HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/21/1987 Kent, Washington
April 21 , 1987
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00
p.m. by Mayor Kelleher at Totem Junior High School . Present : Coun-
cilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell , Houser, Johnson, White and Woods,
City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris and Public Works
Director Wickstrom. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief
Frederiksen and Personnel Director Webby. City Administrator McFall
and Finance Director McCarthy were not in attendance. Approximately
30 people were at the meeting.
COMMENDATION Medal of Merit. Mayor Kelleher introduced
Assistant Fire Chief Bill LaBore of the Kent Fire
Department. The Mayor read a letter from Robert
K. Johnson, Fire Chief , Auburn Fire Department,
commending LaBore for his actions during a fire in
Auburn on December 30 , 1986 . Johnson noted that
LaBore had controlled approximately 55 personnel
from three departments in a professional command
style which was a key factor in the lack of
serious injury to any of the firefighters .
PROCLAMATIONS Small Business Week. Mayor Kelleher read a pro-
clamation declaring the week of May 10-16 , 1987 ,
as Small Business Week in the City of Kent .
Student Employment Week. A proclamation was read
by the Mayor declaring the week of April 27-May 1 ,
1987 , as Student Employment Week in the City of
Dick Weiss Day. Mayor Kelleher read a proclam-
ation noting that Dick Weiss had been commissioned
to create works of art in glass for the Kent
Senior Activity Center . Weiss has created and
donated an additional set of stained glass windows .
Mayor Kelleher declared April 24 , 1987 , as Dick
Weiss Day in the City of Kent and expressed the
City ' s appreciation to Mr. Weiss.
CONSENT BITEMAN MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through N be approved, with the exception of Item M
which was removed by Councilmember Dowell . Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of April 7 , 1987 .
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April 21 , 1987
SANITATION Viewmount Apartments. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of
sale and warranty agreement for continuous opera-
tion and maintenance of approximately 262 feet of
water main extension and approximately 528 feet
of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicin-
ity of 104th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 235th Street
and release of the cash bond.
Central Avenue Storm Project. AUTHORIZATION for
the Mayor to sign the Public Works Trust Fund Loan
Agreement for a $355 , 000 loan at 1 % interest rate
for the Central Avenue Storm Project.
Condemnation for Replacement of the James Street
Sanitary Sewer. ADOPTION Of Ordinance 2720 author-
izing the condemnation and other actions necessary
to commence the James Street Sanitary Sewer placement.
Agreement with State - SR 516 Central Avenue to
Jason Avenue. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign
an agreement with the State to incorporate the State ' s
planned overlay project into the City ' s road improve
ment project for SR516 , Central Avenue to Jason
Avenue, for which the State would reimburse the
City $60 , 000.
LID Guarantee Agreement with Uplands for 64th
Avenue S. Street Improvements. APPROVAL of an LID
agreement between the City of Kent and Upland Indus-
tries , who have requested that the City create a
Local Improvement District for the purposes of con-
struction and installation of streets , curbs and
gutters , sidewalks , storm drainage, fire hydrants,
signing and channelization, illumination, traffic
signalization, underground electric and communica-
tion utility facilities on 64th Avenue South between
South 212th Street and South 240th Street. To do
so, the City would incur preliminary engineering,
legal and administrative costs and expenses esti-
mated not to exceed $30 , 000 . The owner is willing
to finance these preliminary costs and expenses
which will then be credited against the owner ' s
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April 21 , 1987
Agreement with State - SR181 from SR18 to Green
River Bridge. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign
an agreement with the State for channelization and
traffic control work, of that portion falling within
the City limits of the State ' s SR181 -SR18 to Green
River Bridge overlay project, as approved by the
Public Works Committee, with authorization to trans-
fer the $18, 310. 02 from Completed Street Fund for
this project.
84th Avenue and S. 212th Intersection Improvements.
Bid opening was held April 16, with four bids
received. The Director of Public Works noted that
the low bid was submitted by Valley Cement Con-
struction in the amount of $288, 368. 80, and recom-
mended approval . JOHNSON MOVED that the recommend-
ation of the Director of Public Works to award the
84th Avenue and S. 212th Intersection Improvement
project to Valley Cement Construction in the amount
of $288 , 368 . 80 be accepted. Bailey seconded and
the motion carried.
ALLEY VACATION Phillips Alley Vacation No. AV-87-1 . During the
Council meeting of April 7 , John A. Phillips, Jr.
questioned the exact area covered by this alley
vacation. Phillips noted that his question has now
been answered satisfactorily by the Planning staff.
