HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/06/1989 Kent, Washington
June 6, 1989
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 . 00 P Y.m. b Mayor Pro Tem White. Present: Councilmemhers Biteman,
't Administrator
Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods, City
Chow, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris and Public
Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police
Chief Frederiksen, Information Services Director Spang and Assistant
City Administrator Hansen. Finance Director McCarthy was abs
Approximately 40 people were at the meeting.
PRESENTATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor Pro Tem White
announced that Mart Mulholland of the Information
Services Department has been selected as the
Employee of the Month for June. White noted that
Ms. Mulholland is the computer support person
responsible for the development of new Hewlett
Packard systems. He commended her for her positive
attitude , infectious enthusiasm and dedication, and
presented her with the Employee of the Month plaque.
Herb Mutschler. Kind County Library System Week.
Mayor Pro Tem White read a proclamation declaring
the week of June 4 - 10, 1989 as Herb Mutschler
Week. White noted that Mr. Mutschler has served as
the Director of the King County Library System since
1963 , during which time 28 new King County Library
buildings were constructed. He stated that Mr.
Mutschler has been an integral part of the growth of
our library and a strong advocate and supporter of
the new Kent/King County Library due for completion
in 1990. Members of the Kent Library Board also
expressed appreciation to Mr. Mutschler.
Flag Day, Mayor Pro Tem White read a proclamation
declaring June 14 , 1989 as Flag Day and urged all
citizens of Kent to pause at 7 : 00 p.m. EDT on this
date and recite with all Americans the Pledge of
Allegiance to our Flag and Nation.
Historical Preservation. Mayor Pro Tem White read a
the week of .Tune 11 through
proclamation declaring g
17 as Historical Preservation Week in Kent. Linda
Van Nest, an activist in historical preservation,
accepted the proclamation.
June 6, 1989
PRESENTATIONS Certification. The City Clerk noted that Brenda
Jacober, Deputy City Clerk for the City has recently
completed courses at the University of Washington
her as a Certified Municipal Clerk.
Education, service and experience standards are set
by Municipal Clerks.
the International Institute of
Certification recognizes the competency of Ms.
Jacober to serve in the professional capacity of
either City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk. Council
President White presented a plaque to Ms. Jacober
and congratulations were offered from all in
CONSENT BITEMAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through
CALENDAR O be approved. Item 3L was removed by Councilmember
Houser, Item 3P was removed by Councilmember Mann,
and Items 3R and 35 were removed y Council
Dowell . Woods seconded and the motion carried.
Item 3Q was handled separately.
Approval of Minutes. Remove from the table and
approve the minutes of the May 2 meeting.
Approval of the minutes of the May 16 meeting.
SANITATION Water Main Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of
sale and warranty agreement for the continuous
operation and maintenance of approximately 247 feet
of water main extension constructed in the vicinity
of 102nd Ave. S.E. and S.E. 268th Street and release
of cash bond.
Bay Club Apartments. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale
and warranty agreement for continuous operation and
maintenance of approximately 1, 132 feet of water
main extension and 393 feet of sanitary sewer
extension constructed in the vicinity of 99th Ave.
south of the Bay Club Apartment project and release
of cash bond after expiration of the one year
maintenance period.
June 6, 1989
LID 327/328 Bus Pull Outs. AUTHORIZATION for the
Mayor to sign agreement with Metro to participate
Y g
in the cost of constructing bus pull outs in
conjunction with the City' s West Valley Highway
improvement project, as approved by the Public Works
Bids 1989 Asphalt Overlay. Bid opening was held May 31,
and two bids were received. The low bid was
submitted by M.A. Segale, Inc. in the amount of
$193 , 275. 80. The Public Works Director recommends
the low bid be accepted. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid
of $193 , 275. 80 from M.A. Segale be accepted for the
1989 Asphalt Overlay. Bateman seconded and
motion carried.
VACATION 3rd Avenue South. ADOPTION of Resolution 1206
setting July 5, 1989 for a public hearing on the
' on of 3rd Ave.
for vacation of a portion application P
Glacier Park. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2847 approving
the Glacier Park Street vacation of a portion of
80th Avenue South. The public hearing was concluded
on February 21st and the conditions have now been
CONTROL Master Signal Control Computer. As recommended by
the Public Works Committee, AUTHORIZATION to pay
$21, 730. 15 in settlement of a claim on the sales tax
issue for the Master Signal Control Computer Project
and for funds to come from the Street Operating
Budget with the understanding that it is highly
probable said budget may be overrun by that amount.
