HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/05/1987 Kent, Washington
May 5 , 1987
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00
p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman,
Dowell Houser, Johnson, White and Woods , City Administrator McFall ,
City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris and Public Works
Director Wickstrom. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo and Personnel
Director Webby. Finance Director McCarthy was not in attendance.
Approximately 30 people were at the meeting.
PRESENTATIONS Employee of the Month. Captain Hal Rees announced
that the Corrections Facility staff has been named
Division of the Month for May. He noted that the
staff of 21 has managed and operated the Correc-
tions Facility for the past year in an exemplary
Police Department Personnel. Captain Rees intro-
duced the new Corrections Facility Administrator,
Bill Linville, who was welcomed by the Council and
staff . Captain Byerly then introduced newly
promoted Lieutenant Bill Mitchell and newly pro-
moted Sergeants Randy Bourne and Jim Miller, the
newest members of the supervisory team.
PROCLAMATIONS National Police Week. Mayor Kelleher read a
proclamation declaring the week of May 10 to 16 ,
1987 as Police Week in the City of Kent.
k The Ma
d a proclamation
Public Works Wee Mayor read P clamation
declaring the week of May 17 to 23 , 1987 to be
Public Works Week in the City of Kent.
Fire Service Recognition Day. Mayor Kelleher read
a proclamation declaring May 9 , 1987 as Fire Ser-
vice Recognition Day in the City of Kent.
City Clerk Week. Mayor Kelleher introduced Marie
Jensen, City Clerk, and read a proclamation declar-
ing the week of May 11 to 16, 1987 to be Marie
Jensen, City Clerk Week in the City of Kent.
CONSENF CALENDAR JO3NSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
through I be approved. Woods seconded and the
motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of April 21 , 1987 .
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SANITATION Home Club Warehouse. AUTHORIZATION for staff to
prepare a latecomer agreement and for the Director
of Public Works to sign the same for approximately
790 feet of sanitary sewer main extension con-
structed for the Home Club Warehouse project in
the vicinity of East Valley Highway and So. 182nd.
RAAB Sewer Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of
sale and warranty agreement for continuous opera-
tion and maintenance of approximately 186 feet
of sanitary sewer main extension constructed in
the vicinity of East Valley Highway north of 80th
Place S. , and release of the cash bond after expir-
ation of the maintenance period.
WATER LID 316 - 94th Avenue Water Main. This date has
been set for the public hearing on the confirm-
ation of the final assessment roll for LID 316.
The City Clerk has given the proper legal notice
to the property owners. Director of Public Works
Wickstrom described the project for replacing and
upsizing water mains along 94th and 96th Avenues
and on S. 232nd, 228th and S. 222nd. All properties
except two are outside the City. The area was
formerly served by the Hamilton Road Water Company,
which was taken over by the City and connected to
the City system. The existing 4" main is old and
in poor condition. Wickstrom further noted that
the project is under construction and that the
bid exceeded the original estimate. City water
funds will be used to pay the difference, leaving
the assessments the same as the original estimates.
The project total is $359, 911 . 78, with the City ' s
share $255 , 960 . 10, leaving $103 , 951 . 68 as the
LID share. He explained that assessments were
based on square footage and that the assessments
could be paid over a ten year period. Credits
were given to 69 property owners who were parties
to an agreement between the City and the Hamilton
Road Water Company and this resulted in zero
balance assessments in some cases.
The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher.
No correspondence has been received and there
were no comments from the audience. WOODS MOVED
to close the hearing, Biteman seconded and the
motion carried. BAILEY MOVED to direct the City
Attorney to prepare the ordinance confirming the
final assessment roll for LID316 . Houser seconded
and the motion carried.
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May 5 , 1987
LIBRARY SITE Library Site Selection. The Kent Library Board
SELECTION has recommended two sites for consideration by
the City Council for construction of a new down-
town library. These sites are 1 ) the block south
of the existing library at Titus and 4th Avenue
and 2 ) the current site of the Kent Cold Storage
facility at 1st Avenue and Smith. In addition,
Councilmember Jon Johnson has submitted a third
site, the Korry Playfield, for consideration.
Brent McFall suggested that the Council meet in
executive session to discuss property acquisition
and costs . Len McCaughan stated that the Korry
Field site was purchased for future City use,
not as a park or a playfield, although the Parks
Department has been using it as such. He noted
the present lack of parking facilities and sug-
gested that the new library be built at the Korry
site which would provide adequate parking space.
