HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/20/2001 (2) Kent, Washington February 20, 2001 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor White . Councilmembers present : Brotherton, Clark, Epperly, Orr, and Woods . Others present : Chief Administrative Officer McFall, City Attorney Lubovich, Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief Angelo, Deputy Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Martin, Public Works Director Wickstrom, and Planning Manager Satterstrom. Councilmembers Amodt and Yingling were excused from the meeting. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Consent Calendar Item 6Q was added at the request of Councilmember Orr, and Consent Calendar Item 6R was added at the Mayor' s request . FLAT SALUTE The Flag Salute was led by Boy Scout Troop 417 . PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Kent Arts Commission Re-Grant Presentation. Ronda Simons, Program Manager, and Mayor White presented Certificates of Appreciation to the following community arts organizations : Northwest Renaissance Poets, Performers & Publishers, Rainier Chorale, Rainier Symphony, Specialized Recreation Division of the City of Kent Parks Department, and Kent Senior Activity Center. Presentation of Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal . Coast Guard Commanding Officer Chas Johnson noted that Petty Officer Walter Hazen has volunteered over 1700 hours to various downtown boards and com- mittees between 1992 and 2000 , and presented Hazen with the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal . Officer Hazen expressed thanks to those on the boards and committees . CONSENT CALENDAR ORR MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through R. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 6, 2001 . 1 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 HEALTH & SANITATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6M) Hill Industrial Park Building 80C Bill of Sale. AUTHORIZATION to accept the Bill of Sale for Hill Industrial Park Building 80-C submitted by Hill Family L.L.C. for continuous operation and maintenance of 30 feet of watermain improvements and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 18220 80th P1 S . SEWER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6N) Rodenhauser Sewer Extension Bill of Sale. AUTHORIZATION to accept the Bill of Sale for Rodenhauser Sewer Extension submitted by Darrel Rodenhauser for continuous operation and maintenance of 197 feet of sanitary sewer and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director. The project is located at 27251 121st Avenue SE. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6F) South King County Regional Water Association Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the South King County Regional Water Association Joint Operating Agreement upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and the Public Works Director and also, that the Public Works Director be authorized as the Association' s representative with the alternate being the Water Superintendent, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (BIDS - ITEM 8B) Kent Springs Well. The bid opening for this project was held on February 16, 2001 with four bids received, as follows : Arcadia Drilling $55, 586 . 91 Holt Drilling $62 , 190 . 88 Charon Drilling $76, 334 . 94 Hokkaido Drilling $87, 308 . 97 Engineer' s Estimate $77, 757 . 78 2 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 WATER The Director of Public Works recommends award of the contract to Arcadia Drilling. CLARK MOVED that the Kent Springs Well contract be awarded to Arcadia Drilling, Inc . , in the amount of $55 , 586 . 91, including applicable sales tax. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6G) City of Tukwila, 180th Street Proiect. AUTHORIZATION to convey by quit claim deed an open space piece of pro- perty to Tukwila for their 180th Street project and to accept conveyance by Tukwila of property adjacent to the Springbook Creek Trail , as recommended by the Public Works Committee, and subject to review by the Public Works Director and City Attorney. SURPLUS PROPERTY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 60) Surplus of 72nd Avenue Signal Shop. AUTHORIZATION to declare the Signal Shops building on 72nd Avenue South as surplus and to authorize the Public Works Director to dispose of the same, as recommended by the Public Works Committee . PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6D) Emerald Ridge Final Plat (FSU-98-16/KivA 2003728) . APPROVAL of the Emerald Ridge Final Subdivision with conditions and authorization for the Mayor to sign the final plat mylar. This final plat application was submitted by M.J.F. Holdings, Inc . dba Dream Craft Homes for the Emerald Ridge Final Subdivision. The Hearing Examiner issued the Findings with conditions on the preliminary plat on January 6, 1999 . 