WHITE MOVED to approve the alley vacation as des-
cribed and to direct the City Attorney to prepare
the required ordinance upon receipt of the com-
pensation. Biteman seconded and the motion carried.
EQUIPMENT RENTAL One Ton Service Van with Crane. Bid opening was
held April 10 with two bids received. The low
bid was submitted by Fruehauf Corporation, in the
amount of $33 , 368. 08. The Public Works Director
recommended that this bid be accepted. JOHNSON
MOVED that the bid submitted by Fruehauf in the
amount of $33 , 368. 08 for the service van with crane
be accepted. Bailey seconded. Motion carried.
Service Body for Cab and Chassis. Bid opening was
held April 10 with three bids received. The low
bid was submitted by Sound Truck Equipment in the
amount of $2 , 891 . 71 . The Public Works Director
recommended that this bid be accepted. JOHNSON
MOVED that the bid submitted by Sound Truck Equip-
ment in the amount of $2 , 891 . 71 for the service
body for cab and chassis be accepted. Bailey seconded
and the motion carried.
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April 21 , 1987
ANNEXATION East Hill Community Well Annexation Area 2.
During a public hearing on April 14th, a question
came up concerning a property owner who has a tenta-
tive short plat approval under King County platting
regulations. A review by staff of the status of
the short plat indicates that the property should
be platted under Kent ' s rules and regulations rather
than King County ' s. Harris noted that he had
spoken with Cathy Kleven, the property owner,
and that she agreed with the staff ' s recommendation.
Upon Dowell ' s question, Harris noted that the area
would initially be zoned R1 . 20 and that an analysis
of the zoning would be done within six months.
WOODS MOVED that Ordinance 2721 be adopted approv-
ing the annexation of the East Hill Community Well
Area 2 . Bailey seconded and the motion carried.
CITY POLICY - Conveyance of Real Property to the City. ADOPTION
Conveyance of of Resolution 1131 stating that it is the Council ' s
Real Property intention that when any real property, either
voluntarily or by mandate, is deeded or dedicated
to the City as part of a subdivision, then that pro-
perty must be conveyed free and clear of all encum-
brances .
PUBLIC SAFETY Land Acquisitions, New Fire Stations. This public
FACILITIES hearing is to gather formal input from the public
on the proposed locations for new fire stations
and the training center. Preliminary meetings were
held to inform the public of possible sites on the
East Hill , West Hill and North Industrial areas.
Valuable information was gathered by both the public
and the fire administration.
Fire Chief Angelo noted that the Department has
considered sites which would allow them to be
good neighbors, to provide for the safety
of the citizens , to be compatible with the neighbor-
hood, to provide for community involvement and
which would be a resource for community pride. He
noted that the criteria used in selecting the sites
were a computer package which tells the average
response time from a given location, the Fire
Master Plan, the environment, access routes,
availability of land in the size required, suita-
bility of the land, the ability to see in any direc-
tion and be seen by the public, safety of pedestrians
and firefighters , availability of utilities,
involvement of the public in an on-going basis , and
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April 21 , 1987
PUBLIC SAFETY the ability to acquire the property. He noted that
FACILITIES the time frame for building these facilities, which
will have both Fire and Police applications, is
three years , and that construction would not begin
util 1988 . Angelo stated that at the present time
they are working with architects and designers , as
well as the public regarding the locations and types
of buildings. He stated that buildings will meet
all building and landscaping requirements, and that
all sites are three acres, except the one on East
Hill .
Angelo stated that the sites being considered on
West Hill are at S. 259th and Military, S. 265th
and Military and 38th Avenue S. & S. 248th. Chief
Bond presented slides of these locations. Upon
Kelleher ' s question, Angelo noted that the most
likely sites are the ones on S. 265th and Military
and on 38th Avenue S. and S. 248th.
Slides were then shown of the possible sites on
East Hill , which are located at S.E. 248th and
116th S.E. , S. E. 236th and 116th S.E. , and S.E.
244th and 116th S. E. Angelo noted that the train-
ing center would be located on East Hill, and would
require at least nine acres. He said that the
City currently has an option to purchase a 9. 1
acre site at S. E. 248th and 116th S. E. He noted
that because the site is still subject to land
testing, the other sites have not been eliminated.
