HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/17/1987 Kent, Washington
March 17 , 1987
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00
p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Dowell ,
Houser, Johnson, White and Woods, City Administrator McFall , City
Attorney Driscoll , Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director
Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Councilmember Bailey was
not in attendance. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen, Fire
Chief Angelo and Parks Director Wilson. Approximately 30 people
were at the meeting.
PROCLAMATION Chamber of Commerce Month. Mayor Kelleher read
a proclamation declaring the month of March, 1987
as Kent Chamber of Commerce Month.
CONSENT CALENDAR WHITE MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A
through G be approved. Houser seconded and the
motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular adjourned Council meeting of March 10 .
SANITATION Benson Meadows East. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of
sale and warranty agreement for continuous opera-
tion and maintenance for construction of approxi-
mately 260 feet of sanitary sewer extension in the
vicinity of S.E. 220th and 112th Avenue S.E. for
the development of Benson Meadows East.
WATER 1985 Water Main Replacement/LID 316. Bid opening
was held on March 12 , 1987 and eight bids were
received. Wickstrom noted that the project includes
the replacement of water mains in the vicinity of
108th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 264th Street and
S.E. 260th Street, 98th Avenue South from S . 248th
to S. 240th Street and 94th Avenue South from S.
222nd Street to S. 239th Street. He noted that the
low bid was submitted by Robison Construction in
the amount of $536 , 914 . 63 and recommended that the
low bid be accepted. JOHNSON MOVED that the recom-
mendation of the Public Works Director for award
of the 1985 Water Main Replacement/LID 316 project
to Robison Construction in the amount of $536 , 914 . 63
be accepted. White seconded and the motion carried.
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March 17, 1987
East Hill Community Well Annexation No. 2. AUTHOR-
IZATION to set April 7 , 1987 as the date for a
public hearing on the annexation of approximately
410 acres on the East Hill of Kent, known as the
East Hill Community Well Annexation Area 2.
Van Doren' s Landing Rezone - ordinance. ADOPTION
of Ordinance 2712 approving the Van Doren ' s Landing
Rezone from MA to M-1 as approved by the Council
at the March 10 , 1987 meeting.
Interurban Heights Rezone R1 -7. 2 to GC. On
February 4, 1987 , the Hearing Examiner held a public
hearing to consider an application made by A. R.
McLean and K. D. Lord to rezone property located
at the northeast corner of South 248th Street and
26th Place South, from R1 -7. 2 , Single Family
Residential to GC, General Commercial . The Hearing
Examiner has recommended approval of this applica-
tion. WOODS MOVED to adopt the Findings of the
Hearing Examiner and concur with the Hearing Exam-
iner ' s recommendation for GC zoning. Biteman
seconded. Upon Dowell ' s question about traffic
mitigation, it was noted that no conditions were
imposed by the Hearing Examiner. Wickstrom opined
that perhaps a traffic light would be installed on
Highway 99. Motion carried.
EXAMINER Daytime Meeting for the Hearing Examiner. AUTHOP.-
IZATION to change the Hearing Examiner meetings
from Wednesday night to Wednesday afternoon, as
recommended by the Council Planning Committee.
Sole Vendor for MSA Breathing Apparatus. AUTHOR-
IZATION for the Fire Department to purchase breath-
ing apparatus without going out for bid, as recom-
mended by the Fire Department and by the Public
Safety Committee.
PARKS & Arthur Anderson & Company Golf Course Feasibility
RECREATION Study. The Arthur Anderson & Company Golf Course
Feasibility Study has been reviewed by the Parks
Committee and by the Operations Comittee on
March 16 . The staff recommends that the study be
accepted. A copy of the Anderson report has been
filed for the record. WOODS MOVED to accept the
study. White seconded.
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March 17 , 1987
PARKS & Biteman noted that he would have preferred to
RECREATION have the bond proposal for the new golf course
voted upon by the citizens. He stated that Page
4 of the report notes that if revenues are insuf-
ficient the City intends to cover the shortfall ,
not that the City could cover the shortfall, as
has been stated. He asked also about the state-
( Golf Course) ment that if the revenues exceed the debt service
and maintenance & operation costs the City intends
to use the excess funds for capital improvements,
betterments to the Complex and other legal
purposes. McFall noted that "other legal pur-
poses included transferring funds back to the
general fund, which action is directed by the
Council . McFall noted that the reference to the
intent to cover the shortfalls was so stated to
assure the bond purchasers, and that the City ' s
projections show that this will not happen. He
noted further that the existing par 3 course
would be combined with the new course from the
accounting standpoint, and further that the
revenue from the par 3 course was now sufficient
to meet the debt service for the 9-hole course.
He expressed confidence that there would be suf-
ficient revenue to meet all obligations. It
was determined that the Anderson report was based
upon research through the National Golf Founda-
tion, population studies, and the number of courses
required for given population projections.
