HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/03/1990 Kent, Washington July 3 , 1990 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr, White and Woods, City Administrator Chow, Interim City Attorney Williamson, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director McCarthy, Fire Chief Angelo, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Personnel Director Olson, Information Services Director Spang and City Clerk Jensen. Acting Capt. David Everett attended in place of Chief Frederiksen who was on vacation. Parks Director Wilson was absent. Approximately 40 people were in attendance. PUBLIC (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1A) COMMUNICATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher noted that Mary Simmons has been selected as Employee of the Month for July. Mary works as a Word Processing Specialist for the Information Services Department. She has been especially commended for her ability to meet deadlines without sacrificing quality and efficiency. A plaque was presented by the Mayor and all present joined in congratulations. (ADDED TO THE AGENDA) Kherson Visitors. Mayor Kelleher introduced Igor Bedni who has been serving as interpreter. Mr. Ivan j Fiordivich Voronin, through Mr. Bedni, expressed his appreciation for Kent' s hospitality and especially to the Y.E.S. (Youth Exchange Society) . Mr. Voronin noted that he hoped to establish a business link with Kent. The Mayor noted that Mr. Voronin was wearing a Soviet medal, the equivalent of the Congressional Medal, earned during World War II as an aviator. Laurisa Tolkunova, wife of the artist of the new mural, addressed the Council in English and told of her impressions of her visit to several cities, noting especially the warmth with which she was received. Mayor Kelleher noted that Ms. Tulkunova was a pen pal of Jeanne Humphrey for many years, which led to the establishment of the sister city affiliation with Kherson. Valentina Vypenko, it Director of School 55, visited by the Kent dele- gation, noted that the students were glad to see each other again. Sasha Zborschchik stated that he hoped this visit would be the first of more visitor exchanges. 1 i 1 i July 3 , 1990 CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through I CALENDAR be approved. Mann seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the Council meeting of June 19, 1990. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) Quit Claim Deed - Drainage Facility S.R. 516 - 160th Ave. SE Water Main Easement. AUTHORIZATION to quit claim deed to the State the City' s drainage easement rights obtained along S.R. 516 in the vicinity of 160th Ave. S .E. as approved by the Public Works Committee. (BID - ITEM 5B) Rent Springs Transmission Main. On April 3 , 1990, this project was awarded to Volker-Stevin Pacific, Inc. Because the Army Corps of Engineers has now exercised jurisdiction over a portion of Phase II of the project, we cannot guarantee the project could be constructed as awarded. The Corps has, however, given its authorization to proceed with Phase I of the project. Therefore, it is recommended the award to Volker- Stevin be rescinded, their bid bond returned, and the project plans and specifications revised to reflect Phase I of the project, and the project readvertised for bids. WHITE SO MOVED, Woods seconded and the motion carried. I SEWERS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Contract Modification - Sanitary Sewer Service - Midway Housing/Department of the Army. This item was tabled at the last meeting and is being brought back before the Council at this time for reconsid- eration. As presented previously, the Department of the Army has requested modification to their contract to include sanitary sewer service to the Midway Family Housing units. They have been receiving and paying for sanitary sewer service, and this action has been requested to bring their records and paperwork up to date. The City Attorney clarified that there was no reason to withhold approval and that this had nothing to do 2 i I July 3 , 1990 SEWERS with the recent action in connection with the Nike Manor housing. I MANN MOVED to approve the contract modification. Woods seconded. The motion carried with White and Dowell opposing. TRAFFIC (BID - ITEM 5A) CONTROL West Valley Highway Signal Improvements at S. 212th St. and S. 190th Street. Bids were opened June 29, 1990. The Director of Public Works distri- buted the bid summary for schedules II and III as follows: Signal Electric $308 , 389 Gary Merlin Construction 343 , 543 Totem Electric 349, 607 WHITE MOVED to approve the recommendation of the Public Works Director and to award the bid to Signal Electric. Woods seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Transpor- Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) . tation AUTHORIZATION to set July 17 as date for the annual Improvement public hearing on the update of the City' s Six-Year Plan Transportation Plan (TIP) . (ADDED TO THE AGENDA) Barricade on 35th Ave. S. Floyd Bacon asked who would have the responsibility of the barricade. He West Hill recommended that the barricade be retained to control the speed in the area. Williamson reported that he would research this question and the Mayor asked that he report to Mr. Bacon and to the Council . Mr. Bacon also noted that about four months ago residents had asked for "no parking" signs on the Military Rd. He pointed out that gravel and tar had been placed on the sides of the road but that the trucks are back again causing a dangerous situation. He asked about the ordinance to prohibit the parking and Public Works Director Wickstrom was instructed to research this issue and to report to Bacon. 