HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/19/1989 Kent, Washington September 19, 1989 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Information Services Director Spang and Personnel Director Webby. Councilmember Biteman has been excused through November. Police Chief Frederiksen and Parks Director Wilson were not in attendance. Approximately 35 people were in attendance. PUBLIC (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1A) COMMUNICATIONS Proclamation - Walk for Health Week. Mayor Kelleher proclaimed September 30th as Walk for Health Week in Kent and urged the citizens to join in a walk to be held that day beginning at Russell Road Park anytime between 8 : 30 a.m. and 11: 00 a.m. Gladys Button, Director of Health Services for Kent School District accepted the proclamation. Planning Commission. Linda Martinez, Chair of the Planning Commission, noted that the Commission would hold its first annual retreat at the Battelle Center in Seattle on Saturday, October 7th, and invited the Council and Mayor to attend a social time at 3 : 00 p.m. CONSENT WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR N be approved. Houser seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 5, 1989 with the following correction: the list of those present should include Information Services Director Ron Spang. Approval of the minutes of the special meeting of August 22 , 1989. SEWERS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Walnut Park Apartments. ACCEPTANCE for continuous operation and maintenance, the bill of sale and warranty agreement for approximately 2,930 feet of water main extension, 1, 826 feet of sanitary sewer extension and 450 feet of storm sewer improvements 1 September 19, 1989 SEWERS constructed in the vicinity of S.E. 248th Street and 111th Ave. S.E. for the Walnut Park Apartments and release of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. HEALTH AND (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) SANITATION LID 334 Derbyshire No. 7 Sanitary Sewer. The public hearing to confirm the final assessment roll for LID 334 was continued on September 5 to this date. The Public Works Director met with residents of the area on Wednesday, September 13 , 1989 and he noted that after the meeting it was discovered that an error had been made in overpayments to the contractor and these had been figured into the assessments. He requested that the hearing be continued to the next regular meeting of October 3 , 1989 to allow time for the final assessment roll to be corrected and notices sent. WHITE SO MOVED, Johnson seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) 116th Ave. S.E. Sanitary Sewer Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the completed contract with Rodarte Construction, Inc. and release of retainage after receipt of State clearances. This project was awarded to Rodarte Construction, Inc. for the bid amount of $72 , 953 . 99 on August 2 , 1988, and notice to proceed was issued September 19, 1986 . The project consisted of the installation of 1, 725 feet of sanitary sewer pipe and 20 feet of side sewer with 47 feet of water main and various related appurtenances. Final construction costs are $92 , 328 . 25. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Miscellaneous Sewer and Water Main Improvements. Bid opening was August 25, 1989 with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by R. W. Scott in the amount of $301, 653 . 34 , the Engineer' s estimate was $200,701. 07 . The bids have been reviewed and it is recommended by the Director of Public Works that the bids be rejected and the project be modified and rebid at a later date. JOHNSON SO MOVED. Mann seconded and the motion carried. STREET (PUBLIC HEARING - ITEM 2B) VACATION St. Anthony's Catholic Church Street Vacation No. STV-89-4. The Mayor noted that the public hearing 2 September 19, 1989 STREET scheduled for this meeting had been removed from the VACATION agenda and referred to the Public Works Committee which will meet at 3: 30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26th. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Drangsholt Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Resolution 1215, setting a public hearing date of October 17, 1989 upon the Drangsholt petition to vacate portion of a street west of Woodland Way and south of S. 262nd P1. for the Hawkridge Development. COMMUNITY (PUBLIC HEARING - ITEM 2C) DEVELOPMENT 1990 Community Development Block Grant Program. A BLOCK GRANT public hearing has been scheduled for this meeting PROGRAM to consider adoption of the 1990 Community Development Block Grant Program as recommended by the Council Planning Committee and by the Human Services Committee. Lin Ball of the Planning described the staff recommendation as follows: ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF FUNDS AVAILABLE: $234,112/$236,937 LIMITS ON EXPENDITURES FOR ADMINISTRATION AND HUMAN SERVICES: 1990 Human Services Ceiling $ 25,221/$ 27,239 1990 Planning and Administration Ceiling $ 10,088/$ 10,895 Recommended Recommended "Base Level" "Higher Level" Project Tvpe Funding Funding 1. Program Planning & Admin $ 10,088 $ 10,895 Administration 2. Housing Repair Services Housing Rehab 118,390 118,390 Program 3. Special Populations Rehab 14,509 14,509 Resource Center Rehab 4. Kiwanis Tot Lot #4 Rehab Rehab 7,048 7,048 5. Kent/Renton Joint Rental Housing Rehab 8,256 8,256 Housing Rehab. 6. Catholic Community Acquisition 28,000* 28,000 Services S. King Co. Center Acquisition 7. Children's Therapy Center Construction 3,500 3,500 8. Kent Community Clinic Construction 19,100 19,100 Facility Expansion 9. Kent Single Parent Human Services 4,600 4,600 Employment and Education 10. YWCA Emergency Housing Human Services 2,610 2,610 Program 11. Kent Community Health Human Services 9,011 11,029 Services 12. Domestic Abuse Women's Human Services 5,000 5,000 Network (DAWN) 13. Kent Para-Transit (Van- Human Services 4,000 4,000 Go) TOTAL $234,112 $236,937 *If entitlement is red uced, funding it is recommended that this project g be reduced to accommodate reduced allocation. September 19, 1989 COMMUNITY The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. DEVELOPMENT Appreciation for past support was expressed by Linda BLOCK GRANT Martinez on behalf of DAWN, Jim Bauman on behalf of PROGRAM the Kent Community Clinic and Jean Salls on behalf of the YWCA Emergency Housing Program. