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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/19/1991 Kent, Washington February 19, 1991 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr, White and Woods, Assistant City Ad- ministrator Hansen, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Acting Police Chief Byerly, Fire Chief Angelo, Personnel Director Olson, Parks Di- rector Wilson, Finance Director McCarthy, Information Services Director Spang and Acting City Clerk Jacober. City Administrator Chow was not in attendance. Approximately 60 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Chief's Award. Acting Police Chief Byerly pre- COMMUNICATIONS sented a Chief's Award to Lt. Kenneth R. LaBelle for his twenty-five years of service to the City. Engineer's Week. Mayor Kelleher read a proclama- tion declaring the week of February 17-23, 1991 as Engineer' s Week in the City of Kent. The procla- mation was presented to Public Works Director Wickstrom. State of the City. Mayor Kelleher expressed pleasure with the excellent progress made toward the City' s goals during the past year, and stated that Kent will continue to make substantial addi- tional progress in the next year despite the slowing economy. He noted that the No. 1 goal continues to be the alleviation of traffic con- gestion. A copy of the Mayor's statement is at- tached to the minutes. CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR I be approved. Houser seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 5, 1991. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Charge in lieu of Assessment - Water Mains. AUTHORIZATION to establish a charge in lieu of assessment on water mains constructed by the City in the vicinity of S.E. 244th Street, S.E. 248th Street, 100th Avenue S.E./So. 231st Street and So. 231st Street east of 100th Avenue S.E. , as recom- mended by the Public Works Committee. 1 February 19, 1991 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Time Payment Request - Charge in Lieu of Assess- ment. AUTHORIZATION to establish a time payment for payment of a charge in lieu of assessment in the amount $1,442.46 for water meter connection for Maynard Ackerson, 11704 Kent-Kangley Road, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. SEWERS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) LID 337 - Westview Terrace/McCann's Westview San- itary Sewers. Dwight Davis, 21417-96th Avenue South, noted that the Council had held a public hearing on this item on February 5, 1991, and that many people who were in favor of the LID did not attend the hearing because of the wording in the notice they received. He noted that the motion to prepare the ordinance creating the LID was conse- quently defeated. He pointed out that 47.9% of the citizens in the area support the LID. Upon White's question, City Attorney Lubovich noted that in order to look at this situation again, the process would have to be started over. Wickstrom concurred and pointed out that if a new hearing were held, people in favor and opposed would have a chance to speak. Rolly Topping, 21416-96th Ave- nue South, spoke in favor of the LID, but felt the entire process should not have to be started over simply because few people in favor were at the hearing. Ed White, 21426-96th Avenue South, con- curred with Topping, stating they should not be required to gather signatures and submit paperwork a second time. Wickstrom noted for the Mayor that the wording in the notices could be changed to say that anyone for or against the project is invited to attend the hearing. The Mayor directed that the wording be so changed in the future. DOWELL MOVED to reconsider this matter. Mann seconded. Lubovich voiced concern regarding re- opening the matter without appropriate notice. The Mayor suggested that instead of calling for reconsideration, that Dowell call for the matter to be reopened, notice be given, and a resolution of intent to create an LID and setting a new hearing date be brought to the next Council 2 February 19, 1991 SEWERS meeting. Dowell and Mann agreed. Wickstrom pointed out that the number of the LID will be changed. Upon a question from Gladys Pfaff, 9634 S. 214th Street, Wickstrom clarified that no more signatures are required. Johnson suggested that even though State law requires only 40% approval, citizens of the area try to get additional support for the LID. He also suggested annexing to the city as opposed to signing annexation covenants. George Hoffman, 21415-98th Avenue South, noted that he is in favor of the LID and thanked the Council for their help. Dowell 's motion then carried. STREETS CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) LID 331 - 240th Street Improvements. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2963 amending Ordinance 2952 which ap- proved and confirmed the assessments and assess- ment roll of LID 331. The initial ordinance er- roneously listed the assessment roll as a total project cost. The amended ordinance changes this figure to the established assessment roll. STREET (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) VACATIONS Pacific Ventures Street Vacation STV-90-5. This is a continuation of a public hearing held Feb- ruary 5, 1991 on an application made by Pacific Ventures, Inc. to vacate a portion of So. 212th (STV-90-5) as mentioned in Resolution 1264 . The property is located at the 8700 block of So. 212th Street. A letter from John L. Hendrickson, attor- ney for the applicant, has been received request- ing that this hearing be continued to March 5, 1991. Harris noted that staff recommends that the hearing be continued as requested. WHITE SO MOVED. Houser seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Kelly's Cafe Americana Street Vacation STV-90-4. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2964 vacating a portion of South Central Place, a street located on the northwest corner of S.E. 266th and So. Central Avenue. 3 February 19, 1991 PRELIMINARY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) SUBDIVISION Walnut Ridge Preliminary Subdivision _SU-90-5. AUTHORIZATION to set March 5, 1991 for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner' s rec- ommendation for conditional approval of an ap- plication by Douglas W. Graef and William Curran, Sr. for a 12-lot single family residential pre- liminary subdivision. The property is located south and west of 9631 So. 242nd Street. LOT LINE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) ADJUSTMENT Lot Line Adjustment LL-88-27. This item is to consider the Council Planning Committee' s rec- ommendation to proceed with the Administrative Procedure Option No. 3 to rescind lot line adjust- ment LL-88-27 located in North Park. This item was before the Planning Committee on November 6 and 20 and December 4, 1990. Mayor Kelleher noted that Council President Woods will preside over this issue, since he is dis- tantly related to the applicant. Planning Director Harris pointed out the area on the map and noted that the lots were originally 40 ' x 1271 , but were combined into 80 ' x 127 ' lots through a lot line adjustment. He noted that the applicant' s request is to rescind the lot line ad- justment, returning the lots to 40 ' x 1271 . The City Attorney noted that it is advisable, given the number of people in attendance, to allow a public hearing on this matter. Council Presi- dent Woods declared the public hearing open. Tami Grace, 754 North 2nd Avenue, voiced concern re- garding street improvements, traffic safety, over- crowding of schools, and emergency vehicle access, and noted that the citizens of the area would like to be notified of any plans in their area. Harris noted that everyone within 200' of the perimeter (approximately 50 people) had been notified, and that notices were published in the newpaper and posted in the area. The City Attorney pointed out that since this is an administrative process, no- tice was not legally required. Wickstrom noted that this is a unique situation in that the lots are already in existence, and therefore the City 4 February 19, 1991 LOT LINE does not have the authority of the Subdivision ADJUSTMENT Code, and would be exempt from the SEPA require- ments. He said the only authority the City has is in regard to frontage improvements. He noted for Grace that storm sewers had been put in through the Community Development program, but that money has not been allocated for sidewalk improvements. Shaunlee Birge, 855-2nd Avenue North, stated that the area has very limited access, and that it is very difficult to get onto James during busy hours. He suggested a park rather than further development. Harris noted for White that Bowen is not a through street, and Wickstrom added that the State will not allow the opening of Bowen to Fourth Avenue. June McClure. 