He pointed out that other property could be pur-
chased for playfields. He noted that in addi-
tion to the cost of the Cold Storage site, the
cost of tearing down the building had to be con-
sidered and suggested that the City could utilize
the funds for the number one priority - roads .
The following correspondence was accepted and
filed for the record: KDA (April 7 and May 4 ) ,
Len McCaughan (April 16 ) , Chamber of Commerce
(April 23 ) , Jon Johnson (April 23 ) , Downtown
Revitalization Task Force (April 27 ) . It was
determined that an executive session would be
held at the conclusion of the regular business.
TRAFFIC CONTROL LID 329 - Traffic Signal at 74th Avenue S. and
SR 516. This date has been set for the public
hearing on the formation of LID 329 for the install-
ation of a traffic signal at 74th Avenue S. and
SR 516 . The City Clerk has given the proper
legal notice to the property owners. Public Works
Director Wickstrom described the project and
noted that the cost is estimated at $182 , 325 which
would be funded 100% by the LID. He also noted
that the City is one of the property owners and
the City ' s estimated assessment is $25 , 529 . 87 .
Upon White ' s question, Wickstrom noted that although
there are three or four property owners, most of
the property belongs to one owner. He also noted
for White that the City property is in park and
drainage use and that the drainage utility
will pay its share of the cost and the rest
would come out of the general fund. Upon Bailey ' s
question, Wickstrom noted that this was part of
the Foster Plat.
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TRAFFIC CONTROL The Mayor declared the public hearing open. John
Nelson, representing Mr. Foster, the principal
owner, urged the Council to pass an ordinance
creating LID 329. There were no further comments
from the audience and BAILEY MOVED to close the
public hearing. White seconded and the motion
carried. BAILEY MOVED that Ordinance 2722 creat-
ing LID 329 be adopted. Johnson seconded. Motion
SR 99 and South 252nd Traffic Signal. Bid
opening was held on April 27 with three bids
received. The low bid was submitted by Totem
Electric in the amount of $96 , 821 . The Public
Works Director recommended that the bid be
accepted, that the budget be established for this
project in the amount of $120 , 609 and that
$54 , 202. 10 be transferred from the completed
Street Fund to this project. WHITE MOVED that
a budget be established in the amount of $120 , 609
and that $54 , 202 . 10 be transferred from the com-
pleted Street Fund to this project. Woods seconded
and the motion carried. WHITE MOVED that the
bid submitted by Totem Electric in the amount of
$96 ,821 for the SR 99 and S. 252nd Traffic
Signal be accepted. Woods seconded. Motion
Amendment to City's West Hill Subarea Plan. ADOPTION
of Resolution 1132 amending the West Hill Sub-
area Map Plan , as approved on April 7 , 1987 .
LeBlanc Annexation. AUTHORIZATION to set June 2
as the date for the public hearing on annexation
of approximately 15 acres in the vicinity of 112th
Avenue S.E. and S.E. 236th.
BOUNDARY LINE West Hill Boundary - Resolution. Councilmembers
KENT/DES MOINES Houser and Biteman have met with City officials
of Des Moines to discuss changing the boundary
line between the two cities. A resolution has
been prepared indicating that no de-annexation of
any area within the corporate limits of the City
of Kent should occur at this time and that future
discussions of such matters should be conducted
by the Mayor and City Administrator. Biteman
noted that research has shown that city expendi-
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BOUNDARY LINE tures for the area in question falls within $20, 000
KENT/DES MOINES of the amount received in revenue. Bailey com-
mended Biteman and Houser and concurred with the
proposed resolution. Upon Dowell ' s question,
it was determined that if further discussions are
conducted by the Mayor or City Administrator,
the City Council will be involved.
BITEMAN MOVED to adopt Resolution 1133 pertain-
ing to a recent proposal by the City of Des Moines
to de-annex certain Kent land near Kent ' s western
boundary. Houser seconded and the motion carried.
Surplusing of Old Breathing Apparatus. APPROVAL
of surplusing of old breathing apparatus to
either the vendor and/or smaller fire departments
and placement of monies received from surplusing
of breathing apparatus into the Public Safety
Bond Issue Account No. 3352-331 -52220-6400, to
be used for the completion of purchasing new
breathing apparatus.