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. WOODS MOVED to approve the 1990 Community Development Block Grant Program as presented. White seconded and the motion carried. SENIOR HOUSING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3D) BOND ISSUE Procedures for and Appointments to Senior Housing Ballot Committees. APPROVAL of procedures for appointing committees advocating approval or disapproval of the senior housing ballot measure and confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Ed Heineman, Dee Eklund and Dee Moschel to the committee in favor of the measure. PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) COMMISSION Planning Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Tracy Faust to replace Al Haylor on the Planning Commission. This term will expire December 31, 1990. AUTOMATION (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3E) PLAN Utility Billing Contract Authorization - Resolution. As discussed with the Operations Committee at their September 14 meeting, adoption of Resolution 1214 , authorizing a contract with Idaho Computer Services, Inc. for a computerized Utility Billing System, upon the approval of appropriate contract terms and conditions by the City Attorney and Information Services Director. Prior Council approval of the City's Automation Plan, including a Utility Billing System, occurred on August 18, 1986. In accordance with the Automation Plan, funding has already been set aside in the CIP for this ur ose. P P TELECOMMUNI- (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F) CATIONS Pay Phone Contract with US West Communications. As recommended by the Operations Committee, approval of the contract with US West Communications under which the City will receive 10 percent commission from the pay phones, including inmate phones at the City' s Corrections Facility. 4 September 19, 1989 FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3L) Fire Agreement with State. APPROVAL of an agreement with Washington State Community Development under which the Kent Fire" Department will provide a Drill Master for the State Fire Academy in North Bend. The state will reimburse the City in the amount of $11, 000. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3N) Ordinance Defining the Crime of Patronizing a Prostitute. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2872 adding a new section to the Kent Municipal Code defining the crime of patronizing a prostitute. OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B DRINKING DRIVER ( ) TASK FORCE THIS ITEM WAS ADDED TO THE AGENDA AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER HOUSER. Committee Recommendations. Houser noted that the Public Safety Committee had reviewed the conclusions of the committee evaluating the Drinking Driver Task Force and recommends approval of Items 1 through 9 , except for Item #6. SHE MOVED for such approval and for Item #6, regarding a public information liaison person, be further studied and brought back to the Public Safety Committee. Woods seconded. It was determined that everyone did not have a copy of the report and it was suggested by the Mayor and White that the matter be held over to the next meeting. Houser expressed concern in delay inasmuch as Items #1 and #2 provided for hiring two interim people. She noted that both the Coordinator and a Program Assistant had recently left and that the poster program was in jeopardy. Time was allowed for the Council to read the report. Suzette Cooke of the Chamber of Commerce noted that the proposal would approve some organizational changes that the Chamber might like to know more about and expressed concern that the Council had not had time to study the matter. Chow determined that the Police Chief had no objection to moving the Drinking Driver Task Force from the Police Department to Administration. It was further clarified that the City Administrator would meet with the review committee to discuss some of the findings. Alana McIalwain explained that the purpose of Item #9 was to make sure there was internal salary equity. 5 September 19, 1989 DRINKING DRIVER Cooke requested that the item be held over and TASK FORCE DOWELL MOVED to table this matter to the next meeting. The motion failed for lack of a second. Chow determined for Johnson that the two interim positions could be authorized and the rest of the items delayed. Driscoll noted that the Drinking Driver Task Force is now under Civil Service and would include interim people if they were full time. to hire two art-time, temporary Johnson proposed P tems 1 and 2 and to approve Item #9 (I # # ) PP people (internal equity) and to hold over the other 6 items to the next meeting. This was accepted by Houser and Woods as a friendly amendment. The motion was restated as approving Items #1, #2 , and #9 and to postpone one the other items to the October 3rd meeting and then carried unanimously. SUBDIVISION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) CODE Amendme nt to SEPA Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2871 amending Kent' s Environmental Policy. The City and Chamber of Commerce Environmental Mitigation Task Force Committee made certain recommendations for amending the City's Environmental Policy ordinance to establish a minimum ten trip generation developments so as to ensure that all new develo threshold P with significant traffic impacts falling under the scope of the state and Kent Environmental Policy Acts in transportation improvements. participate WEST HILL (OTHER BUSINESS 4A ITEM ) ZONING West Hill - Amendment to West Hill Subarea Plan and Kent Official Zoning Man response to Resolution p. In 1172 , the Planning Department has conducted a study of multi-family residential densities and reviewed ways to encourage single family development. The Planning Commission held two workshops and three public hearings on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and official