ANNEXATION Hehr Annexation Zoning No. AZ-89-1. This is the
ZONING first of two public hearings to consider the Hearing
Examiner' s recommendation of initial zoning of
R1-7 . 2 , single family residential for the Hehr
June 6, 1989
ANNEXATION Annexation area. The property is approximately 4 . 6
acres in size and is
located on the west side of
approximately 116th Ave. S.E. approx y 150 feet south of
S.E. 227th Place. The second hearing will be held
on July 18 , 1989 . Mayor Pro Tem White declared the
public hearing open. There were no comments from
the audience, and WOODS MOVED to continue the public
hearing to July 18 , 1989 . Mann seconded and the
motion carried.
Lot Line Adjustment. Ordinance 2849 has been
prepared amending the Kent City Code 12 . 04
(Subdivision Code) to incorporate administrative
procedure for lot line adjustment application
submittal and review, and to clarify the definition
of accumulative short subdivision.
It was determined that this issue had been approved
by the Planning Commission and that the Council had
approved it on November 15, 1988 and had ordered the
ordinance. At Mr. Morford' s request, the ordinance
was removed from the February 7 , 1989 Council
meeting agenda to allow time for Mr. Morford to
discuss his concerns with Mr. Satterstrom of the
Planning Department.
On April 4 , this item was referred to the Planning
Committee and the committee now recommends that the
ordinance be adopted.
Upon Dowell ' s question, Carol Proud of the Planning
rtment noted that administrative guid
elines were
needed for the application, submittal and review
processes. In response to Morford' s question about
a $25 fee, Proud explained that the Planning
Department did not charge but that a title company
charged a service fee of approximately $25 .
Upon questions from Biteman and Houser, Harris and
Proud explained that the lot line adjustment
June 6 , 1989
SUBDIVISION procedure had become complex and consistent
CODE procedure could be assured by having an ordinance to
cover it. It was determined that Larry Frazier of
Lot Line Master Builders had been consulted over the course
Adjustment of drafting this ordinance and that he had no
Ordinance problem with it. The City of Auburn has a similar
lot line adjustment ordinance in their code. WOODS
MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2849 and Mann seconded.
Morford objected, stating that the ordinance would
make the procedure rigid and difficult. He noted
that some title company fees were $350 and Proud
noted that transfer of title fees were $350 but the
service fee mentioned was only to verify title. She
noted that the form proposed would simplify the
process. Leona Orr noted that she had attended the
committee meeting and concluded that this procedure
could protect the small person. She pointed out
that Morford was the only one objecting.
Woods commended the staff for their work on this
project and noted to Morford that he had never been
denied access to speak at committee or council
meetings, whether or not items were listed on the
agenda. Houser suggested that a simple notarized
form might be used to establish ownership.
Mann concurred with Woods ' motion and comments and
suggested an amendment to guarantee that the fees
would not be up to $150 or more.
At Driscoll ' s suggestion, Mann changed the wording
to "should the fee be excessive, staff will bring
the ordinance back to the Council for
reconsideration" . This was accepted as a friendly
Houser' s motion to table failed for lack of a
second. Jim Orr stated that the City had an open
policy toward developers and that maybe it was time
to listen to staff. Biteman suggested that the
amendment did not change the requirement of
involving the title company and that he would prefer
June 6, 1989
SUBDIVISION a shorter form of the ordinance. Upon a show of
motion to ado
CODE hands, the m t Ordinance 2849 as amended p
carried with Woods, Johnson, Mann and White voting
Lot Line in favor and Dowell , Houser and Biteman voting
Adjustment against.
PRELIMINARY Eastwood Preliminary Subdivision No. SU-89-1. This
lic meeting will consider the Hearing Examiner' s
recommendation of conditional approval of a 21 lot
single family residential subdivision submitted by
W. F. Holmberg. The property is 4 . 36 acres in size
and is located at 100th Ave. S. E. and S .E. 244th St.
Mary Duty of the Planning Department noted that all
lots meet or exceed the 7200 square feet lot size.
WOODS MOVED to adopt the findings of the Hearing
Examiner and to concur with the Hearing Examiner' s
recommendation of approval of Eastwood Preliminary
Subdivision No. SU-89-1 with five conditions as
clarified. Dowell seconded and the motion carried.
EAST VALLEY East Valley Zoning Implementation No. CPZ-89-1.
IMPLEMENTATION White noted that this item has been removed from the
agenda by Planning Director Harris. Harris noted
that a quorum was not present at the last Planning
Commission meeting, so no action had been taken on
this item. The Commission, consisting of nine
members, requires five members for a quorum. This
has become difficult since at present two
commissioner seats are vacant. White asked that
City Administrator Chow check into the possibility
of modifying Planning Commission rules regarding
quorum. Upon Dowell ' s question, Driscoll pointed
out that the Planning Commission must make certain
findings of fact before the necessary resolution and
ordinance come to the Council .
