HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/04/1990 Kent, Washington
December 4 , 1990
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00
p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Johnson,
Mann, Orr and Woods, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, City
Attorney Lubovich, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director
Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen, Informa-
tion Service Director Spang, Personnel Director Olson, Parks
Director Wilson, Finance Director McCarthy and City Clerk Marie
Jensen. City Administrator Chow and Councilmembers Houser and
White were attending the National League of Cities Conference.
Approximately 60 people were at the meeting.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced
that Jennifer Carey has been selected as Employee '
of the Month for December. She works as an
Office Technician II in the Parks Department.
The Mayor noted that Ms. Carey is applauded by
her fellow co-workers for her enthusiastic
attitude and her willingness to assist with the
many diverse parks and recreation programs.
Parks Director Wilson expressed appreciation
from the Parks Department as well as the public.
Crime Prevention Award. Leah Heilpern, Public
Education Specialist, noted that National Night
Out has been held for the past seven years, and
that Kent took fourth place in the nation this
year for cities of 40, 000 and under. She expressd
thanks to all who helped win this award, includ-
ing employees of the Senior Center, Block Watch
Captains, Cedar River Rovers, and ladies who
made and donated a quilt. She also commended
the Crime Prevention team. Police Chief Frederik sen
also complimented the crime prevention team and
the public. The award was presented to the Mayor '',
with a request that it be prominently displayed
for the public to enjoy. Mayor Kelleher noted
that the citizens of Kent appreciate Chief
Frederiksen' s fine work through various programs. '
CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through
H be approved, with the exception of Item G
which was removed by Councilmember Dowell. Orr
seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of November 20,
1990 .
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December 41 1990
Joint Reservoir Equity Purchase. AUTHORIZATION
for the Public Works Director to transmit the
Council concurrence of the letter of understand-
ing for purchase of Water District III Equity
in the joint use reservoir, as recommended by
the Public Works Committee.
Valley Transportation Benefit District. AUTHOR-
IZATION for the Mayor to sign a revised inter-
local agreement to establish the Valley Trans-
portation Benefit District deleting Auburn and
adding SeaTac as participating jurisdictions,
as recommended by the Public Works Committee.
Pacific Ventures Street Vacation STV-90-5. A
public hearing has been set for this date on
the application of Pacific Ventures, Inc. , to
vacate a portion of S. 212th Street as mentioned
in Resolution 1264. This is located at the 8700
block of S. 212th Street.
Mayor Kelleher noted receipt of a letter from
Pacific Ventures, requesting that this item be
delayed to the January 15, 1991 meeting. JOHNS.
SO MOVED. Woods seconded and the motion carried.
Parkside Request for Vacation of Walkway. The
public hearing on the vacation request for the
walkway was held on October 2, and the matter
referred to the Public Works Committee for a
solution. The Public Works Committee has recom-
mended denying a vacation request and for the
City to clean up the walkway area, move fences
that are in City right-of-way back to the pro-
perty lines, install lighting and continue
maintenance for the property. Costs for the
improvements are estimated to be $5, 500 which
can be funded from the Public Works Department
Operating Budget.
Wickstrom noted that the walkway is located on
West Hill between Military Road and 38th Avenue S. ,
at S. 250th. DOWELL MOVED for the acceptance of
the recommendation of the Public Works Committee
to clean up and light the area rather than to
vacate it. Orr seconded and the motion carried.
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December 4, 1990
Group Homes. Authorization to set the first
meeting in January 1991 for a public hearing to
consider action taken on October 2 , 1990, by the
Council and clarify the groupings of what would
specifically be Group I, Group II and Group III.
Upon Dowell ' s question, City Attorney Lubovich
noted that the Council has already approved the
three categories of group homes, but that Group
III had been sent to the Planning Committee for
review. He said that the Legal Department has
done some research on this matter and is working
on modifications to Groups II and III. He stated
that all three groups would be discussed at the
hearing. WOODS MOVED to schedule this item for
the first Council meeting in January. Johnson
seconded and the motion carried.
Noise Control Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance
2954 amending Ordinance 2113 and repealing O_ _
nance 2673, relating to controlling noise and
providing for penalties for violations, as recom-
mended by the Public Safety Committee.
Cedar Meadows No. SU-90-4. This meeting will
consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation
of conditional approval of an application by
J & G Industry for a 15-lot single family resi-
dential preliminary subdivision. The property
is located on the west side of 116th Avenue S.E. , '
approximately 100 feet north of S. 229th Street.
There were no comments from the Council or the
audience and JOHNSON MOVED to accept the findings )
of the Hearing Examiner, to adopt the Hearing
Examiner ' s recommendation of approval with twelves
( 12 ) conditions of the Cedar Meadows No. SU-90-4
15-lot single family residential preliminary sub
division. Woods seconded and the motion carried. '',
Steve Chatman of 11410 S.E. 229th, stated that
he didn' t understand the conditions and Kevin
O'Neill of the Planning Department was called
upon to explain. A motion was then passed to
reconsider Johnson' s motion to approve the
Examiner ' s recommendation. O'Neill and Chatman
adjourned to the lobby and when they returned ten'
minutes later, Johnson' s motion to approve the
Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation with twelve
conditions carried unanimously.