3 July 3 , 1990 ZONING CODE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) AMENDMENT Tree Preservation Regulations No. ZCA-90-1. On April 30, 1990, the Planning Commission recommended Tree modifications to the City' s existing zoning regu- Preservation lations relating to tree preservation. Specific- ally, the amendment strengthened the enforcement procedures, clarified definitions and procedures, and offered some flexibility in ordinance administration. Colleen Miller of the Planning Commission and Fred Satterstrom of the Planning Department explained the background, nothing that this matter was reviewed by the Council almost four years ago and these recom- mendations address the concerns expressed at that time. The recommendation contains the original provisions and allows for site plan flexibility so that significant trees may be preserved. Enforce- ment is strengthened by allowing the Planning j Department to issue "stop work" orders. It was clarified that the proposed new ordinance would apply to developers only and would pertain to trees six inches or more in diameter and would not affect owners who were cutting their own trees for fire- wood. Dowell proposed a scenario whereby a devel- oper could ask an owner to cut the trees before selling the property to the developer. He also commented on the material in Exhibit B of the packet, noting that trees to be retained on a construction site were to be protected, with drip lines clearly marked. Upon the Mayor' s question, it was determined that street trees were not included in this proposed ordinance. "Undeveloped land" was defined as: a parcel of land which does not have an inhabitable building and/or the inhabited buildings occupy only three percent of the total parcel . JOHNSON MOVED to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission pertaining to modifications to j the tree preservation regulations No. ZCA-90-1 and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the ordi- nance. White seconded. Mann stated he would vote for the motion and hoped it would be made stronger in the future. He also noted that the topsoil issue should also be addressed. Orr offered as a friendly amendment, to use more than just tags when marking trees to be saved. It was determined that 4 I ZONING CODE non-toxic paint was available for this. The amend- AMENDMENT ment was accepted. Dowell noted that this proposal was now four years old, that it would be difficult Tree to police and certainly would be difficult to Preservation enforce with the overcrowded court calendars. Reference was made to the developer who clear-cut 500 trees over a weekend and Orr noted that she saw the results of that, firsthand. Houser noted that the developer cut after he was advised not to and she pointed out that now such trees would have to be replaced two for one. Miller stated that she thought this was a fair proposal which would not impede development. The motion carried with Dowell and Houser opposing. ECONOMIC (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) DEVELOPMENT Heinz and Renate Streng. Heinz and Renate Streng CORPORATION have applied for industrial development bond financing through the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation in the amount of $850, 000 for construction of a new office/warehouse facility in Southcenter Corporate Park. Proper legal notice has been given for this hearing. The Streng application for industrial revenue bonds was approved by the EDC at a special meeting held at 6 : 30 p.m. this date. David Thompson of Preston, Thorgrimson, attorney for the Strengs, was in attendance. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. WHITE MOVED to adopt City of Kent Resolution 1250 approving the issuance of industrial bonds in the amount of $850, 000 and approving Resolution 1990 49 of the EDC authorizing the sale of the bonds to provide funds for the project . Woods seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) 1991 Budget. AUTHORIZATION to set a public hearing date for the 1991 Budget for July 17 , 1990. APPOINTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) BOARD OF Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appoint- ADJUSTMENT ment of Raul Ramos to the Board of Adjustment to replace Beth Carroll who recently resigned. This h continue throw Feb ruary appointment will g Y 1991. 5 i July 3 , 1990 PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Youth Day Camp. AUTHORIZATION for additional part- time staff and expenses to expand the Youth Day Camp this summer by an additional 90 campers. The cost of expansion is $4 ,476 and is covered by $5, 000 in revenue. Currently, there are 966 registered campers with 255 on the camp waiting list. PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Scott Wetzel Agreement. AUTHORIZATION to renew for III 1990 the Worker' s Compensation claims administration service agreement with Scott Wetzel Services, Inc. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 3, 1990 after auditing by the j Operations Committee at its meeting at 4 : 30 p.m. on July 10, 1990. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/15 - 6/26 93219 - 93246 $ 222 ,327 . 74 6/29/90 93247 - 93798 867 , 227 . 20 $1 , 089,554 .94 Approval of checks issued for payroll : Date Check Numbers Amount 6/20/90 137103 - 137855 $ 839, 350.76 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Banking Service Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance j 2930 related to the City' s banking business. The ordinance allows for a three year banking contract as recently agreed to with U.S. Bank of Washington, removes outdated language related to repurchase agreements, interest-bearing warrants, and check signatures by repealing Ordinance 2297 , as recom- mended by the Operations Committee at their June 26 meeting. REPORTS (REPORTS - ITEM 6A) Council President. Woods requested that Council- members make their wishes known regarding computers 6 i July 3 , 1990 REPORTS for their homes prior to the Operations Committee meeting next week. (REPORTS - ITEM 6F) Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Kherson Park dedication would be held at noon on Monday, July 9 and invited all to attend. The Parks Department budget will be discussed at the Parks Committee meeting P to be held at 3 : 00 .m. on Wednesday, July 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8: 30 p.m. Marie Jense , CMC City Clerk I i 7 I