HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/07/1989 Kent, Washington November 7 , 1989 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director McCarthy, Police Chief Frederiksen, Fire Chief Angelo, Assistant City Administrator Hansen and Information Services Director Spang. Parks Director Wilson was not in attendance. Approximately 100 people were present. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Kelleher noted that Webelos Pack 506, Badger Patrol, was in attendance. He pointed out they are working on their Activity Pins in Citizenship, and welcomed them to the meeting. (PRESENTATIONS - ITEM 1A) City Administrator Ed Chow, who is the State Chairman of Vietnam Veterans of America, introduced Lt. Mike Sweeney and his family. Chow noted that Sweeney' s father, Capt. Clarence Sweeney, had been killed in Vietnam on February 7, 1967. Chow and other Vietnam Veterans presented Sweeney with a flag and a collage, in honor of Capt. Sweeney. (PRESENTATIONS - ITEM 1B) Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced that Jan Bannister of the Administration Dept. has been named Employee of the Month for November. He noted that she is the Administrative Secretary to the Mayor, City Administrator and Council, and commended her for her dedication and professionalism. He then presented her with the Employee of the Month plaque. (PRESENTATIONS - ITEM 1C) National Bible Week. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring the week of November 19-26, 1989 as National Bible Week in the City of Kent and urged all interested citizens to participate in its observance. (PRESENTATIONS - ITEM 1D) Human Services Month. Mayor Kelleher read a proclamation declaring November, 1989 as Human Services Month in the City of Kent. He presented the proclamation to Rev. Eckfeldt, Chairman of the Human Services Commission. 1 November 7 , 1989 CONSENT HOUSER MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through L CALENDAR be approved. Mann seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 17 , 1989 . HEALTH AND (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) SANITATION Tudor Square III. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 1, 709 feet of water main extension and 1, 753 feet of sanitary sewer main extension constructed in the vicinity of S.E. 270th and 111th P1 . S.E. for Tudor Square III and release of cash bond after expiration of the maintenance period. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Seven Oaks East. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 2 , 033 feet of water main extension and 2 , 147 feet of sanitary sewer main extension constructed in the vicinity of S.E. 263rd and 119th Dr. S.E. for Seven Oaks East and release of cash bond after expiration of the maintenance period. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) Victoria Ridge. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 2 , 042 feet of water main extension, 2 , 128 feet of sanitary sewer extension, and 885 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of Lake Fenwick Road and S. 272nd for Victoria Ridge and release of cash bond after expiration of the maintenance period. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) VACATION Signature Pointe Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Resolution 1220 , setting the public hearing date of December 5, 1989 on the petition of Signature Pointe Limited Partnership to vacate a portion of the Hawley Rd. 2 November 7 , 1989 PRELIMINARY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) SUBDIVISION Dover Place Preliminary Subdivision No. SU-89-2. AUTHORIZATION to set November 21, 1989 for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of conditional approval of a 39 lot residential subdivision. The property is 7 . 6 acres in size and is located north of the intersection of 103rd Ave. S.E. and S.E. 228th St. and abuts a portion of the west side of 104th Ave. S.E. Upon Johnson' s question, Planning Director Harris clarified that this would be a public hearing if an appeal is filed. Two appeals were subsequently filed and a public hearing will be conducted on November 21. (Two appeals were subsequently filed and a public hearing will be conducted on November 21. ) PORNOGRAPHIC/ (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) OBSCENE American Family Association. Dale Dvorak of the MATERIALS American Family Association stated that state laws permit prosecution of businesses which sell or display pornographic materials, with the county prosecutor authorized to pursue such cases. He noted that censorship is not the issue and further, that videos were the biggest problem. His handout listed 20 stores in the Kent area which carried obscene materials. The association has asked that a trained officer be assigned to this problem for a few hours a week to investigate such businesses. Andrea VanGore suggested that Washington Together Against Pornography could assist in training an officer. Dowell noted that some of these could also be zoning infractions inasmuch as the City had adult entertainment zoning restrictions. WHITE MOVED for a plan of action to be drafted by the City Attorney, Police Chief and City Administrator and for such plan to be considered by the Public Safety Committee. Dowell seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) 1990 Budget. Tonight's meeting has been set to receive public input on the City's 1990 Comprehensive Budget. The budget document was 3 November 7 , 1989 BUDGET presented to the Council at a workshop on October 17 and has been available to the public since that date. Council committees are meeting as scheduled through November 15 to discuss any possible changes to the budget. The meeting of the Council-as-a-whole is scheduled for November 21 to review any changes and to direct the preparation of the 1990 Budget ordinance and the tax levy ordinance to be presented at the Council meeting of December 5. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher. In response to questions from Anne Biteman of 24324 Military Road, Finance Director McCarthy clarified that the 1990 Civil Service budget included provision for a full time person instead of part time. He also noted that the miscellaneous revenue reflected rental income and contributions to the city. He pointed out the differences between the 6 1/2% garbage utility tax and the 3% tax on power, gas, phone, etc. Mrs. Biteman commented that the increase in utility taxes was difficult for retirees and seniors. McCarthy noted that the City had a lifeline program with reduced rates for 300 qualifying seniors. White suggested that McCarthy research the possibility of lowering the utility taxes and to report to him and to Mrs. Biteman. Marvin Eckfeldt, Chairman of the Human Services Commission, introduced the heads of the 10 agencies funded by the City under this program. There were no questions and no further speakers, and WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Houser seconded and the motion carried. PURCHASE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3J) AGREEMENT Interlocal Cooperation Purchasing Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Cooperation Purchasing Agreement with Mason County, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. 