HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/04/1987 Kent, Washington August 4, 1987 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. at the Kent Senior Activity Center by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Dowell, Houser, Johnson, White and Woods , City Administrator McFall, City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Councilmember Biteman and Finance Director McCarthy were not in attendance. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen, Fire Chief Angelo and Personnel Director Webby. Six people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATIONS National Night Out. Mayor Kelleher read a pro- clamation declaring Tuesday, August 11 , 1987 as "National Night Out" in the City of Kent. Gordy Hepp Day. Mayor Kelleher noted that Gordy Hepp, having been selected as one of the best out of 150 Senior Players in the country, qualified to play in the U.S. Senior Open Golf Tournament July 9-12 in Fairfield, Connecticut. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring August 4 , 1987 as Gordy Hepp Day in the City of Kent. PRESENTATIONS Control of Illegal Activities in Public Parks. Police Chief Frederiksen thanked the public for cooperation during the surveillance of the Earthworks Park. He noted that 22 drug related arrests were made and that the park is now frequented by children and families, as it was meant to be. He pointed out, however, that recently two homicides , assaults and robberies of residences were attributable to drugs . The Drinking Driver Task Force has contributed to curtailing crime through its education program. He noted Kent was working with Renton, Auburn and Tukwila to form a South King County Drug Task Force. Crime Prevention Block Watch Program. Police Chief Frederiksen noted that residential burglary was up 50% overall but had declined in those areas designated as block watch areas . He encouraged the public to contact the Police Department to gain information about establish- ing such a program. He described National Night Out, scheduled for August 11 , as a program whereby residents would turn on their lights between 8 and 9 p.m. , and go outside to meet their neighbors. The Public Safety Mobile Unit - 1 - August 4 , 1987 PRESENTATIONS will visit residential areas to distribute crime prevention information. The unit will start from the City Hall at 5: 00 P.M. Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher announced that Dawn Anderson of the Engineering Department has been named Employee of the Month for August. Dawn was commended by her co-workers and superiors for her quality work and courteous nature. CONSENT CALENDAR WHITE MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through I be approved. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 21 , 1987 . WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) 125,000 Gallon Tank Utility Building. ACCEPT as complete the contract with Mayer Construction for construction of the 125 , 000 gallon tank utility building and release of retainage upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3H) Scenic Hill Water Main Improvements. AUTHORI- ZATION for the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance authorizing staff to proceed with condemnation procedures for easement in the vicinity of Kennebeck and Dean Street (west side of Kennebeck) , as approved by the Public Works Committee. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3D) LID 328. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2735 creating LID 328, the West Valley Highway Improvements from South 212th to South 189th, for which a public hearing was held on July 21 , 1987 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) UAB Prospectus - Public Works Project. AUTHORI- ZATION for the Mayor to sign the UAB Funding Prospectus for the following projects : Smith Street Improvements West Valley Highway Improvements 228th to James SR 516 (Willis ) 4th to Central S.E. 240th - 104th to 116th - 2 - August 4, 1987 STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3C) Phillips Request for Street Vacation. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2734 vacating a certain portion of an alley as requested by John Phillips. The vacation was approved by the Council on April 21 , 1987 and the conditions for such vacation have now been met. TRAFFIC CONTROL 42ND Avenue South. JOHNSON MOVED to set a public hearing for the August 18 Council meet- ing to further address the traffic concerns of the West Hill residents. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC SAFETY East Hill Site for Station and Training Facility. FACILITIES - EAST A letter from Renton' s Mayor has been distributed HILL STATION expressing interest in reactivating negotiations AND TRAINING with Kent to establish a joint public safety FACILITY training facility. McFall noted that staff had recommended against such action and that the concept had been found to be not economically feasible. Chief Angelo noted that the acquisi- tion of property on the East Hill to accomodate both a fire station and a training facility was now within two weeks of closing, and that the City had made a com.nitment to purchase the property. He pointed out that the questions of the surrounding property owners had been answered to their satisfaction and stated that those using the training facility would be on duty and would, therefore, also be responsible for responding to calls. For this reason, staff was against sharing the Renton location, which is too far outof Kent ' s service area. Some discussion was had as to whether the door should be left open for joining forces with Renton on the training facility. It was deter- mined that it was in the best interest of Kent to persue the East Hill location for this facility. DOWELL MOVED to send a letter to Mayor Shinpoch thanking her for Renton' s renewed interest and informing her that we are too far along in our property acquisition negotiations now to reconsider. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. 3 - August 4 , 1987 CITY PROPERTY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) No Trespassing Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2736 disallowing public use of City owned property upon posting of No Trespassing signs, as determined necessary by the Director of Public Works. PARKS & RECREATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 31) Mural Artwork Proposal for Kent Parks Special Populations Resouce Center. APPROVAL of the Art Jury selection of the proposal by artist Brom Wikstrom, for Resource Center exterior. City Art Program Jury (Berne Biteman-City Council, Grace Hiranaka-Arts Commission, Jan Lainoff- Parent Support Group President, Joan Ross Bloedel- Artist, and Cheryl Fraser-Facility Manager) selected Wikstrom' s proposal which focuses on the west wall of the building (highly visible from Central Avenue ) but also includes the south wall and the chimney column on the east wall. Both south and west wall designs include the building name and the design. Riverbend Golf Course Phase I Construction. Eight bids were received for the Phase I con- struction of Riverbend Golf Course with the low- est bid submitted by Hall and Lindsay of Seattle. The Department and the architect , John Steidel, recommend award of the base bid in the amount of $224 , 000 and additive alternate for lake lining in the amount of $75 , 000. WOODS MOVED that the bid submitted by Hall and Lindsay in the amount of $224 , 000 for the base bid and $75 , 000 for the lake lining alternate be accepted and a contract awarded to their firm. White seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through August 5 after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 14, 1987 . KDA 1987 Budget Appropriation. At the Operations Committee meeting of July 15 , 1987 , Steve Burpee requested funds for the Kent Downtown Associa- tion. The committee recommends approval of allocating $6, 500 from the 1987 budget and sug- gested that KDA submit a budget request for 1988. 4 - August 4, 1987 FINANCE Bailey noted that the committee felt that the request was justified and MOVED that an appropri- ation from the unexpended balance of the 1987 General Fund, in the amount of $6, 500, be made to Kent Downtown Association. Houser seconded. The motion carried with White abstaining. Dan James - Charge-In-Lieu-of-Assessment. John- son reported that the Public Works Committee had considered and recommended approval of Dan James ' request to sign a 5-year note for $531 for charges-in-lieu-of-assessment for his pro- perty. The request meets the eligibility criteria and the matter is covered in the Public Works Committee report of August 4, distributed at this meeting. JOHNSON MOVED to make this report a part of the record. White seconded and the motion carried. He MOVED further to authorize execution of the promissory note for payment of the charge-in-lieu-of-assessment in the amount of $531 for the property at 21251 94th Avenue South. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET City Administrator McFall proposed that a public hearing be set for the August 18 Council meeting to receive preliminary input from the public for the 1988 budget. WHITE SO MOVED, Woods seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEES President' s Report. White noted that a workshop would be held on Tuesday, August 11 , at 7: 00 p.m. to review the 1986 Comprehensive Annual Report and to discuss priorities and considera- tions for the 1988 budget. Public Works Committee. Johnson reported that there would be no Public Works Committee meet- ing next week. Public Safety Committee. Houser reported that the Public Safety Committee would meet on Tues- day, August 11 at 7 : 30 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7 : 45 p.m. , at McFall ' s request, Mayor Kelleher declared a five minute recess to be followed by an executive session of approximately ten minutes to discuss pending litigation. 5 - August 4 , 1987 ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8: 00 p.m. and then adjourned. Marie Jens n, CMC City Clerk 6 -