HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/03/1989 Kent, Washington October 3 , 1989 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Finance Director McCarthy, Information Services Director Spang, Personnel Director Webby and Parks Director Wilson. Councilmember Biteman has been excused. Approximately 40 people were at the meeting. PRESENTATIONS (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1A) Employee of .the Month. The Mayor announced that Richard Jaslowski has been chosen as Employee of the Month for October. He noted that Jaslowski has been with the Storm Utility since September, 1986 when the Utility was formed as one unit, and that his devotion to the job and to his fellow employees was a great asset in forming the Utility. Tim Heydon, Operations Manager, noted that Jaslowski is Lead of the Storm Drainage System, which is a very complex system, and that his job is very challenging. He stated that Jaslowski always meets this challenge and deserves this special recognition. (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1B) Chamber of Commerce Foundation - Canterbury Faire. Dee Eklund of the Chamber of Commerce presented a check for $11, 207 . 57 to the Mayor. She noted that this is the contribution for Canterbury Faire. (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1C) Chamber of Commerce Foundation - Drinking Driver Task Force. Dee Eklund presented a check in the amount of $3 ,800. 00 to Christi Houser for the Drinking Driver Task Force. Eklund noted that the Chamber is pleased to be able to do this. (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1D) Chamber of Commerce - 1989-90 Officers. Dee Eklund of the Chamber of Commerce introduced John Lindseth, 1989-90 President of the Chamber and Mark McKay, President-Elect. Lindseth and McKay both feel that communication between the City and the Chamber is important and said they look forward to working with the City. 1 October 3 , 1989 CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through H CALENDAR be approved. Houser seconded and the motion carried. Consent Calendar Item 3I was removed by Councilmember White. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 6, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on October 16, 1989. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Water Conservation Program - East King County Regional Water Association. APPROVAL for funding to participate in a water conservation program sponsored by the East King County Regional Water Association for six elementary schools in the Kent School District at a cost of $300 per school, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. SEWERS (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) LID 334 - Derbyshire Sewer. September 5, 1989 was set as the date for the hearing on LID 334 to confirm the final assessment roll. The hearing was continued to September 19, and continued again to this date. The City Clerk has sent revised assessment notices to the property owners. Public Works Director Wickstrom noted that the City had met with the property owners on September 13 , 1989, to explain how the costs had been allocated and distributed. He pointed out that in going over the figures, a mathematical error was discovered which had resulted in an overpayment of $17, 000 to the contractor. Wickstrom noted that the contractor has subsequently submitted tickets which coincide with the error, and that this disagreement will have to be resolved at a later time. He recommended that the LID be reduced to reflect the error, and that if necessary, the City pick up the cost. He noted for White that $8 , 000 of the overpayment was associated with the LID, and the remainder was for City expenses. 2 October 3 , 1989 SEWERS The Mayor opened the continued public hearing._ There were no comments from the audience and WHITE MOVED to close the public hearing. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance confirming the final assessment roll for LID 334 . Houser seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) Sewer Rate Increase. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2873 increasing Kent sewer rates to incorporate the METRO increase, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. PRELIMINARY (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) SUBDIVISION U.11it-1--L"Ury Preliminary Subdivision No. SU-89-3 . AUTHORIZATION to set October 17 , 1989 for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of approval of an 18 lot single- family residential subdivision. The property is 4 . 34 acres in size and is located on the northeast side of proposed 100th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 248th St. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) LEOFF Disability Board. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Councilmember Paul Mann to serve on the LEOFF Disability Board through December 31, 1990. Mann will replace Berne Biteman. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) Arts Commission. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Marilyn Hadley to the Arts Commission to replace Inge Schultz. This term will expire in October, 1991. POLICE (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Drinking Driver Task Force. In response to direction from the Public Safety Committee and the City Administrator, a committee of three City staff members was formed. The assignment to the committee was to determine whether the Task Force would better function assigned to the Police Department or to the City Administrator. 3 October 3 , 1989 POLICE Police Chief Frederiksen pointed out that the Police Department strongly supports the Drinking Driver Task Force and feels that the important issue is not where it is placed, but that it be continued. He commended the staff and the volunteers for the excellent job they have done. He noted for Dowell that he concurs with the recommendation of the committee. HOUSER MOVED to accept the memorandum of the Drinking Driver Task Force into the record and to remove the Drinking Driver Task Force from the Police Department and Civil Service to the City Administration Department. Woods seconded. The motion carried. CITY SHOPS (BIDS - ITEM 5A) _Operation Division Remodel. Bids were opened September 7, 1989 with five bids received. All bids exceeded the architect' s estimate. However, the Public Works Committee has recommended the city proceed with the project as designed adjusting the budget to meet the low bid by transferring $15, 000 from the unencumbered Water Fund, $30, 000 from the unencumbered Sewer Fund, and $15, 000 from the Capital Improvement Program Fund. The Operations Committee reviewed the item at their meeting on October 2 , 1989 . JOHNSON MOVED that the budget for the Operations