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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/05/1988 Kent, Washington
April 5 , 1988
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00
p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Dowell,
Houser, Johnson, Mann and Woods, City Administrator McFall, City Attorney
Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and
Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen,
Fire Chief Angelo, Personnel Director Webby and Corrections Facility
Administrator Linville. Councilmember White was not in attendance.
Approximately 15 people were at the meeting.
PERSONNEL Corrections Officers. Corrections Facility Admini-
strator Linville introduced Al Williams and Dennis
Baumgardner who are new Corrections Officers.
Employee of the Month. Helen Wickstrom announced
that Lori Hogan, Superintendent of Recreation, has been
selected as the Employee of the Month for April.
She noted that Hogan has worked for the City in the
Parks Department in various capacities for the past
seventeen years.
PROC-LAMATIONS National Community Development Week. Mayor Kelleher
declared the week of April 2 through 9, 1988 as
National Community Development Week in the City of
Spring Rally Clean-Up Week. Mayor Kelleher read a proclama-
tion proclaiming the week of April 16 through 24,
1988 as "Getting Ready for Centennial ' 89 Spring
Rally Clean-Up Week" in the City of Kent.
CONSENT CALENDAR BITEMAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through Q
be approved, with the exception of Item G which was
removed by Councilmember Dowell, and Item O which
was removed by Councilmember Biteman. Johnson
seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of March 15 , 1988 and
approval of the minutes of the special meeting of
March 29, 1988.
SANITATION Kent Precision Grinding - Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE
j of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for con-
tinuous operation and maintenance for approximately
614 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in
the vicinity of 5836 So. 228th Street for Precision
Grinding and release of the cash bond.
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SANITATION Center ointe - Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE of the bill
of sale and warranty agreement for continuous opera-
tion and maintenance for approximately 60 feet of
water main extension, 45 feet of sanitary sewer
extension, 1220 feet of street improvements and
24 feet of storm drainage improvements constructed
in the vicinity of 72nd Avenue South and South 180th
for Centerpointe, and release of the cash bond after
expiration of the one year maintenance period.
Stonecreek Apartments - Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE
of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for con-
tinuous operation and maintenance for approximately
75 feet of water main extension and 92 feet of sani-
tary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of
S. 252nd Street and 100th S.E. and release of the
cash bond after expiration of the one year main-
tenance period.
Ahamay Estates - Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE of the
bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous
operation and maintenance for approximately 574 feet
of water main extension and 525 fet of sanitary
sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of S.E.
252nd Street and 119th Place S.E. for Ahamay Estates
and release of the cash bond after expiration of
the one year maintenance period.
KDA REQUEST Dee Eklund, President-Elect of the Chamber of Com-
FOR FUNDS merce, asked that the City support the Chamber' s
application for funds to the Washington State Local
Development Matching Fund Program, Department of
Community Development. The Chamber ' s proposal is in
conjunction with Kent Downtown Association, which
has committed $3 , 000 of the $20 , 800 project. $3, 000
has been requested from private business and $5 , 000
is requested from the City of Kent Economic Develop-
ment Corporation. It was determined that the Council
could not authorize expenditure of EDC funds, but
could make recommendations to the Board.
Dowell , a Board member of EDC, questioned a past
contribution to KDA and Burpee stated that the City
had appropriated $9, 500 and that the EDC contributed
$10 , 000. $7, 000 of the EDC funds had been used for
a shoppers survey, $500 financed a meeting in Wenat-
chee and the remaining $2, 500 was slated for a
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April 5, 1988
KDA REQUEST brochure on marketing for downtown Kent. HOUSER
FOR FUNDS MOVED for the City Council to endorse the grant
application of the Kent Chamber of Commerce for
funds to conduct market and transportation research
in Kent, and that the Chamber ' s request for $5, 000
from the City of Kent EDC as a portion of local matching
funds be referred to the Economic Development Corpor-
ation with a favorable recommendation in writing
for their consideration. Woods seconded and the
motion carried, with Dowell and Biteman abstaining
since they are EDC Board members.
Funds for Rail Study. ADOPTION of Resolution 1165,
appropriating $50 , 000 for a multi-jurisdictional study
of commuter rail transit in King County and author-
izing the Mayor to enter into negotiations with
other cities and the county for an interlocal agree-
ment to provide for such a study.
STREETS E. Smith St./E. Walnut St. Storm Drainage Improve-
ments. Bid opening was held March 21 with fifteen
bids received. The low bid was submitted by Site-
Con in the amount of $66 , 960 . 15. The Director of
Public Works recommends that the bid from Site-Con
be accepted. JOHNSON SO MOVED. Houser seconded
and the motion carried.
