HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/05/1989 Kent, Washington CORRECTED - REFER TO September 5, 1989 MINUTES OF _.L1f--je_ Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Houser, Mann and White, City Administrator Chow, Assistant City Attorney Williamson, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Finance Director McCarthy and Personnel Director Webby. Councilmembers Dowell, Johnson, and Woods and Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen, Information Services Director Spang and Parks Director Wilson were not in attendance. Approximately 40 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Don Knapp, 25046 38th Ave. So. , noted that this will COMMUNICATIONS be Councilmember Biteman's last Council meeting, and expressed his gratitude for Biteman' s assistance on the West Hill. Mr. Knapp also noted he has found golf balls in his yard and requested that the City look into erecting a net on the west side of the new golf course. Mayor Kelleher asked Mr. Chow to investigate that possibility. (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1A) Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced that Rosalie Givens was selected as September's Employee of the Month. He noted that Rosalie works in the Finance Department, in both the Customer Service Division and the Central Services Division. Finance Director McCarthy noted that she has worked for the City since 1987 and commended her for her positive attitude with employees and customers alike. He pointed out that Rosalie recently was the recipient of the Shining Star Award in recognition of her exemplary performance in Customer Service. The Mayor presented Ms. Givens with the Employee of the Month plaque. (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1B) Proclamation - National D.A.R.E. Day. Mayor Kelleher read a proclamation declaring September 14, 1989 as D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Day. Captain Hal Rees and Officer Bob Bradley accepted this proclamation. 1 September 5, 1989 �UBIC (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1C) ,.......COMMUNICATIONS Proclamation - Constitution Week. Mayor Kelleher proclaimed the week of September 17-23 , 1989 as Constitution Week in the City of Kent. Neda Morrow, Chair of the Constitution Week Committee, Daughters of the American Revolution, Lakota Chapter, Federal Way, accepted the proclamation. (PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ITEM 1D) Letter from Kaibara. Mayor Kelleher read a letter from Kotaro Yasui, Mayor of Kaibara, expressing thanks for the hospitality shown on his recent visit to Kent. CONSENT BITEMAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR E be approved, and that Item F be removed at the request of Public Works Director Wickstrom and Item G be removed at the request of Planning Director Harris. White seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 15, 1989. HEALTH AND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) SANITATION Latecomer Agreement - Forest Creek Apartments. AUTHORIZATION for staff to prepare and for the Director of Public Works to sign a Latecomer Agreement for costs associated with the construction of the utility extensions for the Forest Creek Apartments in the vicinity of 100th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 248th Street. SEWERS (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) LID 334 Derbyshire No. 7 Sanitary Sewer. This date has been set for the public hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 334. The City Clerk has given the proper notification to the property owners. The Director of Public Works noted that the area is east of Kent, south of Kent-Kangley and west of 124th Ave. S.E. He noted that it is a developed residential area, which has had significant septic tank failures. He explained the cost summary and manner of assessment, and noted that the City has shared the cost for extra depth of the sewer line. 2 September 5, 1989 SEWERS The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Bob Wise, 27516 121st Avenue S.E. , voiced concern about being billed for the 20 ' manhole, the project signs and the asphalt overlays. Wickstrom noted that a summary of the total cost of the project had been mailed to the residents, and that he would meet with them to go over the distribution in detail if they so desire. He noted for Houser that originally the cost of the asphalt overlays was to be split between the City and the residents, but that since it had turned out to be a bigger project than anticipated, the City paid 100% in order to ease the cost to the property owners. BITEMAN MOVED to continue the public hearing for two weeks. White seconded and the motion carried. The Mayor asked that Wickstrom meet with the property owners before then to clear up their concerns. EQUIPMENT (BIDS - ITEM 5A) RENTAL Multigrader. Bids were opened July 21 and three bids were received. The low bidder specified equipment that did not meet the bid specifications. The bid by the second low bidder, while offering compensating differences, still did not meet bid specifications, .and the third bid exceeded the budget for the equipment. Upon Wickstrom's recommendation, WHITE MOVED to reject the bids and readvertise with a modification to the specifications. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) REMOVED BY PLANNING DIRECTOR HARRIS Parking and Storage of Certain Commercial Vehicles in Residentially Zoned Areas. The parking of commercial trucks, vans, trailers and semi-trailers on City streets in residentially zoned areas poses a risk and hazard to the public' s health, safety and welfare including noise disturbance and obstruction to vehicular traffic. Therefore, an ordinance has been prepared to prohibit the parking of commercial trucks, vehicles, vans, trailers or semi-trailers on 3 September 5, 1989 ZONING CODE any City street in residentially zoned areas except for such vehicles engaging In loading or unloading during business hours of 8: 00 a.m. to 6: 00 p.m. Planning Director Harris noted that this item should be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration before an ordinance is adopted, since it would amend the Zoning Code. WHITE MOVED that this item be referred to the Planning Commission. Houser seconded and the motion carried. FINAL PLAT (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) Lavender Hills Final Plat. A public meeting on the Lavender Hills Final Plat is scheduled for this date. The preliminary plat was approved by the Council on November 3 , 1987 with conditions. The conditions have been complied with and staff recommends approval of the plat. In response to White' s question, Wickstrom indicated that there are sidewalks within the plat, as well as a path on 94th Avenue. Maureen MacNamara, 23839 94th Ave. So. , distributed photographs of the development showing the rural look of the area and the erosion which has occurred. She expressed concern about drainage, erosion repair, the loss of trees in the area, clean up of garbage and gravel, and edging of the blacktop at the corner of 94th and 240th. Planning Director Harris noted that the conditions approved by the Council are as follows: 1. Sanitary sewer, water service and fire protection shall be provided to all lots. In so doing, the developer shall: a. Provide to the Engineering Department for review and approval detailed plans for water and sewer improvements. b. Loop the water system through Kentview if necessary for adequate fire protection. C. Inspect and obtain approval foe needed off-site systems from Kentview Plat prior to design, and d. Provide fire sprinklering for all occupied buildings if any portion of the proposed S. 237th Street exceeds a 12 percent gradient. 