HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/15/1987 I Kent, Washington September 15 , 1987 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell, Houser, White and Woods, City Administrator McFall, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Councilmember Johnson was not in attendance. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen and Personnel Director Webby. Approximately 30 people were at the meeting. EMPLOYEE OF THE Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced MONTH that Mike Sweeney of the Police Department has been chosen as the Employee of the Month for September. The Mayor noted that Sweeney was unable to attend the meeting tonight, and would receive the Employee of the Month plaque at a later date. PROCLAMATIONS Constitution Day. Mayor Kelleher read a proclama- tion declaring September 17 , 1987 , as 200th Anniversary of the U. S. Constitution Day in the City of Kent. POW/MIA Week. Mayor Kelleher read a proclamation declaring the week of September 13 - 18, 1987 , as POW/MIA Week in the City of Kent. CONSENT CALENDAR City Administrator McFall made a correction to Item 3E, Metro B & O tax refund. He noted that the amount should be $5 . 92 rather than $9. 30 . City Attorney Driscoll indicated that the public hearing for the S. 206th and 72nd Avenue S. street vacation, Item 30, should be set for October 20 , 1987 , rather than October 15 as printed in the agenda. Council- member Dowell asked that Item 31 be removed. BAILEY MOVED to approve consent Calendar Items A through O as amended, with the exception of Item 31 . White seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 1 , 1987 . STREET VACATIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 30 ) South 206th and 72nd South Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1146 setting the hearing date for October 20, 1987 , on the petition by the City of Kent for vacation of a portion of South 206th Street lying east of 72nd Avenue South and west of Puget Sound Power and Light Company right-of-way, necessary for the - 1 - September 15, 1987 STREET VACATIONS construction of the north end fire station. South 192nd Street Street Vacation (STV-87-3 ) . This date has been set by Resolution 1142 to con- sider a request by Northward Properties to vacate a portion of South 192nd Street between West Valley Highway and 72nd Avenue South. The staff recommends approval with conditions . Mayor Kelleher declared the public hearing open. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing. White seconded and the motion carried. BAILEY MOVED to approve vacation of South 192nd Street between West Valley Highway and 72nd Avenue South as requested by Northward Properties, with the conditions outlined in the staff report dated September 9, 1987 , and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance after the applicant has met the conditions. White seconded. Motion carried. STREETS LID 324 - 72nd Avenue Street Improvements. This date has been set for the public hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 324 . The City Clerk has given the proper notification to the property owners . Public Works Director Wickst m pointed out the area on the map and noted that the project is a minimal two lane roadway improve- ment with a storm drainage system and includes 22 ' road width, 6 ' graveled shoulders , storm drainage, signing, pavement markings and hydroseeding of unpaved areas. He noted that the roadway is approximately 1200 feet in length and connects 72nd Avenue S. between 182nd Avenue and previous cul de sac near the S. 186th block. Wickstrom noted that a major benefit is that the project would provide alternative access to the area . He stated that the final cost of the project is $184, 662 . 85 and described the method of assess- ment. White noted that a letter of protest had been received from Elisa Sagisi , regarding im- provements across the street from her property. Wickstrom explained that those improvements were a requirement of the development and were not a part of this LID. Mayor Kelleher declared the public hearing open. There were no comments from the audience. BAILEY MOVED that the hearing be closed. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. BAILEY MOVED to make Ms . Sagisi ' s letter a part of the record. White seconded. Motion carried. DOWELL MOVED that the Public Works Director ' s memorandum be made a part of the record and the - 2 - September 15, 1987 STREETS City Y Attorne be directed to prepare the ordi- nance confirming the final assessment roll for LID 324 . Bailey seconded. Motion carried. SEWER LID 322/323 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements. Bid opening was held on September 14 , 1987, with eight bids received. The Director of Public Works recommended that no action be taken at this time with respect to award of the contract for LID 322/323 and the Council concurred. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) Armstrong Springs Easement. AUTHORIZATION to grant a permanent sanitary sewer easement for Soos Creek Water and Sewer District over a portion of the southeast corner of the Armstrong Springs watershed propety, subject to receipt of fair market value therefore. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) NORTHWEST Northwest subsurface Warning System SUBSURFACE Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to WARNING sign the new agreement for our "one call" service, SYSTEM subject to both the Public Works Department and CONTRACT City Attorney review and concurrence. STORM DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) UTILITY Lower Garrison Creek. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $101, 045 from the unencumbered Sewerage Utility Funds to this project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. SOLID WASTE/ (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) ENERGY RESOURCE Amendment to Environmental Review and Community SITES Impact Mitigation. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2745 amending Ordinance 2718, regarding environmental review and community impact mitigation permits. The cleanup of hazardous and solid waste dis- posal sites involves unique circumstances that are not anticipated under traditional land use requirements. The City land use and zoning code provisions could interfere with, or adversely delay such cleanups. The proposed amendments to the current ordinance would permit the Planning Director to waive code requirements that are not inconsistent with such cleanup activities if certain specified criteria are met. This was approved by the Public Works Committee at its meeting on September 8, 1987 . 3 - I September 15, 1987 TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3N) Amendment to Speed Limit. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 2746 relating to speed limits and changing speed limit established for purposes of construction back to the former speed limit, on South 212th, 42nd Avenue and on Frager Road. TRANSPORTATION Transportation Benefit District. In an effort to BENEFIT initiate a transportation benefit district to fund and construct projects identified in the Green River Valley Transportation Action Plan, King County Councilman Paul Barden has introduced a motion before King County Council. This motion referred to the Kin has been g County Public Works Committee. The Green River Valley Transportation Action Plan task force has recommended some modi- fication to the motion and Kent ' s Public Works Committee has indicated support of these modifica- tions. It is requested the Council go on record as supporting the motion with the suggested modifications. Upon Dowell ' s question, Chris Krumbaugh, President of Valley Area Transportation Alliance, noted that they support this as a way for cities in the valley to work together to complete projects which cross municipal boundaries. WHITE MOVED that the Kent City Council support the motion before the King County Council to establish a multi-jurisdictional transportation benefit district with the modifications as suggested by the Green River Valley Transportation Action Plan Group. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) Zoning Ordinance for East Hill Community Well Area 1 Annexation. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2744 , zoning the East Hill Community Well Annex- ation Area No. 1 as approved by the Council at its meeting held September 1, 1987 . The zoning is set at R1-9. 6 and MRG with a 16 unit per acre maximum. PRELIMINARY PLAT Sanctuary No 3 Preliminary Subdivision ( SU-87-2 ) . This date has been set for the public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation of conditional approval of the proposed replat 1 of the Sanctuary of Lot Y Short Plat . This sit is located at 4802 South 216th Street between 42nd Avenue South and Frager Road. The applicant - 4 - I September 15, 1987 PRELIMINARY PLAT is requesting that the City Council amend Condition No. 6 to read "occupied buildings shall be constructed with fire sprinklers. . . " Planning Director Harris recommended that this item be carried over to October 6th when the Fire Department will have a modified condition for consideration. BAILEY SO MOVED. Woods seconded and the motion carried. REZONE Green River Square Rezone No. RZ-87-1 . At their September 1 , 1987 , regular meeting, the City Council approved the applicant ' s request to delay consideration of this rezone until September 15, 1987 in order to clarify Condition No. 7. On July 15 , 1987 the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to consider this rezone from Ml to Ml-C and subsequently recommended approval with 7 conditions. The Hearing Examiner further clarified Condition No. 7 in a letter dated September 9 , 1987 . Jim Hansen, Principal Planner, noted that he and the applicant will meet again to be certain the intent of Condition 7 is fully understood and documented. WHITE MOVED to adopt the findings of the Hearing Examiner and concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation of Ml-C zoning with seven conditions. Houser seconded. Motion carried. 