HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/17/1992 Kent, Washington March 17 , 1992 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Houser, Johnson, Orr, White and Woods, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Finance Director McCarthy, Parks Director Wilson, Human Resources Director Olson and Infor- mation Services Director Spang. Councilmember Mann was excused from the meeting. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Kent P. Ainsworth Day. Mayor Kelleher read a COMMUNICATIONS proclamation noting that in 1946 a Seattle woman was so taken with Kent' s beauty that she named her son after Kent, and that Kent P. Ainsworth was born on March 17, 1946 . He proclaimed March 17, 1992 , as Kent P. Ainsworth Day in the City of Kent, and invited all to join him in wishing Mr. Ainsworth a happy birthday. The proclamation was presented to Jan Wiesner of the Chamber of Commerce Foundation. St. Patrick's Day. The Mayor read a proclamation noting that St. Patrick has been an inspiration to Americans of Irish descent for many generations. He proclaimed March 17 , 1992 as St. Patrick' s Day in the City of Kent, and urged all Kent residents to learn more about St. Patrick and the rich cultural heritage of all Irish Americans. Kentridge Boys Basketball Championship Week. The Mayor noted that the Kentridge Boys Basketball Team, under the guidance of Coach Brian Pendleton, won the State Boys Basketball AAA Championship last Saturday evening and declared the week of March 18-24 , 1992 as Kentridge Boys Basketball Championship Week in the City of Kent. He urged all Kent residents to recognize and appreciate the hard work, dedication and team spirit displayed by these young men in their quest for the champion- ship. The proclamation was presented to Coach Brian Pendleton and Co-Captains Warren King and Mark Stewart. CONSENT WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR F be approved. Woods seconded and the motion car- ried. 1 March 17, 1992 MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 3 , 1992 . TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) CONTROL West Valley Highway Signal Improvements. ACCEPT as complete the contract with Signal Electric for the West Valley Highway Signal Improvements at S. 212th and S. 190th Streets and release of retain- age after receipt of the releases from the State, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) SR 515 from S.E. 235th-220th. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the agreement with WSDOT for relocation of water and sewer lines within the limits of the State SR 515 project (SE 235th- 220th) , as recommended by the Public Works Com- mittee. COMMUNITY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) DEVELOPMENT 1993 Local Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program BLOCK GRANT Policies. AUTHORIZATION to set April 7 , 1992 as the date for a public hearing on the 1993 Local Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Policies. SHORT PLAT (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) APPEAL Hicks Short Plat Appeal. This meeting will con- sider an appeal by Gregg W. Ward and Ellen Royal Ward of the Hicks Short Plat No. SP-92-2 . The Short Subdivision Committee recommended approval with six conditions of a request to create two lots from one existing lot located at 96XX S. 243rd Lane (west of 98th Avenue South) . Planning Director Harris pointed out the location and noted that each lot is 9600 sq. ft. in a 7200 sq. ft. zoning district. He noted that the Short Plat Committee had discussed this on February 13 , 1992 and that they recommended approval with the following conditions: A. Prior to the recordation of the short plat: 1. Execute a traffic mitigation agreement to participate in the 272nd/277th Street Corri- dor project. 2 March 17, 1992 SHORT PLAT 2 . Provide approved engineering drawings for APPEAL the extension of public water and sanitary sewer systems to serve the property. 3 . Provide private roadway and storm plans to service the property. South 243rd Street (private) shall be improved to provide mini- mum 20 foot all-weather surface roadway, approved by the Public Works Director. 4 . Provide all public and private easements for the roadway and utility improvements des- cribed above. 5. Execute a no protest LID for the future widening and improvement of 98th Avenue S. to City standards. B. Prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of a development permit on any lot: 1. Construct roadway, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems required under section A above. Harris explained that before an issue goes to the Short Plat Committee, the Planning Department pre- pares a staff report which contains Findings of Facts, Conclusions, and a decision. He said that this will be part of the recording. Gregg Ward, 9619 S. 243rd Street, said his proper- ty is next to the lot in question. He pointed out that both the applicant and the Planning Depart- ment have been pleasant to work with, but that he feels there is an intent to squelch public input. He noted that there has not been an appeal other than by the applicant in 20 years, and that the fact that the vote was called for and approved before Ellen Royal Ward had a chance to speak was simply an oversight. He clarified that Ms. Ward did participate in some of the discussion during the process, and that Paulette Hicks did speak with Ms. Ward after the meeting and went over some of the concerns. He explained that one of the issues they are appealing is the fact that their concerns were not addressed in an official setting as part of the official records. He said that 3 March 17, 1992 SHORT PLAT another issue of their appeal is that the decision APPEAL to create this short plat involves some aspect of their property to facilitate a money-making ven- ture on the applicant's part and that there is no advantage to them. He pointed out that even small issues such as this have an impact on property owners in the neighborhood and that those impacts should be considered. He asked whether the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication, as mentioned in RCW 58. 