HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/05/1988 i Kent, Washington July 5, 1988 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Dowell , Houser, Johnson, Mann, White and Woods , City Administrator McFall, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Manager Hansen, an d Public Works Di rector Wickstrom. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo and Personnel Director Webby. Finance Director McCarthy was not in attendance. Approximately 30 people were at the meeting. PRESENTATION Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher intro- duced Carmen Carlson who has been selected as the July Employee of the Month for the City of Kent. He noted that Carmen works as a custodian in the Building Maintenance Division and commended her for her loyalty and dedication to her job. PROCLAMATIONS NHRA Seafair Nationals Week. Mayor Kelleher read a proclamation declaring the first week in August, 1988 as NHRA Seafair Nationals Week in the City of Kent. Gene Bergstrom thanked the Mayor for the proclamation and extended an invitation to him to be part of the ceremonies at SIR. CONSENT CALENDAR BITEMAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through P be approved, with the exception of Item C which was removed by Councilmember Houser and Item I which was removed by City Administrator McFall. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 21 , 1988. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) SANITATION Gettysburg Square. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 340 feet of pave- ment widening and 300 feet of new street construc- tion, constructed in the vicinity of Meeker Street and Washington Avenue and release of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3N) LID 297 - Assessment No. 3. ADOPTION of Resolution 1173 segregating Assessment No. 3 on LID 297 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 30) LID 297 - Assessment No. 18. ADOPTION of Resolution 1174 segregating Assessment No. 18 on LID 297. - 1 - July 5, 1988 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3P) _Hytek Finishing Temporary Street Use Permit. ADOPTION of Resolution 1175 authorizing the Public Works Director to allow temporary parking in no- parking areas on S. 200th Street from 80th Avenue South to 84th Avenue Sou th and on 81st Avenue South from S. 200th Street to S. 196th Street, subject to the terms and conditions established by the Publi c Works Director. PUBLIC WORKS CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) Tanks. ACCEPT as complete the FUEL TANKS Publ ic Works Fuel Tan contract with Gaston Brothers for the Public Works Underground Fuel Tank project for the final con- tract price of $75, 129. 50 and release of the retain- age after receipt of the necessary releases from the State. TRANSPORTATION PLAN (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. AUTHOR- IZATION to establish July 19 as the date for a public hearing on the annual update of Kent ' s Six- Year Transportation Im rovemen t Plan. P SURPLUS PROPERTY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) Surplus Property North of S. 244th Street. ADOPTION of Resolution 1171 setting a public hearing date for July 19 and declaring city utility property in the vicinity of north of 244th Street, between 94th and Summit Avenue, located in Kent, to be surplus to the City s needs and not required for continued public utility services. GREEN RIVER LEVEE Green River Levee Improvement - S. 212th Street Bridge. Bid opening was held June 27 with three bids received. The low bid was submitted by R. W. Scott Construction in the amount of $289 , 431 . 80. It is recommended that this bid be accepted. It is also recommended that $150 , 000 be transferred fr om the Green River Levee Improvement rovement - Meeker Street Project Fund to this project fund, as approved by the Public Works Committee. JOHNSON SO MOVED. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. INITIATIVE AND Leona Orr, 24909 114th Avenue S. E. , requested that REFERENDUM the Council approve the initiative and ref erendum process for the residents of Kent. JOHNSON MOVED that this matter be referred to the Operations Com- mittee as well as a Council workshop for further discussion. White seconded. Biteman reminded the Councilmembers that this item had been covered extensively two years ago, including research from - 2 - July 5, 1988 INITIATIVE AND other cities. The Mayor noted that City government REFERENDUM belongs to the citizens of Kent, and that this is an appropriate item for the Council to consider. The motion carried unanimously. SALTAIR HILLS Saltair Hills Petition for Deannexation. On May , Y DEANNEXATION 26 1988 the City of Kent received a petition for deannexation from the Saltair Hil ls area Kent Des-Moines Road to S. 252nd Street on the west side of Pacific Highway South) . Woods noted that the Planning Committee heard the issue and recom- mended denial. She MOVED to deny the Saltair Hills petition for d.eannexation. White seconded and the motion carried. ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) ' f mil DensityReduction. ADOPTION of 20$ Multifamily AMENDMENT Y Ordinance 2788 reducing multifamily residential densities for lots of more than 15, 000 square feet in size. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) Update of Housing Element of Comprehensive Plan. ADOPTION of Resolution 1172 directing an update of the Housing Element of the City ' s Comprehensive Plan, including an area-by-area study of single- family and multifamily housing densities. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) HEARING EXAMINER Amendment to Ordinance 2233 - Hearing Examiner. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2789 enabling Hearing Exami- ner decisions including Findings and Conclusions to be sent to the applicant and other parties of record via first class mail rather than by certified mail. An affidavit of mailing would be filed attesting to the mailing. ANNEXATION Mortenson Annexation. This date has been set for the public meeting with the initiators of the pro- posed annexation of approximately 10 acres in the vicinity of South 218th Street and 98th Avenue S. The City Clerk has given the proper er legal al notice. There were no comments from the audience and JOHN SON MOVED that the Council concur with the proposed annexation and autho rize rize the circulation of the 75% petition subject to the existing bonded indebted- ness to the City and the land use plan for the annexation area. White seconded. Dowell noted that he would abstain due to a conflict of interest and appearance of fairness . The motion then carried with Dowell abstaining. 3 - July 5, 1988 ANNEXATION ZONING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I ) REMOVED BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR MCFALL LeBlanc Annexation. City Administrator McFall announced that he had received a letter on July 1 on behalf of the owner which raised legal questions regarding the proposed zoning ordinance. He requested that this item be continued for two weeks to allow time to review and research the issues raised. WOODS SO MOVED. Houser seconded and the motion carried. REZONE APPEAL Van Doren's Landing II Rezone Appeal. This date has been established as the hearing date to con- sider an appeal of the Hearing Examiner ' s denial of Van Doren s Landing — rez one No. RZ-88-2 . The request is to re zone 7 . 1 acres from M1 ( Industrial Park) to M1 -C ( Industrial Park, Commercial Suffix ) . The is located on the south side of South property 212th Street approximately 1200 feet west of West Valley Highway. Greg McCormick of the Planning Department noted that the West Valley Study was completed in 1986 and the Council adopted an ordinance which would allow for M1 -C zoning. This zoning would allow for commercial nodes at major intersections of West Valley Highway at 180th, 212th and 228th. Two requests for rezones to the M1 -C designation have been received. The Green River Square rezone was approved, consisting of 34 acres on the south- west corner of S. 212th and West Valley Highway for such purposes as hotel, restaurant, and auto- mobile service center. The public hearing was declared open by Mayor Kelleher. Ted Knapp of Union Pacific Realty Company referred to his letter of appeal which has been distributed to the Council and has been made a part of the record. He stated that the West Valley Study had suggested that retail uses be allowed and that the zoning code had then been amended to allow retail nodes on West Valley Highway at S. 180th, S. 212th, and S. 228th. The property proposed for rezone by Union Pacific Realty is 1200 feet west of the West Valley Highway and is outside the "C-circle" shown for the intersection. Knapp po inted out th at the "circles" were not intended to limit the boundaries for the "C" zoning and that the Hearing Examiner had confirmed this. Other developments have extended 4 - i July 5, 1988 REZONE APPEAL beyond the "circles" . He showed slides of the area containing existing development and various proposals which might be included in future develop- ment. He confirmed for Mann that Union Pacific was aware that the City' s lagoon was to be retained as a wildlife habitat and supported that concept. Knapp noted that the appeal is based upon errors in the interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan and pointed out that support services such as a hotel and restaurant were needed for the industrial area. He pointed out that parts of the node at S. 180th are in Tukwila and Renton, that three quad- rants of the S. 228thnode are already developed and that the r� largest est C node is at the S. 212th intersection. Knapp stated that the Green River Square project extended beyond the "circle" and that Union Pacific is asking for the same thing. He clarified for Mann that a letter of intent had been signed by a hotel. Carol Stoner stated that the Green River Study Group had been involved in preservation of wildlife areas since 1970 and wanted it made clear that the City' s lagoon would be so preserved. Chris Crumbaugh of Corporate Property Investors , owners of Green River Square, spoke in favor of the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation to deny the rezone, stating that the property was 1 /4 mile away " the commercial h C node and would spread from the P zoning along S. 212th. He opined that approval of the U P Realty proposal would require a change in the Comprehensive Plan. Knapp agreed with Stoner ' s concern about the lagoon and noted further that the proposed development would be 700 feet from the lagoon. In response to Crumbaugh ' s statement, he noted that U P had no intention of having strip commmercial zoning on S. 212th. JOHNSON MOVED to continue the hearing to the July 19 meeting to allow time to study the issues raised. Woods seconded. Dowell commented that the issue was whether the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation to deny was correct. The motion then carried. 5 - July 5 , 1988 FIRE DEPARTMENT North End Fire Station and Maintenance Facility. Nine bids were opened on June 30 at 5: 30 p.m. BITEMAN MOVED that the bid for the North Industrial Fire Station and Maintenance Center to include Alternates 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 in the amount of $1 , 644 , 298. 