1988 Housing & Community Development Block Grant HOUSING & g Y p COMMUNITY Pro ram. m A public hearing is scheduled for this g DEVELOPMENT date to consider adoption of the 1988 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program as recommended by the City Council ' s Planning committee. Lin Ball of the Planning Department, noted that because the King County Con sortium is making a transition to a calendar year program starting Y in in January 1989 , the 1988 program year -month year running from July 1, 1988 to for a 6 g is Y December 31 , 1988. Because, of . the reduced program year but no reduction in funds , tpe . _C t.y . has an opportunity to do somE®.-extra- thi rigs :',r<Bal] noted the entire program h'ad7 b66h `head-a-t""r'he Planning Committee meeting of September 1, 1987 , and that the City was notified of the extra funds several days later. She noted that $10, 291 is to be used for the Housing Repair Program and $10 , 180 is to be used for a capital project. - 5 - i September 15 , 1987 HOUSING & Ball stated that the staff recommends that the COMMUNITY $10, 180 be used for South of Willis Pedestrian P DEVELOPMENT Improvements. Ball also noted that the staff had done a survey of the area covered by Block Grant funds and found that approximately 240 homes are in need of repair. Mayor Kelleher declared the public hearing open. Jean Salls Director of the South King County YWCA Emergency Housing Program, noted that homelessness is a serious problem in South King County and that this project would house approximately 108 families, or 300 people. Salls stated that approximately 550 of these people would be Kent residents , and that priority would be given in these City-funded units to residents of the City of Kent. She noted that the project is consistent with the overall goal of the Human Resources element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan, and urged the Council to support the recommendation of the staff. There were no further comments from the audience and WHITE MOVED that the hearing be closed. Woods seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to approve the 1988 Housing and Community Development Program as presented. White seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Kelleher commended the members of the City of Kent Human Services Commission for the good work they have done in presenting their material . ZONING (CONS ENT CALENDAR ITEM 3I ) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL Multi-Family Density Reduction. ADOPTION of Resolution 1145, forwarding the City Council Planning Committee ' s recommendation of Options B and C of the report on multi-family density to the Planning Commission and Hearing Examiner for action. This matter was discussed at the City Council Workshop of September 8, 1987 . _ Dowell noted that he feels that the resolution CORRECTED REFER TO restricts the Planning Commission and suggested including the words "or any other options" MINUTES OF /0 -6-87 after Options B and C in Section 2 . He noted that that would free the Planning Commission to accept input in their hearings on all or any other options. Woods noted that since the Planning Gomrrts-sion had discussed this for several months already, she would be reluctan t to include the six options which had been considered. Dowell stated that he agrees with Options B and C, but that it would be too re- strictive to limit the Planning Commission to 6 - September 15 , 1987 ZONING them. WOODS MOVED that Resolution 1145 be adopted as presented. Houser seconded. Bailey suggested adding the words "or with amendments to those recommendations after Options B and C. Upon Biteman ' s question, Harris noted that the recommendation would not be difficult for the Planning Commission to implement. Woods noted that the Plan ning Committee had hoGn providing the Planning Commission guidance for their consid- eration so that they would have a focus in their hearings, and suggested passing the resolution. Dowell reiterated that the construc- tion of Section 2 limits the Planning Commission to Options B and C. Woods noted that Options B and C were their primary emphases and that the Planning Commission could come back to th e Committee at an Planning Co Y time for further guidance. Bailey proposed, as a friendly amendment, adding the word "suggested" before "Options B and C" and before "recommended options" . DOWELL MOVED that Section 2 be amended to read "The City Council hereby directs the Planning Department, Planning Commission and Hearing Examiner to undertake actions necessary to proceed with suggested Options tions B and C or any P other options in the aforementioned "Report on Multi-family Density" , which includes input from the public on the Report and the suggested recommended options. " Bailey seconded. The motion was defeated with only Dowell and and Bailey voting in favor. The motion to adopt Resolution 1145 as presented then carried with Woods, Houser, White and Biteman voting in favor. CENTENNIAL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) Centen nial Committee. ADOPTION of Resolution COMMITTEE h to appoint a 1144, authorizing the Mayor y