TRAFFIC CONTROL Fourth Avenue Traffic Signal Modifications. Bid
opening was held on March 31 with two bids received.
In accordance with the recommendation of the Public
Works Director, JOHNSON MOVED that the low bid of
U.D.L. , Inc. in the amount of $70, 314. 50 be accepted.
Woods seconded. Motion carried.
Police/Fire Training Center. ADOPTION of Resolution
1162 amending the Capital Improvement Program and
reserving $950, 000 of councilmanic debt capacity
for 1989 to complete the Police/Fire training center.
Surplus Property - Vicinity of 520 Scenic Way.
ADOPTION of Resolution 1163 setting the public
hearing date of April 19 , 1988, to consider the
declaration of certain property located at 520
Scenic Way as surplus .
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April 5, 1988
Surplus Property - Vicinity of 102nd Avenue S.E.
and S.E. 240th. AUTHORIZATION to declare as surplus
a parcel of 50 ' x 50 ' in the vicinity of 102nd
Avenue S.E. and S.E. 240th Street and to offer same
for sale at fair market value and to direct the
City Attorney to prepare the resolution setting the
public hearing date for May 3, 1988.
HOUSING AND 1989 Community Development Local Program Policies.
COMMUNITY This date has been set for a public hearing on the
DEVELOPMENT 1989 Community Development Local Program Policies .
It is necessary to readopt Kent ' s CDBG Program
Policies each year. A description of the local
strategies for the use of CDBG funds has been dis-
tributed and made a part of the record. The 1989
program policies are similar to the 1988 policy docu-
ment and the 1989 estimated funds for the City of
Kent are $165, 354. After adoption by the Council
the policies will be forwarded to the King County
Planning and Community Development Division and
incorporated into the 1989 King County Community
Development Block Grant Consortium Policy Plan.
The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher.
Dan Stroh of the Planning Department described the
proposed policies noting that due to the annexations
last year the amount of the funds estimated for
1989 has increased by approximately $5, 000. He
noted that in the Human Services category, additional
services have been added to the health care services.
He pointed out also an increased emphasis on the low
income areas. King County Rape Relief has stressed
need for low cost counselling services and the YWCA
has noted the continued need for emergency shelter
There were no comments from the audience and the
public hearing was closed. Woods noted that the
Human Services Committee and the Planning Committee
had reviewed the policies and had recommended approval.
She MOVED to approve the 1989 Community Development
Local Program Policies as recommended. Dowell
seconded and the motion carried.
1985 Community Development Block Grant Fund Transfer.
AUTHORIZATION to approve close out of 1985 Community
Development Block Grant Crime Prevention Program
and transfer the $2, 353 balance of remaining funds
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April 5 , 1988
HOUSING AND to the 1987 Housing Repair Program. This will
COMMUNITY bring both Crime Prevention and other housing repair
DEVELOPMENT activities under a single umbrella.
1989 Community Development Block Grant Funds. The
City Council needs to consider three actions in
order to receive 1989 CDBG block grant funds: ( 1 )
elect to receive "pass-through" funds, ( 2 ) allocate
15% of funds for public (human) services, ( 3 ) allo-
C4RRECTED - REFER TO cate 1 5% of planning and administration. Woods
noted that the Planning Committee had reviewed this
IN UTES OF $-3-98 matter and recommended approval. She then MOVED
to approve the three actions. Biteman seconded and
the motion carried.
CONDITIONAL Goodwin Professional Center No. CE-87-5 - Appeal.
USE APPEAL The applicant has requested that this hearing be
postponed to the April 19th meeting and the Council
1424 Investments Rezone (RZ-87-3) . ADOPTION of
Ordinance 2774 rezoning the 1424 Investment property
from MHP, mobile home park, to GC, general commercial.
The conditions imposed have been fulfilled.
United Truck Lines Rezone RZ-87-4. This date has
been established to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s
recommendation to deny the request by United Truck
Lines to rezone property from CM, commercial manu-
facturing, to M2 , limited industrial. The property
is located at 8801 South 218th Street. WOODS MOVED
to adopt the findings of the Hearing Examiner and
to concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation
of denial of RZ-87-4. Johnson seconded and the motion carried.
Trans-Canada Enterprises Property Rezone (RZ-81 -2) .
ADOPTION of Ordinance 2775 rezoning the certain pro-
perty of the Trans-Canada Enterprises from RA,
residential agricultural to MR-M, medium density
multifamily residential . The conditions imposed
have been fulfilled.