943-3rd Avenue North, noted that there is a drainage problem in the area, and a- greed that there should be sidewalks, lights and another way out of the area. Wickstrom noted that the City can require developers to do drainage im- provements. John Hunt, 920-3rd Avenue, noted that he had been told that the citizens of the area would not be required to pay for improvements. He also expressed concern regarding drainage. Daniel Higgins , 713-1st Avenue North, noted that he had gotten a map from King County which showed the lots as 121' x 1271 . Harris explained that the lots were legally 40 ' x 1271 , then combined into 80 ' x 1271 . Cheryle Noble, 316 W. Cloudy, stated that street improvements are needed, and agreed that residents should not have to pay for them. Birge, Hunt, Noble, and Grace all felt that noti- fication should go to all residents of the area and Woods assured them that the 200 ' provision will be expanded. Tami Grace provided a list of people who would like notification. Mel Kleweno, Attorney, noted that development of single family housing is one of the City's goals and urged that it be affordable housing. Harris clarified for Kleweno that he, as Planning Direc- tor, made the recommendation to rescind the lot line adjustment. There were no further comments from the audience and WHITE MOVED that the hearing be closed. Orr seconded and the motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED to 5 February 19, 1991 LOT LINE accept the- Planning Department's findings, to con- ADJUSTMENT cur with Option No. 3 to administratively rescind lot line adjustment LL-88-27, to refer questions regarding road maintenance, drainage and sidewalks to the Public Works Committee and to refer the emergency vehicle access issue to the Public Safe- ty Committee. Mann seconded. Upon White's ques- tion, Harris noted that the State set the 200 ' no- tification limit, but that the Council can set other limits. Upon Dowell ' s question, Lubovich clarified that this came to Council at the recom- mendation of the Planning Committee because there is no specific procedure. Johnson noted that the Planning Committee recommends approval of the rescission. The motion then carried. PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) COMMISSION Planning Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Al Haylor to the Kent Planning Commission, replacing Elmira Forner whose term has expired. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) DEPARTMENT Transfer of Public Safety Bond Interest. APPROVAL that $70, OOO of interest be allocated to the Bond Radio/MDT bond project and bond interest in the amount of $14, 000 be transferred to project man- agement and $10, 000 of bond interest to East Hill site work. Economic climate, lengthy research and planning resulted in higher bids than anticipated for the tower, support building and method of transmis- sion. Cost savings were implemented where prac- tical. Ongoing project management particularly installation and procedure development on audio- visual necessitates funding for 1991. East Hill undeveloped portion of site needs grading and security fencing. During the same period additional interest has accrued. Staff has discussed implication with the Finance Director. It is recommended by the Public Safety and Operations Committees, Fire and Police Departments that $70, 000 of the additional inter- est be allocated to the Bond Radio/MDT bond pro- ject to cover the additional cost of the backbone of the system. Additional bond interest in the 6 February 19, 1991 FIRE amount of $14,000 to project management and DEPARTMENT $10, 000 of bond interest to East Hill site work. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) High-Pressure Breathing Air Compressor. The Fire Department went out to bid for a high-pressure breathing air compressor. One bid was received from Ingersol-Rand/Eagle Compressor Company. The bid price is within the 1990 CIP budgeted amount. After review of the bid with Ingersol-Rand, a fur- ther cost reduction of approximately $2 , 000 will be realized by the deletion of a feature that was not required in the bid specification. This com- pressor will allow the Fire Department to supply needed breathing air at the scene of emergencies involving hazardous atmospheres. MANN MOVED that the bid submitted by Ingersol-Rand/Eagle Compres- sor Company for a high pressure breathing air compressor be awarded in the amount of $33, 163. 00. Woods seconded and the motion carried. PARKS & (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) RECREATION Golf Cart Lease. As recommended by the Internal Budget Committee, the Parks Department seeks au- thorization for Riverbend Golf Complex to lease an additional twenty-one power golf carts from Yamaha. The current fleet size, consisting of twenty-nine, does not handle the demand for re- gular and tournament play, and the complex is losing potential revenue. Staff feels that the revenues generated will cover the cost of expenses and result in a profit. DOWELL MOVED that River- bend Golf Complex be authorized to lease from Yamaha an additional twenty-one golf carts for rental. Woods seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through February 15, 1991 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 4 : 30 p.m. on February 26, 1991. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/1-2/12/91 101452-101485 $ 129 , 684 . 21 2/15/91 101488-101984 2 , 151,890. 19 $2 , 281, 574 .40 7 February 19, 1991 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/20/91 1150690-1151373 $ 619,304.50 REPORTS Council President. Woods noted that Councilmem- bers White and Johnson will be working with her on an informal Regional Services Committee which will direct issues being heard by Suburban Cities to the proper committee. Public Works. White noted that bids will be open- ed this spring for the widening of Canyon Drive and installation of Jersey barriers. He confirmed for Johnson that the project will be constructed this summer. White also noted that the National League of Cities has asked him to have the Mayor and Councilmembers sign letters to our Congres- sional delegation in regard to consumer complaints on cable legislation. EXECUTIVE At 9: 00 p.m. Assistant City Administrator Hansen SESSION announced an executive session of approximately 20 minutes to discuss RUGG vs. City of Kent. ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened at 9 :30 p.m. and then adjourned. Brenda J cob , CMC Acting C ty lerk 8 NON YOU KNOW THAT TH19 ADMINISTRATION RAS BEEN ROUNDLY CRITICIZED FOR OUR EFFORTS TO BUILD THE 277TH CORRIDOR-ESPECIALLY STATE OF THE CITY SPEECH 1991 BY RESIDENTS WHO LIVE IN THE PATH OF THE ROAD. I CAN'T BLAME ANYONE FOR TRYING TO FIGHT A ROAD WHICH KAY WIPE OUT THEIR HOUSE OR AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH YEAR IT IS CUSTOMARY THAT I COME THEIR BACK YARD. BUT AT TIMES WE HAVE BEEN CRITICIZED FOR BEFORE TILE CITY COUNCIL AND VARIOUS COKMUNITY GROUPS.TO REPORT ON PROMOTING A MORE DENSE AND INTENSE DEVELOPMENT PATTERN ON EAST THE STATE OF THE CITY, AND PROVIDE AN UPDATE AND STATUS REPORT ON HILL; THAT - IT HAS BEEN SAID - IS THE ONLY REASON KENT WISHES TO W WS'RE DOING IN OUR EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE CRITICAL COMMUNITY GOALS. BUILD THE 277TH STREET ARTERIAL. _T IS A PLEASURE TO REPORT TO YOU TODAY THAT WE HAVE MADE EXCELLENT PROGRESS TOWARD OUR GOALS DURING THE PAST YEAR, AND IN SPITE OF THE KENT DOES NOT SUPPORT AN INTENSIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT Oil FACT THAT THE SLOWING ECONOMY WILL REDUCE THE HUGE ANNUAL REVENUE EAST HILL. KENT HAS NOTHING TO GAIN BY PROMOTING DENSE DEVELOPMENT INCREASES WE HAVE COME TB EXPECT' IN OUR PROSPEROUS AND GROWING EAST OF OUR BORDERS; INDEED, WE HAVE MUCH TO LOSE IF EAST HILL COMMUNITY EACH YEAR, I'M HERE, NEVERTHELESS, TO TELL YOU THE GOOD DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS INTENSIFY. DENSE EAST HILL DEVELOPMENT CLOGS NEWS THAT KENT WILL STTL.I•CONTINUE TO MAKE SUBSTANTIAL ADDITIONAL KENT'S ROADS WITH COMMUTERS WHO MUST PASS-THROUGH KENT ON THE WAY PROGRESS TOWARD ACHIEVING OUR GOALS IN THE NEXT YEAR. TO WORK, AND DENSE EAST HILL DEVELOPMENT OUTSIDE OF OUR CITY LIMITS YIELDS KENT NOT ONE PENNY IN TAX REVENUE TO PAY FOR NEEDED SERVICE Tilt$1 GOAL OF YOUR CITY GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN, AND CONTINUES TO IMPROVEMENTS. BE, THE ALLEVIATION OF TRAFFIC CONGESTION ON MAJOR EAST WEST ROADS IN KENT. (I APOLOGIZE IF THAT SOUNDS REPETITIVE-- IT'S CERTAINLY OUR POLICY I5 NOT TO PROMOTE DENSE DEVELOPMENT ON THE EAST NOT A NEW GOAL. IT'S BEEN THE CITY'S GOAL FOR THE LAST S TO 10 LULL PLATEAU, OUR POLICY IS TO REDUCE TRAFFIC COlIGESTION HY YEARS, AND IF IT SOUNDS FAMILIAR, THAT'S BECAUSE WE MADE IT A TOP DEVELOPING LAND USE AND ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLANS WHICH HAVE THE KIND GOAL AFTER THE KENT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MANY PEOPLE PRESENT OF CONCURRENCY CALLED FOR IN HB 2929. THAT MEANS MM ROADS AND HERE TODAY CONVINCED US OF THE IMPORTANCE OF NEW ROAD CONSTRUCTION LM DEVELOPMENT. IN KENT.] SO THEN, WHAT PROGRESS HAVE WE MADE IN THE PAST YEAR TOWARD BUT IT'S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT ROAD CONSTRUCTION IS NOT ACHIEVING CONCURRE14CY IN OUR PLANS. CLEARLY THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE THE ONLY WAY TD AVOID A CONGESTED ROAD SYSTEM. OUR LAND USE PLANS 277TH CORRIDOR IS THE FIRST STEP. DETERMINE THE DEVELOPMENT PATTERN FOR THE ENTIRE AREA. THE DENSITY o �LECALL 1 YEARS AGO WE PLEDGED $S MILLION WORTH OF THE - AND TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTLY AFFECTS