HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/02/1991 Kent, Washington
January 2, 1991
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Woods. Present: Councilmembers Dowell,
Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr, and White, City Administrator Chow,
City Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works
Director Wickstrom, Assistant Fire Chief Berg, Acting Police Chief
Byerly, Finance Director McCarthy, Parks Director Wilson, Information
Services Director Spang, Personnel Director Olson, Assistant City .
Administrator Hansen and Deputy City Clerk Jacober. Mayor Kelleher
was not in attendance. Approximately 25 people were at the meeting.
COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month._ Mayor Pro Tem Woods
announced that Yvonne Knox of the Information
Services Department has been selected as Em-
ployee of the Month for January. She noted
that Ms. Knox is responsible for setting up
computer and terminal equipment, handling
technical problems, answering software and
electronic mail questions, teaching classes
and researching new innovations. Information
Services Director Spang commended Ms. Knox
on her attitude and abilities, and Ms. Knox
was presented with the Employee of the Month
Saturday Market Appreciation Day. Mayor Pro
Tem Woods read a proclamation declaring January 5 ►
1991 , as Saturday Market Appreciation Day in
the City of Kent. She noted that the Saturday
Market has become a popular attraction in
downtown Kent with its, repertoire of family
entertainment programs and a unique selection
of high quality wares. Woods commended Nancy
Woo, Community Events Coordinator, the Community
Events staff, the Market Advisory Board and
the Market vendors.
CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through P be approved. White seconded and
the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of December 4 ,
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SANITATION Plaza By The Green. ACCEPTANCE of the bill
of sale and warranty agreement submitted by
Young Development and Construction Company,
Inc. for continuous operation and maintenance
of approximately ,826 feet of sanitary sewer
extension constructed in the vicinity of Russell
Road and Meeker Street for the Plaza by the
Green Development and release of cash bond
after expiration of the one-year maintenance
Metro Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Pilot
Program. AUTHORIZATION for the City to parti-
cipate in the Metro Infiltration/Inflow Reduction
Pilot Program and for the Mayor to sign the
infiltration/inflow project agreement, as
recommended by the Public Works Committee.
Water System Plan. AUTHORIZATION to adopt
Ordinance 2960 adopting the addendum to the
Water System Plan, as recommended by the Public
Works Committee.
LID 337 - West View Terrace/McCann's West View.
ADOPTION of Resolution 1267 setting February 5,
1991 as the date for a public hearing on forma-
tion of LID 337.
CONTROL Parking in Front of Centennial Building.
ADOPTION of Ordinance 2959 amending the City
code to change the parking limits on the two
stalls near the west driveway of City Hall
to two-hour limits, the one stall between
the two-hour stalls in the crosswalk to a
passenger load only and the two stalls between
the crosswalk and the driveway east of the
Centennial Building to 30 minutes, as recommended
by the Public Works Committee.
Road Closure. AUTHORIZATION to restrict all
through and left turn movements from Frager
and Russell Roads onto South 212th Street and
authorization to transfer $10, 640 from the Street
Fund to Frager Road and South 212th Street Fund,
as recommended by the Public Works Committee.
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January 2, 1991
CLASSIFICATION Arterial Classification. ADOPTION of Resolution
1268 amending the City of Kent Comprehensive
Transportation Plan to include Lind Avenue
from East Valley Highway to 180th and to classify
same as a minor arterial, as recommended by
the Public Works Committee.
SAFETY West Hill Fire Station and Police Substation.
ACCEPTANCE as complete of construction of the
West Hill Fire Station and Police Substation.
A constract was signed with John Korsmo Con-
struction on June 1 , 1989. After a period
of time to correct punch list items, the Fire
Department has accepted the project as 100
percent complete. By accepting this item on
the consent calendar, the Council will be ac-
cepting the project complete as of the date
that we have written release by all lien holders
of their liens. After those lien requirements
are met, the Fire Department is authorized
to release retainage upon receipt of appro-
priate documentation from the Department of
Revenue as well as the Department of Labor and
West Hill Site. ACCEPTANCE as complete of the
land preparation for the West Hill Fire and
Police Complex. The Public Safety Committee
and the Fire Chief recommend that the City
Council accept this phase of the project as
100 percent complete and authorize processing
the paperwork to notify the Department of Labor
and Industry as well as the Department of
Revenue that the work has been completed. Upon
receipt of the necessary certificate, retainage
will be released to the contractor.
Fire Resource Mutual Aid Master Agreement.
