HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/01/1987 Kent, Washington
September 1 , 1987
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00
o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Bite-
man, Dowell , Houser, Johnson, White and Woods , City Administrator McFall,
City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris , and Public Works
Director Wickstrom. Finance Director McCarthy was not in attendance.
Also present: Personnel Director Webby. Approximately 25 people were
at the meeting.
PRESENTATIONS Oath of Office - Police Officers. Chief Frederiksen
introduced the following new Police Officers :
1 ) William D. Robnett, 9 years experience in Utah,
with a degree in Business Administration
2 ) Steven P. Kelly, 4122 years experience in Ellens-
burg, with a degree in Criminal Justice
3 ) Steve S . Tamanaha, 16 years experience in Hono-
lulu, with a degree in Education
4 ) Patrice M. Gionson, 42 years experience in Hono-
lulu, with a degree in Criminal Justice
5 ) Bruce A. Weissich, 16 years experience in Hono-
lulu, with a degree in Criminal Justice
The City Clerk issued the oath of office and the
officers were welcomed to the City by Council and
Kent Police Explorer Scouts. Chief Frederiksen intro-
duced duced Officer Dina Paga u , who noted that the Kent
Post has nine scouts who contribute in excess of
1 , 000 hours per year in community service. She
noted that five of the Scouts had recently won
honors at the Law Enforcement Explorers Conference
in San Jose. Trophies were distributed and the
Scouts were introduced: Bryan Klopfenstein-Captain,
Rusty Wilder-Lieutenant, Karen Runions-Sergeant,
Jennifer Parsons, Bryan Miles , Chayne Goemaat,
Paula McVey, Julie Zulkosky, and Scott Murray.
CONSENT CALENDAR BAILEY MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through N
be approved, with the exception of Item D which was
removed by Councilmember Biteman, and Items F and G
which were removed by Councilmember Dowell. Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of August 18, 1987 .
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September 1 , 1987
WATER Central Avenue Storm. Bid opening was held August
19th with eight bids received. Scoccolo Construction
submitted the low bid for Schedules I, II, III,
Alternate II and Alternate III, in the amount of
$793 , 591 . 23 . The Director of Public Works recom-
mends that this bid be accepted and that $244, 000
be transferred from the unencumbered funds of the
Sewer Utility to the project fund. JOHNSON SO MOVED,
Bailey seconded and the motion carried. Upon White ' s
question, Wickstrom advised that the job would start
in December and would take about six months to com-
West Valley Highway Water Main Replacement. Bid
opening was held August 28 with nine bids received,
with the low bid of Robison Construction below the
Engineer ' s estimate. Upon Wickstrom ' s recommenda-
tion, JOHNSON MOVED that the contract for the best
bid in the amount of $111 , 883 . 06 be awarded to Robi-
son Construction and that $142 , 000 from the unencum-
bered funds of the water utility be transferred to
the Miscellaneous Water Main Replacement Fund for
this improvement. Bailey seconded and the motion
STREETS LID 325 - 76th Avenue South Street Improvements.
Public Works Director Wickstrom reported that bids
were opened today, with nine bids received. The
low bid was below the Engineer ' s estimate and it is
recommended that the contract for the best bid in
the amount of $617, 186. 16 be awared to Gary Merlino
Construction Company, Inc. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Bailey
seconded and the motion carried. Wickstrom noted
that the project was scheduled to start on September
16th and would take approximately three to four
months to complete.
Street Vacation - Portion of South 212th. ADOPTION
of Resolution 1143 setting the public hearing for
October 6, 1987 on the application of Pacific Ven-
tures for vacation of a portion of S. 212th Street.
Impoundment Reservoir Annexation. ADOPTION of
Ordinance 2743 annexing for municipal purposes, the
impoundment reservoir site located in the vicinity
of 124th Avenue S .E. and S.E. 305th. This was
approved by the City Council at its meeting of
August 18, 1987.
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September 1 , 1987
ANNEXATIONS East Hill Community Well Annexation Area 1 (AZ-87-1 ) .
This date has been set as the second and final hear-
ing to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommended
zoning for the East Hill Community Well Annexation
Area 1 . The first hearing was held on July 21 , 1987 .
The Hearing Examiner recommends R1 -9 . 6 Single Family
Residential (minimum lot size 9600 square feet )
except for the currently existing multi-family
development located in the southeast section of the
site. That section is approximately 12. 8 acres in
size and the Hearing Examiner recommends zoning of
MRG Garden Density Multi Family Residential with a
6 maximum of 1 units per acre. Jim Hansen, Principal
Planner, explained the notification process and
stated that the owners of new homes in the area had
been notified of this hearing. There were no comments
from the audience and the hearing was closed by
motion. WOODS MOVED to adopt the findings of the
Hearing Examiner and to concur with the Hearing
Examiner ' s recommended zoning for the East Hill Com-
munity Well Annexation Area 1 of R1 -9. 6 and MRG with
a 16-unit per acre maximum and to direct the City
Attorney to prepare the required ordinance. Bailey
seconded and the motion carried.
