HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/15/1991 Kent, Washington
January 15, 1991
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell,
Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr, White, and Woods, City Administrator
Chow, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public
Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Acting Police Chief
Byerly, Finance Director McCarthy, Personnel Director Olson, As-
sistant City Administrator Hansen, Information Services Director
Spang and Deputy City Clerk Jacober. Parks Director Wilson was not
in attendance. Approximately 35 people were at the meeting.
PUBLIC The flag salute was led by members of Boy Scout
There was then a moment of silence in honor of
the troops in the Persian Gulf.
The Mayor distributed to Councilmembers a Mis-
sion Statement as presented by Dr. George Dan-
iel, Superintendent of the Kent School Dis-
trict. He noted that the mission statement says
that we, as a community, will work together to
pursue appropriate levels of support for our
children. WOODS MOVED that the Mission State-
ment be adopted. Houser seconded and the mo-
tion carried.
CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A - I
be approved. White seconded and the motion
Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of January 2 ,
SANITATION 124th Avenue S. E. Water Main Extension. ACCEP-
TANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agree-
ment submitted by John E. and Phyllis J. Banks
for continuous operation and maintenance of ap-
proximately 670 feet of water main extension
constructed in the vicinity of 124th Avenue
S.E. and S.E. 284th Street and release of the
cash bond after expiration of the one-year
maintenance period.
January 15, 1991
SANITATION Waterford Apartment at the Lakes. ACCEPTANCE
of the bill of sale and warranty agreement sub-
mitted by Waterford L.P. for continuous opera-
tion and maintenance of approximately 4, 109 ft.
of water main extension, 1, 282 feet of sanitary
sewer extension and 1,525 feet of street im-
provements constructed in the vicinity of So.
236th Street and Lakeside Boulevard East for
the Waterford Apartments at the Lakes and
release of the cash bond after expiration of
the one-year maintenance period.
VACATION Pacific Ventures Street Vacation STV-90-5.
A letter received on December 20, 1990 from
Richard Boyer of Pacific Ventures, Inc. re-
quests that the hearing of street vacation pe-
tition STV-90-5 be delayed and put on the agen-
da for the City Council meeting of February 5,
1991. The Planning Director concurs. WHITE
MOVED to approve the request to delay the hear-
ing of Street Vacation STV-90-5 to February 5,
1991. Woods seconded and the motion carried.
APPEAL Emerald City Chemical Appeal. A public hearing
has been set for this date to consider an ap-
peal filed by Emerald City Chemical . Mr. Dodge
had asked to have a time extension of two years
for an authorized temporary use permit. The
Hearing Examiner has recommended an extension
to April 15, 1991 and Glen Dodge- has appealed
this. He has now requested that this hearing
be held over to the February 5, 1991 meeting.
WHITE MOVED that the public hearing be held
over to the February 5 meeting. Woods sec-
onded and the motion carried.
Mr. Dodge requested that the Council consider
giving the Planning Director the authority to
extend public hearings and inform the affected
parties so they are not required to attend the
Council meeting to be sure the extension was
ACT 961 Growth Management Act Funds. AUTHORIZATION for
appropriated funds from the Growth Management
January 15, 1991
GROWTH MGMT. Act of 1990 to be distributed to the City of
ACT 961 Kent through King County and for the Mayor to
sign the related service agreement. The ser-
vice agreement establishes the process by which
grant funds will pass through King County to
the City of Kent.
COMMISSION Human Services Commission. CONFIRMATION of the
Mayor' s appointment of Susan Ramos to Kent Hu-
man Services Commission. Ramos replaces Alice
Gregory who served as a representative of the
business community and who resigned.
Traffic Safety. Requests have been received
that both James Street (between Central Ave-
nue and 104th Street) and Central Avenue at
259th Street be moved from their present sta-
tus to a high priority within the Public Works
Engineering Department in order that the cur-
rent safety hazards may be quickly and effec-
tively addressed and resolved.
