HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/05/1989 Kent, Washington July 5, 1989 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann and White, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Biteman and Woods were absent. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Information Services Director Spang, Finance Director McCarthy and Parks Director Wilson. Approximately 20 people were in attendance. PRESENTATIONS (ITEM 1A) National Parks and Recreation Month. Mayor Kelleher read a proclamation declaring July, 1989 as National Recreation and Parks Month. Parks Director Wilson accepted the award. (ITEM 1B) Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced that Tom Shepard has been selected as Employee of the Month for July. Shepard is a Fire Inspector and works in the Code Enforcement Division of the Fire Department. The Mayor commended him on his professionalism, strong commitment to those less fortunate and praised him for his active participation in arson investigations. Fire Chief Angelo accepted the award on Shepard' s behalf. (ITEM 1C) Five-Year Award. Ron Spang, Director of Information Services, received his five year plaque from Mayor Kelleher. Spang has been active in developing a Geographic Information System, known as the Mapping System, which will be used by other jurisdictions as part of a regional information system. He is also responsible for coordinating the purchase and installation of a Hewlett-Packard 3000 computer system. (ITEM 1D) Twenty-Year Award. Mayor Kelleher presented Jim Harris a plaque for his 20 years of service as 1 July 5, 1989 PRESENTATIONS Kent's Planning Director. Beginning in July, 1969, with a secretary and shared desk, he has built the Planning Department to a staff of 20 highly qualified personnel while the city grew from 15, 500 to just under 35, 000. Some of Harris ' accomplishments include a massive zoning project in 1972-73 , Water Quality Planning in 1980, the Shoreline Master Program and the Valley Studies Program. Harris also served as City Administrator for several months in 1989, in addition to his regular duties as Planning Director. CONSENT MANN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through Q CALENDAR be approved, with the exception of Item E, which was removed by Dowell, Item H, which was removed by Houser, and Item N which was removed by White. White seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 20, 1989 . HEALTH AND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) SANITATION Hill Raaum Investment Company. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 488 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of 80th Pl . S. south of S. 180th and release of cash bond. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) Tracey Watermain Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of sanitary sewer manhole #MM65 constructed in the vicinity of 80th Pl. S. south S. 180th St. DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 30) Upper Mill Creek Detention Facility. AUTHORIZATION to adjust the budget and transfer $325, 000 from the Miscellaneous Drainage Construction Fund to the 2 July 5, 1989 DRAINAGE Upper Mill Creek Detention Facility to provide for construction of detention facility improvements, as recommended by the Internal Budget Committee and approved by the Public Works Committee. (BIDS - ITEM 5A) Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin. Bid opening was held on June 29 with two bids received. The Public Works Director noted that the low bid was submitted by R.W. Scott Construction in the amount of $568, 529. 25, and recommended that it be accepted. JOHNSON SO MOVED. Houser seconded and the motion carried. STREETS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) LID 330 Time Schedule. At their meeting on June 20, Council directed the Public Works Committee to review a schedule for construction for this project and to report back to Council on July 5. At the Public Works Committee meeting of June 27, it was reported that the required studies associated with conversion in the lagoon and design of the buffer to provide mitigation for 64th would be completed by d-ttne January 1990. Once these studies are completed, the City could proceed with formation of the second LID. Construction of the buffer would be scheduled for the summer of 1990. The City would would attempt to construct the road improvements at the same time. WHITE MOVED to accept the tentative schedule as presented recognizing there may be adjustments due to unforseen events and that a typographical error regarding the completion date be corrected from June to January of 1990. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. STREET VACATION (PUBLIC HEARINGS - ITEM 2A) Street Vacation No. STV-89-3 Portion of 3rd Avenue. This hearing will consider an application filed by the City of Kent to vacate a portion of 3rd Ave. between Gowe and West Titus Streets. 