HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/20/1989 Kent, Washington June 20, 1989 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods, City Administrator Chow, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen, Fire Chief Angelo, Assistant City Administrator Hansen, Parks Director Wilson and Information Services Director Spang. Finance Director McCarthy was not in attendance. Approximately 50 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Mayor Kelleher presented the Government Finance COMMUNICATIONS Officers Association certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting for year ended December 31, 1987 to May Miller of the Finance Department. She expressed appreciation to John Hillman who compiled the information for the report. CONSENT DOWELL MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through O CALENDAR be approved, with the exception of Items E, I, M and N which were removed by Councilmembers. Houser seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 6, 1989 . STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) Cornucopia Days. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1208 establishing a street use permit for the 1989 Cornucopia Days. The permit would be for July 13 , 1989 through July 16, 1989 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) LID 330 - 64th Ave. Improvements. AUTHORIZATION to amend the interim financing for LID 330 to include funds for the signal design. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) LID 331 - S.E. 240th St. Improvement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an agreement with Puget Power 1 June 20, 1989 STREETS for undergrounding of LID 331, the S .E. 240th St. LID 331 project, as approved by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3N) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL LID 330 - 64th Avenue Improvements. The Public Works Committee has recommended authorization be LID 330 given to segregate that portion of LID 330 lying between S. 226th and S. 216th Streets in order to proceed with construction of the improvements on the remaining portions between Meeker Street and S. 212th Street. Dowell agreed to proceed with the 64th Ave. north and south portions but suggested that we should have a time line for the construction of the central portion, near the sewage lagoon basin. He suggested that December 30, 1989 be established as the time for the sewage lagoon plans and ideas to be put together and submitted to the City covering the sewage lagoon area between the north and south sections of 64th Ave. S . Wickstrom reported that the City is working with a consultant and the environmental team, that there was much work to be done and that a December 30th deadline would be difficult to meet. He noted that their goal was to get the plan and feasibility study worked out by the end of the year; and in April to apply for the Centennial Water Quality Grant Funding for design money. He noted that the grant we now have is for the lagoon conversion project for preliminary feasibility study and that the next stage is to apply for a grant for design in April. Upon questions from Mayor Kelleher, Wickstrom noted that decisions on the grants will be made in July. Woods said the Task Force was concerned about the lack of a time line and wanted to get something on paper and that the time line could be adjusted later. Joe Miles, 22431 loth Ave. So. , Des Moines, a member of the Environmental Task Force, suggested phasing the project to allow it to move forward. The lagoon area could be eliminated until appropriate mitigation could be established as to how this road is to cross the sensitive area. 2 June 20, 1989 STREETS Mann felt it somewhat ludicrous to have a developer do part of the road when some of the project was LID 330 still questionable. Johnson recommended authorization to segregate that portion of LID 330 lying between S. 226th and S. 216th Streets in order to proceed with construction of the improvements on the remaining portions between Meeker Street and S. 212th Street, and to direct the Public Works Committee to develop a time line and to report same to the Council on July 5. DOWELL SO MOVED. Houser seconded. The Mayor asked that the developer and all members of the task force be invited to the meeting. All agreed. Motion carried. Johnson noted that this was a difficult project involving the 64th Ave. S. road project, a drainage utility and protection of a wildlife habitat. Bids LID 331 - S E 240th Street Improvements. Bids were opened on June 16 with four bids received. Public Works Director Wickstrom recommended that the bid be awarded to R.W. Scott Construction, low bidder at $914 , 527 . 64, subject to approval by the Transportation Improvement Board. JOHNSON SO MOVED. White seconded and the motion carried. STREET Street Vacation - 63rd Ave. So. City Attorney VACATION Driscoll noted that the proposed Ordinance 2851 would vacate property on 63rd Ave. So. adjacent to the south side of S. 212th St. She pointed out that two hearings have been held on this matter, and said the property owner is prepared to execute a statutory warranty deed, giving the City certain property in exchange for that vacation, which is the condition which the Council had attached to the vacation. She asked that the Council adopt this ordinance as amended in Section 1 to provide that the vacation is subject to receipt by the City of the executed statutory warranty deed. JOHNSON MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance 2851 as amended. White seconded and the motion carried. 