HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/21/1989 Kent, Washington March 21, 1989 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Dowell, Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods, Acting City Administrator Harris, City Attorney Driscoll, Acting Planning Director Satterstrom, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen, Assistant City Administrator Hansen and Personnel Director Webby. Approximately 45 people were at the meeting. PRESENTATIONS Chamber of Commerce Month. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring the month of March, 1989 as "Kent Chamber of Commerce Month" . He presented the proclamation to Past President Ron Ricketts. City of Ken t Profile. Ellen McDonald of the Kent presented the Ma Chamber of Commerce with Mayor wi a coy y p of the Kent Purchasing Profile and Traffic Computer Survey. She noted that this had been made possible by a local development matching fund grant from the State. She also noted that the City' s Economic Development Corporaton was one of the contributing matching funders, along with the Kent Downtown Association and the Valley Corridor Group. She noted that the three volume set includes a residential survey, a survey of business owners and managers, and a survey of employees. CONSENT WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through M CALENDAR be approved, Johnson seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 7 , 1989 meeting with the following addition: On page 4 , LID 330, prior to Johnson' s motion: "There were no further comments and Biteman moved to close the hearing. Mann se conded and the motion carried. 1 March 21, 1989 CITY CityAdministrator. Mayor Kelleher introduced his ADMINISTRATOR choice for City Administrator, Ed Chow, noting that he has extensive qualifications and will make a fine Administrator. JOHNSON MOVED for the confirmation of Ed Chow as City Administrator. Biteman seconded. WHITE MOVED to amend the motion to continue this item for two weeks, to April 4 , pending a public hearing on the matter. Dowell seconded. White noted that he thought this action would clear the air for Mr. Chow. Biteman noted that the Council has already received a good deal of background information. Johnson stated that public hearings had not been held when selecting previous City Administrators, and that the Council 's role is to confirm or not confirm the selection. White noted that there is no Council procedure for confirmation and that is what he would like to clarify. Dowell pointed out that the Mayor is the top administrator and has the responsibility e authorityand to choose people with whom he can work, and that his impressions of Mr. Chow are positive. Johnson pointed out that Washington State law states that the Mayor will hire the City Administrator, subject to confirmation by the Council . White' s proposed amendment failed with only White voting in favor. The motion to confirm Mr. Ed Chow as City Administrator then carried unanimously. HEALTH AND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) SANITATION Green River Corporat e Park - CPI No. 120. ACCEPTANCE of bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance for c approximately construction of a roximatel 1, 350 feet of water main in the vicinity of 72nd Ave. S. and S. 204th St. for the Green River Corporate Park project and release of the cash bond. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) Green River Corporate Park - CPI No. 102. ACCEPTANCE of bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance for construction of approximately 2 , 043 feet of water 2 i March 21, 1989 HEALTH AND main in the vicinity of 70th Ave. S. and 200th and Corporate Paproject Green River Cor SANITATION St. for the P release of the cash bond. STREETS CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) LID 327/328 Agreement with Metro. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an agreement with METRO for their ullouts in participation ation in the cons truction of bus p conjunction with the City' s West Valley Highway improvements projects, as approved by the Public heir meeting Works Committee at t g of March 17 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I) LID 327 Embankment and Fill. ACCEPT as complete the contract with City Transfer for the LID 327 of retaina e t and Fill Project and release g Embankment J after receipt of rel eases from the State. Bids LID 327 West Valley Highway Improvements. Bid opening nin was February 24 , 1989 with 11 bids received. P g The low bid was submitted by Gary Merlino Cons truction in the amount of $3 , 117 ,788 . 