PPoi Centennial Committee to make recommendations for the City ' s participation in the celebration of the Washington State Centennial celebration and to P plan special events for Kent ' s Centennial P celebration. OFFICE SPACE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3J) LEASE Leasing of Office Space. AUTHORIZATION for the City Administrator to negotiate and enter into a letter of intent for the purpose of leasing office space. The City Administrator - 7 - September 15 , 1987 OFFICE SPACE will negotiate on behalf of the City, a lease LEASE for office space to be used for the purpose of housing the permit operations for the City. It is anticipated that this space will be in close proximity to current City opera- tions in City Hall and will provide for the creation of a one-stop permit center, which has been identified as a goal of the City Council . EQUIPMENT Highway Sandspreader. Bid opening was held on September 8, 1987 , with three bids received. Sahlberg Equipment submitted the low bid in the amount of $7 , 395 . 60 . The Public Works Director recommended that this bid be accepted. WHITE SO MOVED. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3K) RECREATION Interim Internal Financing for the Golf Course Construction Project. AUTHORIZATION to provide internal interim golf course financing in the amount of $1 . 6 million prior to the sale of golf course revenue bonds anticipated in January 1988, as discussed at the August 31 and September 15 Operations Committee meetings. SATURDAY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3L) MARKET Saturday Market Board Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayors appointment of Sally Storey to the Saturday Market Board for the "at-large/ citizen representative" , to replace Nadine Masoero who resigned effective July 1987 . This term expires in May 1989 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 21 , 1987 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8 : 30 a.m. on September 30, 1987 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) Rebating of Metro B & O Tax Refund. The Operations Committee discussed the Metro B&O tax refund to the City on August 14 and August 31, 1987 . The total tax refund is anticipated to be approximately $200, 000 , a portion of which has already been received. The balance will be received through the remainder of 1987 . The proposal is to refund the $200 , 000 in equal proportions to resi- dential equivalence as of the August 1987 - 8 - i September 15, 1987 FINANCE billing. This rebate will provide approxi- mately $5. 92 per residential equivalent. WEST HILL Bailey stated that inasmuch as the City Council PROPERTY motion to select the Cambridge site as the site for a new Fire Station on West Hill did not include any mention of the possible sale of a portion of that property for residential use, he would like for the City Council to be on record as directing the City Administrator to attempt to sell approximately 2 acres of this property for residential use. He stated that he believes that it was clearly the intent of the Council to take this action as the potential sale was a part of our con- sideration in selecting the Cambridge site and that by making a motion to direct the Administrator to sell this property, he believes that the Council will be clarifying their intent for the record and forestalling any possible confusion that might arise in the future. He then MOVED that the City Administrator be directed to sell approximately 2 acres of land at the northwest corner of the property being acquired by the City for the construction of the new West Hill Fire Station commonly known as the Cambridge site, and that the City Administrator be directed to determine how the property should be marketed in order to receive the highest possible return and to further determine how the property should best be marketed to assure that the property is developed as single family residential housing compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and that the proceeds from the sale of this property be reinvested in the Public Safety Bond. Project Fund for use in developing the projects identified in the bond issue. Woods seconded. Biteman stated that he would like to have feedback from the Fire Department regarding this . Bailey stated that the purpose of the motion is to answer criticism regarding the purchase of excess land, and that it is merely an affirmation of what had been agreed upon. WHITE noted that the Council had not had an opportunity to discuss this with the Fire Department or the City Administrator and MOVED that the item be tabled and brought back to the next regular Council meeting. Biteman seconded. The 9 - September 15, 1987 i i WEST HILL motion carried with Dawell and Bailey PROPERTY opposing. COUNCIL President ' s Report. White noted that there COMMITTEES will not be workshop meetings on September 22 or 29. ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 00 p.m. White seconded and the motion carried. i I,I i I I Brenda Jacober Deputy City Clerk I i i I I I i i I I i I i I i I i 10 -