4 September 5, 1989 FINAL PLAT 2. The developer shall provide a detailed analysis of on-site and off-site conditions affecting the final design of the storm drainage system for the plat. The developer shall provide adequate drainageway across the subject property to accommodate upstream runoff together with necessary public easements for access and maintenance. Detailed plans for handling storm water runoff for the site as well as upstream tributaries shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 3. The developer shall improve the western half of 94th Avenue S. for the entire frontage thereon with 18 feet of asphalt paving (as measured from the centerline of existing pavement) , curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, underground utilities and related appurtenances. The engineering design for the structured roadway section shall take into account site specific soil conditions and traffic volume projections from the city's Traffic Section. All other streets within the subject property shall have minimum ,pavement widths of 28 feet (as measured from the curb face) , curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, storm water drainage facilities, underground utilities and related appurtenances in accordance with the City's Subdivision Code. Harris noted foK White that these conditions have been met. He stated that some of Ms. MacNamara' s concerns are a matter of policing. In regard to erosion, Wickstrom pointed out that the contractor is liable for his work and would have to repair any Problems associated with it. Upon Biteman' s question, he noted that the City has a one-year warranty and guarantee and a performance bond on the improvements. MANN MOVED to make Ms. MacNamara's photographs a part of the record. White seconded and the motion carried. WHITE MOVED to approve the Lavender Hills final plat as presented by staff. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. 5 September 5, 1989 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 5, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on September 15, 1989. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/11/89 82215 - 82217 $ 3,324.72 8/14 - 8/28 82851 - 82903 689,056.05 8/30/89 82904 - 83454 1,023,791.64 $1,716,172.41 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 8/18/89 123550 - 124225 $ 732,303.75 (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) REMOVED BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR WICKSTROM Environmental Mitigation Fund. As recommended by the Public Works Committee, authorization to adjust the Environmental Mitigation Fund budget to establish the $40, 000 revenue from the County recycling grant and to provide for additional expenditures for the spring cleanup in the amount of $5, 000, the Christmas tree pickup in the amount of $2 , 300, $2 , 000 for additional costs of the recycling program and $20, 000 in set up costs. Public Works Director Wickstrom asked that this item be reconsidered at a later date, since Mr. DiJulio has some concerns about it. WHITE SO MOVED. Houser seconded and the motion carried. 6 i September 5, 1989 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) Armored Car Service Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a contract with Continental Armored Transporting to provide armored car services to City facilities including the golf course, City Hall, Kent Commons and the Senior Center, as discussed with the Operations Committee at their August 15th meeting. This proposal was originally discussed as part of the banking services agreement with U.S. Bank, but the item is handled as a separate contract directly with the armored car service. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) State Traffic Safety Project Funding. ACCEPTANCE of State funding for Kent Police Department Public Education Unit from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in the amount of $51, 015 for the period from 7-1-89 to 6-30-90. COUNCIL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) Council Absence Request. Councilmember Biteman has requested authorization to be excused from the next five regular Council meetings, since he will be out of town. The Mayor noted that Mr. Biteman has received an opportunity to teach in Mainland China. Upon White' s question, Assistant City Attorney Williamson noted that the Council is legally covered. MANN MOVED to approve Councilmember Biteman' s request. Houser seconded. White suggested including Councilmember Dowell 's request to be excused from tonight' s meeting in the motion. Mann and Houser agreed, and the motion carried. The Mayor asked Biteman to keep Kent in mind in terms of a sister city and possible international business. REPORTS (REPORTS - ITEM 6A) President's Report. Noting that improving the transportation system has been a goal of the Council for some time, Council President White proposed that the Public Works Committee and the Operations Committee look at the feasibility of a public works bond issue which would include the 272nd Avenue corridor as a four or five lane project, the 196th 7 September 5, 1989 REPORTS corridor and possibly the 228th corridor, along with any other projects which would be suitable. He asked that the two committees make their recommendations to the Council as soon as possible, so that the bond issue could be submitted to the voters next year. White noted that the City is growing rapidly and needs to plan for the future. (REPORTS - ITEM 6G) Administrative Reports. At 7:45 p.m. , the Mayor announced that there would be an executive session of approximately five minutes. EXECUTIVE The meeting reconvened at 7 : 50 p.m. BITEMAN MOVED SESSION to accept the Corrections Officers contract for 1989-1990 as negotiated, including the provisions of the memo from the Personnel Director to the Police Union dated September 5, 1989. White seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting then adjourned. Le /7 � Brenda Jacober, CMC Deputy City-Clerk 8