HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/03/1991 Kent, Washington
September 3 , 1991
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell,
Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr and White, City Administrator Chow,
City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Manager Satterstrom, Public
Works Director Wickstrom., Police Chief Crawford, Fire Chief
Angelo, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Finance Director
McCarthy, Information Services Director Spang, and Personnel
Director Olson. Councilmember Woods has been excused from the
meeting. Planning Director Harris and Parks Director Wilson were
not in attendance. Approximately 25 people were at the meeting.
PUBLIC Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced
COMMUNICATION that Kathleen Pace has been selected as Employee
of the Month for September. He noted that she
works in the Public Works Department as an
Accounting Services Assistant III. He commended
her for her pleasant, cooperative and dependable
attitude. Her supervisor, Paul Scott, added that
Ms. Pace is gracious and warm, and always goes the
extra mile to help people. He stated that she is
a very valuable asset to the City. The Mayor pre-
sented Ms. Pace the Employee of the Month plaque.
CONSENT WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A-N be
CALENDAR approved. Mann seconded. Item 30 was removed at
the request of Bill Doolittle. The motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of August 20, 1991.
SANITATION Northwest Business Park Plat Phase I. ACCEPTANCE
of the bill of sale and warranty agreement sub-
mitted by Upland Industrial Development Company
for continuous operation and maintenance of ap-
proximately 6012 feet of water main extension,
1, 396 of sanitary sewer extension, 5, 377 feet of
street improvements and 5, 374 of storm sewer im-
provements constructed in the vicinity of South
226th Street and 58th Place South, South 228th
Street and 54th Avenue South and South 228th
Street and 64th Avenue South for the Northwest
Business Park Plat Phase I and release of the cash
bond with waiver of the one-year maintenance
September 3 , 1991
SANITATION Van Doren-Is Landing Short Plat. ACCEPTANCE of the
bill of sale and warranty agreement submitted by
Upland Industrial Development Company for contin-
uous operation and maintenance of approximately
920 of storm sewer improvements constructed in the
vicinity of 64 Avenue South and South 226th for
the Van Doren' s Landing Short Plat and release of
the cash bond with waiver of the one-year mainte-
nance period.
Water Line Crossing South 222nd. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 2999 authorizing staff to proceed
with condemnation procedures for right-of-way on
South 222nd for a water line crossing, as recom-
mended by the Public Works Committee.
Street occupation Ordinance. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 2998 relating to the use and occupa-
tion of public streets, sidewalks and other public
places, requiring permits, defining offenses and
providing penalties, as recommended by the Public
Works Committee.
CONTROL 196th Corridor. Authorization has been requested
for a budget change to transfer $150, 000 from the
Street CIP Fund to the 196th Corridor Fund in
order to proceed with acquisition of property, as
recommended by the Public Works Committee and IBC.
WHITE SO MOVED. Dowell seconded and the motion
Canyon Drive Left Turn Lanes and Guardrail Rehab-
ilitation. Bid opening was held on August 19 . Two
bids were submitted with a low bid of $726, 074
submitted by D.A. Zuluaga Construction. Upon re-
view of the bids, staff recommends that $154 , 000
be transferred from the 72nd Avenue Advanced
Acquisition Fund to this project and that the
contract be awarded to D.A. Zuluaga Construction.
WHITE SO MOVED. Houser seconded and the motion
September 3 , 1991
Extension of Utility Services._ The Public Works
Committee has recommended that a resolution making
a limited, exception to the moratorium imposed by
Resolution No. 1275 on the City' s extension of
sewer and water services to properties outside the
city limits be forwarded to Council without a rec-
ommendation. Planning Manager Satterstrom noted
that the Planning Committee now recommends not
proceeding with the amendments to Resolution 1275.
Johnson explained that the committee feels that
anyone who wishes to have water and sewer service
can submit an application at any time. He noted
that under the present resolution, before approv-
al is granted or a permit issued, the property has
to be annexed to the City.