REZONE Green River Square Rezone (RZ-87-1 ) . On July 15,
1987 , the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to
consider an application made by Corporate Property
r to rezone 34 acres of property located at
Investors P P Y
the southwest corner of S . 212th Street and West
Valley Highway, from M1 to M1 -C. The Hearing Exam-
iner recommended approval with seven conditions.
Chris Crumbaugh, attorney representing the applicant,
has submitted a letter to the Council requesting
a delay in consideration of this rezone application
in order to obtain further clarification of Condi-
tion No. 7 from the Hearing Examiner. BITEMAN MOVED
to delay consideration of Green River Square Rezone
RZ 87-1 until September 15 , 1987 . Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
Sanctuary No 3 Preliminary Subdivision (SU-87-2 ) .
AUTHORIZATION to set September 15 , 1987 as the date
for a public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s
recommendation of conditional approval of the pro-
posed replat of Lot 1 of the Sanctuary Preliminary
Short Plat. The site is located at 4802 S. 216th
Street between 42nd Avenue S. and Frager Road.
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September 1 , 1987
Zoning Code Amendment - Recreational Vehicle Parking
In Multifamily Developments. ADOPTION of Ordinance
2741to amend Section 15 . 05 . 040 of the Kent Zoning
Code to modify the current requirements for recrea-
tional vehicle parking in multifamily developments
of 50 or more units. This amendment gives developers
the option of providing RV parking at a ratio of
one space per 15 dwelling units, or providing the
same amount of area in usable open space. The
amendment is the result of a regulatory review
request from Centron Corporation, was recommended
by the Planning Commission on July 27 , 1987 , and
was approved by the City Council on August 17 , 1987 .
Dowell noted that his son worked for Centron and
that in observance of appearance of fairness, he
would abstain from voting. WOODS MOVED to adopt
Item 3G. Houser seconded and the motion carried
with Dowell abstaining.
Zoning Code Amendment - M2 Zoning District. ADOPTION
of Ordinance 2742 to amend Section 15. 04 . 180 of the
Zoning Code to allow automobile service centers as
a conditional use in the M2 Zoning District. The
Zoning Code Amendment arose from the Regulatory
Review Request from Trammel Crow, was recommended
by the Planning Commission on July 27 , 1987, and
was approved by the City Council on August 17, 1987 .
SANITATION Shires Phase Three Condominiums. ACCEPTANCE of the
bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous
operation and maintenance of approximately 2 , 042
feet of water main extension, 1 , 617 feet of sanitary
sewer extension and 346 feet of storm sewer improve-
ment in the vicinity of S.E. 252nd and 109th Avenue
S.E. for the Shires Phase Three projct and release
of cash bond after the expiration of the mainten-
ance period.
The Lakes Condominium. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of
sale and warranty agreement for continuous opera-
tion and maintenance of approxii-nately 462 feet of
water main extension and 631 feet of sanitary sewer
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September 1 , 1987
HEALTH & extension constructed in the vicinity of Lakeside
SANITATION Boulevard and James Street for The Lake Condo-
minium project and authorization for release of
the cash bond after expiration of the maintenance
period. Dowell noted that his son worked for Centron
and that in observance of appearance of fairness,
he would abstain from voting. WOODS MOVED to adopt
Item 3F. Houser seconded and the motion carried
with Dowell abstaining.
AGREEMENT FORM Interlocal Agreement Form. APPROVAL of the Inter-
local Agreement Form which has been developed by
the Suburban Planning Directors ' Group. Following
endorsement of the form by the Suburban Mayors '
Association in May, each City is being asked to
approve the form as written. Once each City and
King County have agreed to this generic form, we
will have the means to gu
arantee coordi
nated plan-
ning between muncipalities. Action at thi
s time is
non-binding and does not relate to a specific geo-graphic graphic area.
ADJUSTMENT Board of Adjustment Appointment. CONFIRMATION of
the Mayor ' s appointment of Tracy Faust to fill the
unexpired term of Bob Kitto. Ms . Faust ' s term will
expire in February, 1989 .
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through August 21 after auditing by the
Operations Commitee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on
August 31 , 1987 .