THE TRAFFIC DEMAND WHICH CITY'S BONDIHG CAPACITY TO THE IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION OF WILL BE PLACED ON OUR ROADS AND INTERSECTIONS. THIS ROAD. AT THAT TIME, FOR INTENTS AND PURPOSES, THE ROAD PROJECT WAS FUNDED. THIS THEN IS•THE CHALLENGE OF LAND USE AND INFRASTRUCTURE G SUBSEQUENTLY ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES TOTALLING $S PLANNING; BALANCING THE SUPPLY OF NEEDED SERVICES (THROUGH OUR - MILLION HAVE BEEN SECURED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY PLANNING PROCESS FOR ROADS AND WATER SUPPLY AND OTHER NEEDED COUNCIL TO PROVIDE FOR A WIDER ROAD, BUILT TO HIGHER INFRASTRUCTURE) WITH TLIE DEMAND FOR THOSE SERVICES (AS DETERMINED STANDARDS, AND WITH A GREATER CARRYING CAPACITY. 1 0 WE HAVE NEARLY COMPLETED OUR ROUTE ALIGNMENT STUDY, AND THIIOUGH OUR LAND USE PLANS). IT'S REALLY NOT A DIFFICULT OR o WE HAVE NEARLY COMPLETED OUR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY. COMPLICATED CONCEPT--WE WANT TO BALANCE OUR SUPPLY OF ROADS WITH OUR DEMAND FOR ROADS. SUPPLY AND DEMAND SHOULD BE CONCURRENT, OR IN PAC!', THOSE TWO STUDIES WOULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETED UST THE SYSTEM FAILS. FALL, BUT THE CITY WAS APPROACHED LAST JUKE BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE, COUNCILMAN KENT PULL.EN, AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY ROADS THE WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATURE RECENTLY RECOGNIZED THAT PLANNING STAFF. WRING OUR JUKE MEETING, COUNTY OFFICIALS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS -CITIES AND COUNTIES -HAVE BEEN IGNORING THIS EXPRESSED A CONCERN THAT WE HERE MOVING TOO FAST TOWARD THE BASIC PRINCIPAL OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. THEY RECOGNIZED THAT CITIES CONSTRUCTION OF THIS ROAD -- NATURALLY THAT NOTION FRUSTRATED US AND COUNTIES RAVE BEEN APPROVING MORE DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT BECAUSE WE FEEL THE ROAD WAS NEEDED YEARS AGO, AND BECAUSE IT HAS CONSTRUCTING ROADS AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED TO SERVE THE TAXER US A GREAT DEAL OF PATIENCE ALREADY TO SPEND 2 YEARS DEVELOPMENT. AS A RESULT, SYSTEMS ARE FAILING. SUBSEQUENT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF DEVELOPMENT PONDS M.ETICUIOUSLY CARRYING OUT EVERY REQUIREMENT UNDER STATE LAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT IN RECOGNIZING THIS CONDITION THE LEGISLATURE PASSED HH OF SUCH A ROAD. 2929 WHICH REQUIRES THAT CITIES AND COUNTIES IMPLEMENT LAND USE PLANS WHICH ARE CONCURRENT WITH THEIR SERVICE AND INFRASTRUCTURE NEVERTHELESS, COUNTY OFFICIALS ASKED US FOR A DELAY; A DELAY PLANS. LLB 2929 ALSO REQUIRES ANOTHER KIND OF CONCURRENCY; IT OP 6 MONTHS, SO THAT THEY COULD REQUIRES THAT COUNTY PLANS HE CONCURRENT WITH CITY PLANS. o COLLECT ADDITIONAL PUBLIC INYO'T ABOUT THE PROJECT, AHD G CONDUCT AN ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES. TODAY OUR REGIONAL LAND USE PLANS (FOR BOTH CITIES AND COUNTIES) ARE Ma CONCURRENT WITH OUR SERVICE PLANS; AND OUR COUNTY NATURALLY WE WERE VERY RELUCTANT TO GRANT THIS 6 MONTH DELAY, PLANS ARE H=CONCURRENT WITH OUR CITY PLANS. BUT COUNTY OFFICIAL ASSURED US THAT THEY COULD CONDUCT THE ANALYSIS THEY NEEDED WITHIN THE REQUESTED 6 MONTHS. AND FROM TLIE NOW I APOLOGIZE...THIS IS ALL JUST A RESTATEMENT OF TIIAT WHICH BEGINNING OF TI1IS PROJECT WE HAVE WANTED TO AVOID'COUNTY DASHING"; IS OBVIOUS TO ALL OF YOU IN THE NEW 'JARGON' OF THE STATE WE HAVE WANTED 1'O BElID OVER BACKWARDS TO WORK N2T11 THE COUNTY AND LEGISLATURE, WHICH HAS PICKED UP THIS ISSUE. OUR PUNS HAVE NOT NOT LyAIt1S:2 THEM. SO WE AGREED TO THE DELAY. THEN, AT T11E Et10 OP BEEN-CONCURRENT-AND THIS LACK OF CONCURRENCY LEAD TO TILE FAILURE LAST YEAR - NI'fl10UT CONSULTING OR NEGOTIATING WITH KENT - Ti1E QF OUR ROAD SYSTEM YEARS AGO. COUNTY COUNCIL PASSED A RESOLUTION GEEING FOR THE CITY OF KENT TO THESURRENDER 'LEAD AGENCY" STATUS ON THE PROJECT, AND CALLING FOR A ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM IS OBVIOUS- AS A REGION WE MUST NEW STUDY TO BE PERFORMED BY THE COUNTY TO DETERMIlIF^IP THE NEED WILD MORE ROADS, AND HE MUST ALSO BE MORE CAREFUL AND CAUTIOUS FOR (THE ROAD'S) CONSTRUCTIONI STILL EXISTS". NATURALLY, HE WERE ABOUT APPROVING NEW DEVELOPMENT WHICH WILL INCREASE THE BURDEN ON ' NOT NAPPY HI1CN WE HEARD ABOUT TIII9 RESO WTIOH. WE FEEL THAT WE OUR ROAD NETWORK.,WE MUST DEVELOP PLANS TO INCREASE THE SUPPLY OF _ HAVE BEEN VERY FORTHCOMING WITI[THE COUNTY REGARDING THIS PROJECT. ROADS, AND LAND USE PLANS TO - AT A MINIMUM - REDUCE THE RATE OF INCREASE IN THE DEMAND FOR