32 . The bids ha ve been reviewed and the Director of Publ ic Works recommends that the low bid be accepted. JOHNSON SO MOVED. Woods seconded and the motion carried. LID 327 LID 327 West Valley Highway Improvements. This date has been set for the hearing on confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 327 for West Valley Highway Improvements. The City Clerk has given the proper legal notification to the property owners. Wickstrom noted that upon notification f rom the State Department of Transportation that this street was to be overlayed, meetings were held with the property owners resulting in this LID project. ' The state has delayed their paving project to allow time for the City's project. Wickstrom described the project 7 o 'ect in detail, and a complete copy of his report was distributed with the agenda packet and has been filed for the record. 3 March 21, 1989 His description noted that : STREETS The project includes additional paving width to accommodate more lanes, overlay of the existing pavement, drainage, curb and gutter, LID 327 sidewalk, street trees, landscaping of the U-turn route island areas, illumination, signal improvements; some undergrounding of electrical facilities and utility extensions, and relocations. Wickstrom pointed out that a similar improvement, under LID 328 will continue this project from S . 212th to S. 189th. The costs and funding sources were described as follows: Source Item Funded Total Currently Budgeted: T.I.B. Grant Street Widening $ 810,000 D.O.T. Agreement Asphalt Overlay 409,500 Water Utility (88CIP) Watermain Rebuild 47,000 Drainage Utility (88CIP) Storm sewer Rebuild 35,000 City Funds (89CIP) Bus Pullouts 60,000 Metro & State Bus Pullouts 78,000 City Funds (3147) James St. Intersection Imp. 340,000 City Funds (3121) Meeker St. Radii 50,000 City Funds (3121) W.V.H. Buttoning 60,000 Valley Detention (4436) Box Culvert 148,000 City Funds (89 CIP) Meeker St. Radii 50,000 Proposed to be Budgeted: Water Utility Watermain Rebuild and 62,000 Relocation Total Agency Funds: $2, 149,500 City of Kent Total: 852,000 LID Funds Required (Balance of Cost) : $2,584,248.36 LID Reduction from Preliminary Roll: 28% Wickstrom further explained the four categories used for the method of assessments and pointed out that the payment would be over a 20 year period. Mayor Kelleher noted a letter from Jack Keck, owner of a senior mobile home park within the LID. He 4 March 21, 1989 STREETS pointed out the state law providing for deferrment LID 327 of taxes for farmlands and asked if there was any provision whereby the Council could provide exemption for such use. Wickstrom noted that there was no such law for mobile home parks. It was determined for White that the LID improvements should increase the value of the property. Wickstrom explained that when the benefit to the property was questioned, his department prepared a report for the Council. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Robert Hines of Bogle & Gates, attorney for WCI Realty Corporation, noted that he had, tonight, filed a written objection to the assessment. He stated that the property would not be benefitted by the improvements and introduced John Boucher, appraiser. Mr. Boucher noted that he had appraised the property in June, 1987 ; and that the figures were the same at this time. A copy of his appraisal was submitted with Mr. Hines ' letter. MANN MOVED to make both a part of the record, Biteman seconded and the motion carried. Mel Kleweno, attorney for Jack Keck, owner of parcel No. 63 , the Circle K Mobile Home Park, noted that he had submitted a letter of protest, along with an appraisal of the property made by Charles Mattaini. Both conclude tht the property would not be benefitted by the LID and both have been filed for the record. Kleweno also noted that Mattaini was out of town and asked to have the hearing continued to April 4, or possibly to April 18, so that he could attend. It was pointed out that the Staff recommendation is to continue the hearing to the April 4 meeting. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Houser seconded and the motion carried. LID 330 Formation of LID 330 - 64th Avenue Street Improvements. It was noted that the public hearing on formation of this LID was held on March 7 , 1989 and that the hearing was concluded and closed. The 5 March 21, 1989 STREETS Council directed that the ordinance be presented LID 330 tonight along with the mitigating measures associated with the impacts of this project on the lagoon. Fred Satterstrom of the Planning Department noted that SEPA compliance is required and urged the Council to delay forming this LID until a threshold determination has been made. He clarified this as a decision as to whether or not an environmental impact statement will be necessary. Woods moved to delay action on the formation of LID 330 until SEPA compliance is completed. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. Soils Soils Conservation Service. Mayor Kelleher noted Conservation that he had received a request from the Soils Service Conservation Service Advisory Committee, a group charged with the task of monitoring development adjacent to unique and fragile areas, such as the City' s lagoon. At the request of the committee, he has elevated the group's status from committee to executive task force. He pointed out that committees may make recommendations to City Council and a task force has the authority to direct staff. The new Soils Conservation Service Task Force has asked that monitoring the protection of water quality along streams and creeks identified in the City's water quality program be added to their tasks. Solid Waste Solid Waste Task Force. Mayor Kelleher noted that Task Force the Solid Waste Task Force was established to close the landfill and to gain access to Cedar Hills. Both have been accomplished and inasmuch as the Council no longer considers solid waste a Target Issue, he is considering changing the status of this group to executive committee. 6 i March 21, 1989 TRAFFIC CONTROL Canyon Drive Improvements. JOHNSON MOVED for authorization to establish a budget to transfer $5, 000 to the Canyon Drive project to reinstall the pylons as a temporary left-turn restriction measure, and authorization for the Public Works Department to apply for FAUS funding and to establish a budget for same for Canyon Drive improvement project. Biteman seconded. Upon White' s question, Johnson noted that the Public Works Committee recommended including Jersey barriers as part of the 1990 budget. The motion carried. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) Harris Rezone Ordinance. APPROVAL of Ordinance 2840 rezoning the Harris property from MHP, Mobile Home Park, to GC, General Commercial. Council conditionally approved this on February 7 , 1989 . The applicant has now fulfilled the conditions. HOUSING AND Special Populations Resource Center Kitchen COMMUNITY Rehabilitation. It is necessary to make a revision DEVELOPMENT to the City's adopted 1988 and 1989 Community Development Block Grant Programs. The change will reallocate money from three 1989 Parks Department projects to the Special Populations Resource Center Kitchen Rehabilitation 1988 Project. Upon White' s question, Lin Ball explained that these are not additional funds, that they are simply reallocating funds within the block grant program. DOWELL MOVED that $10, 000 from the Kaibara Park Phase III Project (No. C89073) , $6, 640 from the Special Populations Resource Center Handicap Access Project (No. C89123) , and any unexpended funds from the North Park Tot Lot Project (No. C89070) be reallocated to the 1988 Special Populations Resource Kitchen Rehabilitation Project (No. C88123) . White seconded and the motion carried. HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Roundtable. The City Council needs to take action on whether or not the City of Kent desires to continue as a member of the Human Services Roundtable and determine what level of funding support it will commit to as a member. MANN 7 March 21, 1989 HUMAN SERVICES MOVED that the City of Kent continue as a member of the Human Services Roundtable through December, 1989, and commit to contributing its share of funding at a maximum level of approximately 4 percent of the total adopted Roundtable budget for the remainder of 1989 . The City's contribution is not to exceed $13 ,400. Woods seconded. Satterstrom noted for Biteman that the current contribution to the Roundtable is $6, 000. Lin Ball of the Planning Department noted that the one-year planning project to identify human services needs has been completed, and an action agenda has been developed to address the problems. She noted that the $13, 400 figure is the maximum, depending on the action agenda adopted by the Roundtable on March 29. She pointed out that Councilmember Mann will be attending that meeting and is looking for direction from the Council on whether the City will continue as a member and the level of the City's support. She also noted that the Planning Committee today recommended adoption of the Human Services Commission recommendation. The motion then carried. Mayor Kelleher commended Councilmember Mann on the excellent job he has done representing the City on the Roundtable. SOLID WASTE Extra Garbage Pick-up. Acting City Administrator Harris noted that upon the direction of the Council, Garbage he and City Attorney Driscoll had met with garbage haulers in Kent to discuss spring clean-up. Ordinance 2841, amending Chapter 7 . 