Mann noted that the Public Safety Committee has
received a petition containing 421 signatures
requesting a signal light at the intersection
of S. 259th and Central Avenue. White added
that a petition has . previously been received
regarding James Street. MANN MOVED to author-
ize the Public Works Department to upgrade to
a high priority the resolution of traffic safe-
ty problems at the intersection of S. 259th and
Central, and that the safety of our pedestrians
on James Street also be upgraded to top priori-
I ty and that both of these areas b—ame
for completion within two yesC � �itl ,
onded. 1i;3 ,itl y
Jimmy Cordova stated that it is' ery- i �
to cross Central Avenue and that because there
is no stop light from Willis Street to Auburn,
people tend to drive faster than the speed lim-
it. Carol Anne Fellers noted that an employee
of Pay-N-Pak was seriously injured at this lo-
cation, and submitted another petition for a
traffic signal which contains over 400 signa-
tures. WHITE MOVED to make the petition a part
of the record. Woods seconded and the motion
January15, 1991
TRAFFIC carried. Elizabeth Lindgren stated that this is
CONTROL a very dangerous situation and expressed hope
that the signal can be installed this year.
Johnson suggested including this project in the
Six-Year Transportation Program in July. White
stated that the Council is eager to solve these
problems, as well as others in the City.
Mann's motion then carried.
Donation Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2961
establishing a procedure for accepting dona-
tions, as discussed with the Operations Commit-
tee at their January 8 committee meeting. The
ordinance was prepared to provide a vehicle for
City acceptance of donations and to provide
some guidance for individuals making donations
to the City.
Sole Vendor Authorization. APPROVAL of L.N.
Curtis and Sons as the sole vendor for the pur-
chase of fire hose.
The 1991 Budget has $35, 000 budgeted for the
purchase of fire hose. The amount of funds in-
volved usually dictates that the purchase is
done through the bid process. In this case, the
bid process would be redundant. Only one ven-
dor in the Western United States can supply
hose that meets the Kent Fire Department's
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
TED - REFE4 bills received through January 17, 1991 after
- ^S� `I1 auditing by the Operations Committee at its
EsOF meeting at 4 : 30 p.m. on January 30, 1991
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
12/14/90 99349 $ 366.76
12/18-12/28/90 99785-99800 103 , 372 .52
12/31/90 99804-100253 427 , 576 .45
$531, 315. 73
January 15, 1991
FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll:
Date Check Numbers Amount
1/4/91 1148700-1149345 $598,535. 33
REPORTS Public Works Committee. White noted that ac-
tion recently taken on the Parkside Division
No. 2 Walkway was discussed at the•Public Works
Committee meeting today, and that the problem
has not been solved. He noted that the Public
Works and Legal Departments will meet with cit-
izens to work out a solution, and this item
will be brought back to the Council for recon-
(Housing Grants) Planning Committee. Johnson announced that the
City has received grants in the amount of
$200, 000 from the King County Housing opportu-
nity Fund and $265, 000 from the Washington
State Housing Trust Fund. He noted that these
funds will be used for senior housing units and
for services for the frail elderly. He con-
gratulated the Planning Department, who ini-
tiated the applications for these grants.
(Impact Fees) Johnson announced that King County is consider-
ing an ordinance dealing with school impact
fees. He noted that their ordinance imposes
fees in unincorporated areas as well as incor-
porated areas, and said he feels cities should
have the option of imposing such fees within
their boundaries.
A resolution supporting the action of King
County to adopt legislation relating to the
imposition and collection of impact fees from
new residential development was distributed to
the councilmembers. JOHNSON MOVED for the adop-
tion of Resolution 1269. White seconded.
Dowell and White expressed concern about the
wording of the resolution. A friendly amend-
ment to change the wording as follows was ac-
cepted by Johnson and White:
"That the City Council supports the action of
King County to address the problems of growth
on schools through the adoption of legisla-
tion to impose impact fees on residential de-
velopment within its boundaries for school tck-
-cl�-�-i�s districts provided that cities shall
January 15, 1991
(Impact Fees) retain the authority to levy such fees within
their own boundaries. " The motion carried.
(Annexation/ Johnson noted that the King County Council is
Incorporation) proposing an ordinance which would prohibit an-
nexation of rural areas to cities and which
would prohibit rural areas from incorporating
into cities. HE MOVED that the Mayor be di-
rected to sign a letter to the County stating
the CityyIs opposition to this ordinance. White
seconded and the motion carried.
Dowell indicated that he would like to have
more time to study issues such as these.
Johnson suggested a regional issues committee
of the Council be formed to address these types
of issues.
Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Parks
Committee will meet on January 16 at 4: 00 p.m.
in the Courtroom.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7 : 25 p.m.
Brenda Jac er, CMC
Deputy y Clerk