17/110 (b) . He pointed out that before a large development was built north of them, they received public notice, but that the short plat process does not require a public hearing for nine lots or less. He said he feels that the short plat process inhibits public input on land use de- cisions. He also noted that they have always referred to the street as 243rd Street, and just learned it is 243rd Lane. There were no other comments from the audience. Orr noted that the Council can deal with the process in the future, but probably not in this instance since this is the process which is pre- sently in place. Mr. Ward noted for her that his concern is that the applicant be allowed to address some of the issues for the record. He also clarified for her that each property owner owns the frontage on the road. Upon a question from Bennett, Fire Chief Angelo explained that at the time the road was built, the code allowed 15 ' streets. He added that fire apparatus can use the road, but it would be very tight. He explained that widening the road to 20 ' would allow adequate access to get the apparatus in, open doors and get to needed equipment. He said 20 ' is a minimum under today' s code. Lubovich noted for Orr that if the issue is related to the short plat process, rather than the short plat itself, it should not be considered as a part of this appeal, but in a different form. Orr suggested that the process be brought back to the Planning Committee for review in the near future. She then MOVED to deny the appeal made by Gregg W. Ward and Ellen Royal Ward of the Short Subdivision Committee 's recommenda- tion of approval on the Hicks Short Plat No. SP- 92-2 with six conditions. Woods seconded. Lubovich clarified for White that this is 4 March 17, 1992 SHORT PLAT quasi-judicial, and White said he must therefore APPEAL abstain from voting since he has had a conversa- tion with Ellen Ward on this subject. The motion to deny then carried with White abstaining. DOWNTOWN (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) ZONING Downtown Zoning No. ZCA-90-6. This meeting will consider the Planning Commission's recommended approval of the Downtown Zoning No. ZCA-90-6. The proposal recommends establishing three new zoning districts, outlines new development standards for the downtown area, recommends a design review pro- cess for new downtown development, modifies parking requirements, design of sidewalks, and lighting of pedestrian corridors. The Planning Commission approved the proposal February 24 , 1992 . The Mayor pointed out that at the Council retreat held last weekend, the Council agreed that they do not wish to rush a decision on this issue. He noted that it had been suggested that a workshop be set in order to have a more thorough discussion of the issue. Upon his question, Orr said she would like to hear the presentations from people in attendance tonight. All Councilmembers agreed. Fred Satterstrom of the Planning Department, noted that this issue began in 1986 when Mayor Kelleher appointed a Downtown Revitalization Task Force. He said the Downtown Plan was undertaken in 1987 and was adopted in 1989. He noted that in 1990 the Mayor's Enterprise Zone Committee took up the issue, and the Planning Department produced a zoning recommendation which was brought to the Planning Commission on March 25, 1991. He summar- ized that this represents 6 1/2 years of the City and these various parties focusing their attention on downtown. He noted that the Planning Commis- sion recommendation is aimed directly at imple- menting the goals in the Downtown Plan concerning land use and economic development. He also noted that the Planning Commission's basic approach is one of encouraging a variety of land use types in the downtown area including retail, service, com- mercial, public facilities, etc. , all in a people- oriented downtown, which would be ensured through a Design Review process. He noted that the 5 March 17, 1992 DOWNTOWN Planning Commission has recommended that the ZONING Design Review be conducted by Administration and Planning Department staff. He concluded that this has been an eleven-month process which has under- gone a lot of review and public scrutiny. Ray Ward of the Planning Commission noted that the Commission held seven hearings, and worked long and hard on this issue. He stated that their re- view was thorough and that this is the best possi- ble recommendation. He also said they would be glad to make further presentations and answer questions at the workshop. He then urged the Council to approve the Planning Commission's rec- ommendation. Bennett noted that a petition has been received from property owners who object to the continued MRH designation on property along Titus and Kenebeck Streets. He MOVED that this petition be made a part of the record. White seconded and the motion carried. After discussion regarding the date of the workshop, it was determined that interested parties would be notified when a time is set. A sign-up sheet was provided for that purpose. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) RECREATION King County Open Space Bond Budget Revisions. AUTHORIZATION to adjust the three King County Open Space Bond budgets as follows to reflect the actual King County bond allocations and distribu- tion of 1990 interest earnings in the amount of $149, 851. Current Revised Proiect Budget Adjustments Budget Green River $ 964 , 115 ($66, 839) $ 897 , 276 Trail Interurban $1, 082 , 096 $78, 785 $1, 160, 881 Trail Lake Fenwick $1, 466, 484 ($11, 642) $1, 454 , 842 Trail Total $3 , 512, 695 $304 $3 , 512 , 999 6 March 17 , 1992 BIDS (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Photocopier Service & Equipment. Bid opening was held on February 26, 1992, with nine bids re- ceived. Of these nine, two were disqualified, one did not complete the bid document as instructed and staff was unable to evaluate their bid based on insufficient information. The other did not bid all categories as specified. The bids were evaluated based on current equipment and projected volumes. Staff recommends award of the bid to the current vendor, Cascade Office Systems, for an estimated annual cost of $84, 060. HOUSER MOVED that the bid submitted by Cascade Office Systems in the amount of $84, 060 be accep- ted. White seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through March 16, 1992 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 5: 30 p.m. on March 16, 1992 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 3/1-3/16/92 115595-116365 $2 , 623 , 020. 48 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 3/20/92 01169655-01170354 $ 663 , 650. 06 REPORTS Council President. Woods MOVED that Councilmember Mann be excused from tonight 's meeting. Orr seconded and the motion carried. Public Works Committee. White reported that the Public Works Committee passed the street utility unanimously today and that it will be on the agenda for the next Council meeting. He also noted that he has asked staff to look into whether funds from the street utility could be used to fund a bus which would run from East Hill to West Hill through the downtown area, alleviating traffic on the streets. 7 March 17, 1992 REPORTS Parks Committee. Johnson reported that the golf course audit will be brought back to the Parks Committee on April 7th, if a recommendation is ready by then. He also noted that the Parks Com- mittee today voted 2-1 to bring the Youth-at-Risk issue to the full council on April 7th for final determination and that the recommendation from the Parks Committee is to continue funding that posi- tion as a 3/4 position until such time as funds are available to make it full-time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 : 00 p.m. n Brenda Jacoloer, CMC City Clerk 8