Upon Dowell ' s question Harris displayed a map of
the area. He noted that in 1981 the Council had
approved the rezone of this 8. 5 acre parcel from RA
to MRM, with certain conditions which have now been
fulfilled. He noted that under this zoning, between
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April 5, 1988
HOUSING AND 400 and 500 units would be permitted for the entire
COMMUNITY development, with four acres reserved for open space,
DEVELOPMENT and parking and access to the river provided to the
public. The new development standards would apply
for property located next to single family zoning
and he pointed out that since much of the property
is situated near the river, ample setbacks are
Dowell noted that he hoped that the p9p gn Standards
would be ample to ensure a quality development as
this is the entryway to the city.
Carolyn Wagemans noted from the audience that this
unique parcel, almost entirely surrounded by the
river, should be left in open space or developed as
a park. Woods pointed out that when this rezone
was approved in 1981 , the adjacent property, also
a part of this development, was already zoned MRM.
She noted that the cost of acquiring multi-zoned
property was prohibitive. Dowell pointed out that
the City had just purchased park property at Lake
Fenwick. DOWELL THEN MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2775
approving the rezone. Biteman seconded and the
motion carried.
Washington Cities Insurance Authority Interlocal
Agreement Amendment. ADOPTION of Resolution 1164
which amends certain portions of the interlocal
agreement creating the Washington Cities Insurance
Interlocal Agreement with King County for Animal
Control. AUTHORIZATION to renew the interlocal
agreement with King County for animal control from
April 1988 to April 1989 . There are no changes in
the agreement.
Golf Course Financing. AUTHORIZATION to establish
a golf course construction fund budget and to trans-
fer $50 , 000 budgeted for Mill Creek Trail and $250, 000
budgeted for Kent Commons parking into the River-
front acquisition account to ba used for golf course
land acquisition. The golf course budget will pro-
vide $5, 250 , 220 for land, building, improvements and
equipment. These improvements will be paid for with
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April 5, 1988
PARKS AND revenue bonds and the sale of approximately five
RECREATION acres of property contiguous to the golf course
site. One parcel of property along Green River
will be paid for with the combined Riverfront acquis-
ition, Mill Creek Trail and Commons parking funds.
Biteman asked about the bridge cost and location.
Helen Wickstrom and Leroy Charff, the architect,
explained that the proposed bridge would cost $205, 000
including site development, plus $30, 000 for the
guard rails, that it would accomodate golfers with
carts, joggers and bikes, which the existing pedes-
trian bridge would not. Charff noted that it was
not feasible to place the bridge closer to Frager
Road under the State regulations and due to the
alignment of Frager Road. It was noted that the
Parks Committee and Operations Committee had recom-
mended that this item be approved. HOUSER MOVED
to approve the financing as presented. Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
Riverbend Golf Course Well Drilling Project. ACCEPT-
ANCE of the well drilling project as complete and
release of retainage to Hokkaido Drilling and
Developing Corporation, upon receipt of State
releases . Project breakdown is as follows:
Base bid $23 , 905 .00
Change order *1 $ 8 , 504 . 50
Additional construction, $ 4 , 273 . 10
per contract
Subtotal $36 , 682 . 60
Sales tax $ 2 , 971. 29
Total $39 , 653 . 89
Riverbend Golf Course Support Structures. Six bids
were received for Riverbend Golf Course support
structures. After combining the base bid with
several alternates , Pease Construction of Tacoma
was the low bidder. DOWELL MOVED to award the
Riverbend Golf Course Support Structures contract
to Pease Construction in the amount of $1 , 600, 450
(plus Washington State sales tax) . Houser seconded
and the motion carried.
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April 5 , 1988
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through April 7, 1988 after auditing by the
Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m.
on April 15, 1988.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
2/25 - 2/29 58373-58379
2/29 - 3/14 58864-58886 $ 155,914.89
3/15 58889-59365 927,573.49
Approval of checks issued for payroll:
Date Check Numbers Amount
3/20/88 101916-102519 $ 594,638.07
REPORTS Council President. McFall noted that White had
advised there will be no workshop on April 12 , but
that there probably will be one on April 26 to meet
with Lyle Sumak.
Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Committee
had met on March 30th and a procedure had been recom-
mended for the election of the Senior Advisory Coun-
cil . Mayor Kelleher commended all on the ability
to reach a compromise.
EXECUTIVE At 7 : 45 p.m. , McFall requested an executive session
SESSION of approximately 15 mnutes to discuss performance
of an employee and labor negotiations.
ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8: 05 p.m. and then
Marie Jense , CMC
City Clerk
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