Keith Carpenter, Pastor at Kent Covenant Church,
240th and 120th, noted that they need sewers in
order to meet the needs of their growing congre-
gation. He explained that they hope to construct
a building for education needs, and that they have
been told by King County that they cannot use a
septic system. He stated that they presently hold
classes at Meridian Junior High, which the school
district allows on a temporary basis as long as
the church is making progress on their building
project. He asked the Council to consider an ex-
tension of the sewer. Jim Bruns, Kent Covenant
Church, noted that without sewers, their expansion
project cannot go forward, and asked for the Coun-
cil 's help. Paul Morford, 21264-132nd Avenue SE,
noted that he owns property adjacent to the
church, and spoke in favor of the amendment. He
pointed out that this area is in the sphere of in-
terest and that King County has adopted an interim
plan. He noted that 240th is scheduled to be
widened to five or six lanes next year, and that
if the sewer is not in by then, a street cut would
be required. Morford also discussed the possibil-
ity of the City working with Soos Creek Sewer Dis-
trict. Mr. Wagner stated that he had spoken with
Kent Pullen who felt they would qualify since the
proposed plan designates the area where the church
is located would be in the urban development plan
for the City of Kent. He noted that eventually
the area will annex to Kent, and urged the Council
to pass the resolution.
September 3 , 1991
SEWER White said that the proposed resolution encourages
single-family residency and annexation to the
City. He pointed out that sewer service can be
obtained through the LID process even outside the
City. He, opined that a resolution could be
drafted which would meet everyone' s needs. Orr
pointed out that the church has submitted a peti-
tion for an LID which was turned down. Wickstrom
clarified that through the LID process they would
have to comply with the resolution and the City
would not be able to extend the sewer service and
allow development.
The Mayor clarified that the LID is a financial
mechanism to pay for the extension but that under
the resolution the City would not allow the hook-
ups. Orr pointed out that even if the resolution
were passed, the church would be required to sub-
mit a 10o petition for annexation and 60o signa-
tures. She also noted that even though interim
boundaries are in place, they are subject to
change at any time. She explained that the mora-
torium is in effect only until the county reaches
agreement on boundaries. Wickstrom clarified for
White that sewer extensions can be approved for
existing development, but not for expansions,
additions or new developments. Dowell questioned
whether the church had filed their request prior
to adoption of the resolution, and Wickstrom ex-
plained that what they had provided was not an
actual petition, just the preliminary paperwork
for an LID. Dowell commented that if it was sub-
mitted before the resolution was adopted, perhaps
they would be exempt. Morford pointed out that
the Planning Committee' s concern was setting a
precedent, and that if the church were exempt from
the provisions of the resolution, action taken now
would not be setting a precedent. City Attorney
Lubovich noted that the original resolution states
that the City shall not accept new applications,
and that the question is whether or not the filing
with Public Works constitutes an application for
water and sewer extension. Mann suggested amend-
ing the resolution to grandfather in those appli-
cations prior to the resolution.
Johnson pointed out that both the existing resolu-
tion and the proposed resolution require annexa-
September 3 , 1991
SEWER tion. HE MOVED for approval of Resolution No.
1294 and addition of new language to Section 1,
Item C, stating that no application shall be ap-
proved or- permit issued for water or sewer service
until the area in question is actually annexed to
the City according to State law. He clarified
that this action would make an exception to the
moratorium allowing filing of applications but
placing a condition that they be annexed before
the permit would be approved. He said the pro-
posed resolution does not provide water or sewer
service unless a 10% annexation petition and 60%
signatures are provided, so that no one is able to
get sewer and water service and then not annex to
the City.
White seconded Johnson' s motion. He pointed out
that the original resolution could be null and
void as early as December, and that applications
could be filed immediately. Dowell suggested not
adopting Resolution 1294 and leaving Resolution
amend Resolution 1275 to define an application as
being the submittal of a request for proposed
Local Improvement District for sewer or water.
White seconded. He voiced concern that this has
not been evaluated in light of the entire resolu-
tion, and suggested that the matter be referred to
committee and brought back to Council in two
weeks. Mann accepted the suggestion as a friendly
amendment. White then WITHDREW his second and
MOVED to send this item to the Public Works Com-
mittee. Houser seconded and the motion carried.