HAZARDOUS WASTE Western Processing. The Environmental Review
and Community Impact Mitigation Permit Ordinance
requires all owners of property to sign the permit
application. That, or other requirements of Chapter
4 . 19 of Kent City Code may be waived by action of
Council. For the Phase II cleanup of the
Western Processing site, it is not possible for
all owners to participate in the application,
yet the work can go forward if all owners are
not requied to sign the appliction. It cannot go
forward if this requirement is not waived. Upon
Bailey ' s question, City Attorney Driscoll noted
that although some parties will refuse to sign
the application, this will not create a legal
problem for the City. WHITE MOVED that, pursuant
to Chapter 4. 19 of Kent City Code, the requirement
that all owners of the property sign the appli-
cation for the Environmental Review and Community
Impact Mitigation permit be waived for the Phase
II cleanup of the Western Processing site. Houser
seconded and the motion carried.
EQUIPMENT RENTAL Beavertail Ramp Trailer. Bid opening was held on
April 29th with five bids received. The low bid
was submitted by Craig Taylor Equipment Company
in the amount of $10 , 593 . 80 . The Director of
Public Works recommends that the low bid be
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EQUIPMENT RENTAL accepted. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid submitted
for the Beavertail Ramp Trailer in the amount of
$10, 593 . 80 by Craig Taylor Equipment Company be
accepted. Woods seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through May 6 , 1987 after auditing
by the Operations Committee at its meeting at
7: 30 a.m. on Friday, May 15, 1987 .
City Art Program, Kent Corrections Facility Art-
work Project. APPROVAL of jury selection of
sculpture by David Middlebrook for the Corrections
Facility site and authorization for the Parks
Department to contract with David Middlebrook to
create and install the work of art at the Kent
Corrections Facility.
Parks Department Personnel. AUTHORIZATION to
convert a part-time data entry clerical position
to full time as of May 1 , 1987, when the part-
time position becomes vacant, as recommended at
the April 27 meeting of the Parks Committee.
COUNCIL COMMITTEES Council President. White noted that at the work-
shop next week there will be a review of the
first quarter financial report and a review of the
(Workshop - May 12 ) City' s Capital Improvement Plan. He noted that
he and the Mayor would both be out of town next
week. BAILEY MOVED for Jon Johnson to be selected
as the Chief Executive Officer during the interim.
Johnson was then so named by a vote of acclaim-
Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the
Public Works Committee would meet on Tuesday,
May 12 at 4: 15 p.m. in the Engineering Conference
Planning and Parks Committee - Acceptance of Real
Property. Centex Corporation is developing single
family residential property in unincorporated
King County. One of the plat requirements is
that Centex dedicate a certain portion of the pro-
perty to Kent for park purposes. Centex desires
to dedicate that and other properties to the City.
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COUNCIL COMMITTEES Driscoll explained that the County requires that
such dedications be accepted by resolution.
WOODS MOVED to adopt Resolution 1134 declaring
the City ' s intention to accept dedication of
certain real property from Centex Corporation.
Biteman seconded. It was determined that the
plat contains single family residential lots and
the dedicated portions will be used for a play-
field and for open space. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports. McFall asked that the
Council establish a public meeting for the
Walnut Park Preliminary Plat for May 19. BITEMAN
SO MOVED. Woods seconded and the motion carried.
EXECUTIVE At 8: 00 p.m. , the meeting adjourned to an esti-
SESSION mated 15-minute executive session to discuss
matters concerning property acquisition and liti-
gation. The meeting was reconvened at 8: 20 p.m.
LIBRARY SITE WOODS MOVED that the site of the Kent Cold Storage
facility be selected for the new library and for
the City Administrator to be authorized to nego-
tiate with the King County Library System for
acquisition of the property. Houser seconded.
BAILEY MOVED to amend the motion to include
direction for the City Administrator to also
negotiate to acquire the Rasmussen and Strain
properties lying between Harrison and Smith Streets
to make a core area plaza abutting the library,
with Second Avenue to be closed. This was accepted
as a friendly amendment1with Woods noting that
this was not a part of the negotiation with King
Biteman stated that he preferred to use the City
owned Korry property, and add the money saved to
the construction of the library. Upon a question
from Steve Burpee, Bailey clarified that his
intent was to further enhance revitalization
of the central area of the city. The motion
carried with Biteman and Johnson opposing.
WOODS MOVED to fund the acquisition and building
of the library by use of Councilmanic bonds.
White seconded. White referred to McCaughan' s
prior statement regarding funding for roads,
noting that all of the City ' s revenue would not
be sufficient to build the needed east/west
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LIBRARY SITE corridors , that this would require cooperative
funding. He noted that such funding would take
a number of years and that therefore he favored
using Councilmanic bonds for funding the library,
which would expedite the project. The motion to
fund the library with Councilmanic bonds carried
ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 30
p.m. White seconded and the motion carried.
` 2 77
Mari �ensen, CMC
City Clerk
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