3 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 ZONING AMENDMENTS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7A) Downtown Zoning Map and Text Amendments Changing DLM to DCE. The proposed ordinance rezones the Downtown Commercial Limited Manufacturing (DLM) zoning district to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) . The Land Use and Planning Board held a hearing on January 22, 2001, and made a recommendation to rezone all properties which are presently zoned DLM to DCE in the downtown area. This ordinance implements the first of several recom- mendations of the Downtown Action Plan and Commuter Rail Station Area Study. It also makes minor technical amendments to the Zoning Code to change the reference from Planning Director to Planning Manager. Senior Planner Charlene Anderson displayed a map showing the area and noted that the DCE allows the mix of uses which is envisioned by the Commuter Rail Station Area Study and the Downtown Plan, and that the DLM district would be entirely eliminated from the Zoning Code. BROTHERTON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 3543 to eliminate the Downtown Commercial Limited Manufacturing (DLM) zoning district; to rezone all existing properties that are presently zoned DLM to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) ; and to make other related amendments to Title 15 of the Kent City Code. Woods seconded and the motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 7B) 2000 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments . On January 16, 2001, the City Council sent the annual 2000 Comprehensive Plan amendments to the City Council Planning Committee for review. By ordinance, amendments to the Kent Comprehensive Plan are processed collec- tively once every year. Applications for seven plan amendments were received by September 1, 2000; two were withdrawn. The Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on November 27 , 2000 . The Planning Committee considered the amendments on February 5, 2001 and their recommendations are outlined in the staff memo . 4 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Senior Planner Charlene Anderson explained each of the following proposals and the recommendation for each: Proposal A - Kentview Pod H #CPA-2000-2 (A) /#CPZ-2000-1 - Table until Agricultural Lands Study is completed. Proposal B - Nguyen #CPA-2000-2 (B) /#CPZ-2000-2 - Approve land use designation of commercial and zoning designation of CC, Community Commercial Proposal C - Coblentz #CPA-2000-2 (C) /#CPZ-2000-3 - Approve land use designation of Low Density Multifamily and zoning designation of SR-8 Single Family Residential 8 dwelling units per acre Proposal D - Gray #CPA-2000-2 (D) /#CPZ-2000-4 - Withdrawn Proposal E - Ranniger #CPA-2000-2 (E) /#CPZ-2000-5 - Withdrawn Proposal F - Kent and Federal Way School Districts #CPA-2000-2 (F) - Approval Capital Facilities Plan Proposal G - City of Kent Capital Facilities Plan #CPA-2000-2 (G) - Approval Capital Facilities Plan Amendment BROTHERTON MOVED to approve the Planning Committee ' s recommendation on the proposed 2000 Annual Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments including tabling Kentview Pod H until an Agricultural Lands Policy update is completed, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance (s) . Woods seconded. Dana Mower, DBM Consulting Engineers, 502 16th Street NE, Auburn, representing the applicant for Proposal C, noted that there was quite a bit of discussion before the Land Use Board regarding what is appropriate for 5 Kent City Council Minutes February 20 , 2001 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS this property and asked the Council to consider allowing not just a low density multifamily designation on the Comp Plan, but allowing an MRG zone on the property. He said a townhouse zone is not appropriate on this site because of the high noise levels and the preponderance of multifamily in the area. Betty Coblentz, property owner and real estate agent/broker, 22320 88th Avenue South, said the noise level has been an issue since 1995 and that it is too high for a residential area. She said that she could not sell a townhouse in that area because of the noise and requested MRG zoning. Mower added that a noise study has been done and that there has been no opposition to his request from surrounding properties . Brotherton responded that the Land Use and Planning Board has looked at this, considered the noise issue, and discussed it thoroughly. His motion then carried. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6C) Excused Absence For Councilmember Yingling. APPROVAL of an excused absence from tonight ' s meeting for Councilmember Rico Yingling, who is unable to attend. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6Q) (ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL PRESIDENT ORR) Council Absence. Approval of an excused absence from tonight ' s meeting for Councilmember Amodt, who cannot attend. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6R) (ADDED AT THE REQUEST OF MAYOR WHITE) Diversity Board. Confirmation of the Mayor' s appoint- ment of Charlene Shaw to serve as a member of the Kent Diversity Advisory Board. Ms . Shaw is a long-time Kent resident and has been employed by King County for more than 20 years . She is very active with the Castlereagh Sister City Committee and currently serves as chair. She has been a volunteer with Hospice in Seattle and has also volunteered time at the Pediatric Interim Care Center. 6 Kent City Council Minutes February 20 , 2001 APPOINTMENTS Ms . Shaw will replace Lawrence Lombard, who resigned, and her term will continue until 9/30/03 . CITY HALL MAINTENANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6E) Office Supply Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a three-year contract with Boise Cascade Corporation for the City' s office supply and furniture needs, as recommended by the Operations Committee at their February 6, 2001 meeting. Customer Service began the bid process in November, reviewed presentations, completed site visits and then selected Boise Cascade to provide office supplies and furniture . POLICE (BIDS - ITEM 8A) Corrections Facility and Annex Modifications and Additions. This project includes upgrading the showers for ADA, adding office and conference room space, up- grading the fire alarm system, expanding the laundry room to accommodate large inmate population and adding a work release annex building. The low bid was submitted by M.J. Takasaki, Inc . , in the amount of $1, 353 , 000 . 