3 June 20, 1989 TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) CONTROL Transportation Improvement Board - 84th Avenue Street Improvements (180th to 192nd) . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Transportation Improvement Board prospectus for grant funding for this project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) Transportation Improvement Board - 104th Avenue and S E 256th Street Intersection Improvements. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Transportation Improvement Board prospectus for grant funding for this project, as approved by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL Transportation Improvement Board Central Avenue Improvements (Willis to Smith) . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the Transportation Improvement Board prospectus for grant funding for this project, as approved by the Public Works Committee. Upon Dowell 's question, Public Works Director Wickstrom clarified the project's turning lanes. DOWELL THEN MOVED for the adoption of Item 3I with clarifications as described. Houser seconded and the motion carried. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Lake Fenwick Restoration Project. AUTHORIZATION to establish a budget of $65, 000 and transfer of funds from the unencumbered sewer funds to the Lake Fenwick Restoration Project. ANNEXATION Mortensen Annexation. This date has been set for a public hearing on annexation of approximately nine (9) acres in the vicinity of 98th Ave. So. and S. 218th. The City Clerk has given the proper legal notification of this hearing. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. There were no comments from the audience and WHITE MOVED that the public hearing be closed. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED that the City Attorney be 4 June 20, 1989 ANNEXATION authorized to prepare the ordinance approving the Mortensen annexation of approximately nine (9) acres in the vicinity of 98th Ave. So. and S. 218th St. White seconded and the motion carried. EAST VALLEY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) ZONING REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE IMPLEMENTATION East Valley Zoning Implementation No. CPZ-89-1. The City Attorney has prepared Ordinance No. 2850 and Resolution No. 1210 approving the East Valley Zoning Implementation No. CPZ-89-1 including zoning code text amendment and application of zoning as recommended by the Planning Commission. At the City Council meeting of April 4, 1989 this matter was remanded to the Planning Commission, and heard again by the Commission on June 19 . City Attorney Driscoll pointed out that Section 3 of the resolution states that we are amending the Kent Valley Comprehensive Plan Map, and that it should read that we are amending the Kent Valley Zoning map. WHITE MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2850 and Resolution 1210 as amended. Woods seconded. It was clarified for Dowell that the concerns presented to the Planning Committee by the Mauritsens have been addressed. The motion then carried. SUBDIVISION Lot Line Adjustment Ordinance. Johnson suggested CODE that the City Attorney be directed to amend Section 12 . 04 . 1003c of the Lot Line Adjustment Ordinance No. (Lot Line 2849 , to read that documentation acceptable to the Adjustment Planning Department or a title report verifying the Ordinance) current ownership and title of all interested parties of the property and listing all encumbrances. Biteman agreed and the proper phrasing was further discussed. The Mayor clarified that the significant language is "a signed affidavit" , and then Driscoll clarified the intent as: "A signed affidavit in a form approved by the Planning Director attesting to and verifying ownership in the property and other title interests or a title report documenting such ownership or other title interests" . JOHNSON MOVED to so amend Section 12 . 04 . 1003c. Dowell seconded. 5 June 20, 1989 noted that the current process is very SUBDIVISION Morford n CODE simple and that there had been much discussion on the cost of a title report. He said that Ordinance (Lot Line No. 2849 complicated a simple process and the Adjustment wording gives the government more power. He noted Ordinance) that the wording of the motion at the last council meeting was "should the fee be excessive, staff will bring the ordinance back to the Council for reconsideration. " He submitted fee schedules from Transamerica Title and from Ticor Title and pointed out that one quote was a minimum of $300 and the other quote was for a short plat of $200. Morford urged the Council to repeal the ordinance due to the excessive fees. Planning Director Harris stated that he supports the amendment on the floor this evening. He stated that the ordinance is a simple housekeeping ordinance which has been before the Planning Commission, the Planning Committee and the Council. He noted that he had called Chicago Title Insurance and found that a certificate of ownership costs $25 . He reiterated that he supports the amendment regarding an affidavit. Harris noted for White that at the present time a citizen is not required to pay any fee if he signs that affidavit. He pointed out that fees are charged for short plats, but that is for staff time. Harris also clarified that Council would have to review any fee which is proposed in the future. WHITE MOVED to make Mr. Morford' s quotes from the title companies a part of the record. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. The motion to amend the Lot Line Ordinance No. 2849 as proposed by Johnson carried unanimously. CITY PROPERTY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) Property Exchange - Union Pacific Realty. AUTHORIZATION for the staff to proceed with the property exchange and authorization for the Mayor to sign the necessary papers effecting same, as approved by the Public Works Committee. PUBLIC WORKS Telescopic Aerial Manlift. Bid opening was held May OPERATIONS 22 with two bids received. The low bid was 6 June 20, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS submitted by Air Tec Equipment, Inc. in the amount OPERATIONS of $15, 580.55. After review of the bids and testing of the equipment, the Public Works Director recommends this bid be accepted. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid of $15,580.55 from Air Tec Equipment, Inc. be accepted. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Television Datalog Unit and Power Transporter. Bid opening was June 6 with one bid received. The bid submitted by Q's Cues in the amount of $19,241.80 has been reviewed and found to be a responsive bid. The Public Works Director recommends that this bid be accepted. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid from Q' s Cues for the Television Datalog Unit and power transporter in the amount of $19,241.80 be accepted. White seconded and the motion carried. CENTENNIAL Centennial Building Lease. The Mayor noted that BUILDING authorization to amend the existing lease with Sound Ventures, Inc. was approved on October 18, 1988 with respect to the lease payment structure and to additional lease payment as shown on the fiscal analysis sheet. Assistant City Administrator Hansen distributed photos of the proposed project and pointed out that the building is not an annex to City Hall, but it is a public/private venture. Sound Ventures will privately fund and build the building and the City will sell the land to make this possible and be a tenant in the completed building. Hansen noted that this is a downtown revitalization project, and is one of the Council 's top priority issues for 1989. He said it will be a catalyst to new downtown development. Hansen stated that the cost will be approximately $8, 000, 000 which will actually return land to the tax rolls, representing a property tax payment between $75, 000 and $90, 000 a year. He said the building will house the Planning Department and Building/Code Enforcement Department, combined with the Public Works Department, in one location. Hansen explained the changes shown on the fiscal analysis sheet, which has been made a part of the 7 June 20, 1989 CENTENNIAL record. Sound Ventures proposes to increase the BUILDING space leased to the City and also restructure the lease payments. The lease payment changes would not alter the total cost over the five year period and the additional space would cost an additional $420,708 over the five year period. Dowell noted that he had read the fifty page lease and raised questions relating to parking spaces and the possibility of charging for same in the future, maintenance costs, etc. It was also pointed out that the City had the option to renegotiate in five years, or to not renew the lease. HOUSER MOVED to approve the amendments to the lease with Sound Ventures Inc. as described. Biteman seconded and the motion carried unanimously. VOTERS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) PAMPHLET Voters Pamphlet Participation. AUTHORIZATION for the City to participate in King county' s regional voters pamphlet for the November 1989 election. Kent candidates and issues will be included in the South King County pamphlet along with Federal, State and County candidates and issues. KING COUNTY Public Health Services. City Attorney Driscoll HEALTH DEPT. pointed out that the City of Auburn and King County are currently involved in litigation regarding the health contract. She noted that the City of Auburn has not paid on that contract because they contend that King County is double-taxing the citizens of the city. She said the County charges the full cost of those health services to the city and, in addition, taxes the citizens for the service. She pointed out that the City of Kent is currently operating under the same contract, as are all other suburban cities. Driscoll said that the