3 July 5, 1989 STREET VACATION Doug Klappenbach, Sound Ventures Development Company, 2201 3rd Ave. , Seattle, indicated he had just received the notice and has not had an opportunity to discuss with the department heads the full impact the vacation will have on construction of the Centennial Building. He requested that this hearing be continued until the next council meeting. WHITE SO MOVED, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3Q) Street Vacation - 63rd Avenue. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2858 amending Ordinance 2851, removing conditions of retaining the easement rights for utility purposes. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3N) CONTROL REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE Traffic Signal System Needs Assessment. AUTHORIZATION to reallocate $15, 000 approved in the 1989 Operating Funds for update of the transportation plan to: (1) provide for aerial video taping of peak hour traffic operation and (2) consultant review of the operational and design practices associated with the signal system and computer, as approved by the Public Works Committee. Upon White's question, Wickstrom reported that $3 , 000 would be spent for the taping, with the remainder to be spent on consultant services to study the time sequence phasing on key intersections. He noted that studies have indicated that a duration shorter than the present 120 seconds would increase the capacity of the intersection. Wickstrom indicated that the City does not have staff time or manpower to study this program to see whether it would work on the present system. He indicated for White that the time phasing on the signal system is interconnected with the computerized system, which is predicated on volume. Marty Nizlek, Traffic Engineer, noted that traffic on East Hill has increased dramatically and that phasing the cycle lengths is one of the components of the study. Nizlek indicated that the consultant would be asked to look at the computer hardware, it' s adequacy and how it is being maintained, the 4 July 5, 1989 TRAFFIC efficient use of the system, and the staff's CONTROL capabilities and training needs. WHITE MOVED for authorization to reallocate $15, 000 approved in the 1989 Operating Funds for update of the transportation plan to provide for aerial video taping of peak hour traffic operation and consultant review of the operational and design practices associated with the signal system and computer, as approved by the Public Works Committee. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR -ITEM 3P) Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) 1990- 1995. AUTHORIZATION to set July 18 as the date for a public hearing for review of the City's Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. COMPREHENSIVE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) PLAN Gateway Commercial Zone. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2855 amending the City's Comprehensive Zoning Map by adding the Gateway Commercial Zone to an area along the East Valley Highway between SR 167 overpass to S. 212th St. and by amending the Mobile Home Park zoning to Office zone in an area of approximately 13 . 2 acres at the northeast corner of SR 167 and S . 212th St. interchange. SUBDIVISION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) CODE Lot Line Adjustment Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2856 amending Ordinance 2849 in accordance with City Council action on June 20, 1989 . EAST HILL (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) DEVELOPER Bonding for Construction Contracts. Maureen COMPLAINTS MacNamara, 23839 94th S. , inquired as to the program outlined at the January 3 , 1989 Council meeting with regard to damage caused to private citizens by developers. Upon the Mayor's suggestion, the City Attorney agreed to look into the types of requirements which cities could put on private contractors and report to the Public Works Committee. The Mayor asked that Ms. MacNamara be invited to attend that meeting. 5 July 5, 1989 HUMAN SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) Human Services Roundtable. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a revised interlocal agreement for Kent' s continued participation as a member of the Human Services Roundtable and to forward $6, 300 to the Human Services Roundtable as the City' s share of support for the remainder of 1989. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) Court/Corrections Facility Parking. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2857 authorizing issuance of parking permits for employees of the City Corrections Facility and the Aukeen Court, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) SOAP Ordinance. ADOPTIO N of Ordinance 2854 adding Section 9 . 34 "Stay out of areas of prostitution" (SOAP) to the Kent City Code. Place and area restrictions are necessary to ensure compliance with probation conditions in prostitution cases where persons engaging in such conduct seek to return to the original crime area. The regulation set forth in this ordinance will help stop the cyclical nature of courthouse to street corner migration and frustrate those involved in the illegal businesses associated with prostitution. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 6, 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on July 14 , 1989 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/15 - 6/27 80928 - 80955 $ 301,915.78 6/29/89 80961 - 81402 917,102.61 $1,219,018.39 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/20/89 120724 - 121405 $ 730,383.53 6 July 5, 1989 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWtLL Printing Graphics Equipment for Central Services. AUTHORIZATION to use $46, 005 of Central Services fund balance of $107, 479 to acquire a new press and graphics workstation. These pieces of equipment will save City expenditures in the long run by making printing and graphics operations more efficient. It would allow the City to do some printing that is now done outside and will allow each graphic artist her own machine, eliminating unproductive time. Dowell noted that the Operations Committee had approved the expenditure of funds for this equipment, and that he alone had voted against it since it could be done competitively by private industry. HE MOVED to disallow the appropriation of funds, and the motion died for lack of a second. City Administrator Chow noted for White that by owning their own printing press, the City could provide printing services at a more competitive rate. Finance Director McCarthy stated that it is more efficient to print smaller items in house then to send them out, but that larger items such as the 25, 000 copies of Cityline would probably always be sent out. He noted that the press needs to be upgraded just to handle the smaller items done in house. McCarthy clarified for Dowell that the press requested tonight is in addition to the press already being used, and indicated that the volume of printing requests has increased greatly. Dowell inquired whether there would be a request for part- time employees, and McCarthy stated that hopefully with use of two presses there would be no need for additional staff, since both presses could be used at the same time, making the staff more efficient. McCarthy noted for White that total printing costs for the City were $253 , 000, 55% of which was done outside. HOUSER MOVED for authorization to use $46, 005 of Central Services fund balance of $107 , 479 to acquire a new press and graphics workstation. Johnson seconded and stated 7 July 5, 1989 FINANCE that doing the printing in house prevents timing conflicts with outside printers and saves pick up and delivery time. Dowell pointed out that the City already has a press, and that to vote for this is to vote to take away business and employment from the private sector. The motion then carried with Dowell opposing. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER HOUSER LID 327 Bond Ordinance and Purchase Contract. The City Attorney advised that this item, adoption of the bond ordinance and authorization for the Mayor to sign a purchase contract in the amount of $2 , 296, 074 .47 for LID 327 bonds as recommended by the Operations Committee at their June 30 meeting, should be held over to the Council meeting of July 18 , 1989 . Driscoll also explained that a separate ordinance proposed by Councilmember Houser would amend the final assessment roll for LID 327 . This amending ordinance would correct an error which states that payments may be paid in (ten) 10 equal installments, but which should say (20) twenty installments. HOUSER MOVED to hold the bond ordinance and purchase contract over to the Council meeting of July 18 and to adopt Ordinance 2853 amending the final assessment roll on LID 327 . Johnson seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I) 1990 Budget. AUTHORIZATION to establish July 18, 1989 as the date to receive public input for the 1990 budget. The meeting date is established to obtain input before Council prioritization of 1990 budget objectives, at their July 28 work session. Future public input dates for the budget are scheduled for August 15 and November 7 prior to adoption of the budget at the December 5 Council meeting. 8 July 5, 1989 COUNCIL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Council Absence. APPROVAL of an excused vacation absence for Councilman Biteman for the meetings of July 5 and July 18, 1989 . REPORTS (REPORTS - ITEM 6C) Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the next meeting will be Tuesday, July 11, 1989 . (REPORTS - ITEM 6E) Public Safety Committee. Houser reported that the fire station at 504 W. Crow St. will be closed for six months for renovation and that the headquarters station is now at the station at 20676 72nd Ave. S. (REPORTS - ITEM 6G) Mayor Kelleher displayed a poster signed by members of the Third Grade Class at Covington Elementary School, showing their support for fireworks. Mayor Kelleher requested that this poster be made a part of the public record. JOHNSON SO MOVED. White seconded and the motion carried. EXECUTIVE At 7 : 45 p.m. City Attorney Driscoll requested an SESSION executive session of approximately one-half hour to discuss pending litigation. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8: 20 p.m. and then adjourned. J Brenda Jaco er, CMC Deputy City Clerk 9