MASTER Foster Industrial Park - Lot 18 (SMP-91-1) . This
PROGRAM public hearing will consider the Planning commis-
sion ' s recommendation of approval on a request to
amend the Kent Shoreline Master Program Shoreline
Environment from an existing conservancy environ-
ment to an urban environment. Carol Proud of the
Planning Department noted that the property abuts
the Valley Freeway to the west, 74th Avenue South
to the east, and S. 259th Street (if extended) to
the south. She explained that the owner of the
property would like to utilize a portion of the
property located within the shoreline area to
September 3 , 1991
SHORELINE construct an accessory parking lot for a ware-
MASTER house/distribution facility, which would not be
PROGRAM permitted with a conservancy designation. She
noted that the applicant must obtain a Shoreline
Substantial Development Permit and possibly a var-
iance, which would require additional public
hearings. She added that the applicant would
provide three public parking stalls and enhanced
The Mayor declared the public hearing open. There
were no comments from the audience and JOHNSON
MOVED that the hearing be closed. Houser seconded
and the motion carried. JOHNSON THEN MOVED to ac-
cept the Planning Commission' s recommendation of
approval on a request to amend the Kent Shoreline
Master Program Shoreline Environment from an
existing conservancy environment to an urban envi-
ronment and to direct the City Attorney to prepare
the resolution of intention to adopt the amendment
as required by the State Department of Ecology.
White seconded and the motion carried.
East Hill Annexation. Signatures on the 10% peti-
tion received at the August 6th Council meeting
have been verified and staff recommends that
October 1st be set as the date for a public meet-
ing with the petitioners.
Public Works Director Wickstrom explained that the
area contains 608 . 5 acres, the population is esti-
mated at 982 , and the assessed value at $40
million. He explained that a public meeting with
the petitioners should be set up to determine
whether to pursue the annexation, whether the
boundaries are satisfactory, and whether to in-
clude the acceptance of City indebtedness. He
noted that the meeting would also give petitioners
direction as to whether to pursue the 60% petition
and explained that after Council receives that
petition, a public hearing would be held and
testimony taken. He recommended October 1st so
that if Council chooses to refer this matter to
the Public Works Committee, they will have time to
prepare a recommendation.
September 3 , 1991
ANNEXATION Upon questions from Dowell regarding Table 3
(Revenue vs. Expenses) , Wickstrom noted that it is
estimated that expenses for this annexation would
be $22 , 386 per year above revenues. He also noted
that $65, 560 is needed for immediate overlays in
the area. He explained that this one-time only
expense is related to the gasoline tax and that
1/3 of the total gas tax revenues could be used
for the overlays . Dowell pointed out that there
would be $10, 000 in revenues, for a total of
$55, 000 of expenses over revenues.
WHITE MOVED that October 1, 1991, be set as the
date for a public meeting with the petitioners for
the East Hill Annexation and that the matter be
referred to the Public Works Committee for a rec-
ommendation. Orr seconded. Johnson pointed out
that it would cost an additional $370, 000 for an
appropriate level of fire service in the area.
The motion then carried.
East Hill Annexation. Charlie Kieffer, 10926 S .E.
274th Street, asked that he and his father John
Kieffer, 11048 S.E. 274th Street, be notified when
the Planning Department determines that the annex-
ation of East Hill is non-significant. The Mayor
so ordered.
DESIGN REVIEW Multi-Family Design Review (ZCA-90-5) . AUTHORIZA-
TION to set September 17 , 1991 as the date for a
public hearing to consider the multi-family design
review, as recommended by the Planning Commission.
USE PERMIT Kent 57 No. CE-91-3 . AUTHORIZATION to set Septem-
APPEAL ber 17 , 1991 for a public hearing to consider an
appeal by the Casey Group Architects on the Kent
57 No. CE-91-3 on a denial by the Hearing Examiner
on an application for a conditional use permit to
construct the 57-unit apartment complex. A public
hearing on the application for this conditional
use permit was held on April 3 , 1991 by the Hear-
ing Examiner.
September 3 , 1991
DEVELOPMENT 1992 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Pro-
BLOCK GRANT gram. AUTHORIZATION to set September 17 , 1991 for
PROGRAM a public hearing to consider adoption of the 1992
Community. Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program,
as recommended by the City Council ' s Planning Com-
LICENSE Business License Revocation - U.S.
Engine Inc.
AUTHORIZATION to set October 1, 1991, as the date
for a public hearing on the revocation of the
business license for U. S . Engine, Inc.
Kent City Code Section 5 . 02 . 120 states that if the
Council finds that there are reasonable grounds to
believe that a business has or is operating in
violation of the laws of Kent, it shall order the
City Clerk to send a written notice to the license
holder that a hearing shall be held to determine
whether the business license will be revoked. The
Planning Department has either cited or informed
U. S. Engine of violations of Kent City Code.
CODES 1991 Washington State Energy Code. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 2995 related to the 1991 Washington
State Energy Code. This code regulates the heat
loss in all new construction.
