print shop. These copiers will increase flexibility, speed and service to customers and are within the current operating budget . PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Interlocal Agreement for Water Fowl Management. AUTHORIZATION for the Parks Director to enter into an Interlocal Agreement for waterfowl (Canada Goose) management to reduce/alleviate property damage and human health and safety concerns including contamination of potable water and recreational areas in King County. Wildlife Services will provide a damage control program, which will include technical assistance, population monitoring and control . 7 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM GM) Interlocal Agreement For Valley Special Response Team. APPROVAL of and authorization to execute the Valley Special Response Team Operational Interlocal Cooperative Agreement . The parties to this agreement are the Port of Seattle and the Municipalities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila, each of which is a municipal corporation operating under the laws of the State of Washington. The purpose of the agreement is to establish and maintain a multi-jurisdictional Valley Response Team (Valley SRT) . FACILITIES (BIDS - ITEM 8A) Phase II Parking Lot Expansion Kent Municipal Court and King County District Court Aukeen Division. The bid opening was held on March 27 with nine (9) bids received. Katspan, Inc. was the low bidder at $264 , 370 . 00, plus Washington State Sales Tax, The Parks Director recommends contracting with Katspan, Inc. for the Phase II Parking Lot Expansion Kent Municipal Court and King County District Court Aukeen Division. WOODS MOVED to award the Phase II Parking Lot Expansion an Kent Municipal Court and King County District Court Aukeen Division, bid to Katspan, Inc. , in the amount of $264, 370 , plus Washington State Sales Tax. Brotherton seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 15 and paid on March 15, 2001, after auditing by the Operations Committee on March 20, 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 3/15/01 509829-510114 $1, 374, 828 . 18 3/15/01 510115-510598 1 , 312 , 045 .40 $2, 686, 873 . 58 8 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 1 through March 15 and paid on March 20, 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 3/20/01 Checks 250588-250920 $ 279, 843 . 65 3/20/01 Advices 108870-109512 1, 021, 715 . 62 $1, 301, 559 .27 (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 11A) (ADDED ITEM) Use of Taxpayer Funds - Staff. Robert O'Brien, 1131 Seattle Street, suggested looking at reorganizing the administrative tree since the Chief Administrative Officer is leaving the City. He said the Chief Administrative Officer function is a greater salary drag in the City of Kent than it is in the cities of Seattle and Portland, and suggested discussing the subject at a workshop. (CONTINUED COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1113) (ADDED ITEM) Use of Taxpayer Funds - Attorney Fees. Ted Kogita, 25227 Reith Road, said the Council voted 6-1 to pay all attorneys fees and fines for five professional employees for indiscretion on their jobs. He said the employees were charged with defamation, interference against attorney Hollis Duncan for performing his duties to gain information for his clients, and false litigation. Kogita said that the City of Kent has paid $80, 000 to settle McFall ' s indiscretion against his wife, and that the Mayor and Council authorized paying a possible total of $1, 750, 000 plus attorneys fees . He said the only logical reason they agreed to do so seems to be cover-up or illusion. He demanded that the City Council rescind the vote to pay all fines and attorneys fees for McFall, Brubaker, Fitzpatrick, Lubovich and Chu, and said that suspension without pay until the case is settled should be the course to take. He said that by voting to pay the costs, the Mayor and Council acknowledge the infamous five ' s conduct as City of Kent policy. He said the citizens of Kent will not stand for a double standard - one set of rules for blue collar workers and 9 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 FINANCE another for professional employees. He asked if the Council and Mayor could be covering up misdeeds of the infamous five at taxpayer expense . He stated that the City of Renton contracts all legal work to keep costs down, and that the City of Des Moines has one attorney, but that the City of Kent has three attorneys and still farms out all litigation. He said the goal of the Mayor and the Council is more taxes to cover fat City govern- ment programs, over-bloated administration costs, and misdeeds by the City' s professional employees . He concluded with this quote: "If you do not acknowledge the problem, someone will exploit it . " REPORTS Operations Committee. Yingling noted that the Committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 : 00 p.m. , and that the next meeting will be on April 17th. Public Safety Committee. Epperly noted that the next meeting will be at 5 : 00 p.m. on April loth. Parks Committee. Woods announced that the April loth meeting has been cancelled and that a meeting will be held on April 24th at 4 : 00 p.m. Administrative Reports. McFall reminded Councilmembers of an executive session of approximately ten minutes regarding pending litigation and said that no action is expected after the Executive Session. Fire Chief Angelo invited and encouraged Councilmembers to attend Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) training on Wednesday nights in September. EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting recessed to Executive Session at 7 : 30 p.m. and reconvened at 7 :44 p.m. Freedom of Speech. Clark noted that Mr. Kogita has previously declared that he wants to hold on to his right to speak, and said he is taken aback with the approach Mr. Kogita has used. Clark pointed out that 10 Kent City Council Minutes April 3 , 2001 O EXECUTIVE SESSION F there are restraints on freedom of speech, the most W obvious of which is slander. He explained that from the LL' public viewpoint, a citizen makes an allegation and the W Council does not respond because it has been their t�.. practice to let the public speak. He stated it is CDoffensive to have allegations ascribed to the actions of LLJV W the Council, and not to respect the court process where W � some of these issues have been hammered out under the fairest process that this country has created. He said Z he is serving notice that what has taken place has not CD V gone unnoticed and that some choices may have to be made to protect the truth. ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED to adjourn at 7 :45 p.m. Yingling seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jac City Clerk 11