HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/01/1989 Kent, Washington August 1, 1989 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Driscoll , Planning Director Harris and City Engineer Gill. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen, Assistant City Administrator Hansen FinMcCarthy,Finance Director McCarth Info rmation Services Director Spang and Personnel Director Webby. Councilmember Biteman, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Parks Director Wilson were on vacation. Approximately 25 people were at the meeting. PRESENTATIONS (ITEM 1A) Wings Over Washington. Mayor Kelleher read a oc amation signed b Governor Booth Gardner r 1 P g Y proclaiming July 29 , 1989 , as Wings Over Washington Day in the State of Washington and encouraging citizens to join in the celebration at the Kent International Balloon Classic. (ITEM 1B National Night Out. The Mayor declared August 8 , 1989 , as "National Night Out" in the City of Kent. The proclamation was presented to Police Chief Frederiksen and Bob Bradley and Diane Lewis of the Kent Police Crime Prevention Unit. (ITEM 1C) Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced that Diane Harrison of the Information Services Department has been chosen as the Employee of the Month for August. He commended Ms. Harrison for her high degree of accuracy and turnaround time, and presented her with a plaque. CONSENT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3) CALENDAR WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through J be approved with the exception of Item C which he removed. Mann seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 18, 1989 . 1 August 1, 1989 HEALTH AND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C AND ITEM 4F) SANITATION REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE Lavender Hills Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE for continuous operation and maintenance the bill of sale and warranty agreement for the utility and street improvements constructed in the vicinity of 94th Ave. S. and S.E. 240th St. for the Lavender Hills project and release of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. It was determined for Maureen MacNamara of 23839 94th Ave. S. that the developer would be liable for any failed improvements within the one year period. MacNamara showed a construction drawing for the development and Gill determined that the developer had completed the project as shown except for the position of the fog line. He further explained that the intent of the SEPA condition was to allow space for people to walk along the side of the road. MacNamara asked if the area beyond the white line was considered to be the walkway. Gill determined that some of the original four feet planned for the walkway was allocated to widening the road, and that this was the decision of the City and could be changed. She pointed out that the space allocated beyond the white line was as narrow as 18 inches at one place and as wide as 5 feet in others. Jim Hansen clarified for Woods that the city had no clear definition for sidewalks or walkways but that such standards were to be developed. Dowell suggested that the Public Works Committee further study the matter or that consideration be given to formation of an LID to improve the street, including sidewalks. WHITE MOVED to delay action for two weeks, but no second was made. Harris explained that SEPA conditions are recommended by staff and approved by Council and are not a part of the plat conditions. MacNamara asked that the white line be removed and WOODS SO MOVED, noting that the Public Works Committee was amenable to this suggestion. Houser 2 August 1, 1989 HEALTH AND seconded and Dowell asked about the danger of this SANITATION unimproved road. MacNamara stated that the residents did not want the road improved, that it would increase the amount and speed of traffic and would change the character of the neighborhood. Upon White's question, Gill noted that only half streets are required adjacent to the platted property, but that no-protest LID covenants had been required, as usual. The motion to delete the fog line carried with the notation that the matter would also be discussed at the Public Works committee meeting. (Date later established as August 22) Will Palmer, contractor for the project, asked that Item 3C now be approved as all requirements have been met and more than adequate bonding is in place. WHITE MOVED to adopt Item 3C, Johnson seconded and the motion carried. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) LID 327 . ADOPTION of Ordinance 2865 amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2846, as previously amended by Ordinance 2853 , correcting the amount of the final assessment roll. (ITEM 4C) LID 330 - 64th Avenue Improvements. The public hearing on formation of this LID was opened and closed on March 7 , 1989. Adoption of the ordinance was delayed until such time as the mitigation issues surrounding the properties fronting the lagoon were determined. In order to proceed with construction of the project during this construction season, authorization was given to segregate that portion of LID 330 lying between S. 226th and S. 216th Streets and proceed with the improvements of the remaining portions between Meeker St. and S. 212th St. On July 11 a DNS was issued for the revised LID 330 project. It is recommended that Ordinance 2866 be adopted forming LID 330. City Attorney Driscoll noted that there is a question as to whether the legal description 3 August 1, 1989 STREETS appropriately reflects the intent of the Council to segregate a portion of the entire •LID, as previously discussed. She noted that she would review the legal description to ensure that the appropriate parcels are excluded. JOHNSON MOVED that Ordinance 2866 forming LID 330 be adopted, subject to review by the City Attorney. Houser seconded and the motion carried. SEWER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) LID 334 Derbyshire Sewer and Water Improvements. AUTHORIZATION to set September 5 as the date for a public hearing on final assessment roll for LID 334 . ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) ZONING Hehr Annexation Zoning. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2862 establishing the zoning for the Hehr Annexation to be R1-7 . 2 single family residential, as recommended by the Hearing Examiner. Public hearings were held on June 6 and July 18 , 1989 . ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) AMENDMENT, Land Use Sign Boards. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2863 authorizing the use of sign boards for land use notices, as approved by Council on July 18 , 1989 . FLOOD CONTROL (ITEM 4B) FEMA Ordinance. This ordinance has been prepared adopting the updated floodplains study and maps developed by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) . FEMA requires that the City adopt their study related to these revised maps. Not doing so would suspend this community from the National Flood Insurance Program thereby eliminating the availability of flood insurance for development in the area. The Public Works Department at their May 23 , 1989 meeting recommended adoption of the ordinance. JOHNSON MOVED to adont- -Ordinanc-e -2867 an )-rovingthe FEMA study and revised maps. Woods seconded. Motion carried. SALMON (ITEM 4A) ENHANCEMENT Salmon Enhancement Program. The City has been PROGRAM contacted by a volunteer working for the Kent School 4 August 1, 1989 SALMON District requesting support for Salmon Enhancement ENHANCEMENT Program for several of the elementary schools in the PROGRAM Kent School District. Kent's support would be the purchase of tanks and related equipment at a cost of $866 each. These tanks would be placed in the elementary schools, salmon eggs obtained from the Department of Fisheries would be placed in the tanks and the fry would be released into streams in the surrounding area that have been approved by the Department of Fisheries. Houser noted that this item was approved by the Operations Committee with an amendment recommending that the City retain ownership, that the equipment be returned to the City if the program is discontinued, and that the salmon fry be released into streams within City boundaries whenever possible. Carolyn Wiley noted that she has been involved in the program for two years and that it is a wonderful learning experience for children. Wiley introduced Sandi Weaver who urged the Council to approve the request. City Engineer Gill clarified that $5000 was available to fund the project in the Salmon Enhancement Fund, which is part of the Drainage Utility. JOHNSON MOVED for approval to fund the purchase of tanks and necessary equipment at a cost of $866 for Salmon Enhancement Program for Scenic Hill Elementary, Pine Tree Elementary, East Hill Elementary and Kent Elementary and to include Houser's suggestions. Houser seconded and the motion carried. SOLID WASTE (ITEM 4E) Solid Waste Disposal Rates. The King County Solid Waste Division has recommended a Solid Waste Disposal rate increase of approximately 83 percent. The Suburban Cities Association and the City of Seattle have analyzed the proposal and made certain recommendations to the County including the 5 August 1, 1989 refunding of energy resource recover fund monies to SOLID WASTE ref g gy y the cities, ceasing the collection of such monies, the lack of a need for a rate increase, and the solid waste recycling program not be funded through the disposal fee so as not to duplicate cost to the cities that already have recycling programs. It is recommended that the Kent City Council adopt a resolution endorsing the recommendation of the Suburban Cities Association related to the solid waste disposal rates. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1213 relating to proposed King County solid waste disposal rates, endorsing the recommendation of Solid Waste Interlocal Forum Resolution 89-004 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. CITY CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) Recodification of City Code. AUTHORIZATION to enter into a contract with Municipal Code Corporation for the recodification of the Kent City Code. The total price for the contract will be $16,500 to be paid over a two year period. $8, 000 of this contract is already authorized in the 1989 Law Department budget. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Drinking Driver Task Force. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of a donation of $200 from the Aid Association for Lutherans. PARKS AND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I) RECREATION Parks Security Personnel. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2864 creating the positions of Park Security Officers within the Maintenance Division of the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks Maintenance Division has requested a limited law enforcement commission for parking violations only, for the Park Security staff. Duties would include overtime, double parking, parking on the wrong side of the street or in restricted areas. Passage of This ordinance would reduce the calls made to the Police Department to enforce parking violations in the park system. 6 August 1, 1989 PARKS AND (ITEM 4D) RECREATION Golf Complex Personnel. AUTHORIZATION is requested to immediately hire two new full time maintenance workers to meet the increased maintenance demands. Also a budget correction is requested to reflect the replacement of a 1989 budgeted Assistant Greenskeeper with a Maintenance Worker. Houser noted that this item had been discussed by the Operations Committee, and based on that discussion SHE MOVED to approve $17, 327 to fund temporary part time maintenance hours for the remainder of 1989, and to analyze the full time positions in conjunction with the 1990 budget. Mann seconded. White pointed out that the Council had not received any information on this item and the Council was reminded that committee recommendations required full Council action. Finance Director McCarthy stated that an analysis of staffing levels at golf courses in other cities had been prepared, indicating that the full time staff which currently exists at our golf course for outside maintenance workers is appropriate, but that the golf maintenance requires additional part-time hours for the summer months, which is the peak time. The question of whether to then continue them as part- time or hire them as full time would be addressed in the 1990 budget. White emphasized that the situation should be studied before any full time people are hired. There was no further discussion and the motion carried. FINANCE (ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through August 7, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on August 15, 1989. 7 i August 1, 1989 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/17-7/27 81693-81747 $242 , 462 . 63 7/28/89 81748-82197 565, 604 . 57 $808 , 067. 20 Approval of checks issued for payroll: pp P Y Date Check Numbers Amount 7/20/89 122137-122857 $727, 631. 43 REPORTS (ITEM 6G) Administrative Reports. It was noted that Councilmember Bitemen had asked to be excused from tonight ' s meeting. WHITE SO MOVED, Johnson seconded and the motion carried. EXECUTIVE At 8 : 05 p.m. , City Administrator Chow requested an SESSION executive session of approximately 30 minutes to ADJOURNMENT discuss a collective bargaining matter. The meeting reconvened at 8 : 40 p.m. and adjourned. Marie Je , CMC City Clerk 8