4 November 7 , 1989 POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) Standards for Public Defense Services. As recommended by the Public Safety Committee, ADOPTION of Resolution 1219 , establishing standards for public defense services. The 1989 Legislature requires each city to adopt such standards for delivery of public defense services. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Drinking Driver Task Force Donations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of donations to the Drinking Driver Task Force from Patterson' s Optical in the amount of $10. 00 and Nor-Pac Systems in the amount of $25. 00. Both will be used for the 1990 Design Contest awards. EQUIPMENT (BIDS - ITEM 5A) RENTAL Articulating Multi-Grader. Bid opening was held October 20 with three bids received. Each bid contained some minor variations from the specifications. The fleet manager has reviewed the bids, tested the equipment, and has found it satisfactory for our use. He therefore recommended that the minor discrepancies be waived and the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Fray Equipment Company, for the bid amount of $43 , 974. 00. JOHNSON SO MOVED. Houser seconded and the motion carried. SALARY RANGES (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4C) AND EXECUTIVE (ADDED AT REQUEST OF MAYOR KELLEHER) SESSIONS It was noted that the Mayor had sent a memo to the Council dated October 31, relating to the fact that salary ranges for Administration had been discussed in executive session and then action to approve was taken immediately after the closed session. The public has objected to raising the maximum allowable salary ranges and to the fact that action was taken without notice to the public. The Mayor has suggested that after executive sessions, motions could be given a "first reading" and not passed until the next Council meeting. He also suggested that the Council reconsider the matter of the salary ranges at a public hearing. HOUSER MOVED to 5 November 7 , 1989 SALARY RANGES implement the Mayor's suggestions and Woods AND EXECUTIVE seconded. White noted that he had some concern SESSIONS about the proposal to have first and second readings but that he had no problem with delaying action after an executive session. Mayor Kelleher suggested that a public hearing be held at the next meeting on both subjects. Houser and Woods concurred and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 31, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on November 15, 1989 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 10/16-10/27 84919-84950 $ 252 , 177 . 13 10/30/89 84951-85364 939 , 634 . 46 $1, 191, 811. 59 Approval of checks issued for payroll: 10/20/89 126195-126862 $ 742 , 045 . 95 11/3/89 126863-127552 753 , 767 . 89 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Early Payoff of LIDS on City-Owned Property. APPROVAL of the Finance Department proposal to pay off two LIDS on City-owned property, as discussed at the Operations Committee meeting of November 1, 1989 . LID 301 with an interest rate of 10. 35% through 1993 requires an additional $89 , 830. 00 to save $23 , 243 . 20 in additional interest costs. LID 300 with an interest rate of 10. 06% through 1995 requires an additional $162 , 603 . 00 to save $49, 073 . 18 in additional interest costs. The analysis, including an IBC fiscal note noting funding sources, describes the payoff and its net economic savings in more detail . The proposal 6 November 7, 1989 FINANCE includes the complete payoff of LID 301 due November 15, 1989. A subsequent analysis relates to paying off LID 300 on February 15, 1990, assuming the City' s financial condition continues to improve and no urgent capital need arises for which there is no other funding option. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Contribution for Dr. Woods' Trip to Kherson Soviet Union. After discussion, the Operations Committee recommends APPROVAL of $500 for partial reimbursement of travel expenses for Councilperson Judy Woods for her trip with other City personnel to Kherson, Soviet Union. The fiscal note reviewed the Council ' s budget for travel, subsistence, and training and noted that there appear to be available funds within the budget. The note also showed that Dr. Woods has had minimal direct travel expenditures charged against that budget. Dowell noted that although he feels the sister city proposal is a good one, that it should be a people- to-people program rather than government-to- government, and that it should be funded by the people participating rather than the City. Jeanne Humphrey, 23725 156th Ave. S.E. , a member of the Youth Exchange Society, explained that such a program must be arranged officially by the government. She pointed out that the program was approved by Kherson' s council, just as it was in Kent. She also noted that 33 members of the Youth Exchange Society will be visiting Kent in the future and that that visit will not be funded by the City or taxpayers. Mann stated that this program does not endorse the government of the Soviet Union, but rather is an opportunity to show brotherly love and establish a relationship with them. The Mayor said he feels the request is appropriate and urged the Council to support it. White pointed out that the Council has stayed within their travel budget this year, and expects to in the future as well . 7 November 7 , 1989 FINANCE The motion to approve the appropriation of $500. 00 to Dr. Woods then carried, with Dowell voting nay. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Mayor's Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s following appointments: Reappointment of Carol Stoner to the Planning Commission to December 1992 . Reappointment of Marci Hobbs to the Arts Commission to October 1993 . Appointment of Sally Storey to the Arts Commission to October 1993 to replace Rob Dreblow, whose term has expired. Reappointment of Walt Flue to the Board of Adjustment to February 1995. REPORTS (REPORTS - ITEM 6C) Public Works. Johnson noted that the Public Works Committee will meet at 3 : 00 p.m. on November 14 in the Engineering Building Conference Room to discuss the budget. (REPORTS - ITEM 6F) Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Parks Committee will meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on November 8, in the Courtroom. (REPORTS - ITEM 6G) Administrative Reports. The Mayor pointed out that he and Councilmember Woods will be in Kherson, Soviet Union on November 21. WHITE MOVED that they be excused from the Council meeting of that date. Houser seconded and the motion carried. EXECUTIVE At 8 : 15 p.m. , City Administrator Chow announced that SESSION there would be an executive session of approximately 20 minutes to discuss potential litigation. No action will taken. ADJOURNMENT At 8 : 25 p.m. , the meeting reconvened and adjourned. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 8