8 of the City Code has been prepared relating to the collection of extra garbage, trash and yard clippings. Driscoll explained that the current ordinance provides that garbage collectors must provide fall and spring clean-up and collection of city trash free of charge to the city and the citizens. She noted that the matter of dispute is the authority of the city to require this as opposed to what the WUTC allows licensed haulers to do. She said the ordinance presented tonight recognizes this dispute and that there is legislation pending on the matter. She proposed that the collection fees for Spring of 1989 be at the rates established by the WUTC, and be paid 8 March 21, 1989 SOLID WASTE for by the city, pending resolution of the dispute. Garbage Biteman suggested that Section 5 be changed as underlined 5. This subsection shall not apply to the residential cleanup of garbage for the spring and fall of 1989 or the pickup of City garbage for 1989. For such cleanup, the City shall pay to the garbage and refuse collection company or companies authorized to operate residential collection by the Utilities and Transportation Commission the rates established by the Commission for such cleanup. Driscoll did not favor Biteman's further suggestion to make provision for keeping the funds in escrow until a decision is made by the WUTC, noting that the City reserves the right to determine on how to proceed in this dispute. It was pointed out that Section 1 on page 2 should also be changed to reflect the added language in Section 5. BITEMAN MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2841 with the changes as noted. Houser seconced and the motion carried. OUT OF STATE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) TRAVEL Out of State Trip. AUTHORIZATION for an Engineering Department employee to attend the Delta Systems users conference in Fort Collins, Colorado. Wickstrom noted that funds have been included in the approved Public Works 1989 project fund, as approved by the Public Works Committee at their meeting of March 17, 1989 . POLICE DEPT. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) Jail Health Services. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the contract with King County for jail health services. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the contract for this budget expenditure. 9 March 21 1989 PUBLIC SAFETY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) East Hill Site. ACCEPTANCE of the land preparation phase of the East Hill Project (Police/Fire Training Center and Fire Station) as complete and release retainage upon receipt of appropriate documentation. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) Riverbend Golf Course. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1197 , as corrected by the City Attorney, allowing the Parks Department to lease thirty (30) golf carts from Yamaha Service Equipment to be used at the Riverbend Golf Course opening on July 12, 1989 . ANIMAL CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Animal Control Services. AUTHORIZATION to extend the interlocal agreement with King County for animal control services, as approved by the Operations Committee at its March 15 meeting. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills received through March 23 , 1989 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 2 : 00 p.m. on March 31, 1989 . Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 2/27/89 - 2/28/89 77078 - 77087 $ 56,590.06 2/28/89 - 3/10/89 77434-77457 211,451.68 3/15/89 77468-77880 456,533.26 $724,575.00 Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 3/03/89 116148 - 116783 $678,838.92 10 i March 21, 1989 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) Credit Card for Travel Expense Expenditures. AUTHORIZATION to use credit cards for official City travel and subsistence expenses and for the Ma yor to Ma y ' s bank. The City with the Cit sign a contract Y Attorney has reviewed the contract. REPORTS Council President. White noted that he and Councilmember Johnson had spent the previous weekend in Washington D.C. at the National League of Cities Congressional Caucus, where he had attended a Steering Committee meeting on Transportation and e Communications. He stated that they had met with Senator Adams, Senator Gorton, Representative McDermott and Representative Chandler regarding funding for transportation and how to get Federal tax dollars channeled back to states, counties and cities. Public Works Committee. Johnson pointed out that the Public Works Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 28 , at 4 : 00 p.m. in the Engineering Conference Room. He also reported on the trip to Washington D.C. , noting that some items he had discussed with our representatives included opposition to the Federal fuel tax, support to continuing Block Grant funding, support for allowing taxpayers to deduct local sales tax and support for making railroads responsible for improving the crossings. He also noted that several topics had been discussed with the Corps of Engineers. Public Safety Committee. Biteman noted that from now on the Public Safety Committee will meet on the 1st and 15th following the Operations Committee. EXECUTIVE At 8 : 25 p.m. , Mayor Kelleher stated that, at the SESSION request of Councilmember Biteman, there would be an executive session of approximately fifteen minutes regarding a personnel matter. ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened at 8 :45 p .m. and then adjourned . Mari e J s C MC City Cle 11