HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/03/1992 Kent, Washington November 3 , 1992 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Johnson. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Houser, Mann, Orr and White, Acting Chief Administrative Officer McCarthy, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Information Services Director Spang and Human Resources Director Olson. Councilmember Woods was excused from the meeting. Approximately 40 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson COMMUNICATION announced that Joye Honeycutt of the Information Services Department has been selected as Employee of the Month for November. Director Ron Spang explained that she is responsible for tracking all of the computer hardware throughout the City, as well as other functions of the department. He noted that Joye always has a smile for everyone, and offered his congratulations. Ms. Honeycutt said she appreciates the recognition and enjoys working at the City. Human Services Month. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson read a proclamation declaring November as Human Ser- vices Month in the City of Kent. He noted that the population growth in Kent and the increasing complexity of pressures that impact individuals and families continue to present human service needs that far surpass our capacity to provide support, and encouraged all citizens to recognize and support Human Services Month. The proclama- tion was presented to Lucille Wooden of the Human Services Commission. CONSENT WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR K be approved. Orr seconded and the motion car- ried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 20, 1992 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) SANITATION Canterbury 401. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Canterbury 401 for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 1, 088 feet of water main extension, 1, 038 feet of sanitary sewer extension, 901 feet of street improvements and 2 , 180 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of 1 November 3 , 1992 HEALTH & 100th Avenue S.E. & S.E. 248th St. and release of SANITATION bonds after expiration of the maintenance period, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Eastwood 403. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Eastwood 403 for continuous operation and maintenance of approxi- mately 1, 200 feet of water main extension, 1,410 feet of sanitary sewer extension, 1, 134 feet of street improvements and 1, 634 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of 100th Avenue S.E. & S .E. 244th St. and release of bonds after expiration of the maintenance period, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Meridian Green II Apartments. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Meridian Green II Apartments for continuous opera- tion and maintenance of approximately 1, 058 feet of water main extension, and 646 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of 114th Avenue S.E. and Kent-Kangley and release of 2bonds after expiration of the maintenance period, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Rainier Properties Remodel. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Rainier Properties Remodel for continuous opera- tion and maintenance of approximately 220 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of 310 N. Washington Avenue and release of bonds after expiration of the maintenance period, as recommended by the Public Works Com- mittee. UTILITIES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) Utility Tax Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 3074 amending Chapter 3 . 04 of the Kent City Code to change the quarterly tax remittance of 3 . 04 . 080 to a monthly tax remittance; and to add Section 3 . 04 . 090 to require taxpayers to keep and provide records; and to add Section 3 . 04 . 100 to authorize the Finance Director to make assessments when tax- payers fail or refuse to pay taxes; and to add Section 3 . 04 . 110 to provide a credit for any 2 November 3 , 1992 UTILITIES overpayment; and to provide Section 3 . 04 . 120 to provide an appeal procedure; and to add 3 . 04 . 130 to make it unlawful to file a false return; and to add Section 3 . 04 . 140 to provide a civil penalty for non-compliance, as recommended by the Opera- tions Committee. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) CONTROL Signal Coordination Plan Interlocal Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Tukwila, Renton, King County and WSDOT for the development of a coordination plan for traffic signals in the Green River Valley. This agreement has been prepared to approve Phase I of this joint effort. (ADDED ITEM) Traffic Concerns at 240th and 94th. Walter Susanj , who lives on the corner of 240th and 94th, noted that there have been quite a few accidents at that location, the last of which occurred in the middle of the day on October 2nd. He noted that cars end up in yards, wreck shrubbery and nearly hit houses. He said that a crosswalk signal was knocked down in the last accident, and the school children could not tell when to cross the street. He asked whether a guardrail could be erected for pedestrians' protection. White sug- gested that this issue be discussed by the Public Works Committee and asked that Mr. Susanj be noti- fied of the date. URBAN (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) GROWTH Revision to Urban Growth Areas. APPROVAL of AREAS Resolution No. 1334 adopting an Interim Urban Growth Area for the City of Kent, as recommended by the City Council Planning Committee on October 20, 1992 . VISIONING (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) PROGRAM Visioning Program Implementation Plan. Resolution 1318 dated July 21, 1992 , directed the Planning, Parks and Public Works Departments to collaborate on an implementation plan to carry out the Kent Visioning Program and specific recommendations of A. Nelessen Associates, within ninety (90) days. 3 November 3 , 1992 VISIONING Janet Shull of the Planning Department explained PROGRAM that the Implementation Plan has two primary com- ponents: actions which can be implemented through the comprehensive planning process and actions which must be implemented through special pro- grams. She said that after the reports and recom- mendations have been added to the comprehensive plan, it would be used as a guide in updating regulations which would then implement the visions. She pointed out that special programs consist of a design competition program, incen- tives through development regulations, the power of paint program, a downtown formal parks program and a water-oriented recreation program. She noted that staff recommends that the special pro- grams component be deferred until the comprehen- sive plan is concluded and more staff and resources are available. Shull then asked that Council approve the Implementation Plan. Upon Mann' s question, Planning Director Harris explained that they anticipate strong input from groups, organizations and individuals on the com- prehensive plan, and that the Bicycle Advisory Board will play a strong role in an element of the transportation plan. He added that it is impossi- ble to know at this time whether there will be a conflict between policies, and asked that the Bicycle Advisory Board provide early input. White encouraged everyone to work together on all the plans, since everyone is headed in the same direc- tion. Orr noted that the plan before the Council tonight is not cast in stone, but rather is a guideline, and noted that concerns will be addressed during the process. ORR MOVED to approve the Visioning Program Imple- mentation Plan as recommended by the Planning Com- mittee. White seconded and the motion carried. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) APPEAL Stratford Arms Phase II Appeal (RZ-92-1) . AUTHORIZATION to set November 17, 1992 as the date for a public hearing to consider an appeal by SDM Properties of the denial by the Hearing Examiner of the Stratford Arms Phase II Rezone application RZ-92-1. The property is located 660 feet north of SE 256th Street at 113th Avenue SE. A public 4 November 3 , 1992 REZONE hearing on the application for this rezone was APPEAL held on August 19, 1992 by the Hearing Examiner. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Stratford Arms Phase II Rezone (RZ-92-1) . AUTHORIZATION to set November 17, 1992 as the date for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Exam- iner' s recommendation of denial for an application by SDM Properties of the Stratford Arms Phase II Rezone Application (RZ-92-1) . The property is located 660 feet north of SE 256th Street at 113th Avenue SE. A public hearing on the application for this rezone was held on August 19, 1992 by the Hearing Examiner. BUDGET (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) 1993 Budget Including Capital Improvement Program. This date has been set for a public hearing on the 1993 Budget. Input will also be taken on the 1993 component of the Capital Improvement Program. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson declared the public hearing open. Acting Chief Administrative Officer McCarthy noted that the Budget Committee will meet at 4 : 00 on Monday, November 23rd regarding any changes to the Budget and that an ordinance could be brought to Council on December 1st or 15th. Councilmember White noted that at least one Coun- cilmember will not be available on the 1st, and others will be gone on December 15th. He sug- gested holding a special Council meeting on December 8th to adopt the budget. Johnson sug- gested holding a workshop on the Budget at 5: 30 p.m. on November 23rd, after the Budget Committee meeting. It was agreed to hold the workshop on November 23rd and the special Council meeting on December 8th. McCarthy then explained the four actions included in the 1993 Preliminary Budget which are balancing the operating budget, reestablishing the Capital Improvement Fund, enhancing the Contingency Fund, and planning for the future. He noted that the Contingency Fund is increased by 3 . 5% and assumes that the City annexes to the King County Library District. He clarified for White that by annexing, the City would save $292 , 874 in 1993 . He then distributed an analysis showing which 5 November 3 , 1992 BUDGET human service agencies are funded in the budget and the recommended amount of funding. Rev. Marvin Eckfeldt, member of the Human Services Commission, pointed out that the agenda packet contains letters from several agencies who receive funding from the City, who together sponsor twenty programs for Kent residents. He added that they have had requests for $160, 000 more than the rec- ommended funding level because needs continue to escalate. Lucille Wooden and Marjean Heutmaker then introduced representatives from the following agencies, who expressed their appreciation for the City' s past support: Catholic Community Services, Child Care Resources, Childrens Home Society, Childrens Therapy Center, Community Health Centers of King County, DAWN, Kent Community Center Food Bank, Kent Youth & Family Services, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Pregnancy Aid, South King County Multi-Service Center, Washington Women' s Employment & Education, and Valley Cities Mental Health. Russ Stringham, owner of The Hungry Bear Cafe, 524 W. Meeker, noted that the preliminary budget con- tains a total expenditure increase of 14 . 3%. He added that a 1. 6% increase is budgeted in increased sales revenue tax while the budget says the 1992 amount will come in at 9/10 of a percent decrease. He expressed concern about the $760, 500 figure in the cash and investment section and McCarthy explained that that is the General Fund' s interest income only, and that the other funds also earn interest. Stringham noted that the Mayor' s letter states that the budget has been balanced without raising taxes, but that business license fees, recreation fees, permit fees, etc. are to be increased. He said that as a small business owner he is aware of what is going on in the economy and that the economy is not going to change very soon. He said Administration should not anticipate any kind of increases in revenue, but should establish the budget based on decreases in revenue. He pointed out that the City has 539. 5 full time employees in the 1993 budget, with an average salary of $39, 000 a year. He said that while many of the employees are worth it, it looks like an attempt by Administration to buy loyalty, 6 November 3 , 1992 BUDGET which cannot be done. He added that he has heard the comment that people do not like working for the City but can't get that kind of money any place else. He said that he had studied the staffing levels in the Finance Department and Human Resources since they are departments that private industry also deals with, and that businesses of comparable size employ far fewer people. He emphasized that he is not advocating further layoffs, but that there is no need to enlarge the staff. He said that he resents the City' s cavalier approach to managing his tax dollars, and pointed to the preliminary budget as an example, noting that it is a beautiful bound document. He closed by saying that this budget is not conservative enough and the City should face next year's budget with pessimism. There were no further comments and ORR MOVED that the hearing be continued to the November 17th meeting. White seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through October 30, 1992 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on November 3 , 1992 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/16-10/30/92 123832-124387 $1, 157 , 604 . 91 Approval of checks issued for payroll : Date Check Numbers Amount 11/5/92 1177405-1178525 $ 326, 222 . 63 Direct Deposit 307 , 233 .87 $ 633 , 456. 50 REPORTS Town Hall. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the Annual Town Hall Meeting and Open House will be held on Thursday, November 12th at the Kent Senior Activity Center. He noted that Exhibit Hour will be from 6: 00-7 : 00 p.m. and the meeting from 7 : 00-8 : 30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 00 p.m. Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk 7