HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/15/1992 Kent, Washington September 15, 1992 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr, White and Woods, Acting Chief Admin- istrative Officer/Finance Director McCarthy, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Human Resources Director Olson and Information Services Director Spang. Parks Director Wilson was not in attendance at the meeting. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Constitution Week. Mayor Kelleher read a procla- COMMUNICATION mation declaring the week of September 17-23 , 1992, as Constitution Week in the City of Kent and urged citizens to reflect on the many benefits of our Federal Constitution and American citizenship. Day of Concern for the Hungry. Mayor Kelleher read a proclamation declaring October 1, 1992 , as a Day of Concern for the Hungry and urged all citizens to join with the Seattle Emergency Feeding Program to help feed those who are hungry. The Mayor noted a representative from the Emer- gency Feeding Program was present at tonight' s meeting and asked him to tell a little about the program. Arthur Lee, Executive Director of the Seattle Emergency Feeding Program, expressed appreciation to the City of Kent for their support on behalf of other feeding programs not just in Seattle but all of King County. He noted that on October 1st from 11: 00 a.m. to 7 : 00 p.m. food containers will be placed at the Benson Safeway and the two Johnny' s Food Marts for collection and citizens will be given information concerning nutritionally balanced foods. He again thanked the Council for their support through the grant process and funds. Mayor Kelleher then presented the proclamation to Mr. Lee. Harold Vickrey Day. Mayor Kelleher read a procla- mation declaring September 15, 1992 , as Harold Vickrey Day in the City of Kent and urged citi- zens to join in thanking Mr. Vickrey and his family for all of their contributions to our community and in wishing Harold all the best in his retirement. The Mayor noted that Harold is one of the most veteran businessmen in the City and many citizens have warm memories of him. Mr. Vickrey noted that he has deep roots here as his 1 i September 15, 1992 PUBLIC Great Grandfather was Sheriff when the City was COMMUNICATION Titusville; his Grandfather owned a horseshoe store where Dragness office Supplies is now located and was later hired by the City of Kent as the first street sweeper. The Mayor then presented Mr. Vickrey with the proclamation. Budget. Bill Doolittle noted that in the 1992 Budget, Council authorized $457 , 000 for a City Hall Remodel. He requested that the budget be amended to remove those funds, in light of the present budget situation. Layoff Policy. Bill Doolittle noted that a lay off policy was recently used to lay off several people, and that the policy has since been changed. He pointed out that the only form of appeal for those individuals was to a person who was under a no-confidence blanket at the time. He pointed out that a lot of people who had years of experience with the City were lost and requested that in fairness to these people and the City, they be given another opportunity to appeal because of the circumstances at the time of the lay offs. Saturday Market. Dr. George Mast, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Kent Saturday Market, informed the Council that there are a lot of citi- zens and vendors who are concerned about the future of the Saturday Market, and that they will be back to Council to show their support at a later date. CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR J be approved, with the exception of Items E & F which were removed by Councilmember Orr. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. 2 September 15, 1992 CONSENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) CALENDAR REMOVED BY CITY ATTORNEY LUBOVICH Release of Interest in Tract X King County Short Plat. City Attorney Lubovich explained that this item does not need to come before the Council and asked that it be removed from the agenda. There was no objection from the Council and the item was removed. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) _Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 1, 1992 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) SANITATION Parkview Townhomes. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Parkview Townhomes for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 550 feet of water main extension, 550 feet of sanitary sewer extension, 570 feet of street improvements and 44 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of 100th Avenue SE and South 234th and release of bonds after expiration of the maintenance period, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Fisher Industrial Park Expansion. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by Fisher Properties, Inc. for continuous opera- tion and maintenance of approximately 606 feet of street improvements and 255 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of South 224th and 83rd Avenue South and release of bonds after expiration of the maintenance period, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) VACATION Pioneer and Kennebeck Streets. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1324 setting October 20 as the date for a public hearing on a request by Kent Junior High to vacate portions of Pioneer and Kennebeck Streets to facilitate the construction of a new parking lot. Although the Public Works Committee approved a hearing date of October 6, the Planning Director has requested that it be held on October 20. 3 September 15, 1992 PUBLIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) WORKS Interlocal Agreement - City of Des Moines Sidewalk Construction. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Des Moines for construction of approximately 330 ' of sidewalk on South 240th, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. PROPERTY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) ACQUISITION 72nd and 196th - Lindal Property. AUTHORIZATION for the Public Works Department to proceed with acquisition of property at 72nd/196th and to transfer $175, 000 from the East Valley Highway Improvement Project to this project fund, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. COMMUNITY (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) DEVELOPMENT 1993 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Pro- BLOCK GRANT dram. This public hearing will consider adoption PROGRAM of the 1993 Community Development Block Grant Pro- gram, as recommended by the City Council ' s Plan- ning Committee. Lin Ball explained that the Plan- ning Commission reviewed and approved this program on September 1st, and that later staff became aware of the need to make some changes in the Human Services portion of the program. She said that the Planning Committee had reviewed those VIN'UTES RECTED • REFER TO changes today and that the Human Services Commis- sion has also approved the revisions. Ball OF /0 -70 Za explained that the first change is necessary because of a County requirement to establish a contingency plan and the other changes are due to an error which would have resulted in allocating more money than requested to one of the human ser- vices agencies. She distributed copies of the correct funding levels, noting that the Community Health Center was revised to $16, 300, and that the YWCA Domestic Violence Project was increased by $1100. Ball noted that the program level for 1993 totals $279 , 509 , which is an increase of approximately $30, 000 over last year. She recommended funding the Archdiocesan Housing Authority-Housing for Homeless Men, the City of Kent Housing Repair Ser- vices Program, the City of Kent Planning and Administration, Easter Seal Society of Washington- 4 I September 15, 1992 COMMUNITY Access Modification Rehabilitation, Vision Special DEVELOPMENT Needs Housing-Acquisition of Houses, Community BLOCK GRANT Health Centers of King County-Kent Clinic, Emer- PROGRAM gency Feeding Program of Seattle-King County, and YWCA of Seattle-King County-Domestic Violence Housing. She noted that they are not recommending funding for Pregnancy Aid Shelter Program-Shelter Rehabilitation or South King County Multi-Service Center-Playground for Homeless Children. She noted that funding for the Vision Special Needs Housing would be used to purchase two four-bedroom homes to house individuals who are recovering from substance abuse. She explained that the program must be forwarded to King County by October 2 , 1992 , and urged the Council to approve it tonight. White asked whether the $13 , 830 recommended for the Vision Special Needs Housing is matching money and where the homes will be located. Ms. Ball explained that it will be matching money and that no site has been selected yet, although it will be in South King County. Alice Shobe of the Planning Department noted for White that the homes would be designated as family and that the location would depend on how the program is defined. White voiced concern about putting drug rehabilitation homes in neighborhoods. John Camerer, Executive Director and founder of Vision Special Needs Housing, explained that the people in the program would complete a treatment program prior to entering the program and would be involved in an outpatient program. He said they currently have homes in Maple Valley, Skyway and Everett and expect the home to be located in or near Kent. He informed the Council that this is the first funds they have received, and that the total need is $550, 000. He noted for White that the other homes are located in single family, middle class neigh- borhoods, and explained that before they put a home in a neighborhood, they notify the residents of the area and meet with them if desired. He added that their homes are clean and organized and that they have always received a positive response from neighbors. He also noted that if any indi- vidual abuses the program, he is asked to leave within 24 hours, and that backgrounds are checked thoroughly before admission to the homes. 5 i September 15, 1992 COMMUNITY Mayor Kelleher noted that since this is their DEVELOPMENT first piece of funding, it may be some time before BLOCK GRANT all funding is acquired and the program is ready PROGRAM to implement, and that if the City wanted to adopt different policies to restrict this type of use in a residential zone, there would be time to develop such legislation. Camerer agreed and stated that the project completion date is January, 1994 . Shobe explained that these funds are for acquisi- tion, and unless they have the complete funding package, they won't be able to use Kent ' s funds to acquire the property. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Josephine Tamayo Murray, Director of the Archdiocesan Housing Authority, encouraged the Council ' s sup- port and noted that the funds would cover project costs that are not funded by Federal, County or State money they have already been awarded. Mariah Ybarra, Director of the South King County YWCA, thanked the Council for considering funding for the domestic violence program, and noted that this would be the first transitional housing for families outside of Seattle. Arthur Lee of the Emergency Feeding Program noted that more of the families they are feeding are two-parent families, which is due to the rise in unemployment in the area. He thanked the Council for their considera- tion. There were no further comments and WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Houser seconded and the motion carried. ORR MOVED to adopt the 1993 Community Development Block Grant Program including the contingency plan for estimated entitlement change, as recommended by the Planning Committee on September 15, 1992 . Woods seconded. White again expressed his concern over the possibility of placing drug rehabilita- tion homes in single family neighborhoods, and asked staff to help monitor the situation so that if this happens adequate notice is given. The motion then carried. 6 September 15, 1992 GROWTH (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) MANAGEMENT REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR Growth Management Planning Goals. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1325 approving and adopting Kent's proposed Growth Management Planning Goals, which are based on the planning goals contained in the Growth Management Act and County-wide Planning Policies as approved by the City Council on September 1, 1992 . Orr noted that in the last line of Policy PF-4, the word "shall" should be changed to "may" . She then MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1325 with the one-word change to Policy PF-4. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORR Urban Growth Areas. ADOPTION of a resolution accepting and adopting Alternative 3 for bound- aries of the Urban Growth area as approved by the City Council on September 1, 1992 . Orr explained that some issues were raised at the Planning Committee meeting today which they were unable to deal with, and asked that this item be referred back to the Planning Committee. There was no objection and it was so ordered. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) County-Wide Planning Policies. A resolution has been prepared ratifying the County-wide Planning Policies with the recommended suggestions or changes to the policies as approved by the City Council on September 1, 1992 . This item will be brought to the Planning Committee at their September 15, 1992 meeting and any changes to the resolution will be reported at the September 15 City Council meeting. Councilmember Orr noted that there were no changes and the Planning Committee unanimously recommended approval of the resolution. She then MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 1326 ratifying the County-wide Planning Policies. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. 7 September 15, 1992 POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Beer Institute Grant. ACCEPTANCE of a $5, 000 grant from the Beer Institute Community Assistance Fund and authorization for the Mayor to sign hold harmless publicity and tax identification forms. Funds are to be used to supplement costs asso- ciated with the annual Game of Life Youth Drug and Alcohol Awareness Conference. The $5, 000 grant is one-half of the amount requested. BUDGET (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Deletion of Vacant Positions. As requested by the City Council at their meetings of July 21 and August 18, 1992 , an ordinance has been prepared to delete 28 . 25 vacant positions and the associated salary credits. The deletions do not include the recent laid off positions nor do they include non- general fund impact positions. In addition to deleting the positions, the ordinance provides a section related to retention of position titles to allow flexibility in implementing reorganizations or in filling more critical positions as future positions become vacant. WOODS MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 3069 deleting 28 .25 vacant City positions and the asso- ciated salary credits in the 1992 Budget. White seconded and the motion carried. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE Contingency Fund. White explained that two weeks ago the Council passed a resolution committing 1% of the budget to the Contingency Fund. He noted that there has been some confusion, and that the proposed resolution clarifies that it is the General Fund Contingency Account which shall be increased by one percent each year. He MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 1327 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. 8 I I September 15, 1992 BUDGET (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) ADDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WOODS Budget Committee. Woods noted that several councilmembers had recommended at the first budget workshop that a committee be formed to deal with budget issues. She proposed a resolution which would form such a committee, noting that it would consist of a chairperson and two regular members who would be chosen by the Council President. She explained further that all proposed ordinances, resolutions and other matters relating to the City's Budget may be referred to this committee, as directed by the Council President, for consid- eration prior to Council action, that all actions of the committee shall be subject to the proce- dures set out in Resolution No. 1094 and other directives as may be made by the Council Presi- dent, and that the committee may be dissolved at any time the Council President determines that it is no longer of benefit to the City Council. She MOVED for adoption of Resolution No. 1328 . White seconded. Woods clarified for Mann that this committee differs from the Operations Committee in that it deals only with budget items. The Mayor added that some items may affect more than one committee and that both committees should be free to take up the issue. The motion then carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) _Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through September 15, 1992 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on September 15, 1992 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/1-9/15/92 122216-122662 $2 , 437, 716. 47 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/18/92 01176748-01177160 $ 659, 122 . 32 9 September 15, 1992 REPORTS Public Safety Committee. Police Chief Crawford noted that the new police building will be dedi- cated at noon on Friday, September 18, and that the Lee family will be in attendance. He added that there will be an open house from noon til 4 : 00 the following day, Saturday, September 19, which will be a good opportunity for the public to visit the building and see the workings of an extremely fine police department. White apologized for not being able to attend, noting that he will be out of town. Mann also said that he cannot attend, and said that he is very proud of the facility and of the police department. Crawford thanked them for their support. Mann announced that the Public Safety Committee will meet on September 21 at 5: 30 p.m. at the new police building. Parks Committee. Johnson stated that at the Parks Committee meeting of this date it was decided to demolish the house at Kent Memorial Field, using funds in the Parks budget. He said that funds left over from the Kherson Park will go back into the contingency fund. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 00 p.m. a_c'e-� Brenda Jaco�er CMC City Clerk 10