It was clarified that the bonds for the new course
were not to be General Obligation Bonds , affecting
all residents , but would be Golf Course Revenue
Bonds , supported from the revenue derived from the
operation of the golf course. The land contributed
by the City is valued at approximately $2 million.
The motion to accept the report then carried
Condemnation Ordinance for Golf Course. With the
acceptance of the Arthur Anderson Golf Course
Feasibility Study, as outlined in the preceding
action, staff recommends adoption of Ordinance
2714 providing for the taking of property for
the development and construction of a Kent Muni-
cipal Golf Course. It was noted that negotiations
were in progress for acquisition of the four
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March 17 , 1987
PARKS & parcels involved. Condemnation, therefore, might
RECREATION not be necessary. WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance
2714 , Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
FINANCE Water Revenue Refunding Bond Ordinance. The
Operations Committee at their February 13 and
March 16 meetings, heard a proposal from Shearson-
Lehman Brothers , Inc. /Foster & Marshall Division,
to refund $2 , 405, 000 in outstanding 1984 Water
Revenue Bonds. These bonds are outstanding at
an average interest rate of 10 . 51 % , and can be
refunded with the issuance of refunding bonds of
$3 , 135, 000. McCarthy noted that at today ' s rate
the net present value savings would be $133 , 808 .
A bond ordinance has been prepared, fixing inte-
rest rates, payment dates and debt service amounts.
The debt service savings will accrue to the Water
Fund and subsequently to the water utility cus-
tomers. WHITE MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2713 pro-
viding for the issuance of Water Revenue Bonds - 1987
and for the sale of same to Shearson-Lehman
Brothers Inc. /Foster and Marshall Division.
Johnson seconded and the motion carried.
Retirement of Contracts, Notes and LIDs. McCarthy
noted that seven notes, contracts and LIDs with
interest rates from 7 to 10% could be retired
in 1987 , saving the City $215, 766 in gross inte-
rest coss. With lost interest earnings the net
saving would be $92 , 178. Such retirement would
also increase the bonding capacity by $194 , 570,
which would enhance Councilmanic bond status for
the upcoming Library issue. He further pointed
out that budget savings for 1988 could amount to
approximately $205 , 000 in clerical service, inte-
rest and principal payments. McCarthy stated
that in order to accomplish the above proposal,
$628 , 648 would be needed to pay off the notes,
contracts and LIDs. His recommendation, sup-
ported by the Operations Committee, is to appro-
priate $499, 468 from the General Fund and
$129, 000 from the Capital Improvement Program for
this purpose. McCarthy noted that the City
carried over $450 , 000 more than was anticipated
into the 1987 budget and that this, along with
the $200, 000 which will be saved in the 1988 bud-
get, is sufficient to finance the proposal.
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March 17, 1987
FINANCE WHITE MOVED to approve the appropriations as
recommended. Houser seconded and the motion
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through March 20 after auditing by
the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30
a.m, on March 31 .
REPORTS Council President. White set a public hearing
date for the April 7, 1987 , Council meeting to
Library Site receive public input on the site for the
White noted that the Fire Department would hold
informational meetings to receive citizen input
on locations for the new fire stations. Such
Proposed Fire meetings will be held at Totem Jr. High on the
Stations West Hill on March 24th at 6 : 30 p.m. and at
Meridian Jr. High on the East Hill on March 31st
at 6: 30 p.m.
At White ' s request, Biteman, Johnson and Houser
reported on their attendance at the National
League of Cities meeting recently in Washington
NLC Meeting D.C. Johnson noted that he had met with our
Washington D.C. Representatives and Senators and further that he
had gained some useful information for the City
regarding Cable TV. Houser noted that she and
Biteman had visited the energy resource recovery
plc-ntin Baltimore and had found it to be not
as well kept as the one in Oregon. She had also
talked with the Director of Public Works in Mesa,
Arizona, and had learned that Mesa ' s refuse was
deposited on an Indian reservation at $7 . 00 per
ton. Methane problems have developed at that
site. Biteman noted that in a city in Mississippi
the State provides the camera and operator to tele-
vise Council meetings . He noted that the European
incineration (mass-burn ) equipment was more tech-
nically advanced and that Tokyo had ordered ten
such pieces of equipment. He stressed the impor-
tance of choosing a site for such an operation.
White pointed out that all of this information
was important as a decision must be made by Kent
by April of next year.
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March 17 , 1987
REPORTS Mayor Kelleher noted that while on a personal
business trip to Asia, he had visited with the
Kaibara - Sister Mayor of Kent ' s sister city, Kaibara.
Public Works. Johnson noted that the Public
Works Committee would meet on March 18th at 4: 15
p.m. in the Engineer ' s office.
Parks. Woods noted that the wheelchair basket-
ball games would be held in October and that the
date would be announced.
ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 00
p.m. , Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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