This ordinance will repeal Ordinance 2308 and
adopt as written the 1991 Washington State Energy
Code as filed in Chapter 51-11 of the Washington
Administrative Code.
1991 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air
Quality Code. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2996
related to the 1991 Washington State Ventilation
and Indoor Air Quality Code. These codes regulate
the ventilation and air quality in all new con-
This ordinance will adopt as written the 1991
Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Qual-
ity Code as filed in Chapter 51-13 of the Washing-
ton Administrative Code.
September 3 , 1991
CODES Unfair Housing Practices. ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 2997 repealing Ordinance 1932 , relating to
unfair housing practices. This repeals an out-
dated ordinance on a subject adequately covered by
State law, containing enforcement provisions which
require State, not City implementation.
TANKS Underground Storage Tank Removal and Installation
of Above Ground Tanks. Bid opening was held on
August 8 with three bids received. The low bid
was submitted by CEcon Corporation in the amount
of $61, 376. 45. Staff recommends that $3 , 212 be
transferred from the unencumbered sewer utility
funds and $4 , 088 from the unencumbered water util-
ity funds and the project be awarded to CEcon.
WHITE SO MOVED. Orr seconded and the motion car-
Proposed Use Hearing on the 1992 Budget.
AUTHORIZATION to set September 17 for a proposed
use public hearing on the 1992 Budget. In addi-
tion, Council is scheduled to hold a workshop at
6 : 00 p.m. prior to the Council meeting to discuss
a preliminary budget balancing scenario based on
input received at the August 8 Council work ses-
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through August 30, 1991 after au-
diting by the Operations Committee at its meeting
at 4 : 45 p.m. on September 10, 1991.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/16-8/31/91 108764-109417 $1, 488 , 605. 24
Approval of checks issued for payroll :
Date Check Numbers Amount
9/5/91 01160253-01161000 $ 628, 925. 31
September 3 , 1991
L.I.D. 336 Bond Ordinance and Purchase Contract.
Finance Staff requests the adoption of bond Ordi-
nance 3000 and authorization for the Mayor to sign
a purchase contract in the amount of $1, 888 , 078
for LID 336 bonds. The bond proceeds will be used
for the widening and improvement of East Valley
Highway from South 192nd Street to South 180th
Street. The final assessment roll for the LID has
been adopted and the 30-day prepayment period has
elapsed. The purchase contract with Lehman Bro-
thers is at a net interest cost of 7 . 03 percent
and has a gross underwriting spread of $19 per
thousand dollar bond. This results in an average
coupon of 6. 80 percent and an assessment to prop-
erty owners of 7 . 30 percent. Finance Director
McCarthy stated that the rates are fair based on
the index and recent comparables, and recommended
approval .
HOUSER MOVED for adoption of Bond Ordinance 3000
authorizing the Mayor to sign the purchase con-
tract with Lehman Brothers. White seconded and
the motion carried.
Parkside Wetlands Purchase and Sale Agreement.
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an earnest
money agreement in the amount of $118, 000 to pur-
chase Lots 1 through 6, Block 22 , Interurban
Heights, 3rd Section as part of the West Hill
Parkside Wetlands project, as approved by the
Parks Committee.
Bill Doolittle, 412 N. Washington, showed the
location and city limits on the map and noted that
contrary to the map presented at the Parks Commit-
tee meeting, there are no through streets in the
area. He noted that the City of Des Moines is
buying 14 acres to use as wetlands, and that there
was discussion at the Parks Committee meeting
about building an interpretive center at the park.
He pointed out that there are many apartment com-
plexes in the area, but only two houses in the
Kent city limits north of 248th. He noted that
one of the houses is proposed to be purchased by
the City for $118 , 000 and said he feels the price
September 3 , 1991
PARKS & is too high, noting that $200, 000 is budgeted for
RECREATION the entire project. He added that there may be
clean-up costs associated with an underground oil
storage tank, and with garbage and brush in the
area. He suggested that this issue be studied
further to determine whether to spend money for a
park which is totally inaccessible to most Kent
citizens and questioned whether Kent should be
providing an interpretive center for a Des Moines
park. Doolittle also noted that there are three
lots on 248th and Military Road for sale for
$75, 000 and that the seller would take $500 down
and reasonable payments. He noted that there are
no parks in that area although there are many
children who would use one. He added that he had
not seen any children in the vicinity of the Des
Moines site. He suggested putting the park on the
Military Road location.