COMMUNITY Sidewalk Development Proiect. ACCEPTANCE as
DEVELOPMENT complete of the Juarez Construction contract for the
Housing and Community Development sidewalk
improvement project and release of retainage after
receipt of release from the state.
June 6, 1989
WATER ASSOC. Regional Water Association. APPROVAL to prepare a
letter to the Regional Water Association naming the
Director of Public Works as the City' s
representative and the Operations Manager as his
alternate, as recommended by the Public Works
REFERENDUM Initiative and Referendum Powers. Ordinance 2848
adopting initiative and referendum powers for the
citizens of of the City of Kent has been prepared
and is presented for Council consideration. JOHNSON
MOVED TO ADOPT Ordinance 2848 . Houser seconded and
the motion carried.
Campbell Land Exchange - Ponssen House.
AUTHORIZATION for staff to pursue a land exchange
proposed by Larry Campbell, with conditions. Dowell
noted that his questions regarding this had been
answered at the Planning Committee meeting of this
date and MOVED to authorize staff to pursue a land
exchange proposed by Larry Campbell , with
conditions. Woods seconded. Dowell noted that
Council is not authorizing a purchase, but
recommending that discussions with Mr. Campbell be
pursued. Assistant City Administrator Hansen
clarified that should the land exchange occur, it
would have to be of equal value which would be
determined by two M.A. I . appraisals . He noted that
the City would select one of the appraisers, but
that the cost would be paid by Esquire Court Ltd.
He also stated that any and all other issues which
might arise will be worked out with the City
Attorney and any items not covered will come back to
Council . The motion carried.
FINANCE 1990 - 1994 Capital Improvement Program CIP . A
hearing has been scheduled for this meeting to
receive public input on the proposed CIP for
1990 - 1994 . It was noted that the City mailed out
June 6, 1989
FINANCE questionnaires in the utility bills and 644 were
returned. Departments submitted their capital
Capital improvements requests in priority order, totaling
Improvement over $48 million dollars over five years. The
Plan results of the questionnaire and the projects listed
were presented in a Council workshop on May 2nd.
The Council gave direction at the workshop with
their own questionnaire. The IBC reviewed the
priorities and funding resources to create the
balanced CIP presented tonight.
John Marchione of the Finance Department presented
the CIP, a copy of which was included in the agenda
packet. The material includes the results of the
citizen and the Council questionnaires, the
Councilmanic debt schedule, and the recommendation
of the CIP Balancing Committee, based upon the
Council priorities and target issues, the citizen
survey, the department head priorities and the
revenue dedicated for this purpose.
The public hearing was declared open and Dee Eklund
noted that the Chamber of Commerce continues to
support transportation issues as its number one
priority. Maureen McNamara stated that arterials
leading to residential areas should not be
considered extensions of freeways. Dowell noted
McNamara ' s concern especially regarding James Street
and noted that she was welcome to attend Public
Works Committee meetings. White noted that the
corridor project recommendation came after review by
the Green River Transportation Action Plan, that the
east/west traffic problem was critical and that the
City of Auburn was also involved. There were no
further comments from the audience, and JOHNSON
MOVED to close the hearing. Woods seconded and the
motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt the
1990 - 1994 CIP Plan as presented and Biteman
Dowell objected to the fact that the Parks
Department had no CIP fund allocation for 1990 and
pointed out that Kent Parks Department was rated the
June 6 , 1989
FINANCE best in the nation for a city this size. Upon his
question, Chow identified the members of the
Capital Internal Budget Committee and it was noted that the
Improvement same group comprised the CIP committee.
Dowell asked if the furniture allocation of $250 , 000
was time sensitive for 1990 . Hansen explained that
the furniture figure was conservative and covered
three departments - Public Works, Planning and Code
Enforcement. He further noted that these furniture
expenditures would come back to the Council after
having been to committee.
Hansen noted further that the committee had been
charged with addressing immediate needs first, and
pointed out that the City was carrying considerable
debt related to previous park projects. Marchione
noted that the proposed county open-space bond issue
includes $3 .7 million for Kent, and that Kent
supports the County' s acquisition of Clark Lake.
Woods also expressed concern about the lack of
allocation of funds for parks. She noted that parks
were especially needed on East Hill . Biteman
concurred that individual communities need to have
their park needs considered. White noted that the
Council was facing tough times and priorities had to
be set. WOODS MOVED to table the item for two weeks
and Dowell seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through June 7 , 1989 after auditing by the
Operations Committee at its meeting at 2 : 30 p.m. on
June 15 , 1989 .