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December 4 1990
D r
Severe Weather Shelter for Homeless. This meet.
ing will consider the approval of a resolution
to provide emergency shelter for the homeless
. during severe weather conditions with the alloc-
ation of $15, 418 of emergency funding from Human
Lin Ball of the Planning Department noted that
Human Services providers of the area have ,
requested that the City consider making some pro-
visions for temporary shelter for the homeless
during the severe winter weather. She pointed
out that the Human Services Commission has
$15, 418 in unallocated funds and that the Plan-
ning Committee recommends that the City pass a
resolution addressing the need for emergency
severe weather shelter. Marvin Eckfeldt, Chair-
man for the Commission, introduced representative
of several of the service providers. Ms. Becvar
of the Kent .Community Services noted that there
is no provision for housing through this organi-
zation. Jean Salls of the YMCA noted that pro-
vision is made for family housing and that many,
even those with children, had to be turned away
due to lack of space. Sharon Atkin of the Sout}
King County Multi Service Center stated that 1 ,
to 130 families per month seek aid, as compared
with 90 to 100 families two years ago.
Sandy Spurlock of the Catholic Community Services'
noted shelters in Seattle. She noted that any
donations for the needy would be accepted at the
local office at 1229 W. Smith. Reverend Eckfeldt
explained that the shelter would be supervised,
would house single men only and would allow no
drugs, alcohol or firearms. He clarified that
the Commission might contract with an agency
such as the Salvation Army to supervise the shel-,
ter. Families would be given vouchers to cover
local motels. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution '
1266 addressing the need for emergency shelter
during severe weather and to allocate $15, 418 toll
this program. Dowell seconded and the motion
carried. All agreed to a change in the wording
of Section 3.
The Fire Chief and Director of Public Works gavel
a brief report on the recent flooding and esti-
mated the damage in Kent to be approximately
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December 4, 1990
HUMAN SERVICES $60, 000. It was noted that the City staff had
been collecting food and warm clothing for any
in need of same.
Library Services. The City recently participated ))
with four other communities in a study of library )
services provided by the King County Library
System. The need for the study was prompted by
substantial increases in the annual contract
amount. The Operations Committee supports the
position of the Library Board and recommends
continuation of the present contract.
Management Study Consultant Selection. The
City Management Study Committee, comprised of
the Operations Committee, three department heads
and three members of the Chamber of Commerce,
received eleven proposals, interviewed three
firms and selected the Warner Group to complete
the management study. The committee requests
authorization for the Mayor to enter into a con-
tract with the Warner Group. WOODS SO MOVED.
Orr seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through December 4, 1990, after
auditing by the Operations Committee at its
meeting at 4: 30 p.m. on December .11 , 1990.
Approval of Checks issued for vouchers :
Date Check Numbers Amount
11/16-11/29/90 98774-98799 $277, 943. 51
11/30/90 98000-99319 974,072 . 28
$1, 252, 015 . 79
Approval of checks issued for payroll :
Date Check Numbers Amount
11/20/90 144600-145349 $833 ,010. 26
1991 Property Tax Levy Ordinance. ADOPTION
of Ordinance 2955 setting the property tax levy
for 1991 , as has been scheduled for tonight ' s
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December 4, 1990
FINANCE meeting. The revised deadline for submitting
the 1991 property tax levy to the King County
Council is December 11 , 1990.
The ordinance reflects the increase in the City
of Kent' s assessed valuation from approximately
$2. 8 billion to $3. 4 billion. This increase,
because of the State' s 106% levy lid, generates
a reduction in the City of Kent ' s total levy
from approximately $3. 14 per thousand dollars of
assessed valuations to $2. 95 per thousand dollarsi
of assessed valuation. The $2. 95 levy rate
includes 20T, for retirement of the Senior Housing
Bond Issue sold in November as approved by the
City of Kent voters in February 1990.
1990 Budget Adjustment Ordinance. The Finance
Department is requesting an ordinance to amend
the 1990 budget. All budget changes approved
during 1990 and other budget adjustments where
revenues have been generated by grants or
charges for services are contained herein. The
ordinance also increases the interfund loan
from the General Fund to the Golf Complex to
cover the projected cash deficit. The amount c
the ordinance is $16, 525. 725.
Finance Director McCarthy gave a rundown of the
amounts by department or project, a copy of which)
has been filed for the record.
WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2956. Johnson
seconded and the motion carried.
Council President. Woods noted that the City
Holiday Party will be held on December 15th at
the Senior Center, and that Suburban Cities will
meet on December 12th in Bellevue. She asked
Councilmembers to contact Administration if they
plan to attend. She also announced that the
Council retreat will be held on February 27, 28
and March 1 , and asked anyone who cannot attend
on those dates to contact her.
Public Safety Committee. Mann noted that the
Public Safety Committee met this date and a
petition containing 421 signatures was submitte%
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December 4, 1990
REPORTS The petition is in regard to installation of
a signal light at Central Avenue and S. 259th.
He noted that they have recently received another
petition regarding a pedestrian overpass for
school children on lower James Street, and
asked that these items be considered soon.
Administrative Reports. Assistant City Admini-
strator Hansen announced that there will not be
a Council meeting on December 18, 1990. The
next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 2,,
1 991 .
City Attorney Lubovich noted that he had been
asked at the last Council meeting to research
whether the City is required to extend utility
services beyond its boundaries. He stated that
he has found that the City is not required to do
so, and that he will contact Councilmember White
with this information. His written report was
contained in the Reports section of the agenda.
EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8: 05 p.m. , Assistant City Administrator Hansen ',
announced that there would be a brief executive
session of approximately fifteen minutes to
discuss a real estate item.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened at 8: 25 p.m. and then
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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