00, plus Washington State Sales Tax. WOODS MOVED for authorization to enter into an agreement with M.J. Takasaki , Inc. for the Corrections Facility and Annex Modifications and Additions Project in the amount of $1, 353 , 000 . 00 , plus Washington State Sales Tax. Epperly seconded and the motion carried. PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6H) Millennium Art Project. AUTHORIZATION to execute an agreement with artist Laura Haddad for the Millennium Art Project in the amount of $73 , 000 . 00 , as recommended by the Parks Director. The artist was chosen by public review and jury and approved by the Arts Commission. The art project will be displayed at the Kent Commons Recreation Center. 7 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6I) King County Arts Commission Performance Network Grant. ACCEPT the $5, 000 . 00 King County Arts Commission Performance Network Grant and amend the Kent Arts Commission Budget . Funds will be used to support artistic fees for two performances in the "Spotlight Series . " (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6J) 2001 Washington State Arts Commission Operational Support Grant. ACCEPT the $6, 000 . 00 King County Arts Commission Operational Support Grant and amend the Kent Arts Commission budget . Funds will be used to support the production of the 15th Annual Kent Canterbury Faire . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6K) 2001 King County Arta Commission Sustained Support Grant. ACCEPT the $12 , 000 . 00 King County Arts Commission Performance Network Grant and amend the Kent Arts Commission budget . Funds will be used to support programs such as Kent Kid' s Arts Day, Kent Summer Concert Series, Spotlight Series and Spring Into Art Performances . (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6L) Fee In Lieu Of Funds. ACCEPT the fee in lieu of funds in the amount of $101, 906 . 89 and amend the budgets as listed below: Clark Lake Mordhorst Property Acquisition: $28 , 875 .27 272nd St . Neighborhood Park Acquisition: $33 , 446 . 19 Turnkey Park Land Acquisition $ 8 , 700 . 00 E. Hill Youth Sports Complex $11, 700 .43 Acquisition/Development Morrill Meadows Park Development $19, 185 . 00 The City of Kent received a total of $101, 906 . 89 from ten subdivisions who voluntarily paid their fee-in-lieu- of, dedicating park land to mitigate the development of single family homes . 8 Kent City Council Minutes February 20, 2001 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6P) Linda Heights Park Renovation Project. ACCEPT the Linda Heights Park Renovation Project as complete and authorize release of retainage funds to Fuji Industries, Inc . The project was inspected and accepted by the Project Manager on November 6, 2000 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 6B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through January 16 and paid on January 16; as well as payment of bills received January 31 and paid on January 31 after auditing by the Operations Committee on February 6, 2001 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers : Date Check Numbers Amount 1/16/01 507058-507248 $ 943 , 110 . 71 1/16/01 507249-507670 1 , 785 , 290 . 10 $2 , 728 , 400 . 81 Date Check Numbers Amount 1/31/01 507671-507914 $ 934, 799 . 69 1/31/01 507915-508536 2 , 854 , 065 .41 $3 , 788, 865 . 10 Approval of checks issued for payroll of January 1 through January 15 and paid on January 19, 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 1/19/01 Checks 249229-249580 $ 320, 755 . 77 1/19/01 Advices 105853-106741 1 , 192 , 741 . 07 $1, 513 , 496 . 84 Approval of checks issued for the payroll of Teamsters contract settlement and paid on January 26, 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 1/26/01 Checks 249581-249633 $ 42 , 382 . 43 1/26/01 Advices 106742-106812 61 , 242 . 69 $ 103 , 625 . 12 9 Kent City Council Minutes February 20 , 2001 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for the payroll of January 16 through January 31 and paid on February 5 , 2001 : Date Check Numbers Amount 2/5/01 Checks 249634-249954 $ 259, 533 . 83 2/5/01 Advices 106813-107517 965 , 971 . 86 $1, 225, 505 . 69 REPORTS Council President. Orr announced that the City Council has received an invitation from Yangzhou to a Friendship Cities Food Festival to be held in Yangzhou from September 15 - 18 , 2001 . Public Works Committee. Clark noted that the committee will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, February 27, at 5 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers . Planning Committee. Brotherton noted that there will be a special meeting of the committee on February 27 at 4 : 00 p.m. and that urban separators will be discussed. Parks Committee. At Woods ' request, McFall noted that revenue at the Riverbend Golf Complex has increased $200, 000 in 2000 over 1999, and that that does not include restaurant sales . He added that the number of rounds of play has increased on both courses, that expenses are down, and that the golf course is covering its costs and its debt service . He predicted that 2001 will be even better because of the restaurant income. ADJOURNMENT At 7 :40 p.m. ORR MOVED to adjourn. Woods seconded and the motion carried. ' Brenda Ja be CMC City Cler 10