ROADS. IF WE DEVELOP SUCH PLANS, WE LET'S NOT FORGET TIIAT FOR MANY YEARS KENT OFFICIALS REFUSED TO WILL Be MOVING TOWARD THE "CONCURRENCY ^ CALLED FOR IN 115 2929. FUND THIS ROAD CLAIMING IT WAS A COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY. WE MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IF THE COUNTY STICKS TO IT'S POLICY, IT MAY BE SUCCESSFUL AT OBSTRUCTING THIS ROAD, AND BLOCKING OUR AND BO IT IS. EFFORTS AT ANNEXING THE AREA- IF THIS HAPPENS, I WILL SADLY CONCLUDE THAT WE WILL HAVE 'LED THE HORSE TO WATER BUT WE CAN'T IT IS, AFTER ALL A COUNTY ROAD, LOCATED ENTIRELY WITHIN MAKE 'EM DRINK'. UNINCORPORATED KING CO!!M, DESIGNED TO CLEAN UP THE COUNTY LAND USE MESS, WHICH OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE COUNTY LAND USE PLANS IN SUCH AN EVENT, I WILL RELUCTANTLY ASK TILE COUNCIL TO FULLY WHICH WERE APPROVED BY COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBERS WHICH WERE APPARENTLY WITHDRAW IT'S FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THIS ROAD, AND TO CONDUCT A UNMOTIVATED TO PROMOTE 'CONCURRENCY' BETWEEN THEIR LAUD USE AND COMPLETE REEVALUATION OF IT'S LAND USE POLICIES WITH AN EYE TOWARD INFRASTRUCTURE PLANS. BLOCKING ALL DEVELOPMENT EAST OF KENT'S BOUNDARIES,AND TO EVALUATE Tilt POSSIBILITY OF BRINGING A LAWSUIT AGAINST KING COUNTY FOR IT'S LET'S NOT FORGET THAT THIS ADMINISTRATION AND COUNCIL TOOK A - DELIBERATE VIOLATION OF THE CONCURRENCY PROVISIONS OF MB 2929. POSITION]YEARS AGO TO STOP'COUNTY BASHING'AND START HELPING IN CONSTRUCTIVE WAYS TO BUILD THE.ROAD. SO WE AGREED. WE AGREED TO SOT THIS WOULD BE A VERY SAD TURN OF EVENTS WHICH WOULD SERVE PAY $S MILLION (NOW$10 MILLION) TO STRAIGHTEN OUT THE PROBLEMS IN NEITHER THE COUNTY NOR THE CITY. TILE COUNTY, CREATED BY COUNTY OFFICIALS - IN FAIRNESS HE SHOULD GIVE CREDIT TO THE COUNTY, FOR THEIR PART THEY COMMITTED$500,000 INSTEAD OF THIS SCENARIO, IT IS MY HOPE THAT WE CAN CONVINCE TO THIS PROTECT. COUNTY OFFICIALS THAT THE PRINCIPAL OF PROMOTING CONCURRENCY BETWEEN LAUD USE AND SERVICE PLANS I9 A GOOD TIITNO. MY MESSAGE TO LET'S NOT FORGET THAT KENT AGREED TO 'TAKE THE HEAT- FOR TIIE COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBERS IS: DEVELOPMENT OF THIS CONTROVERSIAL ROAD, BY ASSUMING LEAD AGENCY O PLEASE SUPPORT THE PRINCIPALS OUTLIVED IN HB 2929. STATUS ON THE PROJECT. 0 PLEASE TAKE A STAND IN FAVOR OF REASONABLE GROWTH POLICIES. LET'S NOT FORGET THAT WE HAVE METICULOUSLY FOLLOWED EVERY O PLEASE DON'T BE ADVOCATES FOR OVERCROWDED STREETS AND REQUIREMENT OF STATE LAW IN THE PREPARATION Of THE ROUTE ALIGNMENT I OTHER OVERBURDENED SERVICE DELIVERY SYSTEMS. STUDY AND EIS FOR THIS PROJECT. O WE ARE WILLING TO HELP. WITH MONEY,TIME AND EFFORT...WE .• . ARE WILLING TO HELP. AND LET'S NOT FORGET THAT AFTER ALL OF THIS INVESTMENT OF TIME, MONEY AND EFFORT TO MOVE THE PROJECT AHEAD, WE AGREED -- 0 PLEASE WORK WITH US SO WE CAN BUILD A MORE LIVABLE SOUTH ALBEIT RELUCTANTLY --TO ANOTHER 6 MONTH DELAY SO THAT THE COUNTY COUNTY REGION TOGETHER. COULD CONDUCT ADDITIONAL STUDIES. • FORGIVE HE FOR TAXING SO LONG ON THIS ISSUE, BUT IT HAS BEEN NOW WE ARE TOLD THAT THE COUNTY WANTS A NEW STUDY TO SEE IF WE OUR 11 GOAL FOR MANY YEARS AND THE ISSUE WILL COME TO A HEAD IN STILL NEED THE ROAD. 1991. 7 S WITH YOUR PERMISSION, LET ME PROCEED WITH A REPORT ON SOME OF I IMAGINE ONE OF T11E KEY QUESTIONS WHICH MUST BE ANSWERED IN OUR OTHER TOP GOALS. SUCH A STUDY IS -DOES TRAFFIC CONGESTION EXIST ON EAST WEST ROADS IN SOUTH KING COUNTY?` OUR 12 TOP PRIORITY CONTINUES TO BE THE IMPROVEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE ONE NEIGHhORHOOD IN KENT THAT HAS LAGGED BEHIND WELL AS FASCINATING AS THAT QUESTION MAY BE; I NEVERTHELESS, OTHERS IN GROWTH,PROSPERITY, AND ECONOMIC VITALITY DURING THE PAST DO NOT THINK THAT IT IS ANY LONGER REASONABLE THAT WE SHOULD BE YEARS: XENT'S DOWNTOWN. EXPECTED TO WATT FOR THE ANSWER. OUR PROGRESS IN IMPROVING OUR DOWNTOWN HAS BEEN SIGNIFICANT XEMT HAS WAITED LONG ENOUGH. IT'S TINE FOR US TO DEMAND THAT THIS PAST YEAR. THE KENT CITY COUNCIL HAS ATTRACTED OVER $11 THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY THAT EVERY TODDLER MILLION WORTH OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INVESTMENT INTO KENT'S LEARNS AS ONE Of HIS FIRST LESSONS FROM HIS PARENTS: 'CLEAN UP YOUR - DOWNTOWN OWN MESS.' IT IS, AFTER ALL, THE COUNTY'S LAND USE MESS THAT WE 0 CONSTRUCTION BEGAN ON THE NEW 22,500 SQUARE FOOT LISR HAVE BEEN OFFERING TO CLEAN UP. BUT THE COUNTY SEEMS UNWILLING TO ARy ON FIRST AVENUE AND SMITH STREET. IT IS DUE TO BE OPENED THIS CLEAN IT UP THEMSELVES OR EVEN LET OTHERS CLEAN IT UP FOR THEM. SUMMER, ALSO, 0 THE PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP--THE CENTENNIAL BUILDING-- IT'S TIME FOR US TO DEMAND THAT THE COUNTY CLEAN UP IT'S EAST - OPENED ON NOVEMBER 27TH. THIS 77,000 SQUARE FOOT HILL LAND USE MESS, OR LET US CLEAN IT FOR THEM. BUILDING HOUSES THE DEPARTMENTS OF PUBLIC WORKS, BUILDING AND PLANNING--WITH A NEW PERMIT CENTER WHICH PROVIDES A WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ADDITIONAL STUDIES TO ANSWER TIIE NUMBER OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS SEEKItIG BUILDING PREPOSTEROUS QUESTION •IS THE ROAD STILL NEEDED?"