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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/03/1987 Kent, Washington November 3, 1987 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell, Houser, Johnson, White and Woods, City Administrator McFall, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen, Fire Chief Angelo, Personnel Director Webby, Parks Director Wilson and Information Services Director Spang. Approximately 130 people were at the meeting. PROCLAMATION American Education Week. Mayor Kelleher read a pro- clamation declaring November 15 - 21 , 1987 as "Amer- ican Education Week" in the City of Kent. PRESENTATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced that Maureen Roginski has been selected as Employee of the Month for November. He noted that Ms. Roginski works as a computer operator for the Information Services Department and has been with the City for over 17 years. She was commended for her depend- ability and positive attitude, and was presented with the Employee of the Month plaque. Canterbury Faire. John D'Amore noted that the Cham- ber of Commerce Foundation had been formed in Octo- ber of 1986 to accept tax deductible donations and distribute them in the Kent area for education and the arts. He noted that the recent Canterbury Faire had showcased Kent in a very positive way and com- mended Patrice Thorell and her staff for their work in making the Faire a great success. A check in the amount of $12 , 428. 57 was then presented to the Canterbury Faire fund from the Chamber of Commerce Foundation. CONSENT CALENDAR WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through M be approved, with the exception of Item L which was removed by Councilmember Bailey and Item M which was removed by Councilmember Dowell. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 20, 1987. November 3, 1987 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I ) West Valley Highway Watermain Improvements. ACCEPT as complete the contract of Robison Construction for construction of the West Valley Highway Watermain Project and release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary releases from the state. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) Orillia Road Improvements. ACCEPT as complete the contract of Scoccolo Construction for construction of the Orillia Road Improvement Project, release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary releases from the state, and authorization to transfer $45 , 750 from the unencumbered sewerage utility funds to this project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) Reith Road Improvements. ACCEPT as complete the contract of R. W. Scott Construction for construction of the Reith Road Improvement Project and release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary releases from the state. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) LID 321 - 104th Avenue S.E. Improvements. AUTHOR- IZATION to set December 1 , 1987 as the date for a public hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 321 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) Reopening of Russell Road - Meeker to James. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2752 authorizing the temporary reopen- ing of Russell Road from Meeker to James during the construction of LID 320 , as recommended by the Parks Committee. LID 327 - West Valley Highway (S. 212th Street to W. James Street) . This date has been set for the public hearing on the formation of LID 327. Because the legal description published with the Resolution of Intent for this LID was incorrect, it is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that this hearing be cancelled and that the LID process be started over. JOHNSON MOVED that this evening ' s public hearing for LID 327 be cancelled, and that Resolution 1153 be adopted setting December 1 , 1987 as the hearing date on the formation of LID 327. Bailey seconded and the motion crried. 2 - November 3 , 1987 STREETS LID 320 - James Street Improvements. This date has been set for the public hearing on the final assess- ment roll for LID 320. The City Clerk has given the legal notice. Public Works Director proper Wickstrom described the project as improvements to James Street from Washington Avenue to near Russell Road. He noted that the total project cost is $1 , 012 , 448 . 58. Upon White ' s question, Wickstrom noted that there would be no sidewalks. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. There were no comments from the audience and BAILEY MOVED that the hearing be closed. Woods seconded. Motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance confirming the final assess- ment roll for LID 320. Bailey seconded and the i motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT Lavender Hills Preliminary Subdivision (SU-87-3) . This date has been set for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation of conditional approval of the preliminary subdivision for a 16-lot single family residential development. The site is located on the west side of 94th Avenue South, 650 feet north of James Street and Jim Hansen described the proposal . WOODS MOVED to adopt the findings of the Hearing Examiner and concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation of conditional approval . Biteman seconded and the motion carried. ANNEXATION ZONING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) APPEAL East Hill Community Well Annexation Area 2 Appeal. AUTHORIZATION to set December 15, 1987 for the public hearing to consider an appeal by Michael Bergstrom, Construction and Development Services Inc. , of the Hearing Examiner ' s recommended zoning for 25219 113th Avenue S.E. of the East Hill Annexation No. 2, Area C. ANNEXATION ZONING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) East Hill Community Well Annexation Area No. 2 Zoning_ AUTHORIZATION to set November 17, 1987 and January 5, 1988 for the public hearings on the Hear- ing Examiner ' s recommended zoning for the East Hill and B- and December 15, 1 Annexation No. 2 Well , ,Areas A 1987 and January 19, 1988 for the public hearings to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommended zoning for the East Hill Well Annexation No. 2, Area C. 3 - November 3 , 1987 ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) AMENDMENTS Zoning Code Amendment - Service Station Signage. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2750 amending Section 15. 06 . 050 of the Kent City Code relating to signage of service stations. The amendment was approved by Council on October 20 , 1987. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) Zoning Code Amendment - Exception for Senior Citizen Housing off-Street Parking Stall Requirements. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2751 amending Section 15. 05. 040 (a) of the Kent City Code establishing certain exceptions to off-street parking requirement for senior citizen housing, as approved by Council on October 20, 1987 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through November 5, 1987 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on November 16, 1987. Budget. The public hearing on the 1988 budget will be conducted at the regular Council meeting of November 17, 1987. SENIOR CENTER Discussion of concerns related to the operation of the Kent Senior Activities Center was added to the agenda by Councilmember Woods. She noted that she had received a petition containing 218 signatures requesting that the experienced, qualified personnel be retained at the Center and that the City resist the pressure brought by the "Kent Committee of 23" . The petition was filed for the record by motion. ( 20, 000 copies of an eight-page letter from the "Kent Committee of 23" were mailed to Kent residents, listing certain complaints and criticism of the operation of the Kent Senior Center. ) City Administrator McFall noted that discussions had been held this week concerning the operation of the Center and the manner of administering the Center. Staff is now in the process of meeting with seniors and all are anxious to make any improvements which may be necessary. Discussions will continue and will include Parks Director Wilson and the City Administrator. McFall noted that the facility was well run, and that he and the Council supported the 4 - November 3, 1987 SENIOR CENTER efforts of the Center ' s staff. He pointed out that the City was always open to suggestions for improve- ment. He stated that he did not think the City should consider turning this facility over to a volunteer staff, as had been suggested. He pointed out that it was recognized that the volunteers who assist the staff have an important role in the oper- ation of the facility, but that overseeing an oper- ation of this magnitude required a professional and experienced staff. Woods concurred and noted that programs at the Center could not exist without all of the volunteer assistance now provided by the seniors . Comments were received from the following citizens: Opal Lazzarini, Gene Butler, Beva Storm, Bill O' Brien, Darlene Jebeny, Jim Ferguson, Ruth Groner, Helen Kubera, Myrtle Osterhouse, Mark Davidson, Louisa Rodkamp, Mr. Bodie, Marion Martin, Mike Hamilton, Wally Hunter, Pat West, Claire Baldwin, Mr. Wilhite, Jack Keck, Kay Shrieve and Bill O'Rourke. Comments included praise for the professional, efficient and caring staff , statemen ts that the volunteers enjoyed working with the staff, but did not want the full responsibility of running the Center, expressions of appreciation of having young people on staff , appreciation of low priced meals which are free to any in need, variety of classes, trips and recrea- tion, and praise for the adult day care program. Tom Manning, who is not a senior citizen, said he attended tonight because of the letter from the "Kent Committee of 23" . He suggested that perhaps the staff should allow more control by the seniors. Gary Fultz stated that the Parks Department would work with those who had expressed dissatisfaction with the operation of the Center. Helen Johnston spoke in favor of turning the Center over to the seniors for operation, pointing out that they could use the part-time wages. She stated that the rules should be relaxed and commented that some did not have ample funds to participate in activities. She stated that some seniors who had complaints had been told that this matter would not be addressed tonight and had therefore not attended the meeting. Vern jJohnson stated that the seniors had the intelli- gence to organize the operation of the Center and did not have to be herded by young staff members . 