APPROVAL of the Fire Resource Mutual Aid Master
Agreement. Until now, our automatic and mutual
aid agreements with other fire agencies could
only be extended within King County by working
jointly with the King County Offices of Emer-
gency Services and King County Fire Chiefs.
It is now possible through RCW 38. 52 to enter
into an agreement with Pierce County. Any emer-
gency aid sent would be limited by the type of
calls/assistance requested for and the Fire
Chief would retain final authority on whether
or not to send units based on our community ' s
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FIRE While there is a potential for overtime costs,
staff feels that the overall impact would be
minimized by the number of requests. Further,
the benefits to this community would far out-
weigh any costs or risks. It is anticipated
that in the lang-term, there would be a balance
of give and take that would satisfy the demand
of localized large incidences.
Emergency Slide Repair Canyon Drive at 94th
Avenue. The Public Works Committee has recom-
mended that an emergency be declared to repair
the slide that occurred in Mill Creek Canyon
adjacent to Canyon Drive in the vicinity of
94th Avenue. The cost of the repairs is es-
timated to be $100, 000 which will be taken
from the Unemcumbered Funds of the Sewerage
Utility. Because of the emergent nature of
the issue and the recent disruption of City
business due to the weather, this has not
been to Operations Committee for their review.
WHITE MOVED that the repair of the slide- on
Canyon Road at 94th be declared an emergency,
that a budget be established for the project
and that $100, 000 be transferred from the
Unemcumbered balance of the Sewerage Utility.
Houser seconded and the motion carried.
Entry Signs. The Public Works Committee has
recommended approval of the design for entry
signs to be placed at major arterials coming
into the City. Public Works Director Wickstrom
presented the design to the Council and noted
that the design was developed by Ed Olson of
the Public Works Department. Olson thanked
Dea Drake of the Graphics Department for her
help on the project.
WHITE MOVED for approval of the design and in-
stallation of the signs. Houser seconded and
the motion carried.
Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. AUTHORIZATION
for the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Cooperative
Agreement with King County for use of conserva-
tion future funds. This executed agreement is
required for Kent to be eligible for grant awards.
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January 2, 1991
DEVELOPMENT Kitchen Rehabilitation and Handicapped Access
BLOCK GRANT Project. ACCEPTANCE of the combined Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) Special Popula-
tions Resource Center Rehabilitation Project
and the handicapped access project as complete
and authorization to release the retainage
upon receipt of state releases.
Kiwanis Tot Lot No. 4. ACCEPTANCE of the
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Kiwanis
Tot Lot No. 4 project as complete.
AMENDMENT - Group Homes. On October 2, 1990 the City Council
GROUP HOMES held a public meeting to consider the recommenda-
tions by the Planning Commission concerning
zoning code changes for group homes. The City
Council adopted the. recommendations by the Planning
Commission on proposed zoning changes for Class I
and II Group Homes but deleted the reference to
Class III (which was sent back to the Planning
Committee for further consideration) . Ordinances
have been prepared to include the proposed
amendments to Class I and II Group Homes as
previously adopted and proposed zoning changes
for Class III group homes as recommended by the
Planning Committee.
City Attorney Lubovich noted that in researching
this issue, the Law Department determined the
definitions of Group Homes I, II, and III needed
to be rewritten in order to comply with the Fair
Housing Act. He noted the modifications are in-
cluded in the ordinances. These modifications
include placing recovering alcoholics, or those
formerly addicted to legal or illegal drugs, in
Group I, and requiring registration as a condi-
tion on a conditional use permit for Groups II
and III . Harris noted this would put more pre-
dictability into the group homes issue. Lubovich
noted for Woods and White that this proposal
provides more control and stronger restrictions
than those which currently exist.
Upon Dowell ' s question, Janet Shull of the
Planning Department noted that up to six un-
related people are. considered a family and more
than six would be a group home. She added
that up to 10 could be sited in a single-family
zone, without the city being aware of it. She
further explained that the Planning Commission
based the number of residents on the size of
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ZONING CODE existing housing stock available in Kent and
AMENDMENT - the underlying zoning. Upon White ' s question
GROUP HOMES about parking, she stated the city cannot pre-
clude anyone from siting in a residential zone
if they meet the definition of Class I, which
means they are protected by Federal law. Laurie
Anderson of the Planning Department explained that
the city would not change parking requirements
for ten related individuals in a single-family
home, and, therefore, could not change it for
Class I either. Dowell opined that 10 residents
is too many, and that 6 would be more realistic.
