HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/06/1987 Kent, Washington October 6 , 1987 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Bite- man, Dowell, Houser, Johnson, White and Woods, City Administrator McFall, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen. Approximately 20 people were at the meeting. PRESENTATIONS Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced that Tammy McQueeney of the Finance Department has been selected as the City ' s October Employee of the Month. He noted that Ms. McQueeney is the City ' s Utility Billing Specialist and is responsible for getting accurate bills to all utility customers. The Mayor commended her on her enthusiasm and helpfulness. CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through O be approved. Item P was removed by Councilmember White. Houser seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 15, 1987 with minor corrections on pages 6 and 7 . WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3N) 1985 Water Main Replacement/LID 316. ACCEPT as complete the contract with Robison Construc- tion for the 1985 Water Main Replacement/LID 316 project and release of the retainage after receipt of the required State releases. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) LID 320 - James Street Improvements. AUTHORI- ZATION to set November 3 1987 as the date for a public hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 320 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) LID 327 (West Valley Highway Improvements From S. 212th to West James Street) . ADOPTION of Resolution 1147 setting November 3, 1987 as the date for the public hearing on creation of LID 327 . - 1 - October 6, 1987 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) LID 324 72nd Avenue South Street Improvements. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2749 confirming the final assessment roll for LID 324 for the 72nd Avenue South street improvement. The public hearing was completed on September 15 , 1987 . STREET VACATIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I ) Northward Properties Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2748 vacating a portion of South 192nd Avenue as requested by Northward Properties. The public hearing was conducted on September 15, 1987 and all conditions for such vacation have been met. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) Casson Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Resolution 1149 setting the hearing date for November 17, 1987 on the Casson application for street vacation located at approximately South 212th and 77th Avenue South. Pacific Ventures Street Vacation. This date has been set by Resolution 1143 to consider a request by Pacific Ventures, Inc. to vacate a portion of S. 212th Street (approximately 510 feet east of East Valley Highway) . The staff recommends denial . Planning Director Harris stated that through an oversight, the appli- cant had not received a copy of the staff report until this evening and suggested there- fore that the hearing be continued until the October 20 meeting. Mr. Bowen, of the adja- cent Bowen Business Center, stated that the proposed vacation would damage access to his property. Mr. Harstad, engineer for the appli- cant, suggested that some of the problems might be resolved before the public hearing. Mayor Kelleher opened the public hearing and BAILEY j MOVED to continue the hearing to October 20 . Houser seconded and the motion carried. ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Multi-Family Development Standards. ADOPTION of Resolution 1148 directing the Planning Com- mission and Planning Department to review multi-family development standards. 2 - i October 6 , 1987 GREATER KENT STUDY Greater Kent Study - Policy Statements and Annexation Maps. At their April 14 and Septem- ber 8 workshops, the City Council reviewed the new annexation policies contained in the Greater Kent Study. The City Council Planning Com- mittee recommends that the policies outlined in Resolution 1150 be adopted, and that the City Council accept Annexation Alternative Map No. 2 as the ten-year plan and Alternative Map No. 3 as the twenty-year plan for defined impact areas, planning areas, municipal service areas and potential annexation areas. Bailey suggested that public service costs for annexations should be compared to the amount of money generated in taxes by annexed areas. Hansen noted that this is covered in the policy statements and a program would be formulated to use for annex- ations which would include fiscal impact. WHITE MOVED to adopt Resolution 1150 and to accept Annexation Alternative Maps No. 2 and 3 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT Sanctuary No. 3 Preliminary Subdivision (SU-87-2) . This date has been set for the public hearing to consider amending the Hearing Examiner ' s conditional approval of the Sanctuary No. 3 Preliminary Plat. The applicant requested that Condition No. 6 regarding sprinklers in buildings be amended. The Fire Department has proposed the following: CONDITION NO. 6: "Buildings shall be constructed with fire sprinklers and adequate water supply to service said sprinklers, or owner shall provide a fire hydrant capable of producing 1,000 gpm." FIRE