Superior Court ordered that Auburn go into arbitration with the county over this fee, and the City of Auburn is appealing this to the Supreme Court and asking them to review this issue. Suburban Cities Association, as well as other individual cities, are joining Auburn in this appeal, and Driscoll requested that Kent join in an amicus brief with other suburban 8 June 20' 1989 I KING COUNTY cities to seek Supreme Court review of this issue. HEALTH DEPT. WHITE SO MOVED. Woods seconded. Driscoll noted for Houser that no fee is involved. The motion carried. COUNCIL Council Absence. Upon Woods' written request, WHITE ABSENCE MOVED that Woods be excused from the Council meetings of July 5 and July 18. Houser seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL Investment of City Property Tax Receipts. ADOPTION of Resolution 1209 relating to the investment of City property tax receipts in the custody of the County Finance Manager. Upon Dowell ' s question regarding the City's accountability, the City Attorney determined that this was covered under Section 3 of the ordinance. DOWELL THEN MOVED to adopt Resolution 1209. White seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 30) Banking Service Agreement - U.S. Bank of Washington. Authorization has been requested to extend the City's current banking services agreement with U.S. Bank of Washington for a one year term with a one year renewal option. The terms and conditions are the same as the current agreement except that one service has been lowered. The City is in the process of switching computer systems in payroll, accounts payable, utility billing, lockbox account reconciliation, etc. which will affect the City' s banking activity. Based upon these items being in various stages of implementation the staff recommends deferring changing the City's bank until those systems are operational and tested. CAPITAL 1990-1994 - Capital Improvement Program. The public IMPROVEMENT hearing on the Capital Improvement Program 1990-1994 PROGRAM was concluded at the Council meeting of June 6. A motion to adopt the program as presented was tabled to this date. 9 June 20, 1989 FINANCE The Mayor pointed out that the motion on the floor is to adopt the program. White called - for the (Capital question. JOHNSON MOVED to amend the motion to Improvement include $200, 000 in the CIP for neighborhood parks Program) acquisition on East Hill. Dowell seconded. The Mayor read a memo from Woods and Johnson regarding this request and the funding therefore, and asked that it be made a part of the record. He pointed out that the original motion was to adopt the program as presented on June 6, and the motion to amend would incorporate the amendment proposed in the memo. Paul Morford noted that at the meeting of June 6, people had spoken in support of the program, and that now it is being changed. John Marchione of the Finance Department noted that the only change is that the Police Department had been allocated $447 , 000 to remodel the old library for office space, but that that space would not be available until November of 1990. He said that therefore $200, 000 of that money could be deferred to 1991, so that $200, 000 could be put into 1990 for East Hill parks. The motion to amend carried. There were some questions on the cost of the S. 277th corridor project and the Mayor asked Wickstrom to report at a future Council meeting on the $12 , 000, 000 figure. Wickstrom noted for Dowell that the $100, 000 budgeted for 1990 for S. 228th and Military Road is to do a preliminary study. John Marchione noted that with matching funds the project can be done in 1993 . The Mayor clarified that the motion is to adopt the 1990-1994 Capital Improvement Program as presented at the meeting of June 6, as amended by Johnson tonight. The motion as amended then carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through June 22 , 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 2 : 30 p.m. on June 30, 1989 . 10 June 20, 1989 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/1 - 6/13 80483 - 80506 $ 196,817.41 6/14/89 80507 - 80927 1,588,549.19 $1,785,366.60 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Number s Amount 705 327.01 6/05/89 120051 120723 $ , REPORTS Council President. Council President White reported that he had attended the Association of Washington Cities conference in Spokane where he lead discussion on City-County relations. Operations Committee. Houser announced that the Operations Committee will meet at 3 : 00 p.m. from now on, and the Public Safety Committee will meet at 2 : 00 p.m. Public Works Committee. Johnson said that the Public Works Committee will meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27 . Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Parks Committee will meet at 3 : 30 p.m. on June 21 and will discuss the budget report. EXECUTIVE At 8 :40 p.m. , City Administrator Chow announced that SESSION there wou ld be an executive session of approximately 10 minutes to discuss property acquisition. 11 i June 20, 1989 ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m. and then our ad7 ned. ' Marie J n CM City Clerk 12