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
5/12 79481 - 79483 $ 996 . 61
5/15 - 5/30 79884 - 79913 206 , 803 . 54
5/31/89 79914 - 80482 541 , 495 . 64
$749 295 . 79
June 6, 1989
FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll :
Date Check Numbers Amount
5/22/89 119366 - 120049 $211, 598 . 76
Printing Graphics Equipment. AUTHORIZATION to use
$55, 505 of Central Services fund balance of $107 , 479
to acquire a new press, plate maker and graphics
work station. These pieces of equipment will save
City expenditures in the long run by making printing
and graphics equipment more efficient, will allow
the City to do printing that is now done outside and
will allow each graphic artist her own machine,
eliminating unproductive time.
HOUSER MOVED that this item be referred to the
Operations Committee to be reconsidered June 30.
Johnson seconded. White noted for Dowell that the
department head has recommended this action. The
motion then carried. A letter from the Chamber of
Commerce relating to this subject has been filed.
Library Design. Approval has been requested of the
latest design/development plan for the new library
as recommended by the Operations Committee on May
15. Mann requested that more information be given.
Jim Hansen noted that Pat Shelby was the project
architect for Henry Klein Associates. Hansen
displayed the drawings showing elevations, parking
areas and traffic patterns as well as the inside
design. Hansen described the skylights and the
curved walls and a berm which will deflect the noise
from traffic and from the railroad. Bite-man
expressed concern that the parking for the library
might act as a barrier to parking for Kaibara Park.
Hansen noted that the landscape design would take
this into consideration. Dowell questioned the
severity of the spike-like look of the roof and Herb
Mutschler commented that the architect had noted
that this will be brought down some to relieve the
stark look.
June 6 , 1989
LIBRARY It was noted that the Kent Library Board and the
King County Library Board have already approved the
plans. Hansen explained that last December the
Council had approved plans very similar to these.
It was determined that the contract did not include
a model of the building. Upon questions about
parking, Hansen clarified that the municipal parking
lot was not a part of this project. The library
project provides for 124 parking stalls and this
will be carefully considered during the permit
process. MANN MOVED to approve the latest
design/development plans for the new library as
recommended by the Operations Committee on May 15
with special consideration of the concerns expressed
at this meeting. Biteman seconded and the motion
Drinking Driver Task Force. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of a
donation of $200 from the Kent Valley Youth Services
to the Task Force.
FIRE DEPT. Remodel of Station 71. Bids were received on
Bids Friday, June 2 . Chief Angelo stated that the two
bidders who bid low enough to be within the budget
with a reasonable contingency; are Logan
Construction of Kent and C.E. Skinner Construction.
He pointed out that Logan Construction may not
desire to enter into a contract, as he may have left
some items off his bid. He stated that the bid
should be awarded as soon as possible and asked that
it be awarded to the low bidder who is willing to
enter into a contract. He said that the other bids
were over the budget and noted that if Logan chooses
not to execute a contract, the bid bond situation
would be worked out with the Attorney. BITEMAN
MOVED for approval for the fire department to enter
into contractual agreement with the low bidder who
is willing to enter into a contract, as long as the
amount of the base bid does not exceed $737 , 684 . 13
which includes sales tax for the remodel/
construction of Station 71. Houser seconded and the
motion carried.
June 6, 1989
FIRE DEPT. North End Station. Biteman noted that the
dedication ceremony for the North End Fire Station
has been postponed because construction is not
complete. Angelo stated that it will be rescheduled
for mid-July.
West Hill Station. Biteman noted that citizens had
expressed some safety concerns at the ground
breaking for the West Hill Station. Angelo noted
that fencing curbing, and a built-in projection
screen were alternate bids to be considered later.
The Planning Department urges that the curbing be
added and the safety factor would indicate that the
fencing should be added to the project. These items
would cost an additional $19 , 614 . 75 including tax
and could be taken from the existing contingency,
depleting it by only 2%, leaving a 4% contingency.
BITEMAN MOVED to add Alternates #4 , 6, and 9 as
described above to the Kosmo contract, at a cost of
$19 , 614 . 75. Mann seconded and the motion carried.
City Art Plan. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1207
amending the guidelines for development and
implementation of the City Art Plan.
Special Populations Resource Center Kitchen
Renovation. Bids were opened on Friday, June 2 , for
work associated with the kitchen renovation at the
Special Populations Resource Center. Dowell noted
that the bids had come in over budget, and asked
that this item be pulled from the agenda to be
discussed at a later time. There were no objections
and it was so ordered.
Saturday Market Advisory Board. CONFIRMATION of the
Mayor' s appointment of Judie Sarff to the Saturday
Market Advisory Board replacing Janette Nuss. The
appointment will be effective immediately and
continue through October 1990 .
June 6, 1989
Library Board. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's
appointment of Ted Ripley to replace Morgan
Llewellyn. The appointment will become effective
immediately and will be continued until December 31,
1992 .
REPORTS Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Parks
Committee will meet at 3 : 30 p.m. on Wednesday, June
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9: 35 p.m.
Marie Jen: CMC
City Clerk