DEPARTMENT'S RECOMMENDATION: "All buildings shall be sprinklered except those that: A. Are classified as M structures by the Uniform Building Code not containing area separation walls and, B. Are used solely for the benefit of the owners/residents of the property and, C. Are at least 50 feet from a building requiring sprinklers and 50 feet from a property line and, D. Are less than 2,000 square feet in floor area as defined by the Uniform Building Code. E. Any building which supports the fire sprinkler systems such as a pump- house, shall be sprinklered." - 3 - t October 6 , 1987 PRELIMINARY PLAT The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher. There were no comments and the hearing was closed by motion. WOODS MOVED to adopt the findings of the Hearing Examiner and concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation of conditional approval including amended Con- dition No. 6 as shown. bite seconded and the motion carried. REZONES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) Green River Square Rezone. ADOPTION of Ordi- nance 2747 approving the Green River Square Rezone as approved by the Council at its meeting on September 15 , 1987 . 1424 Investments Rezone No. RZ-87-3. At a September 2, 1987 public hearing, the City of Kent Hearing Examiner heard an application by Albert James to rezone 1 . 37 acres of property located at 2912 So. 240th Street from MHP, Mobile Home Park to GC, General Commercial. The Hearin Examiner recommends conditional following subject to theg conditions approval, subs report. in her re distributed P WOODS MOVED to adopt the findings of the Hearing Examiner and concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation of GC zoning with conditions and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the required ordinance. White seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) 990 988-1 H&CD Block Grant In terlocal Coop era- COMMUNITY 1 DEVELOPMENT tion Agreement (ICA) . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the amended 1988-1990 Interlocal in order to comply with Cooperation Agreement, new HUD standards. The original agreement was adopted by the Council in April of this year. 4 - i October 6 , 1987 HOUSING & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) COMMUNITY 1988 H&CD Block Grant Program. ADOPTION of the DEVELOPMENT revised 1988 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program m as reco mmended by the City Council ' s Planning Committee and described on the revised 1988 H&CD Block Grant Program Sum- mary. The 1988 H&CD Block Grant Program was adopted by the City Council on September 15, 1987 . One of the projects approved ( KIDS) has been withdrawn by the applicant. The 1988 ro ram has been revised to reallocate the program $3, 000 approved for the KIDS project to the Children' s Therapy Project. PUBLIC SAFETY Sale of Surplus Property Acquired for New West Hill Fire Station (Cambridge Site) . City Administrator McFall noted that approximately seven acres were acquired for the new West Hill Fire Station. As only three to five acres will be necessary for the construction of the new station, authorization is required to deter- mine the manner in which the excess property can best be marketed for residential develop- ment and to negotiate the sale of such excess property. Proceeds from the sale of the pro- perty erty shall be reinve sted in the Public Safety Bond Project fund . BAIL EY MOVED that the City Administrat or be directed to sell approximaely two acres of land (West Hill Fire at the northwest corner of the property acquired Station) by the City for the construction of the new West Hill Fire Station. The City Administrator her directed to determine is further how the property should be marketed in order to receive the - highest possible return to assure that thePro ert is developed as single family residential Y P neigh- borhood.housing compatible with the surrounding g borhood. The proceeds from the sale of this shall be reinvested in the Publi c property ' ect fund for use in developing Safety Bond Prod the projects identified in the bond issue. Dowell seconded and the motion carried. 5 - October 6 , 1987 POLICE Police Department Remodel. On September 25 , four bids were opened for the Police Department Remodel . Those bids were as follows : 1 . Davis & Son Construction - Seattle $65, 500. 00 $ 6, 000. 00 - Deductible Alternate 2. Alpine Builders - Tacoma $55, 442 . 00 $10 , 300. 00 - Deductible Alternate 3 . Armstrong/Gilthvedt - Kent $76 , 092 . 00 $ 5, 450. 00 - Deductible Alternate 4. Ferrell/Penning - Seattle $62 , 600. 00 $ 9, 400 . 00 - Deductible Alternate Upon a question, Chief Frederiksen noted that provision was made for deductible alternates so that if necessary, the project could be decreased in order to stay within the budget. HOUSER MOVED to award the bid to Alpine Con- tractors in the amount of $55, 442 , in accordance with staff and architect ' s recommendation. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) Drinking Driver Task Force. ACKNOWLEDGMENT of the following donations to the Drinking Driver Task Force design contest totaling $1 , 080 : Nor-Pac K & L Distributors , Inc. Stylemakers Town & Country Auto Sales City Beverages , Inc. Turf Club Barber Shop PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 30) Administrative Lieutenant. AUTHORIZATION for the Police Department to elevate the position of Research and Development Specialist from Police Officer to the rank of Lieutenant. This action would recognize the extra responsibilities assumed in management control of bond projects and of fer enhanced coordinat ion of staff effort. In addition, due to the complexities faced as a result of current and anticipated growth in the City of Kent, additional administrative assistance is necessary to coordinate the following functions within the Police Department: 6 - October 6 , 1987 PERSONNEL (a ) Recruitment of new employees (b) Training for three divisions (c ) Budgetary process (d) Continued research and development projects (e) Supervisory control and coordination of effort by administrative staff FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) Accounts Receivable Write-Off. APPROVAL to write off $14,793 . 05 in accounts receivable. These accounts represent miscellaneous receiv- ables, parking citations and one special assess- ment for $101 . 39. All these amounts are older than 12/31 /85 and the City has expended efforts to collect these amounts to the extent that it appears cost effective. The recommendation has also been reviewed by the City Attorney. (CONSENT CALENDAR 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 6, 1987 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on October 15, 1987. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3P) RECREATION REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE Acceptance of the Senior Activity Center as Complete. ACCEPTANCE of the contract work of Jones and Roberts for the Senior Activity Center as complete and release of the retainage upon receipt of the State and subcontractors releases. A one-year warranty starts upon the date of acceptance. White noted that he had no objection to accepting the building as com- plete as far as the contractor's services go, but that there was an acoustical problem in the dining room and the day care room. He then MOVED for the approval of Item 3P and further MOVED that the problem of the excess noise be discussed by the Parks Committee and suggested that the architect be involved. The City Admini- strator was asked to expedite solving the pro- blem. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. Woods noted that the Parks Committee would next meet on Tuesday, October 13th, at 4: 00 p.m. 7 October 6, 1987 RAILROAD James Schneider of 227 Kensington, complained WHISTLES that the whistles on the trains going through Kent were too loud. The Burlington Northern representative told Schneider that the whistles were required by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission regulations and that the railroad would be liable if there were no whistles and an accident occurred. Schneider stated that Jerry MacDonald of Burlington Northern had stated that the City was engaged in a study as to the City ' s liability, and the impact on the City if a limit were placed on the noise level of the whistles. City Attorney Driscoll noted that her ass istant had had con- versations on this subject, but that no study had been authorized. It was determined that Mr. Schneider was a newcomer to the city, and that perhaps long-time residents had become used to the whistles. BAILEY MOVED for the City Attorney ' s office to review the railroad ' s latitude with regard to whistles, to review also the question of liability, with a report to be made in mid-November to the Council and for Mr. Schneider to be advised. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. BOARD OF Review Committee. Mayor Kelleher noted that ADJUSTMENT about six months ago he had appointed a com- mittee consisting of Steve Dowell , Chairman, Beth Carroll, Walter Flue and Christi Houser, to review the functions of the Board of Adjust- ment. The recommendations of the committee were filed today, and Dowell invited questions or comments. He thanked the committee and the City Attorney and Planning staff for their assistance. The Planning Committee will now review the report. COUNCIL COMMITTEES President's Report. White noted that there will not be a workshop on October 13 . Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the Public Works Com mittee would meet on Tuesday, October 13 , at 4 : 15 p.m. in the Engineering Building. Planning and Parks Committee. Woods noted that the Parks Committee would meet on Tuesday, October 13 , at 4 : 00 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Conference Room. 8 - October 6 , 1987 COUNCIL COMMITTEES Public Safety Committee. Houser noted that the Public Safety Committee would meet at 7: 30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 13 . The Mayor announced that the City softball team had won the game with Valley Publishing, but that this had not been noted in the news- paper. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7 : 50 p.m. , at the request of City Admini- strator McFall, the Council adjourned to an executive session to discuss a matter concern- ing litigation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was reconvened at 8: 10 p.m. and then adjourned. Marie Je n, CMC City Clerk 9 -