Angelo then described the possible sites in the
North Industrial area, which are at 72nd Avenue S.
and S . 206 , 72nd Avenue S. and S. 209, and 72nd
Avenue S. and S. 212 . He noted that the City has
an option to purchase the site on S. 206 , but that
it would also have to be tested before it could
be confirmed as the recommended site Chief Bond
showed slides of these sites .
The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Delmer
Boysen, 23443 116th Avenue S.E. , noted that he owns
property near the site at 236th and 116th, and
asked about the noise level at the training center.
Angelo noted that noise should be minimal, since
most of the training is done in a classroom, and
is done during the day. Betty Nelson, 3525 Canter-
bury Lane, stated that most residents of West Hill
would be happy to have a fire station in their area ,
but were opposed to a shopping center.
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PUBLIC SAFETY There were no further comments from the audience
FACILITIES and BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
DEPARTMENT EMS Contract with King County Emergency Medical
Services. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the
EMS Contract with King County Emergency Medical
Services as approved by the Public Safety Committee
on April 14, 1987 .
Lease Agreement - GWC Seattle. AUTHORIZATION for
the Mayor to sign a lease agreement with GWC to
place an antenna on the tower of the City ' s joint
use reservoir site at 124th Avenue S.E. as approved
by the Public Works Committee on October 29, 1986 .
TELEPHONE Change Order to Telephone Wiring Contract. The City
SYSTEMS asked for quotations for a telephone system at the
City Shops Building to include rewiring the build-
ing for telephones . At a later date it was deter-
mined that since the City was going to rewire, it
should be wired for dual jacks, much like City
Hall , to include computer stations as well as tele-
phones. It was then decided that the company rewir-
ing City Hall was most likely the best company to
do the rewiring since the City already had a con-
tract with them, and they had done an excellent
job within the City Hall and Engineering buildings.
The original proposal was to wire 37 jacks for tele-
phones only at $1 , 634. 47 . The GTS proposal is to
wire 53 jacks for voice and data at $80 per jack,
for a subtotal of $4 , 240 plus tax of $343. 44 and a
grand total of $4 , 583 . 44. BAILEY MOVED to authorize
the Mayor to sign a Change Order of $4 , 583. 44 to
GTS for wiring of telephones at the City Shops as
described. White seconded and the motion carried.
Appointment to Arts Commission. CONFIRMATION of
the Mayor ' s appointment of Jeannine M. Dowell to
the Arts Commission, to fill the unexpired term of
Bob Owren. Councilmember Dowell stated that due
to a potential conflict of interest, he would abstain
from voting. BAILEY MOVED to approve the appoint-
ment of Jeannine M. Dowell to the Arts Commission.
Houser seconded. The motion carried with Dowell
abstaining. This term will expire in October, 1987.
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April 21 , 1987
ADJUSTMENT Appointment to Board of Adjustment. CONFIRMATION
of the Mayor ' s appointment of Bob Jarvis to the
Board of Adjustment, to fill a vacant position.
This appointment will expire in February, 1992 .
Salary Increase - Police/Fire Administrative Per-
sonnel. AUTHORIZATION to increase base wage of
certain administrative Police and Fire personnel
as approved by the Operations Committee on April
15 , 1987 .
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through April 21 , 1987 , after audit-
ing by the Operations Committe at its meeting at
7 : 30 a.m. on April 30 , 1987 .
COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the
COMMITTEES Public Works Committee would meet at 4: 15 p.m. on
Tuesday, May 5 , in the Engineering Department
Conference Room.
Planning and Parks Committee. Woods stated that
Dick Weiss has donated one set of stained glass
windows to be installed in the Kent Senior Activity
Center. BAILEY MOVED for the City to officially
accept the donation of the glassworks as part of
the City of Kent Art Collection. Woods seconded
and the motion carried.
EXECUTIVE At 7 : 40 p.m. , the City Attorney noted that there
SESSION would be an executive session to discuss collective
bargaining and possible litigation.
The meeting reconvened at 8: 05 p.m. BAILEY MOVED
that the labor agreement between the City and the
(Union Agreements ) Police Spe
cialists , and the labor agreement between
the City and the Teamsters Union be approved as
presented by the Personnel Director. White
seconded and the motion carried.
WHITE MOVED to transfer $82 , 982 . 56 from the P-2
(LID 297 Claim) Channel Fund and $8, 000 from the Completed Street
Fund to LID 297 , as recommended by the Public Works
Director. Woods seconded and the motion carried.
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ADJOURNMENT BAILEY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
8: 10 p.m. White seconded and the motion carried.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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