Correction Facility Loan Write-Off. AUTHORIZATION
to write off a loan from the City ' s Capital Improve-
ment Fund to the Corrections Facility Project in
the amount of $94 , 402 , as recommended by the Opera-
tions Committee. This money was loaned in 1986
with the assumption that the State Corrections Board
would pay the money back to the City. It has since
been discovered that the Corrections Board will not
be able to repay this loan. This amount has not
been considered in any of the City ' s financial pro-
jections for 1988.
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September 1 , 1987
FINANCE Public Safety Bonds. Joe Street noted that when
the $12 million public safety bond issue was pro-
posed, 12 to 15 items were listed to be included in
this project. He pointed out that it had since
been determined that the training facility would not
be a joint projec
t with Auburn or Renton. Street
stated that General Obligation Bonds require
that the proceeds of the bonds be used for the pur-
poses stated, and he asked which items would be
n facility.
to a for the training Y
deleted in order p Y
McFall noted that the bond issue had a contingency
element in the structure and that a good deal of
that was to be used in the initial purchase of the
s Chan
land for all three site es in the training g
facility will probably be
related to the size of the
facility or to the determination as to whether a
complete build-out would be done immediately, or a
partial build-out, with completion later. More
information will be available as the architect pr
pares�i pares the design and the cost estimates. Street
noted that the original estimate for the West Hill
station was $1 . 4 million and asked how much of this
was to be used for the building. McFall stated he
did not have that information on hand, but would
secure it for Street.
PARKS & Parks and Recreation Programs. Joe Street stated
RECREATION that some years ago, when former Councilmembers Kitto,
McCaughan and Just served on the Parks Committee, a
policy was adopted under which the recreation pro-
grams rams would ba self supporting, but that this has
occurred. He also noted that a former City Council
determined that the Kent Commons would be self su
porting p
porting also and it was for some years , but that the
latest figures show the Commons to be several hundred
thousand dollars out of balance. He asked that this
Council make a determination as to whether the
intent is to bring these figures into balance and
that he would like this information prior to the
1988 budget hearing. Street stated that King County
is no longer paying toward the recreation programs
and that as a taxpayer he resented supporting pro-
grams to serve people residing outside the city
limits. He offered to share the report with the
Parks Committee and stated that the figures shown
relating to funds coming from outside are incorrect.
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September 1 , 1987
PARKS & McFall noted that the budget hearing held
RECREATION on August 18th was for preliminary input
and that the required hearing would be held in
December. All agreed that the information requested
should be gathered before the December hearing. It
was determined that Street would be notified as to
when the Parks Committee would meet regarding the
budget. Mayor Kelleher noted that the budget docu-
ment, showing revenue as well as expenditures, in
effect would a make policy statement as to the City ' s
revenue requirements for the Parks programs.
It was noted that although the local paper published
notices of committee meetings, many citizens did
not subscribe to this paper. White pointed out
that this was one of the reasons he favored tele-
vising the Council meetings. Upon questions from
Dowell and Biteman about locating documents verify-
ing the City ' s policy on self support for Parks pro-
grams, Street stated that the Parks Department had
declared that there was no written policy, but such
policy for Kent Commons was not questioned. He
pointed out that committee meetings were not taped
at that time. Dowell suggested that documentation
regarding the Commons policy be researched and all
agreed that Street would be notified of all Parks
Committee meetings, especially those having to do
with the budget.
Personnel Policy Amendment. APPROVAL of Personnel
Policy 2 . 1 . 6, entitled "Employment of Related Indivi-
duals" as amended. The amended policy was reviewed
and approved by the Operations Committee.
Hiring of relatives will require approval
by Y
the City Administrator, with further review by
City Council if necessary. "Spousal equivalents"
shall be considered as spouses under this policy.
Biteman noted that he had long been in favor of
changing the City ' s policy and that practices in
years past had been less than ideal . The new policy
would not discriminate against relatives of employees ,
providing that they were qualified. He then MOVED
to approve Item 3D. Bailey seconded and the motion
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September 1 , 1987
Drinking Driver Task Force Contributions. ACKNOW-
LEDSMENT of donations in the amount of $45 to the
Task Force from Patterson ' s Optical, Dr. Leland
Dawson and Meridian Valley Travel .
COUNCIL President' s Report. White reported that there will
COMMITTEES be a workshop meeting on September 8 at 7: 00 p.m.
to discuss the 20 Percent Multi-Family Density
Public Works. Johnson noted that the Public Works
Committee will meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on September 8th
in the Engineering Building.
Planning and Parks Committee. Woods noted that the
Planning Committee had been discussing Resolution
1123 relating to the 20% multi-family density
reduction, along with the Greater Kent Study and
are now ready to seek direction from the Council
to the Planning Commission. This matter will be
the subject of the September 8 workshop.
ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7 : 50
p.m. Houser seconded and the motion carried.
Marie Jense , CMC
City Clerk
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