5 - November 3, 1987 SENIOR CENTER It was suggested that complaints at the Center could be channeled through a committe. All who wished to speak were afforded that opportunity. Letters from Bernie Reichleis and from Nancy and Dale Armstrong were distributed to Council and have been filed for the record. CITY WELLNESS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) PROGRAM REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER BAILEY City Wellness Program. Authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with the Center for Health Promotion/Group Health Cooperative. The agreement will provide a comprehensive wellness program for City staff. Funds for the program will be provided from the City ' s medical trust. BAILEY MOVED that this item be deferred to the next regular Council meeting. Houser seconded and the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL Confirmation of Mayor' s Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointments to the Kent Arts Com- mission as follows: Reappointments - Don Campbell, Grace Hiranaka, Jamie Vickrey, Jeannine Dowell; New Appointments - JoAnn Brady, Tricia Everts. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Robert A. Jarvis to the Transportation Committee. Councilmember Dowell stated that since his wife was an appointee, he- would abstain from voting. BITEMAN MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointments as listed. Johnson seconded. Motion carried with Dowell abstaining. TRAFFIC CONTROL Carnaby Way. Mrs. Pasklewitz and Susan Thompson submitted a petition requesting a stop sign, speed humps or islands for the vicinity of Carnaby Way and S. 46th. Ms. Pasklewitz noted that after the speed humps were installed on S. 40th and 42nd, more cars were using Carnaby Way. Her 16-year-old son was struck by a speeding car, and the impact threw him through the windshield. She noted that a small child would have been killed. Chief Frederik- sen advised that he would assign a traffic patrol to the area and JOHNSON MOVED to accept the petition for the record and to refer the matter to the Public Works Committee on November 24. Houser seconded and the motion carried. 6 - i November 3, 1987 TRAFFIC CONTROL Parking for Handicapped. Mrs. Frank Novotny of 715 Tacoma Street noted that the City does not have parking stalls for the handicapped in the downtown ar ea. JOHNS ON MOVED to refer this matter to the Public Works Committee and noted that Ms . Novotny would be advised as to the date of the meeting. COUNCIL President's Report. Council President White dis- COMMITTEES tributed a report from the Mayor ' s Task Force on Transportation noting that the study has been com- pleted leted and has made the following recommendations: o Pursue joint agency agreements per financial participation and/or responsibility. o Pursue the development of a Transportation Benefit Districts (TBD) . o Support proposed legislation which would clear up the legality issues contained in the existing State law for TBDs. o Actively support a gas tax increase which financially aids this project. o Support the action of requiring L.I.D. participatory agreements or charges associated with new developments mitigating their traffic impacts on the system. White noted that the members of the task force will now direct their activities to lobbying for the required legislation to support the formation of Transportation Benefit Districts . He expressed appreciation to Elmira Forner and other members for the outstanding work on this committee. There were no objections, and the Mayor ordered that this report would be considered for formal approval at the next meeting, with the exception of the transportation mitigation agreements which are to be the subject of discussion before the Public Works Committee. Council Reimbursement & Travel Expenses Policy. White distributed a proposed resolution providing guidelines for payment of expenses for Councilmembers . He requested input from the Council and asked that action on this resolution be scheduled for the meet- ing of December 1 . There were no objections and the Mayor so ordered. Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the next Public Works Committee meeting would be held on November 10 at 3: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, at which time the subject of discussion will be traffic mitigation. 7 - November 3, 1987 COUNCIL Public Safety Committee. Houser noted that this COMMITTEES committee would meet on Tuesday, November 10 at 8: 00 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8: 50 p.m. , City Administrator McFall noted that the Council would meet in Executive Session for approximately 10 minutes to discuss a matter involy- ing litigation. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 9: 02 p.m. and then adjourned. Marie Jensdn,� CMC City Clerk - 8 -