Dowell recommended that this issue be sent to the
Parks Committee for further consideration. Helen
Wickstrom of the Parks Department noted that money
has been budgeted for this project and that it has
been under consideration for two years. She ex-
plained that the City has met with citizens from
Salt Air Hills, who would like a park on the west
side of Pacific Highway South. She said that
$100, 000 in matching funds has been received from
King County for this project. She noted that the
property consists of steep, wooded terrain, and
that the plan is to preserve the hills and wet-
lands and provide a trail system in the park. She
suggested including the property on Military Road
in next years budget, and felt the funding for the
wetlands park should not be jeopardized. Upon
questions from Dowell, Wickstrom clarified that
Des Moines received open space bond issue money
for 14 acres, and they did not include the two
acres inside Kent' s city limits. She also noted
that the site contains a level piece of property
surrounded by apartment complexes and that is was
suggested that this area be used for an interpre-
tive center. She noted that 26th Place and 26th
Avenue are not through streets and that neither is
projected to be. Dowell suggested that Des Moines
buy the land and add it to their park, and
Wickstrom noted that they are not able to purchase
it. She also noted that it would probably not be
September 3 , 1991
PARKS & possible to give Des Moines Kent' s share of the
RECREATION grant money, because they would not be able to
match it. Houser stated that the citizens of Salt
Air Hills were promised a park on the west side of
the highway, and that the City should follow
through on that promise. Wickstrom clarified for
White that the total appraisal for all the parcels
is $270, 000, and"that they hope to negotiate with
property owners to bring it within the $200, 000
budget. She explained that the other parcels do
not have homes on them. Dowell suggested giving
Kent ' s grant money to Des Moines to build the park
and noted that the Kent residents could use the
park. Wickstrom explained that because of the
contour of the land, the trail would need to go up
the hill through property which is in Kent, other-
wise it would deadend at the bottom of the hill .
White suggested referring this to the Parks Com-
mittee and discussing it after the next financial
projection. Wickstrom noted that although it
could be postponed for a while, it would be unfair
to the property owner to hold off for too long.
Bill Doolittle noted that in addition to the cost
of acquiring all eight parcels, it would take ex-
tensive trail work to get access to the citizens
of Salt Air Hills. He noted that the Parks Com-
mittee should be aware of the assessed valuation,
whether the property has been on the market, at
what price and the size of the lot when consider-
ing this issue.
DOWELL MOVED that this item be referred to the
Parks Committee. Mann seconded and the motion
carried. Mayor Kelleher noted that if the Parks
Committee decides not to move ahead on this pro-
ject, it should be removed from the budget.
COUNCIL Wheelchair Basketball Challenge. The Kent Knight-
riders (wheelchair basketball team) has challenged
the Mayor and Kent City Council to a wheelchair
basketball game. Jim Hernandez, coach/player, at-
tended the August 27th Parks Committee meeting and
presented the challenge. Proceeds from the event
will be divided among three organizations: Special
Populations Scholarship Fund, a youth club from
September 3 , 1991
CITY Kent-Meridian High School and the Kent Knight-
COUNCIL riders.
The game has been scheduled for Wednesday, October
23 at Kent-Meridian High School, 7 p.m. A prac-
tice and photo session will be scheduled one week
before the game.., Council will be notified of the
date and time after the gym usage has been con-
firmed. DOWELL MOVED for acceptance of the
Knightriders vs. Mayor and City Council Wheelchair
Basketball Challenge. Helen Wickstrom of the
Parks Department encouraged Councilmembers to
draft department heads and supervisors, noting
that with a larger number of players, more substi-
tutions could be made during the game. The motion
then carried.
Council Agenda Procedures. Upon White ' s question,
Mayor Kelleher noted that the Council President
has the authority to set procedures regarding the
Council agenda, and that the Council President has
recently announced that no items should be brought
to Council without a committee recommendation.
White questioned how to handle the situation if he
has items he wishes to have on the agenda, and the
Council President does not put them on the agenda,
or pulls them from the agenda. The Mayor suggest-
ed forwarding items out of committee with recom-
mendations, asking the Council President to place
the item on the agenda without a recommendation,
raising the issue at the Council meeting even
though it is not on the agenda, or passing a new
rule regarding such procedures.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 40 p.m.
Brenda Jacobe(r, MC
Deputy City C rk