zoning map for the first study area, West Hill. Sandra Driscoll, City Attorney, noted that she had been asked to address legal issues concerning the authority of the Council to proceed. The question has been raised as to whether this is a legislative action or a quasi-judicial action. The courts have determined that the process, as currently set up, is 6 i September 19, 1989 WEST HILL legislative action. Also of importance to the ZONING courts, is whether the action of the Planning Commission was initiated by the Council rather than by a property owner. Driscoll then explained briefly the four-part test used by the courts to determine if an action is legislative or quasi- judicial. She noted that Kentview Properties had filed a lawsuit, and in June the judge had ruled that this was legislative action and that the matter was properly heard before the Planning Commission, since the function of a Hearing Examiner does not include setting policy. Driscoll pointed out that the exact situation of facts exists now and therefore the Council 's action is within the legal parameters under legislative action. Dan Stroh of the Planning Department noted that the recommendations of the Planning Commission were explained in detail in their Findings & Conclusions, distributed as a part of the packet. He summarized these as follows: 1. Amend the West Hill Subarea Plan Text; Plan Ma for implementation 2 . Amend the West Hill p of the site - specific recommendation in Multifamily Area MF-03 ; 3 . Amend the Zoning Map for Multifamily Areas MF-01, 02, and 03 , designating all sites as MRG zoning; 4 . Amend the West Hill Plan Map creating a "Single Family Designated Area" overlay. Str oh oh noted that Resolution 1172 directed the Planning Department to institute a series of studies, including amending the housing element of the Comprehensive Plan. An area-by-area review of the city' s multi-family densities was then conducted. It was found that in the entire city there were approximately 566 acres of available single family land with the potential of 2 , 261 single family units and 235 acres available of multi-family land with the potential of 4 , 754 units. Figures for the West Hill area included approx- imately nine acres of available multi-family zoned land with a potential for about 228 units. Three options were developed and the site-specific reduction is recommended. This would remove the 7 September 19, 1989 WEST HILL development ment potential for 91 units. Stroh explained ZONING that a series of public meetings were held. An Environmental Impact Study was done and a City-wide. Declaration of Non-Significance was issued. He noted that extensive notification had been given of the Planning Commission public hearings and that both East Hill and the Valley Floor areas would also be the subject of Planning Commission hearings. Upon Mayor Kelleher' s question, Stroh clarified that the changes recommended for the three specific sites on the West Hill would change multi-family classifications from one density to another but would not increase the number of single family homes allowed in single family designated areas. It was clarified for Woods that the West Hill reduction would equal 2% of the goal of 20% reduction of multi-family zoning. Stroh noted that reductions on East Hill and the Valley Floor would be separate items before the Council and clarified that most of the potential for reduction of multiple zoning was on the valley floor. It was determined that action taken tonight would not become effective until action was taken on the East Hill Plan and on the Valley Floor Plan. WOODS MOVED to adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission for text and map amendments to the West Hill Subarea Plan and amendments to the official zoning map and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the required resolution and ordinance. Johnson seconded. Jane Koler, 18th Floor, Pacific Building, Seattle, attorney representing Kentview Properties, Inc. , distributed a letter which has been filed for the record. Ms. Koler pointed out that Kentview Properties has filed an appeal to the judge's decision. She noted that until this decision, Washington courts had held that rezones were quasi- judicial proceedings. She asked that the matter of Kentview Properties rezone be remanded to the Hearing Examiner so that a full quasi-judicial hearing can be held, in accordance with the City's zoning ordinance. Upon White' s question, Stroh confirmed that public hearings had been held before the Planning Commission. The motion to approve then carried unanimously. 8 September 19, 1989 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) _Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 21, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on October 2 , 1989. .Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/31 - 9/11 83455 - 83481 $ 162,217.93 9/14/89 83491 - 83881 1,542,580.71 $1,704,798.64 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/5/89 124226 - 124898 $ 725,911.48 (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Laserprint Contract Renewal. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a contract renewal with Laserprint Communications for printing, inserting and mailing of the City' s utility bills, as recommended by the Operations Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Environmental Mitigation Fund - Solid Waste Utility Account. ADOPTION of Resolution 1216, creating a solid waste utility account in the Environmental Mitigation Fund and authorizing and appropriating funds necessary therefor. REPORTS (REPORTS - ITEM 6F) Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Parks Committee would meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 20th. EXECUTIVE At 8 : 30 p.m. , City Administrator Chow asked for an SESSION executive session of approximately 10 minutes to discuss possible litigation. The meeting reconvened at 8 : 35 p.m. and WOODS MOVED to approve settlement of the "snow-days grievance" with the Corrections Union, Police Specialists and the Police Union. Mann seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at`\8:40 p.m. L l Marie Jeng-en, CMC City Clerk 9