29 be awarded to Mar Jon Construction, and further that the Mayor be author- ized to sign the contractual agreement for construc- tion services. Chief Angelo noted that the bids were higher than expected, but that by strong manage- ment of the financial resources, the project could be brought in within budget and he therefore recom- mended approval. Houser seconded and the motion carried. PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) Workers Compensation Claims Administration. AUTHOR- IZATION for the Mayor to sign a Professional Ser- vices Agreement with Scott Wetzel Services, Inc. , for Workers Compensation Claims Administration. This is an annual review of our existing agreement. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) Interim Financing Authorization - Golf Course. Golf Course AUTHORIZATION to increase the interim financing loan from the City' s General Fund to the golf course. Original anticipation with the establish- ment of the loan amount to a maximum of $1 , 000, 000 was that the bonds would be sold early in 1988. Presently bonds are anticipated for sale in late July with the City receiving the proceeds in August. Interim financing is requested to be authorized to the maximum of bond authorization, approximately $5, 250, 000. The City is not anticipating using this maximum authorization but it is established so that reauthorization will not be needed. In this interim period the City is actually benefited by being able to finance interim construction at a lower short-term interest rate as opposed to the higher long term bond rate. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 7, 1988 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8 : 30 a.m. on July 15, 1988. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Cher-: Numbers AMOLlnt 6/9 - 6/15 F1111 - 617?"3 6/16 - 6/27 62030 - 62059 $ 167,6."3 .39 6/X< 61724 - 62029 i July 5, 1988 FINANCE Approval of checks issued for payroll: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/20/88 105564 - 106193 $ 632,671.27 RESIDENTIAL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) RECYCLING REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER HOUSER Rabanco Residential Recycling Contract. AUTHORI- ZATION has been requested for the Mayor to sign a contract with Rabanco dba Kent Disposal for resi- dential recycling services for a period not to exceed 18 months from the date of execution of the contract. Rabanco will provide residential recycl- ing services to all voluntarily participating single family households and multifamily households up to fourplexes. Service will be provided at no cost to the participant. Cost of the program will be paid by the City of Kent through its Environmental Mitigation Fund which is financed through utility taxes levied on garbage collection service. Houser noted that information had been received that the WUTC had issued a ruling regarding the franchises for garbage hauling within the City of Kent. She noted that there had not been time to study the ruling or to see what kind of impact it might have on the recycling clin contract. She MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract, sub- ject to review by the City Attorney and the City ator. Biteman seconded. Upon on questions,P McFall clarified that the cost of subsidizing this program would be more than $5 , 000 per month, esti- mated to be between $60 , 000 and $70 , 000 per year depending upon how many volunteers participate. There would not be a $1 . 00 credit on the monthly utility bill, but curbside pick up of recyclables will make it easy to participate. He pointed out that those customers who recycle might be able to take advantage of new WUTC rates for smaller garbage containers. He clarified that there would be no additional charge for the recycling container. A copy of the WUTC ruling has not yet been received by the City but the proposed judgement provides for splitting the city between the two garbage com- panies , however the contract under discussion is for recycling only. It is not known yet if the WUTC ruling will have any effect on the recycling contract, and therefore the authorization to sign has been made subject to approval of the Attorney and Administrator. 7 - July 5, 1988 RESIDENTIAL Biteman noted that he had been active in various RECYCLING recycling meetings and in view of the increase in solid waste, he could foresee that garbage would be separated before going to the dump. Dowell expressed concern about signing this contract with- out knowing the particulars of the WUTC ruling. McFall confirmed for White that the contract is for 18 months and that the City logo would not be used on the hauler ' s trucks. The hauler will apply to the WUTC as soon as possible to include the cost of a recycling program such as this in their rate structure. At such time as that is approved as a part of their rate structure, we would cease the subsidy and the cost would be bourne by all of the customers . It was further clarified that the City had received proposals for recycling from other haulers as well as from Rabanco. The motion then carried with Dowell voting against it. COUNCIL COMMITTEES Council President. White noted that he and several Councilmembers had attended the AWC Convention and that he had been elected to the Board of Directors and would be serving the western half of the State. Planning Committee. Jim Hansen, Planning Manager, stated that the Planning staff is comprising a work program on multifamily housing densities and would report on it at the next Council meeting. Parks Committee. McFall, noted that all are invited to attend the opening of Briscoe Park on July 14 at 12: 00 noon. EXECUTIVE SESSION McFall announced at 8: 25 p.m. that there would be an executive session of approximately 30 minutes to discuss pending litigation, a complaint against an employee and collective bargaining. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8: 50 p.m. and then adjourned. Marie Jensen, CMC f City Clerk - 8 -