Division remodel be adjusted by transferring $15, 000 from the unencumbered Water Fund, $30, 000 from the unencumbered Sewer Fund, and $15, 000 from the CIP Fund and that the bid submitted by Rodosevich Construction in the amount of $162 , 250 be accepted for the Operations Division remodel. Woods seconded. White pointed out that the Internal Budget Committee has recommended that the project be modified and rebid to stay within the existing budget. McCarthy explained that the reason for their recommendation is that they had previously denied building 4 October 3 , 1989 CITY SHOPS remodeling jobs, such as the Special Populations Kitchen and the West Hill fire station, and felt they should be consistent. He noted that because of today' s bidding climate, the cost of the project may be even higher if rebid. He said that if the project were modified and rebid, it' s possible that a large portion of the project would not be done, and that the portion which is done would be expensive. McCarthy noted that part of the project is to provide protection for some equipment from wet weather, and for that reason the project may need to be done. Johnson noted that the Public Works Committee had recommended approval of the bid so that the equipment would not be exposed to the elements this winter. White noted that the project is $60, 000 over budget and that it may have been estimated wrong. He stated that the project could not be completed in time to protect the equipment this winter, and that he could not support the project. Johnson pointed out that this item has been in the budget for two years, but has been delayed. Tim Heydon, Operations Manager, noted that staff has done everything possible to keep bid prices down, such as having a walk-through to answer questions from contractors. He said he feels that putting the project off would not help cost-wise, and that rebidding the project in smaller portions would result in a more expensive project. Upon questions from White and Dowell, Heydon noted that the architect was Wayne Ivary and Associates and that when they made the estimate nine months ago, the project was within budget. Woods noted that this item has been discussed several times by the Public Works Committee and that given the information they had received, they felt the project should proceed. She pointed out that the Committee had taken into consideration the Informal Budget Committee's recommendation that the Street Department' s share of $15, 000 come from the CIP fund. 5 October 3 , 1989 CITY SHOPS White stated that it is the duty of the City to stay within budget, and that somewhere a mistake has been made. Woods replied that the money for this project has been in the budget and that to delay the project could result in the loss of equipment. The motion then carried, with White opposing. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE King County Open Space Bond Issue. WHITE MOVED to adopt Resolution 1217 endorsing the King County Open Space Bond Issue which will appear on the ballot for the November 7, 1989 election. Mann seconded. White then noted that this issue is very important to the citizens of Kent, as well as to the citizens of the northwest. He pointed out that the City of Kent will benefit directly from completion of the following projects: Green River Corridor Trail $ 840, 000 Lake Fenwick Trail 850, 000 Interurban Trail Completion 1, 960, 000 Clark Lake Acquisition 2 , 130 , 000 $5, 780, 000 White encouraged all citizens to support this issue. The motion then carried. SISTER CITY (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Sister City - Kherson, Soviet Union. Resolution 1218 has been prepared to establish a sister city for Kent in Kherson, Soviet Union. The Mayor introduced Jeannie Humphrey who is a member of the Youth Exchange Society, and who has worked to promote a sister city relationship with Kherson. Ms. Humphrey noted that she has visited Kherson on three occasions, and that the citizens of Kherson are very eager to establish such a relationship. She added that several groups in our community are also interested in pursuing an exchange between the two communities. Humphrey then showed a 10-minute video of her visit to Kherson. 6 October 3 , 1989 SISTER CITY HOUSER MOVED to adopt Resolution 1218 establishing Kherson, Soviet Union, as Kent's Sister City. Woods seconded. Dowell noted he favors this type of program, but that funds should come from the private sector in the future. The motion carried. Mann pointed out that the people in the audience had not been able to see the video, and asked that the Council consider acquiring a wide-screen television and a VCR to use in the future. The Mayor asked City Administrator Chow to look into the audio/visual capabilities of the Council Chambers and report to the Operations Committee. Upon White' s question, Chow agreed to determine how often such equipment has been used by the Council in the past and address that issue in his report. COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) National League of Cities. AUTHORIZATION for Jim White to attend the NLC Transportation and Communication Committee meeting in Orlando, Florida, October 5-8, 1989, and AUTHORIZATION for Jim White, Paul Mann and Jon Johnson to attend the NLC Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, November 25-29, 1989 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 6, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on October 16, 1989 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/13/89 83482-83490 $ 10,795. 87 9/15/89 - 83882-83898 166, 797 . 85 9/27/89 9/29/89 83901-84424 763 , 849 . 08 $941, 442 .80 7 October 3 , 1989 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/21/89 124899-125543 $716, 484.79 REPORTS (REPORTS - ITEM 6A) Council President. White noted that he will be attending the National League of Cities Transportation and Communications Steering Committee meeting in Orlando, Florida on October 5-8. He noted that serving on such committees is very rewarding and urged other Councilmembers to get involved in some of the State and National committees. (REPORTS - ITEM 6G) Administrative Reports. At 7:50 p.m. , City Administrator Chow advised that there would be an executive session of approximately 20 minutes to discuss pending and/or potential litigation. EXECUTIVE The meeting reconvened at 8 :25 p.m. WHITE MOVED to SESSION approve the settlement agreement with relationship to the pending hearing before the Public Employment Relations Commission and to include an administrative secretarial position and two police specialist positions within the Police bargaining unit. Woods seconded. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting then adjourned. Brenda Jacobe �, CMC Deputy City CL k 8