Upon Mann' s question, Lubovich stated the City
is not mandated to have an ordinance covering
group homes, but without one all group homes
would have to go through the conditional use
process, and the code could not be enforced.
There were no further questions and Woods de-
clared the public hearing open. She explained
for Don Knapp that there are currently no ap-
plications for group homes in the city. There
were no further comments from the audience and
ORR MOVED to close the public hearing. Johnson
seconded and the motion carried.
Lubovich advised that each ordinance should be
considered separately and JOHNSON MOVED to
adopt Ordinance 2957. Orr seconded. Lubovich
explained this ordinance deals with registration
of group homes, which is subject to the condi-
tional use permit process. Carol Morris added
that the parking would be addressed during that
process, and cautioned the Council against
changing the number of residents allowed.
Lubovich pointed out that if Ordinance 2958 is
not passed, there is no point in passing this
registration ordinance. ORR MOVED to defer
action on Ordinance 2957 until Ordinance 2958
has been considered. Houser seconded and the
motion carried.
JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2958. Houser
seconded. Mann stated that passing this ordi-
nance is a serious threat to the safety of
Kent' s citizens. He said the Class III group
homes should not be allowed in the community,
and urged the Council not to pass the ordinance.
Houser stated- that this ordinance will protect
the citizens, and that laws should be in place
before an application is received. An exchange
between Dowell and Johnson resulted in reducing
the number of residents in Class I-A from a
maximum of 10 to a maximum of 7, and reducing
the number of residents in Class I-B from a
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January 2, 1991
ZONING CODE maximum of 14 to a maximum of 10. Johnson' s
AMENDMENT - motion to adopt Ordinance 2958 was restated-
GROUP HOMES using the above figures. The motion carried
with the chair not voting and Mann voting
against the motion.
Mayor Pro Tem Woods then noted that action on
Ordinance 2957 has been deferred. •Johnson' s
motion to adopt Ordinance 2957 then carried
with Mann voting nay.
Woods commended all who worked on this issue,
including the Planning Commission, the Planning
Committee, the Planning Department, and the
Legal Department.
Fuel Contract. Quotations were recently soli-
cited from several vendors for the purchase of
gasoline, diesel, and propane for 1991 . Staff
recommends that the Mayor be authorized to sign
contracts with Associated Petroleum and Suburban
Propane. Finance Director McCarthy noted that the
total contract value is $199 , 401 , which is within
the budget of $221 , 000. He noted that the con-
tracts are based upon increases to the suppliers
and that as suppliers get increases or decreases,
those increases or decreases will be passed on
to the city. He noted for Dowell that the
figures are based upon the average gallonage
of each. type of fuel . HOUSER THEN MOVED to
authorize the Mayor to sign contracts with
Associated Petroleum and Suburban Propane.
White seconded and the motion carried.
Library Board Appointment. CONFIRMATION of
the Mayor ' s appointment of Raul Ramos to the
Library Board replacing Sally Hopkins whose
term has expired. This appointment will begin
immediately and continue through March, 1995.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through January 2 , 1991 , after
auditing by the Operations Committee at its
meeting at 4: 30 p.m. on January 8, 1991 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
1 2/3-1 2/1 3/90 99320-99348 $ 189, 737. 00
12/14/90 99350-99784 1 , 900, 782. 67
$2, 090, 51 9 . 67
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January 2, 1991
FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll:
Date Check Numbers Amount
12/5/90 145350-146042 $836, 920. 29
1 2/7/90 1 46043-1 461 56 91 , 721 . 60
1 2/21 /90 1 461 57-1 46843 829, 1 73. 75
Council President. Council President Woods
noted that the Council, as well as department
heads, will meet with the Warner Group .on
January 14, 15 and 16 to discuss the management
study. She asked Councilmembers to contact
Administration to set up appointments. She
also noted that Suburban Cities will meet in
Tukwila on January 10, and asked Councilmembers
to let Administration know if they will attend
the meeting.
Public Works Committee. White noted that he
had recently attended the National League of
Cities meeting and submitted resolutions and
reports of the various committees.
He requested that City Administrator Chow bring
the policy on parking to the next Council meeting.
White noted that he is concerned about the number
of city vehicles parked in the City Hall lot.
Assistant City Administrator Hansen noted that he
had spoken with Finance Director McCarthy re-
garding the meter readers vehicles, and that
those vehicles will now park on the street.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8: 50 p.m. .
Brenda Jacober, CMC
Deputy City C1 rk
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