- PERMITS. IN ADDITION, o THANKS TO THE EFFORTS OF OUR FINE PARKS DIRECTOR. BARNEY ACCORDINGLY I AM TODAY DIRECTING KENT'S PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR WILSON, WE ALSO HAVE 2 NEW PARKS IN DOWNTOWN KENT. THE DON WICKSTROM TO PROMPTLY COMPLETE THE ROUTE ALIGNMENT STUDY AND RENT-KHERSoH PEACE PARX AT 2NO AND GOWE, AND THE 1ST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ON THIS ROAD PROJECT AND SUBMIT IT AVENUE WALKWAY (NIIICII IS IN AND OF ITSELF A SMALL PARK). TO THE COUNTY WITH A MESSAGE THAT KENT'S POSITION IS THAT THERE ARE FURTHERMORE, tM FURTHER STUDIES NEEDED BEFORE MOVING AHEAD WITH ROAD DESIGN, 0 ALSO,WE PLACED SEVERAL FINE MURALS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA- LAND ACQUISITION, AND ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. -THE LILLY--BY DANNY PIERCE--AT 1ST AND GONE,THE KHERSON CITYSCAPE MURAL AT KHERSON PARK AND THE NEW CARNATION IF THE COUNTY CONTINUES IN THEIR EFFORTS TO OBSTRUCT AND DELAY MURAL ON THE CREAMERY BUILDING WHICH INCIDENTALLY I5 THE THE PROJECT, I WILL RELUCTANTLY PROPOSE TO THE COUNCIL THAT WE ORIGINAL SITE OF CARNATION'S KENT OPEHATION. ALSO, ATTEMPT TO ANNEX THE LAND IN THE VICINITY OF THE ROAD ELIMINATING 0 WE HAVE CONTINUED THE MANY FINE SUMMERTIME COMMUNITY THE COUNTY'S JURISDICTION OVER THE ISSUE. ACTIVITIES WIIICII MAKE KENT'S DOWNTOWN KNOWN AS AN 'ACTIVITY PLACE-. EVENTS SUCH AS SATURDAY MARKET, [WHICH (IF WE ANNEX, TUIS WILL HAVE A SIDE BENEFIT IN THAT WE WILL BE ABLE LAST YEAR INCREASED ATTENDANCE BY 62111, CANTERBURY FAIRE, TO LIMIT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE ANNEXED AREA. B 6 A BUILDING IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA. TO THESE BUSINESSMEN I TIIE BALLOON CLASSIC, LAST YEARS CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, - SAY PLEASE COME AND TALK TO US. IF WE CAN HELP TO NAME CORNUCOPIA DAYS AND THE KENT SUMMER CONCERT SERIES ON IT MORE FINANCIALLY APPEALING FOR YOU TO LOCATE YOUR STRUCTURE IN DOWNTOWN KENT, WE WILL TRY TO HELP. WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS HAS BROUGHT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO DOWNTOWN KENT EACH SUMMER; THESE EVENTS PROVIDE MORE THAN JUST GOOD FUN, THEY ALSO PROVIDE A GOOD IN OTHER AREAS WE CONTINUE TO MAKE GREAT PROGRESS TOWARD IMPRESSION OF RENT FOR VISITORS, AND--LET'S IIOPE--A ACHEEVING VARIOUS CITY GOALS. HEALTHY IMPACT ON BUSINESS IN OUR DOWNTOWN AS WELL. JIM HARRIS AND THE PUNNING DEPARTMENT HAVE OUR ACHIEVEMENTS AT PROMOTING DOWNTOWN HAVE INDEED BEEN O GAINED COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE WHICH GUARANTEES SIGNIFICANT( BUT THERE IS MORE THAT WE CAN DO TO ENHANCE THIS THAT HANDICAPPED CITIZENS CAN NO LONGER BE DISCRIMINATED CULTURAL AND IDENTITY CENTER OF OUR COMMUNITY.. AGAIIIST WHEN THEY SEEK HOUSING IN A GROUP HOME'. WHICH KAY BE THE ONLY TYPE OF INDEPENDENT LIVING ARRANGEMENT O NEXT YEAR WE WILL BE CONSTRUCTING 93 UNITS OF HOUSING FOR POSSIBLE FOR THEM. TIIE ELDERLY IN KENT WITH FUNDS APPROVED BY VOTERS LAST O AND KENT PLANNERS HAVE MADE GOOD PROGRESS TOWARD YEAR. THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT PROVIDING FOR SEVERE WEATHER SHELTERS FOR THE HOMELESS. AND SITE THESE UNITS HAS BEEN RELEASED TO DEVELOPERS AND DON WICKSTROM AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROPOSALS ARE DUE IN 6 WEEKS. IT IS BY NO MEANS A O COMPLETED PHASE I OF OUR WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY CERTAINTY, BUT IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THOSE UNITS COULD BE IMPROVEMENTS, SITED IN KENT'S DOWNTOWN. IF THE SENIOR HOUSING PROPOSAL O SECURED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF A$16,000,000 TIB GRANT SELECTION COKHITTEE DECIDES TO SITE THIS HOUSING IN FOR VARIOUS ROAD PROJECTS DOWNTOWN, IT WOULD REPRESENT ANOTHER$7 MILLION"SHOT-IN- O PROMOTED AND SECURED THE CREATION OF A NEW -GREEN RIVER THE-ARM' FOR KENT'S DOWNTOWN. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT•TO ADMINISTER FUNDS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GREEN RIVER LEVEE SYSTEM. O ALSO, THE CITY COUNCIL LAST YEAR APPROVED FUNDING FOR AN OUR FIRE CHIEF AND HIS FINE DEPARTMENT ,ADDITIONAL S MURALS TO BE LOCATED IN KENT'S DOWNTOWN. o COMPLETED AND MOVED INTO THE LAST OF OUR 4 MAJOR NEW WHERE POSSIBLE THESE WORKS OF ART WILL BE SITED ON WALLS FIRE/PUBLIC SAFETY STATIONS WHICH WILL PROVIDE US WITH A WHICH ARE UNSIGHTLY, OR WHICH COULD USE SOME COSMETIC .TREMENDOUS IMPROVEMENT TO OUR EMERGENCY SERVICE IMPROVEMENT. CAPABILITIES. OUR POLICE STAFF o IN ADDITION, I HAVE ASKED THE PARKS DIRECTOR TO EXAMINE o EXPANDED OUR AITI-DRUG PROGRAM THROUGH THE USE OF"SEIZED THE FEASIBILITY AND COST OF COMPLETING THE IMPROVEMENTS ASSETS FUNDING' TO THE NEW 1ST AVENUE WALKWAY PROJECT IN ORDER TO BRING o WON A fTH PLACE NATIONAL AWARD FOR IT'S CRIME PREVENTION IT UP TO THE HIGH STANDARDS OF PARKS IN THE KENT PARKS 'NATIONAL NIGHT OUT' PROGRAM AND RECREATION SYSTEM. O AND READIED THE JOINT FIRE POLICE TRAILING CENTER AND 11 9 INDOOR FIRING RANGE FOR USE AND OCCUPANCY. O FURTHERMORE, I HAVE ASKED CITY ATTORNEY ROGER LUDOVICH TO THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OP ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL COURT o INVESTIGATED A DISCREPANCY IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF IN KENT. IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING THAT SUCH LOCALLY RUN - REVENUE'S HANDLING OF CITY UTILITY TAXES, AND AS A RESULT COURT SYSTEMS CAN PROVIDE SOME OPERATIONAL ADVANTAGES OF THAT INVESTIGATION, SECURED A $975,000 UTILITY TAX OVER DISTRICT COURTS, AND THEY CAN BE RUN WITHOUT REFUND TO THE CITY. SUBSTANTIAL INCREASES IN COSTS. IF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVED A MUNICIPAL COURT PLAN, I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT AND OUR PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT LOCATED IN KENT'S DOWNTOWN. THIS WOULD OBVIOUSLY CREATE O SUCCESSFULLY IMPLEMENTED A NEW HEALTH AND WELFARE PROGRAM SIGNIFICANT DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES. FOR CITY EMPLOYEES AND 0 ALSO THIS YEAR THE PUNNING DEPARTMENT WILL BE WORKING ON 0 SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATED LABOR AGREEMENTS WITH 6 LABOR T11E IMPLEMENTATION OF TIIE RECOMMENDATIONS OF TIIE UNIONS. COMMITTEE WHICH LAST YEAR STUDIED THE CREATION OF AN •ENTERPRIZE ZONE"IN KENT'S DOWNTOWN IN WHICH DEVELOPMENT IN SHORT, THIS CITY GOVERNMENT IS DOING VERY, VERY WELL IN COULD OCCUR WITH A MORE RELAXED SET OF REGULATIONS. E'JERY SERVICE CATEGORY. PROPOSALS WHICH WILL BE CONSIDERED WILL INCLUDE ELIMINATING THE MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY PROVISIONS IN WE ARE ACCOMPLISHING OUR GOALS AND ENHANCING THE QUANTITY AND THE DOWNTOWN ZONE, AND SUBSTITUTING MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL QUALITY OF SERVICE WE ARE PROVIDING RESIDENTS OF KENT. AND THE DENSITY REQUIREMENTS WITH NO MAXIMUM;AND ELIMINATING THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT TOO. KENT'S ECONOMIC STRENGTH AND ENORMOUS PER MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMITATION IN KENT'S DOWNTOWN ZONE, AND CAPITA TAX BASE HAS MADE IT THE LAST LOCAL CITY TO FEEL A PINCH SUBSTITUTING MINIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS WITH NO MAXIMUM. FROM THE RECESSION. I CAN TELL YOU TODAY THAT AT WORST, THE O IN ADDITION A HARD-WORKING CITIZENS TASK FORCE HAS BEEN ECONOMIC DOWNTURN WILL MERELY SLOW THE RATE OF SERVICE EXPANSION SURVEYING THE NEED FOR A NEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTER I11 AND SERVICE IMPROVEMENT WHICH WE WILL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE FOR OUR KENT. FUNDS HAVE BEEN DONATED BY LOCAL BUSINESSES, CITY RESIDENTS. INTERESTED CITIZENS, AND THE CITY, TO DO A CULTURAL PLAN AND PERFORMING ARTS CENTER FEASIBILITY STUDY. THE STUDY I WILL LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH ALL OF YOU IH THE COMING IS EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN THE SPRING OF 1991. GREEN YEAR AS WE WORK TO BUILD AN EVEN BETTER, STRONGER, MORE LIVABLE RIVER COMNNITY COLLEGE HAS BEEN COOPERATING IN THIS XE1T. •STUDY AND IS INTERESTED IN THE POSSIBILITY OF ENTERING INTO A JOINT VENTURE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FACILITY FOR PERFORMANCES, CULTURAL ACTIVITIES, EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES, AND CONFERENCES. AND BOTH THE CITY AND THE COLLEGE HAVE EXPRESSED AN INTEREST IN LOCATING SUCH A FACILITY IH XENT'S DOWNTOWN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. O FINALLY, I WANT TO RE-STATE MY OUTGOING INVITATION TO DEVELOPERS WHO MIGHT NORMALLY NOT CONSIDER CONSTRUCTING 13 10